21:02:52 <cwickert> #startmeeting EMEA Ambassadors 2012-12-19
21:02:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 19 21:02:52 2012 UTC.  The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:02:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:03:03 <cwickert> #meetingname EMEA Ambassadors
21:03:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors'
21:03:10 <cwickert> #topic Roll Call
21:03:14 <cwickert> .fas cwickert
21:03:15 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com>
21:03:22 <ibancioiu> .fas ibancioiu
21:03:24 <zodbot> ibancioiu: ibancioiu 'Iosif Bancioiu' <iosifbancioiu@gmail.com>
21:03:25 <zoltanh7211> .fas zoltanh721
21:03:27 <sesivany> .fas eischmann
21:03:27 <zodbot> zoltanh7211: zoltanh721 'Hoppár Zoltán' <hopparz@gmail.com>
21:03:28 <misaakidis> .fas misaakidis
21:03:29 <mailga> .fas mailga
21:03:29 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com>
21:03:31 <jreznik> .fas jreznik
21:03:32 <zodbot> misaakidis: misaakidis 'Marios Isaakidis' <misaakidis@yahoo.gr>
21:03:33 <comzeradd> .fas comzeradd
21:03:35 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <mailga@fedoraonline.it>
21:03:38 <zodbot> jreznik: jreznik 'Jaroslav Reznik' <jreznik@redhat.com>
21:03:41 <zodbot> comzeradd: comzeradd 'Nikos Roussos' <nikos@roussos.cc>
21:03:54 <d3vnull> .fas linuxthomass
21:03:57 <zodbot> d3vnull: linuxthomass 'Isaac Sanni-Thomas' <d3vnull.r00t@gmail.com>
21:04:42 <cwickert> #chair cwickert sesivany
21:04:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert sesivany
21:04:58 <gnokii> .fas gnokii
21:04:58 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de>
21:04:58 <sesivany> cwickert: are you going to lead the meeting?
21:05:09 <netSys> .fas netSys
21:05:10 <zodbot> netSys: drnetsys 'Donnie Roberson' <droberson@drnetworksystems.com> - netsysdeb 'Debashis' <debashis@mail.org> - netsys 'Alvaro Castillo' <midgoon@gmail.com>
21:05:15 <cwickert> sesivany: yes I am
21:05:23 <sesivany> cwickert: ok, cool
21:05:31 <ibancioiu> k
21:05:31 <cwickert> ok, I see quite a number of people
21:05:36 <cwickert> thanks everybody for coming
21:05:41 <giulivo> thanks for pinging
21:05:45 <cwickert> #topic Announcements
21:06:12 <AndChat-370944> .fas cmpahar
21:06:13 <zodbot> AndChat-370944: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com>
21:06:28 <cwickert> #info Fedora Ambassadors Day EMEA 2012 took place last week, you can find the results at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012
21:06:48 <cwickert> I think we should get back to the results later
21:07:01 <cwickert> because there is a lot of interesting stuff I'd like to shortly explain
21:07:02 <robyduck> .fas robyduck
21:07:02 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com>
21:07:22 <cwickert> any other annoucements?
21:07:26 <cwickert> announcements*
21:07:41 <sesivany> nothing general from me
21:07:47 <ibancioiu> yes
21:07:49 <ibancioiu> one from me
21:07:50 <ibancioiu> ..
21:08:06 <rgeri77> Greetings to all
21:08:07 <robyduck> cwickert: do we have a swag topic today?
