01:04:04 <inode0> #startmeeting FAmNA
01:04:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May  1 01:04:04 2013 UTC.  The chair is inode0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
01:04:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
01:04:12 <inode0> #meetingname FAmNA
01:04:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna'
01:04:25 <inode0> #topic Roll Call
01:04:52 <award3535> here
01:04:53 <inode0> #chair dan408 award3535
01:04:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 dan408 inode0
01:05:10 <dan408> here
01:05:31 <dan408> i dont see an rbergeron around
01:06:01 <davdunc> .fas davdunc
01:06:02 <zodbot> davdunc: davdunc 'David Duncan' <davdunc@gmail.com>
01:06:48 <award3535> light crowd tonight
01:07:00 <dan408> masta is in miami
01:07:32 <inode0> #topic Announcements
01:07:46 <award3535> he is down in my area
01:08:03 <dan408> word
01:08:40 <award3535> no announcements from me tonight
01:08:41 <inode0> #info Flock is progressing - join the planning and watch for more announcements coming
01:08:50 <dan408> thanks for the reminder
01:09:15 <xm4n> topic
01:09:31 <inode0> xm4n: what?
01:10:07 <inode0> #chair davdunc xm4n
01:10:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 dan408 davdunc inode0 xm4n
01:10:29 <dan408> oh hey davdunc
01:10:33 <dan408> you just slipped right in
01:10:40 <inode0> #topic Tickets
01:10:41 <davdunc> I guess I did.
01:10:43 <davdunc> :-)
01:10:44 <inode0> https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9
01:11:03 <dan408> good to see you
01:11:14 <inode0> I don't think it is worth going through these unless there are particular bits people want to address tonight
01:11:21 <davdunc> thx.
01:11:26 <dan408> punt
01:11:33 <dan408> +1 inode0
01:11:35 <award3535> agree punt
01:11:41 <inode0> I've updated SELF and TXLF a little for current costs
01:12:09 <dan408> puppetconf is being sponsored by RH
01:12:13 <award3535> ok will look at it in the am
01:12:23 <inode0> We need to arrange for sponsorship and some other details, we can do that in tickets.
01:13:39 <inode0> So anything else?
01:14:03 <inode0> #topic Open Floor
01:14:19 <dan408> i dont really have much
01:14:29 <dan408> im trying get the new spin to fit on a live cd
01:14:33 <award3535> is that for puppetcon
01:14:40 <dan408> no
01:14:42 <inode0> #info Small order of Fedora pencils is in the works - probably won't cause many backflips
01:15:23 <dan408> inode0: if you're in a talking mood we can do that but i think we're both busy
01:16:14 <award3535> i have nothing
01:17:01 <davdunc> LFNW was big success. I'll add that in. about 900 participants and a lot of activity at the Fedora booth.
01:17:12 <award3535> wahoo
01:17:14 <dan408> thank you for that update davdunc
01:17:19 <dan408> dont forget to update your live journal
01:17:41 <davdunc> thx dan408 I'll get that out for the morning.
01:18:13 <dan408> yeah that way we can make sure you get reimbursed for any expenses
01:18:51 <xm4n> I do apologise however is it Open Floor at this time ?
01:18:59 <dan408> it's been open floor
01:19:00 <dan408> speak
01:19:04 <dan408> .fasinfo xm4n
01:19:05 <zodbot> dan408: User: xm4n, Name: Xavier Naldo, email: xm4n100@gmail.com, Creation: 2008-06-24, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: inactive
01:19:08 <zodbot> dan408: Approved Groups: cla_fedora
01:20:05 <award3535> ????
01:20:13 * dan408 yawns
01:21:05 <inode0> perhaps there is a big lag
01:21:11 <award3535> so.....who has anything
01:21:17 <dan408> nope he has a 2 second lag.
