19:00:00 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2013-03-28)
19:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 28 19:00:00 2013 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
19:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure
19:00:01 <nirik> #topic welcome y'all
19:00:01 <nirik> #chair smooge skvidal CodeBlock ricky nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean
19:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
19:00:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: CodeBlock abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik ricky skvidal smooge threebean
19:00:15 * relrod here, sort of
19:00:16 * puiterwijk is around
19:00:30 * skvidal is here
19:00:43 * lmacken lurking
19:00:49 <frankly3d> here
19:00:55 <fchiulli> fchiulli is listening
19:01:16 <nirik> morning everyone. will wait another min for folks to wander in before starting.
19:01:35 * threebean is here
19:01:49 * herlo is here
19:02:16 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks
19:02:25 <nirik> any new folks? or apprentices with questions?
19:02:35 <frankly3d> How do you know where to go, if looking for freemedia, do you chance hosted0* hosted1* . Looked here but no signpost per say
19:02:51 <frankly3d> Duh:
19:03:48 * dgilmore is here
19:03:49 <skvidal> frankly3d: go for what?
19:03:52 <nirik> well, depends on for what. ;)
19:03:54 <skvidal> hosted is all on hosted02
19:03:58 <skvidal> (for example)
19:04:13 <frankly3d> The backend for the trac?
19:04:21 <nirik> yeah, that would be on hosted02...
19:04:53 <skvidal> frankly3d: what were you wondering about in trac?
19:04:56 <nirik> it somewhat depends on what you are trying to look at or change...
19:05:10 <frankly3d> trac.ini
19:05:11 <nirik> trac is on there... as well as git repos.
19:05:38 <frankly3d> how large is infra git?
19:05:38 <nirik> frankly3d: would be under /srv/web/trac/projects/
19:06:00 <nirik> git repos are under /srv/git/ I don't think the infra one is all that big, dunno off hand.
19:06:21 <puiterwijk> most of infra stuff is not actually on hosted though. most is on lockbox in /git
19:06:51 <skvidal> puiterwijk: and the public git repos are available via cgit and git://
19:07:02 <puiterwijk> skvidal: ah ok
19:07:03 <skvidal>
19:07:09 <puiterwijk> yeah, indeed
19:07:13 * herlo lubs cgit
19:07:19 <nirik> frankly3d: does that help? happy to answer more questions in #fedora-admin after the meeting... :)
19:07:22 <puiterwijk> but just wanted to note that hosted02 doesn't contain most infra git repo stuff
19:07:27 <skvidal> I'd love it more if it didn't get its cache hosed from time to time
19:07:41 <frankly3d> Yes, I'll have more when I get lost.
19:07:55 <puiterwijk> skvidal: I have added a cron that fixes that, right? or are there more broken ones?
19:08:02 <nirik> happy to help direct you. Or others will if I'm not around. ;)
19:08:17 <nirik> ok, any other new folks or questions?
19:08:19 <skvidal> puiterwijk: which cron job is this? on hosted or on lockbox?
19:08:28 <puiterwijk> skvidal: on hosted
19:08:34 <skvidal> puiterwijk: sure
19:08:40 <puiterwijk> could move it also to lockbox with your permission/request?
19:08:49 <skvidal> puiterwijk: let's talk about this outside of this meeting
19:08:56 <puiterwijk> sure
19:09:01 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion
19:09:10 <nirik> any application news or plans to discuss?
19:09:35 <lmacken> !
19:09:47 <lmacken> we need help writing more tests
19:09:51 <threebean> :P
19:10:02 <nirik> ah yes, I need to play with that some more. ;) Very nice work tho!
19:10:10 <lmacken> and eventually hooking it up to status.fp.o :)
19:10:46 <nirik> hum, not sure how that would work out...
19:11:34 <nirik> although another thought occurs to me: could we have it send in fedmsg when it runs tests? then we could have something that says "user foo ran rube and saw failed for test bar" and we know to look or retest or ask them if they need help?