21:08:16 <ibancioiu> at my presentation about 25 people had attend
21:08:21 <netSys> hello rgeri77
21:08:55 <delhage> .fas delhage
21:08:55 <zodbot> delhage: delhage 'Lars Delhage' <delhage@gmail.com>
21:09:02 <cwickert> ibancioiu: we'll gt back to that later in the events topic
21:09:07 <ibancioiu> ok
21:09:11 <frafra> .fas frafra
21:09:12 <zodbot> frafra: frafra 'Francesco Frassinelli' <fraph24@gmail.com>
21:09:22 <cwickert> robyduck: lets make swag a topic of it's own
21:09:30 <rgeri77> .fas rgeri77
21:09:32 <zodbot> rgeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com>
21:09:33 <robyduck> ok
21:09:36 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr
21:09:36 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com>
21:09:56 <cwickert> wow, this is probably the most crowded ambassadors meeting ever
21:09:58 <cwickert> :)
21:10:05 <thunderbirdtr> hi cwickert
21:10:08 <cwickert> ok, more announcements
21:10:08 <sesivany> very nice :-)
21:10:16 <netSys> :P
21:10:32 <delhage> we all expect christmas gifts ;)
21:10:41 <d3vnull> +1
21:10:55 <cwickert> #info new FAmSCo has met for the first time on Monday. tuanta has replaced dbruno
21:11:04 <cwickert> #info sesivany is new FAmSCo chair, herlo is vice-chair
21:11:09 <cwickert> congrats to sesivany
21:11:29 <cwickert> this also means that I am no longer FAmSCo chair, so now sesivany has to do all the work ;)
21:12:07 <Southern_Gentlem> cwickert, a good leadere knows when and how to delegate
21:12:15 <sesivany> cwickert: I don't know if I can take that pressure :-)
21:12:26 <cwickert> #info we had 102 voters in the FAmSCo election. Next time, spread the word and try to have more people vote
21:12:39 <cwickert> ok, I think that's all for announcements
21:13:19 * netSys Gift has Windows 7 on the pc of his sister, and had to start with a LiveDVD to attend the meeting, or anything. (crash) lol
21:14:21 <sesivany> cwickert: let's go through tickets first.
21:14:43 <cwickert> sesivany: let's quickly look at the schedule, ok?
21:14:58 <cwickert> #topic Ambassadors Schedule
21:14:59 <sesivany> cwickert: ok
21:15:03 <cwickert> #link http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-ambassadors-tasks.html
21:15:33 <cwickert> jreznik: is that schedule for real?
21:15:55 <jreznik> schedule is real - the question is - how ambassadors feels about the content
21:15:57 <cwickert> ok, everything looks green
21:16:15 <cwickert> jreznik: that is a different question, lets discuss this another day
21:16:22 <sesivany> jreznik: is Jan 8th still doable?
21:16:24 <jreznik> cwickert: ok
21:16:40 <jreznik> sesivany: there's some possibility :)
21:16:51 <cwickert> jreznik: how confident are you about the date?
21:17:00 <cwickert> I mean, there always is a possibility
21:17:15 <jreznik> cwickert: depends if we will be able to compose RC this week...
21:17:36 <jreznik> blocker bug list does not look so scary as a few days before...
21:17:51 <jreznik> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/18/final/buglist
21:18:08 <ibancioiu> !
21:18:13 <ibancioiu> about the bugs
21:18:14 <cwickert> #info January 8th as release date for F18 is still doable, but we are not 100% sure. If you have a release event, please be careful with announcements and make sure to follow all updates about the schedule.
21:18:32 <cwickert> #info if we get the RC composed next week, we are pretty much good to go
21:18:38 <cwickert> ibancioiu: your turn
21:18:40 <jreznik> #info updates will be available on common mailing lists - devel/test-announce
21:18:45 <ibancioiu> i found a bug which is on fedora starting from version 16
21:18:49 <jreznik> cwickert: this week
21:18:59 <ibancioiu> is a bluetooth bug on Dell Vostro 1015
21:19:02 <cwickert> jreznik: too late to undo
21:19:10 <jreznik> the problem is RH holidays shutdown...
21:19:15 <ibancioiu> with Dell BT Adapter
21:19:32 <cwickert> ibancioiu: is this something that is related to F18?
21:19:37 <ibancioiu> yes
21:19:46 <ibancioiu> the bug is still present on f18 beta
21:19:47 <jreznik> ibancioiu: well such bug is not a blocker...
21:20:02 <ibancioiu> ok
21:20:06 <cwickert> ibancioiu: we won't delay a release for something that is hardware specific, you see
21:20:15 <cwickert> there is a lot of broken hardware out there
21:20:28 <cwickert> if we started to take that into account, we could probably never release ;)
21:20:29 <sesivany> unless it affacts thousands of users
21:20:58 <cwickert> ok, the only thing about the schedule we need to discuss now is the deadline for release events
21:21:28 <sesivany> cwickert: do we need deadline?
21:21:32 <thunderbirdtr> This version will be too noisy at least anaconda and more
21:21:41 <sesivany> cwickert: I still don't see a reason for it.