01:21:25 <dan408> inode0 tell us more about flock
01:21:39 <award3535> yes please do
01:22:00 <inode0> xm4n: please talk to us in #fedora-ambassadors after the meeting if it ends before you get it out
01:22:41 <inode0> I don't know anything more than what has been sent to the flock-planning mailing list and spot's blog
01:23:06 <dan408> which i have read neither of
01:23:06 <davdunc> what can we help to complete for flock ambassador-wise?
01:23:19 <dan408> um
01:23:36 <dan408> subscribe to the list
01:23:42 <dan408> which is what im going to do now
01:23:54 <inode0> yeah, there will be things to do at some point
01:23:56 <dan408> and read spots blog
01:24:11 <inode0> talk/session submission and selection
01:24:11 <davdunc> acknowledged.
01:24:36 <inode0> We have at least one new sponsor
01:24:52 <dan408> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/flockinfo
01:24:57 <dan408> inode0: is that the one from quaid?
01:25:08 <inode0> who is the one from quaid?
01:25:20 <dan408> quaid was talking about sponsoring someone a few days ago
01:25:30 <HannahEeps> is that me?
01:25:35 <dan408> i guess so
01:25:35 <inode0> no, I meant Flock has a new big sponsor
01:25:38 <xm4n> Ok I am in planning for an Linux event in Austin, however I would be needing some materials (CD's, stickers, and pens) . I assume I will still need to submit a ticket?
01:25:43 <HannahEeps> oh Nvm
01:25:59 <inode0> xm4n: what event?
01:26:05 <dan408> HannahEeps: wait so where are you from?
01:26:28 <award3535> TLF probably needs a ticket
01:26:33 <dan408> oops wrong link on flock
01:26:35 <dan408> it's this one
01:26:37 <dan408> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/flock-planning
01:26:38 <HannahEeps> I am going through the ambassadors program with quaid
01:26:53 <HannahEeps> I am based in Santa Barbara ca
01:26:57 <dan408> HannahEeps: oh okay socal
01:27:09 <dan408> j/w
01:27:14 <inode0> we need more people in socal!
01:27:23 <HannahEeps> Dan408 yep. let me know if I can help with anything
01:27:34 <dan408> HannahEeps: well you're kinda far
01:27:38 <dan408> im in silicon valley
01:27:46 <dan408> if you could relocate that'd be great
01:27:51 <dan408> or if you could kick Scott a few times
01:27:56 <HannahEeps> I may be doing that move in a few months actually
01:27:59 <dan408> 1 of the 2
01:28:06 <dan408> where to
01:28:09 <xm4n> I am holding an installfest/Introductory linux meeting however I don't have it planned out fully. I just need some ideas of materials needed.
01:28:15 <HannahEeps> so maybe I can do both
01:28:16 <MarkDude> kick dan408 if possible
01:28:28 <dan408> xm4n: we can discuss that in #ambassadors
01:28:47 <davdunc> isn't ticket #58 for TLF?
01:28:52 <HannahEeps> somewhere in the silicon valley. currently applying for jobs
01:28:59 <davdunc> https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/58
01:29:12 <dan408> HannahEeps: there are a bazillion jobs up here
01:29:42 <HannahEeps> so I hear. I am a business type. trying to stay in the cloud area
01:29:51 <dan408> cloud cloud cloud
01:30:07 <inode0> xm4n: yeah, let's talk in the other channel and end this meeting since it isn't really a meeting at this point
01:30:11 * MarkDude has ticket- for FOSScon- wanted to see if we can get it sponsored- as well as a lead for it https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/60
01:30:36 * MarkDude wont be going, small chance I speak there
01:30:51 <MarkDude> But we have time to organize, trying to find lead
01:31:37 * MarkDude was hoping to get chanchito to lead
01:31:42 <xm4n> ok thank you.
01:31:55 <MarkDude> Can we give like a million ?
01:32:02 <inode0> do we have anyone around philly?
01:32:24 <inode0> oh, mario would be good
01:32:35 <award3535> ben and I are close too
01:32:46 <inode0> you are close to philly?