19:11:51 <threebean> hm, the original idea was just to run it by hand.  but with that x virtual frame buffer stuff we could potentially turn it into a nagios check or something like that
19:12:01 <lmacken> not outside of infra... but if we run it within jenkins, it could potentially fire off messages
19:12:25 <nirik> lots of possibilities. ;)
19:12:40 <lmacken> indeed :)
19:13:14 <nirik> cool.
19:13:21 <threebean> hey, so pingou has been hacking on a new interface to fedora-tagger ->
19:13:41 <nirik> I'll note that tomorrow is a holiday for many, and next tuesday we enter into alpha freeze, so do look at any changes you would like to get in before then...
19:14:26 <threebean> he (re)wrote the json api in the process and it feels really solid - much more solid than it was.
19:14:29 <nirik> ah ha. Nice!
19:14:42 <abadger1999> I'm going to try to push an alpha of python-fedora to infra... alpha because I'm not satisfied with the api we're trying to implement for otp yet.
19:14:58 <threebean> I'm still playing catch-up to update the existing js frontend to use his api, but it's coming along.
19:15:04 <lmacken> abadger1999: will that have python3 support? :)
19:15:23 <lmacken> threebean, pingou: gnome-tagger looks schweet
19:15:40 <kalev> probably not the best time and place to say this, but ... I have a trivial patch I'd like to get in to Bodhi:
19:16:00 <abadger1999> lmacken: python3 python-fedora doesn't make much sense right now.... there's too much that it depends on that is python2 only (like TG1)
19:16:11 <nirik> kalev: no worries. :) it's an ok time to chime in...
19:16:13 <abadger1999> lmacken: are you thinking of kitchen?
19:16:19 <lmacken> kalev: cool, I'll have a look at that tonight
19:16:26 <kalev> lmacken: awesome, thanks!
19:16:36 <lmacken> abadger1999: ah yes, kitchen. and python-fedora at some point though
19:16:58 <abadger1999> lmacken: yeah, kitchen: if that worked out for you -- it should still just need documentation updates.
19:17:13 <abadger1999> lmacken: python-fedora.... big lot of other things that need to go python3 first or...
19:17:21 <abadger1999> Port all of our stuff off of TG1
19:18:00 <linuxmania> hi guys
19:18:02 <threebean> on the kitchen->py3 port, I lifted a finger on the docs but didn't get much further:
19:18:02 * lmacken nods
19:18:03 <linuxmania> i am late.
19:18:50 <nirik> linuxmania: no worries. ;)
19:19:07 <linuxmania> nirik, nice to see you again!
19:19:31 <abadger1999> threebean: Cool.
19:19:31 <nirik> ok, any other application news? or shall we move on?
19:19:39 <linuxmania> what are we talking about now?
19:19:50 <abadger1999> threebean: maybe that would be something we could have a vfad about.
19:20:23 <skvidal> abadger1999: given the reply to my email about vfads
19:20:26 <herlo> linuxmania: /topic
19:20:27 <skvidal> abadger1999: I suspect that won't ever happen
19:20:28 <abadger1999> threebean: Really the two things it takes are -- 1) time without outside distractions and 2) people to write the docs and test the advice under python3
19:20:45 * threebean nods
19:21:53 <linuxmania> herlo, thanks i see.
19:22:07 <herlo> :)
19:22:43 <puiterwijk> oh, a last app thing: I split the authentication part from FAS-OpenID, so that it is less strictly tied to FAS, and more pluggable
19:22:55 <puiterwijk> and I am currently working on a BrowserID implementation
19:23:05 <puiterwijk> (for FAS-OpenID)
19:23:17 <nirik> that will be nice I think...
19:23:24 <jerzyr> yes
19:23:27 <nirik> no idea how much traction it will get overall, but nice to support it.
19:23:45 <linuxmania> herlo, so how should I starting reading the code and programming?