21:21:48 <cwickert> sesivany: I don't think so, but this is another question
21:21:56 <cwickert> fact is: we have one in the schedule
21:22:01 <cwickert> but I am willing to ignore it
21:22:23 <cwickert> sesivany: ok for you? you are FAmSCo chair, you now have absolute power ;)
21:22:41 <sesivany> cwickert: I'd let people add release parties whenever they want
21:23:00 <sesivany> I mean they don't ask for any mega budgets, there is not planning needed.
21:23:21 <cwickert> #info It's not to late to submit a release event. Add your event at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_events#EMEA now, create a wiki page and file a ticket to request funding or swag
21:23:30 <cwickert> ok then
21:23:36 <sesivany> cwickert: but that's something we have to revise with jreznik later for the next cycle.
21:23:42 <cwickert> agreed
21:23:49 <cwickert> ok, then we move on to
21:23:52 <cwickert> #topic Tickets
21:24:06 <cwickert> sesivany: do you want to take over this part?
21:24:18 <sesivany> cwickert: yep
21:24:44 <sesivany> I see a request from Nikos: https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/196
21:25:04 <sesivany> it's FOSDEM, another topic by itself.
21:25:34 <sesivany> I'd approve it, but would wait with accommodation a bit.
21:25:49 <sesivany> OSAS rented two apartments for 20 people...
21:26:11 <sesivany> I'm talking to them to provide some to Fedorans.
21:26:24 <comzeradd> !
21:26:28 <sesivany> then we won't have to take care of hotel etc.
21:26:38 <sesivany> comzeradd: go ahead
21:27:19 <comzeradd> can i proceed with  booking plain tickets and when/if the ticket is approved get reimbursement?
21:27:52 <comzeradd> eof
21:28:13 <sesivany> comzeradd: I think we can approve the airfare right now and I'll give you a definitive answer about accommodation in a couple of days.
21:28:27 <comzeradd> that would be great
21:28:34 <cwickert> ?
21:28:43 <sesivany> cwickert: shoot
21:28:52 <cwickert> I don't get the part with OSAS
21:29:42 <sesivany> cwickert: OSAS rented an apartment for 20 people, but we might be able to get ten places there for Fedora. If we want of course.
21:30:08 <cwickert> I still don't really get it
21:30:29 <sesivany> cwickert: what dont you get about that?
21:30:33 <cwickert> I mean, who are these appartments for, why has OSAS not talked to anybody and so on
21:31:02 <delhage> ?
21:31:08 <cwickert> I mean, this is paid from Fedora's budget, right?
21:31:17 <rbergeron> no, it's out of the OSAS budget.
21:31:32 <sesivany> cwickert: well, because originally it was only for redhatters, they had some internal planning, but I thought it would be easier for us just to join them.
21:31:50 <cwickert> rbergeron: well, our budget comes from OSAS, too, so in the end it is one big bucket, isn't it?
21:32:32 <sesivany> rbergeron: my idea was that it would make things easier in terms of reimbursement etc. It's still the same cost center.
21:32:55 <rbergeron> cwickert: yes, but a different part of a larger budget, though some might get moved around, it's TBD. But there are people from various projects (ovirt, openstack, gluster, etc) who have different portions of the OSAS budget, plus the OSAS team itself has its own budget for their direct team members' travel.
21:33:26 <rbergeron> lh is organizing, i'm sure she could provide details, but basically it was a "if you or people from your project would like to join in, let me know"
21:33:33 <cwickert> rbergeron: but the OSAS team doesn't have 20 members, so obviously it was planned for other people, too
21:33:36 <rbergeron> so thus, sesivany is presenting that option.
21:33:43 <rbergeron> cwickert: yes, because red hat historically has a crapton of people show up.
21:33:44 <sesivany> rbergeron: do you think it would make sense if Fedora shared those apartments or it wouldnt really help us?
21:33:57 <rbergeron> they aren't assuming that we are wanting to, or making decisions for us.
21:34:23 <cwickert> I still find this questionable. As long as it does not affect Fedora's budget in any way, fine, lh can go ahead, but if it somehow impacts our budget, she should talk to us
21:34:34 <cwickert> just my 2 ¢, eof
21:34:54 <sesivany> cwickert: AFAIK it's much cheaper than a hotel.