01:33:02 <MarkDude> Not too far, of a drive
01:33:07 <inode0> on the same continent is close for some people :)
01:33:13 <award3535> not as far as texas
01:33:23 <MarkDude> Even more so if you play Rocky theme- and use swearwords
01:34:05 <davdunc> I'll take any excuse to visit TX.
01:34:08 <inode0> I don't know much about fosscon but I think we've done it in the past
01:34:16 <JonathanD> Good evening.
01:34:30 * MarkDude assumes this sorta event is likely $500, and maybe more if it can be justified :)
01:34:34 <inode0> davdunc: TXLF?
01:34:40 <davdunc> sign me up!
01:34:47 <MarkDude> JonathanD: IS organizer
01:34:50 <inode0> sign yourself up! :)
01:35:04 <davdunc> Wearning my TXLF 2011 t-shirt today.
01:35:09 <inode0> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/TXLF_2013
01:36:04 <inode0> Hi JonathanD
01:36:33 <inode0> For those of us who haven't been to fosscon want to give a short pitch?
01:36:50 <MarkDude> We can put out an email looking for close Ambadassadors
01:37:29 <MarkDude> Normally he is more talkative
01:38:08 * MarkDude heard there will be Unicorns, and possibly robots
01:38:29 <JonathanD> Sure.
01:39:11 <JonathanD> Fosscon is a Philadelphia event, quite closely tied to our local open source community... specifically the philly linux users group and hive76 (a local and very active hackerspace).
01:39:34 <MarkDude> http://fosscon.org/
01:39:55 <JonathanD> This will be the 4th year, and the event is Aug 10th.  My wife and I are the primary organizers, most of the organization is done via irc (#fosscon, if you're interested) and we draw from local folks to help us with it.
01:40:42 <JonathanD> It originated out of "I wish there was a closer open source conference" and thus we made one.
01:40:47 <MarkDude> They have had some great speakers, also possibly interested in a Fedoran speaking
01:40:50 <MarkDude> http://fosscon.org/speakers
01:41:02 <MarkDude> eof
01:41:09 <JonathanD> Last year we had about 150 attendees, and we sold our space out. This year we have more than double the space.
01:42:00 <inode0> Can you speak a little about Basekamp? This is the first I've heard of that too.
01:42:12 <inode0> Sounds intriguing.
01:42:56 <JonathanD> Of course. basekamp is a philly non-profit, which was initially involved in arts and culture here in Philly.  Basekamp had a space here for 13 years but is currently space-less.
01:43:37 <JonathanD> Scott, the basekamp founder, met me when he was trying to setup his freenode channel and came to #freenode for help.  We've been working together in various means ever since, and just a few months ago shifted Fosscon to become a project of basekamp.
01:44:55 <JonathanD> Basekamps purpose is more "open source culture" than "open source software" but over the years we've found interesting ways to work together.
01:45:18 <inode0> open source culture is really important to us as well
01:45:38 <MarkDude> +1
01:46:02 <JonathanD> This is part of why hive is so closely involved, hackerspaces tend to bring all those things together.
01:47:24 * MarkDude suggests finding lead by end of May? Unless JonathanD in interested in being Ambadassador
01:47:43 <MarkDude> If not sooner <peering aroung room>
01:47:52 <inode0> Is the conference all talks? Is there an expo or booth aspect to it?
01:48:31 <JonathanD> inode0: we have talks for general interest stuff in our larger rooms (there will be two tracks of that) plus hands-on workshops.
01:48:48 * j_dulaney waves, late
01:49:17 * j_dulaney has a topic
01:49:30 <JonathanD> Hive76 will have their own workshop space, where they will be covering things like soldering, arduino, and battle-bots (they have a battle-bot assembly class and will be demo-ing their bots in an arena in their workshop space at fosscon)
01:49:30 <inode0> j_dulaney: hang one
01:49:33 <inode0> hnag on
01:49:36 <inode0> whatever :)
01:49:38 <MarkDude> j_dulaney: 's beard is a topic
01:50:13 * kk4ewt here
01:50:30 <JonathanD> Theres also a sponsor/vendor space, where local groups and sponsors have a table.  Last year the ubuntu group had a largish table doing installs there, for example.