19:24:06 <abadger1999> puiterwijk: is browserid the same as mozilla persona or different?
19:24:11 <lmacken> same
19:24:13 <herlo> linuxmania: let's address those in #fedora-admin if you like
19:24:15 * lmacken learned that today :)
19:24:29 <nirik> abadger1999: same thing... browserid is the low level protocol, persona is the implementation (I think)
19:24:43 <linuxmania> herlo, OK.
19:24:54 <puiterwijk> abadger1999: persona is Mozilla's implementation of BrowserID
19:24:54 <abadger1999> puiterwijk: cool.  At pycon I met a mozilla guy, dan callahan that would be happy to talk about it if you need any input.
19:24:55 <herlo> lmacken: isn't that TIL :)
19:24:56 * lmacken listening to @lxt from mozilla give a talk right now, and sitting next to one of the guys who admid'd browserid
19:25:14 <puiterwijk> abadger1999: ah cool, could you give me his email or IRC handle?
19:25:28 <nirik> we can also test with hyperkitty, which supports logging in via it.
19:25:33 <abadger1999> puiterwijk: yep.  I'll dig it out and get it to you in a pm
19:25:34 <lmacken> herlo: indeed :)
19:25:39 <puiterwijk> abadger1999: thanks :)
19:26:44 <nirik> cool. Related to that we are testing trac openid on trac instances... hopefully to move to it there soon.
19:27:04 <puiterwijk> nirik: wanted to note that in sysadmin part :)
19:27:07 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion
19:27:09 <nirik> cool. Related to that we are testing trac openid on trac instances... hopefully to move to it there soon.
19:27:11 <nirik> :)
19:27:13 <puiterwijk> heh
19:27:14 <puiterwijk> :)
19:27:25 <puiterwijk> it is currently live on the infra trac
19:27:28 <nirik> this will allow us to get rid of mod_auth_pg
19:27:33 <nirik> (at least there)
19:27:50 <skvidal> \o/
19:27:53 <skvidal> |
19:27:54 <nirik> Lets see... in other sysadmin news...
19:28:04 <puiterwijk> skvidal: cool one! :)
19:28:15 * skvidal is happy that mod_auth_pg can go away
19:28:23 <nirik> we have budget numbers for the coming year, smooge and I are poking at them to see what we can/cannot do based on what we wanted to do, etc.
19:28:47 <skvidal> what systems are phasing out this year?
19:28:54 <nirik> There's been some net issues of late... possibly related to that big DOS going on.
19:29:31 <nirik> skvidal: dunno. I think we hope to renew most of them... we will be replacing some tho
19:30:07 <nirik> anything else from the sysadmin side of things?
19:30:22 <smooge> skvidal, I can give you an estimated list in a short while
19:30:30 <skvidal> nirik: cool, thx
19:30:38 <nirik> #topic Private Cloud status update / discussion
19:30:42 <nirik> any cloudy news?
19:30:50 <skvidal> migrated over to openstack entirely
19:30:53 <biker> hey all
19:31:05 <nirik> skvidal: cool. ;)
19:31:10 <skvidal> and next week we can start taking a couple more compute nodes to add to the openstack cluster
19:31:12 <nirik> morning biker
19:31:21 <skvidal> nirik: we can also take the most of the rest of the ips if we want
19:31:22 <nirik> skvidal: sounds good.
19:31:31 <skvidal> nirik: I think we should keep a small subset out
19:31:33 <skvidal> and 2 machines
19:31:36 <nirik> oh yeah, not sure how easy it will be to add to the floating net, but we can look at it.
19:31:38 <skvidal> so we can test out new layouts
19:31:42 <nirik> yep. agreed.