21:35:02 <rbergeron> just like they aren't making those deicsions for the jboss folks, gluster folks, etc.
21:35:04 <cwickert> sesivany: how much is it?
21:35:51 <delhage> ?
21:35:54 <rbergeron> sesivany: do you want to coordinate with leslie on how the budget will work for that, what the cost will be (if anything) to us
21:35:57 <sesivany> rbergeron: dont you have it in hand? I'm not inVPN. But it was like twice cheaper.
21:36:18 <rbergeron> i dont' have it open - i'll see if i can find it
21:36:26 <sesivany> rbergeron: I'll jump on it right after the meeting.
21:36:34 <cwickert> ok, delhage then
21:36:41 <delhage> what is OSAS?
21:36:45 <cwickert> :)
21:36:54 <cwickert> Open Source And Standards
21:37:04 <sesivany> cwickert: show him the cool wikipage ;)
21:37:05 <cwickert> the successor of Community Architecture
21:37:08 <delhage> ok
21:37:19 <cwickert> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSAS
21:37:21 <rbergeron> sesivany: i do'nt see jumping out at me
21:37:21 <delhage> redhat thing?
21:37:27 <delhage> thanks
21:37:50 <cwickert> suehle: btw: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSAS <- is hard to understand for people who do not work in RH. Who are these folks?
21:38:10 <rbergeron> hey, i wrote that halfassed page.
21:38:25 * rbergeron will see if she can find some who is actually in osas to make it more complete
21:38:31 <delhage> rbergeron: it's very... pretty
21:38:34 <delhage> ;)
21:38:35 <cwickert> :)
21:38:40 <ibancioiu> !
21:38:43 <rbergeron> delhage: you're so sweet. /me laughs
21:38:49 <rbergeron> lh: are you about?
21:38:55 <cwickert> ibancioiu: go ahead
21:39:01 <sesivany> #action sesivany to talk to lh about accommodation at FOSDEM
21:39:19 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to talk to suehle, lh, quaid about updating the OSAS wiki page
21:39:21 <ibancioiu> unfortunatly in 10 minutes i have to go....
21:39:32 <cwickert> #action rbergeron to find somebody to fix https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSAS
21:39:39 * sesivany just points out that we've run away from the original topic.
21:39:45 <cwickert> yes, move on sesivany
21:40:20 <sesivany> I propose to approve the airfare as it is in the ticket and wait with accommodation.
21:41:01 <sesivany> who is for approving airfare for comzeradd to FOSDEM 2013?
21:41:08 <netSys> +1
21:41:09 <sesivany> +1
21:41:10 <mailga> +1
21:41:15 <robyduck> +1
21:41:17 <cmpahar> +1
21:41:20 <thunderbirdtr> +1
21:41:21 <zoltanh7211> +1
21:41:25 <ibancioiu> +1
21:41:34 <comzeradd> +1 :)
21:41:51 <misaakidis> +1
21:42:20 <sesivany> #agree airfare from the ticket #196 approved. Decision about accommodation postponed.
21:42:34 <comzeradd> thanks
21:42:43 <delhage> +1
21:42:50 <sesivany> #agreed airfare from the ticket #196 approved. Decision about accommodation postponed.
21:43:20 * sesivany doesn't see any other new tickets
21:43:28 <sesivany> so we can move on
21:43:39 <netSys> !
21:43:40 <cwickert> comzeradd: you know that you have to help us at the booth if you request funding
21:43:55 <comzeradd> cwickert, yes
21:44:00 <cwickert> sesivany: thanks, I can take over again, ok?
21:44:12 <sesivany> cwickert: yes, go ahead
21:44:18 <cwickert> netSys: your turn
21:44:28 <gnokii> haha fosdem booth service
21:44:44 <netSys> Before switch topic meeting. I have two ticket opened yet.
21:46:23 <cwickert> netSys: which ones?
21:46:27 <netSys> #183 & #189 tickets.
21:46:48 <netSys> https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/183 // https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/189
21:46:53 <cwickert> I just nagged kital about #183
21:47:09 <cwickert> hopefully he pays you soon
21:47:09 <ibancioiu> ok guys
21:47:15 <ibancioiu> i have to go :(
21:47:20 <cwickert> ibancioiu: I will get to you by mail
21:47:27 <ibancioiu> good night and merry christmas!