01:50:32 * inode0 wonders if some arm guys would find this interesting and an opportunity
01:51:06 <JonathanD> Missed a '.
01:51:26 * j_dulaney wonders what the precise topic is
01:51:42 <inode0> open floor but we are talking about fosscon
01:51:55 * j_dulaney figures he sort of falls into the category of 'arm guy'
01:52:25 <JonathanD> We had some folks working on arm last year, running arch on it, as I recall.
01:52:40 <inode0> let me suggest this for now
01:53:46 <inode0> perhaps MarkDude could create an event page on the wiki where we could get a description of the event (could summarize the excellent description given her tonight)
01:54:04 <inode0> it is a place Fedora people who are interested can let that be known
01:54:12 * MarkDude will do thata
01:54:31 <inode0> gives us a place to get ideas about how we can be of value to fosscon and how fosscon can be valuable to Fedora
01:55:16 <JonathanD> And what MarkDude mentioned, by the way, we'd love one or more fedora talks.
01:55:47 * MarkDude will see who we have that is close
01:55:51 <inode0> I think the event sounds great and the only difficulty is that we don't have many people nearby but that won't necessarily stop us!
01:56:11 <MarkDude> j_dulaney: can hitchhike
01:56:22 <JonathanD> inode0: and that is why we'd like one or more fedora talks, it seems we have a plethora of ubuntu folks out this way, but not so many of anything else! :)
01:56:50 <inode0> JonathanD: be sure to ping us when talks open, we give talks all over the place and I expect we could get some submissions
01:57:08 * j_dulaney could give a talk, for instance
01:57:47 <MarkDude> j_dulaney: join #fosscon after meeting :)
01:58:01 <JonathanD> inode0: sure thing.
01:58:36 <inode0> thanks for stopping by JonathanD - I enjoyed your contribution to Fedora tonight
01:58:45 <JonathanD> Thanks for having me.
01:58:56 * MarkDude will create wiki page.
01:59:00 <inode0> j_dulaney: can we deal with your topic quickly?
01:59:09 <JonathanD> I'll drop off now, if that's ok?
01:59:19 <MarkDude> Sure
01:59:19 <inode0> sure, we now know where to find you!
01:59:33 <j_dulaney> inode0:  Aye
01:59:34 <JonathanD> Thank you, and good night. I don't wish to disturb your meeting :)
02:00:04 <j_dulaney> inode0:  But, it may be better to get it on next week's agenda
02:00:21 <inode0> want to just give me the gist of it?
02:00:44 * inode0 would rather do it than put it off in general - maybe that isn't always true but ...
02:01:00 <j_dulaney> inode0:  Hotel funding for me for SELF
02:01:10 <inode0> it was approved already
02:01:16 <inode0> wasn't it?
02:01:31 <j_dulaney> inode0:  But, I just realized that a) I need to knock off a day, and b) it looks like I won't find a roomy
02:01:40 <j_dulaney> inode0:  If it was, I was not informed
02:01:48 <inode0> don't worry about either - we'll work it out
02:02:15 <j_dulaney> Roger
02:02:49 <inode0> do try to make a reservation though so we don't have to pay $250/night at the door
02:03:00 <j_dulaney> inode0:  No credit card
02:03:06 <inode0> figure it out :)
02:03:06 <j_dulaney> I can't make hotel reservations
02:03:19 * j_dulaney generally gets rbergeron to do it
02:03:28 <inode0> be a problem solver
02:03:34 <j_dulaney> Aye
02:03:53 <inode0> ok, anyway - 2 or 3 nights, either way
02:04:04 <inode0> anything else?
02:04:25 * j_dulaney is good
02:04:57 <inode0> let's try to make progress on event planning this week and have stuff in good shape by next meeting
02:05:08 <inode0> thanks everyone for coming tonight
02:05:15 <inode0> #endmeeting