19:31:46 <skvidal> nirik: if we can add a second range
19:31:48 <skvidal> of floating ips
19:31:55 <skvidal> which I _THINK_ is possible
19:31:59 <skvidal> then we could add a /64 there
19:32:04 <nirik> I think adding is possible, but editing existing was a pain last time I tried
19:32:39 <skvidal> nirik: then let's tack on 64 or so ips
19:33:00 <nirik> sure, we can poke at it and see how best to add them
19:33:12 <skvidal> no other cloudy news I can think o
19:33:22 * nirik neither.
19:33:28 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
19:33:38 <nirik> #info 2013-03-19 to 2013-03-26 - koji update
19:33:38 <nirik> #info 2013-03-29 - spring holiday.
19:33:38 <nirik> #info 2013-04-02 to 2013-04-16 ALPHA infrastructure freeze
19:33:38 <nirik> #info 2013-04-15 - remove legacy-openid
19:33:39 <nirik> #info 2013-04-16 F19 alpha release
19:33:40 <nirik> #info 2013-05-07 to 2013-05-21 BETA infrastructure freeze
19:33:41 <nirik> #info 2013-05-21 F19 beta release
19:33:42 <nirik> #info 2013-05-31 end of 1st quarter
19:33:44 <nirik> #info 2013-06-11 to 2013-06-25 FINAL infrastructure freeze.
19:33:46 <nirik> #info 2013-06-25 F19 FINAL release
19:33:48 <nirik> I don't know what the status of that koji update is. ;(
19:33:55 <nirik> we should ping mattdm and see whats going on.
19:34:02 <skvidal> nirik: it must be finished ;)
19:34:09 <skvidal> mattdm on koji?
19:34:19 <nirik> well, this is to add the cloud image support stuff.
19:34:22 <skvidal> oh
19:34:24 <skvidal> I see
19:34:30 <nirik> I guess we could also just ask upstream koji folks the status.
19:34:34 <skvidal> nod
19:34:37 <nirik> dgilmore might have heard something.
19:34:47 <dgilmore> there was some testing going on
19:34:51 <dgilmore> but its not done
19:35:14 <nirik> is it gonna make it before tuesday?
19:35:48 <nirik> I guess we could do a freeze break for the update, but I would sure prefer not to. ;)
19:36:27 <nirik> also, everyone note that tomorrow is at least a RH holiday, so don't expect lots of people around working on things.
19:36:50 <dgilmore> nirik: no idea
19:37:00 <nirik> ok.
19:37:09 <dgilmore> i know oz has friday and monday off
19:37:10 <nirik> anything else anyone would like to schedule or note?
19:37:41 <skvidal> dgilmore: so we're switching to an img creator that takes money and fridays off?!
19:37:49 <skvidal> oh wait- you mean australia, don't you. :)
19:38:20 <puiterwijk> nirik: maybe one thing to schedule: we might want to send a mass-email to anyone who has used legacy-openid before sunset date?
19:38:27 <dgilmore> skvidal: yes australia
19:38:49 <nirik> puiterwijk: not a bad idea. ;) Perhaps closer to sunset date? say a week or so before?
19:38:50 <dgilmore> pretty sure other countries have easter monday off also
19:38:54 <puiterwijk> nirik: (I have made it keep a log distinct from the syslog for that purpose)
19:38:59 <nirik> or early next week.
19:39:01 <skvidal> dgilmore: I was being silly
19:39:06 <puiterwijk> sure, works for me
19:39:15 <dgilmore> skvidal: ;) i know
19:39:43 <puiterwijk> nirik: 04-04-2013? :)
19:40:14 <puiterwijk> or would that be too late?
19:40:16 <nirik> sure.
19:40:22 <nirik> works for me
19:40:47 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
19:40:49 <puiterwijk> #info 2013-04-04 Send email to folks who have been using legacy-openid to notify about sunset
19:40:56 <nirik> any items for open floor? questions, comments?