21:47:28 <cwickert> I want to ask you for a favor
21:47:29 <ibancioiu> ok
21:47:33 <netSys> ibancioiu: take care! good night
21:47:34 <ibancioiu> ok
21:47:35 <cwickert> bye ibancioiu
21:47:48 <delhage> merry christmas
21:47:48 <ibancioiu> bye
21:47:51 <ibancioiu> >:D<
21:47:54 <ibancioiu> thanks
21:47:55 <ibancioiu> !
21:47:56 <cwickert> netSys: #189 will take a while
21:48:01 <cwickert> I first need more orders
21:48:02 <netSys> happy xmas ibancioiu
21:48:15 <netSys> oh ok cwickert
21:48:21 * sesivany just found one more ticket...
21:48:22 <cwickert> netSys: it will probably be 2-3 months before we get new shirts
21:48:27 <netSys> I want to start new year with a lot of events :D
21:48:28 <sesivany> #194
21:48:53 <thunderbirdtr> +1 :)
21:49:00 <cwickert> sesivany: btw: that reminds me of the shirts. If your vendor really has the Slazenger polos for that low price, we should just make a big batch
21:49:40 <sesivany> cwickert: I'll meet him in person on Fri and show him the t-shirt: that's what we want :)
21:49:57 <cwickert> sesivany: ok, but please insist on the Slazenger shirts
21:50:04 <cwickert> they are really good quality
21:50:14 <cwickert> or at least something that compares to them
21:50:23 <sesivany> cwickert: yes, it will be the first condition.
21:50:25 <cwickert> and matches the color!
21:50:39 <cwickert> we don't want to change the color again, so easiest is to go with Slazenger again
21:50:45 <cwickert> ok, now to #194
21:51:15 <cwickert> kital is asking if we can sponsor CLT with 1000 EUR
21:51:23 <cwickert> we did that in the past years, too
21:51:30 <cwickert> and it always was a drama
21:51:38 <cwickert> because payments took a while
21:51:45 <sesivany> cwickert: do we have it in our budget for that event?
21:52:16 <cwickert> sesivany: I suggest we make #194 block #193
21:52:38 <sesivany> cwickert: good idea
21:52:42 <cwickert> 193 will be used to track the overall idea
21:52:50 <sesivany> cwickert: what's timeframe for that?
21:52:59 <cwickert> ASAP :)
21:52:59 <sesivany> cwickert: when do we have to make a decision?
21:53:17 <cwickert> we were always late
21:53:26 <cwickert> like in 2012 we paid the money for 2011
21:53:36 <cwickert> it would be nice if we pay in time this time
21:53:43 <cwickert> but I am not sure about the amount
21:53:54 <cwickert> IIRC we just sponsored 500 in the past
21:54:06 <cwickert> and 1000 EUR was just to apologize for being late
21:54:14 <cwickert> so my suggestion is:
21:54:14 <sesivany> cwickert: well, it's almost 10 % of our budget for all events...
21:54:27 <cwickert> hold on...
21:55:23 <cwickert> damn
21:55:31 <cwickert> we didn't even consider CLT in the list
21:55:42 <cwickert> so 10700 EUR is without CLT
21:55:54 <cwickert> which will easily be 2k in total
21:56:02 <cwickert> therefor my suggestion is
21:56:42 <delhage> you mean not https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012?
21:56:52 <delhage> there you have CLT for 3000
21:56:57 * egyDev is here now,  sorry was away , :)
21:57:01 <cwickert> Only approve 500 now. Then look up how much we paid in the last years. If we always paid 1k, we revisit the issue, but if 1k was only a one time thing to apologize for the delay, than we just continue with 500 EUR
21:57:11 <delhage> scratch that
21:57:11 <cwickert> delhage: that's the number of attendees, not the budget
21:57:20 <delhage> cwickert: yeah, /me stupid
21:57:27 * cwickert has a spreadsheet with the numbers
21:57:28 <netSys> egyDev: welcome :D
21:57:30 <delhage> but it's on that list
21:57:32 <cwickert> the budget column is missing
21:58:00 <sesivany> cwickert: that was the "we don't know, we have to ask jsimon"? :-)
21:58:03 <cwickert> #action cwickert to add a 'Budget' column to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#Events_and_their_owners
21:58:23 <cwickert> sesivany: that was: "Approve 500 and ask kital"
21:58:34 <cwickert> I can look it up, hold on
21:59:59 <cwickert> ok, it was 1k
22:00:06 <gnokii> 1000
22:00:12 <twohot> .fas twohot
22:00:12 <cwickert> and in 2012 we made it 1500
22:00:13 <zodbot> twohot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com>
22:00:19 <cwickert> because of the delay
22:00:26 <cwickert> anyway, I think we should approve it
22:00:30 <cwickert> we have enough budget
22:00:44 <cwickert> and if not, we nag rbergeron to give us more more more :)
22:01:02 <cwickert> opinions?