19:41:02 <biker> nirik, yeah
19:41:17 <biker> the same as last week,., i hope there are more people now that fudcon is over :p
19:41:24 <skvidal> pycon
19:41:24 <nirik> :)
19:41:25 <biker> pycon *
19:41:26 <skvidal> not fudcon
19:41:27 <skvidal> but yah
19:41:27 <biker> yeah :p
19:41:35 <nirik> biker: ask away...
19:41:42 * herlo also has something
19:42:04 * skvidal has one more item too
19:42:32 <biker> so i want to participate on the google summer of code helping the fedora infrastructure,., so if anyone has an idea of what does could be done or what it is needed, i would like to hear and help (:
19:43:00 <skvidal> is fedora trying to get into GSoC this year?
19:43:39 <biker> skvidal, im not sure,., but they have done it every year,., and fedora also has the fedora on gsoc 2013 wiki
19:43:44 <puiterwijk> skvidal: Fedora itself is according to wiki, but none of the infra stuff has any mentors...
19:43:50 <biker> altough i think they jsut changed 2012 to 2013
19:44:05 <skvidal> who is running the gsoc show for fedora this year?
19:44:12 <skvidal> who is our lead on it?
19:44:23 <abadger1999> I think so. I think bckurera is going to manage it again.
19:44:25 <nirik> I think it's been submitted... but none of them have been announced yet.
19:44:35 <abadger1999> But -- I don't know if we have anyone who is ready to mentor in infra.
19:44:43 * nirik doesn't really have time at this time.
19:44:46 <puiterwijk> skvidal: according to wiki: Buddhike Kurera(Bckurera)
19:45:03 <skvidal> nirik: I'm with you there
19:45:21 <abadger1999> threebean, you up for mentoring someone in GSoC this year?
19:45:23 * puiterwijk also doesn't have time for that
19:45:28 <nirik> pingou suggested we do a team thing...
19:45:36 <skvidal> no idea what that means
19:45:47 <nirik> ie, get several people to mentor the same person... so mentor duties can be spread out.
19:45:49 <threebean> abadger1999: I was going to mentor for which is at the same time
19:46:08 <threebean> sorry -
19:46:48 <tflink> from my experience as a mentor for GSoC last year, having multiple people helps - even if they aren't officially part of GSoC
19:47:10 <abadger1999> Well... hmm.... biker We can ask o nthe infra mailing list if there's other people in infra not here at present that would be willing to mentor.
19:47:28 * nirik thinks biker was also interested in ideas of things to work on too.
19:47:28 <biker> abadger1999, that would be great (:
19:47:29 <skvidal> sounds like a plan
19:47:30 <abadger1999> but hte core team seems like they might be overcommitted right now.
19:47:32 <tflink> the official load from GSoC wasn't bad - the hard part was answering questions and helping get stuff done
19:47:46 <skvidal> abadger1999: overcommitted is an understatement
19:47:50 <dgilmore> tflink: ive decided to not at all be involved with GSoC this year
19:48:03 <abadger1999> So you might need to adapt to the needs of what the specific mentor is interested in mentoring for.
19:48:34 <abadger1999> biker: Are you on the infrastructure@lists.fp.o mailing list?  I'll send an email there right after the meeting.
19:48:59 <nirik> thanks abadger1999 / biker. :) good luck...
19:49:05 <nirik> herlo: you had something?
19:49:08 <herlo> Anyone ever looked at this as a replacement for trac, similar to suggestions of gitlabhq. It's php though, so I don't know if it's even worth looking at. The screenshots are nice...
19:49:12 <herlo> nirik: I did
19:49:14 <biker> abadger1999, ill subscribe right now (: thanks a lot to everytone (:
19:49:14 <herlo> :)
19:49:24 * nirik hasn't looked at that before
19:49:38 <herlo> I don't really know if we're actually still discussing replacing trac, but I know it was a topic at FUDCon
19:49:48 <herlo> I was thinking about setting this up for myself anyway.
19:49:54 <nirik> problem is that lacks some things we need...
19:50:04 <nirik> no wiki? no ticketing system?