22:01:15 <sesivany> I have no problem with it
22:01:23 <delhage> me neither
22:01:33 <netSys> no problem
22:01:34 <comzeradd> +1
22:01:39 <cwickert> I mean, we manged to do it in the past, so we will manage it this time, too
22:01:41 <cwickert> +1
22:01:44 <sesivany> +1
22:01:46 <delhage> +1
22:01:46 <netSys> +1
22:01:49 <mailga> +1
22:02:00 <cmpahar> +1
22:02:01 <egyDev> +1
22:02:06 <cwickert> #agreed Fedora will sponsor CLT NOP with 1k EUR
22:02:08 <thunderbirdtr> +1
22:02:09 <cwickert> thanks
22:02:11 * twohot doesn't know what the votes are for
22:02:14 <cwickert> :)
22:02:33 <cwickert> ok, there are no other tickets
22:02:42 * cwickert will update the tickets later
22:02:48 <mailga> !
22:02:55 <cwickert> mailga: go ahead
22:03:25 <cwickert> #undo
22:03:25 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Agreed object at 0x22183910>
22:03:27 <mailga> I think that the previous year budge
22:03:32 <cwickert> #agreed Fedora will sponsor CLT NPO with 1k EUR
22:03:46 <mailga> budget* for an event is not strictly
22:03:52 * cmpahar i am running out of battery sorry. Comzeradd will stand up for me for our fad. Thanks
22:04:06 <mailga> bound for the next year
22:04:14 <mailga> EOF
22:04:41 <frankice> .fas frankice
22:04:41 <zodbot> frankice: frankice 'Franklin Odoemenam' <frankpeter2010@yahoo.com>
22:04:53 <cwickert> mailga: I am afraid it is, at least we should try to book it into the right quarter
22:04:56 <cwickert> hi frankice!
22:05:10 * cwickert is really happy to see so many people here today
22:05:15 <mailga> cwickert, you're right but the owner
22:05:20 <cwickert> ah, I see
22:05:29 <frankice> hi cwickert
22:05:41 <cwickert> #topic Events
22:05:47 <mailga> must consider all the expenses. EOF
22:05:55 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events
22:06:48 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: Did you write something about your event last week yet? If so, please let us know
22:07:12 <cwickert> ok, the next big event on the list is FOSDEM
22:07:14 <cmpahar> !
22:07:19 <cwickert> cmpahar: go ahead
22:07:43 <cmpahar> Greetings to all. In January we are planning a FAD in Greece in the two biggest cities. Athens and Thessaloniki. Tomorrow we are having our community meeting where we are going to discuss about the organization, logistics and more.
22:08:12 <cmpahar> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Greece_2013
22:08:14 <cmpahar> EOF
22:08:26 <cwickert> Thanks cmpahar
22:08:37 <cwickert> cmpahar: if you need anything, make sure to file tickets ASAP
22:09:00 <cmpahar> Cwickert tomorrow I will. Thank s man
22:09:00 <cwickert> no news from FOSDEM
22:09:18 <sesivany> cwickert: the booth is still not confirmed?