19:50:10 <herlo> nirik: yeah, I was kind of wondering about that too...
19:50:14 <skvidal> nirik: no users..
19:50:27 <skvidal> does it even have logins?
19:50:30 <herlo> just thought I'd throw it out there
19:50:30 <skvidal> or is it just a better cgit?
19:50:37 <nirik> we can take a look tho. ;)
19:50:42 <skvidal> herlo: not being derisive - I just couldn't tell from looking at it
19:50:57 <herlo> skvidal: yeah, me neither. I was going to hav ea look if people were interested
19:51:04 <herlo> I could give feedback in a couple meetings from now
19:51:06 <skvidal> herlo: please
19:51:08 <nirik> sure, sounds good.
19:51:08 <skvidal> by all means
19:51:12 <nirik> thanks herlo
19:51:13 <herlo> nice
19:51:14 <herlo> np
19:51:23 <nirik> skvidal: you have something?
19:51:30 <skvidal> wanted to mention these items
19:51:33 <skvidal> we typed these up last week
19:51:35 <skvidal>
19:51:36 <skvidal> and
19:51:43 <nirik> ah, yeah.
19:51:46 <skvidal>
19:52:02 <skvidal> both of them are things we've been thinking about for THE FUTURE
19:52:07 <skvidal> constructive input is welcome
19:52:12 * nirik nods.
19:52:18 <skvidal> also
19:52:30 <nirik> look for more discussion on those as we get more input and ideas, etc.
19:52:32 <skvidal> if anyone here has good, hands-on, experience with pgpoolII in production
19:52:40 <skvidal> or any other db replication/HA system
19:52:53 <skvidal> please consider yourself invited to tell us all about your experiences
19:53:05 <nirik> yep. That would be lovely.
19:53:15 <skvidal> the more handson the better
19:53:19 <skvidal> the more experience the better
19:53:28 <skvidal> especially when it comes to failure modes
19:53:38 <skvidal> and how they resynchronize in the event of a failure
19:53:49 * herlo read handson as hanson and was confuzled for a moment wondering why we were talking about a boy band
19:53:57 <skvidal> mmmm bop
19:53:59 <herlo> lol
19:54:02 <nirik> ha.
19:54:03 <herlo> you know you sang it
19:54:06 <herlo> :D
19:54:14 <skvidal> nirik: that's all I had
19:54:17 <nirik> Any other items for open floor from anyone?
19:54:18 <cyberworm54> man finally i caught you guys
19:54:19 <nirik> thanks skvidal
19:54:25 <nirik> hey cyberworm54.
19:54:26 <skvidal> cyberworm54: ?
19:54:50 <cyberworm54> saving time really mess up the meeting time for me
19:55:19 <cyberworm54> I've check at 1 pm est 2pm and I assume it is 3pm est
19:55:28 <nirik> cyberworm54: yeah, it's anoying to me too. ;)
19:55:36 <nirik> anyhow, did you have anything to bring up or discuss?
19:55:42 <frankly3d> Apologies have to go whingin child
19:56:28 <nirik> frankly3d: no worries. ;)
19:56:32 * nirik notes we are almost out of time
19:56:58 * cyberworm54 knows now it is ath 3PM EST
19:57:38 <jerzyr> I'll be looking nirik contact ...
19:57:41 <skvidal> cyberworm54: need tardis
19:57:58 <nirik> jerzyr: ?
19:58:03 <jerzyr> yes :)
19:58:18 <nirik> what are you looking for from me?
19:58:32 * nirik isn't sure if he's forgotten something he was supposed to do or what...
19:59:01 <jerzyr> after ..
19:59:37 <nirik> well, I will definitely be around... ;)
19:59:46 * nirik will close out the meeting in a few here if nothing else.
19:59:51 <cyberworm54> Well I guess I will just read the log when posted in the infra mail list
20:00:25 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone!
20:00:28 <nirik> #endmeeting