22:09:20 <cwickert> we applied for a booth, but the deadline was extended, so we don't yet have a confirmation
22:09:39 <cwickert> meanwhile the schedule for talks is out
22:09:47 <cwickert> there are a few talks by RH people
22:09:52 <cwickert> but it's not final yet
22:10:06 <cwickert> because two devrooms were extended, too
22:11:38 <cwickert> #info deadline for FOSDEM open source game developer deadline was extended to 2012-12-23. See the original announcement at https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2012-October/001634.html if you want to apply for a talk
22:12:00 <cwickert> #undo
22:12:00 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x274f25d0>
22:12:12 <cwickert> #info deadline for FOSDEM open source game developer devroom was extended to 2012-12-23. See the original announcement at https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2012-October/001634.html if you want to apply for a talk
22:12:44 <cwickert> #info deadline for FOSDEM cross-desktop devroom was extended to 2012-12-21. See the original announcement at  https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2012-October/001643.html if you want to apply for a talk
22:12:53 <cwickert> ok, that's all for FOSDEM
22:13:08 <cwickert> I wonder if we should have a meeting on Friday afternoon again
22:13:43 <sesivany> cwickert: ambassadors meeting?
22:13:43 <cwickert> should we ask biertie to reserve a table at La Morte Subite and later at the Drug Opera again?
22:13:56 <delhage> !
22:14:13 <cwickert> sesivany: yes. there is not much to discuss, we have covered most stuff at Rheinfelden, but just for fun
22:14:40 <sesivany> cwickert: if it's with beer... and Drug Opera sounds like fun :-)
22:14:51 <cwickert> #action cwickert to ask biertie if he can arrange something for Friday afternoon before FOSDEM beer event
22:14:57 <cwickert> delhage: your turn
22:15:02 <delhage> at the beginning of the meeting you said "I think we should get back to the results later" re: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012
22:15:22 <cwickert> delhage: yes, I first wanted to do the regular topics
22:15:32 <cwickert> I think we covered events now
22:15:44 <dramsey> Good meeting
22:15:50 <cwickert> sesivany: anything new about devconf?
22:16:01 <cwickert> sesivany: I still cannot confirm the Xfce hackfest
22:16:22 <sesivany> cwickert: we released a preliminary schedule today.
22:16:43 <delhage> cwickert: so nothing else about the FAD?
22:16:53 <sesivany> http://goo.gl/lr017 - if anyone is interested
22:17:01 <cwickert> delhage: we will come to that later
22:17:04 <delhage> ok
22:17:22 * delhage thought the meeting was coming to an end
22:17:34 <cwickert> #info preliminary schedule for devconf is at http://goo.gl/lr017
22:17:40 <cwickert> ok, that's all for events
22:18:04 <cwickert> #topic FAD EMEA 2012 Review
22:18:34 <cwickert> ok, once again the link with the results: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#Events_and_their_owners
22:18:56 <cwickert> first, we made the planning for the events
22:19:00 <gnokii> sesivany: how did you, I am sitting since yesterday on the damn tables
22:19:41 <cwickert> delhage: do you think you can attend Open Source Days and FSCons?
22:19:52 <sesivany> I just want to say that the list doesn't have to be final. If you know interesting events for Fedora, it can be expanded.
22:20:28 <cwickert> #action cwickert to move confirmed events from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#Events_and_their_owners over to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events
22:20:30 <delhage> cwickert: I wasn't aware of Open Source days but I will try to make room for that
22:20:44 <cwickert> delhage: ok, cool
22:20:45 <sesivany> gnokii: it's just a working version, it will get a lot of changes.
22:20:46 <delhage> cwickert: fscons, sure
22:21:00 <delhage> I think... ;)
22:21:18 <cwickert> delhage: ok, rsc already said he'd come
22:21:23 <delhage> cool
22:21:37 <delhage> haven't seen him around for a while
22:21:50 <cwickert> #action everybody look at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#Events_and_their_owners and see which events you take over
22:22:15 <cwickert> #info heffer confirmed he will take over FrOSCon
22:22:35 <cwickert> #info delhage and rsc will (probably) take over FSCONS
22:23:28 <cwickert> #action everybody if you ran an event in 2011 or 2012, make sure it is in the wiki and in the "events" category. We really need to know where we were
22:23:36 <cwickert> any more questions about events?
22:24:09 <mailga> !
22:24:10 <cwickert> twohot, frankice: There is no IDLELO in 2013, are there any other events in Africa next year?
22:24:36 <cwickert> #action twohot and frankice to look for events in Africa in 2013
22:24:44 <cwickert> mailga: go ahead
22:24:58 <mailga> If LibreOffice conference will be hold in Italy
22:25:16 <mailga> I'll take the ownership.
22:25:23 <cwickert> cool
22:25:29 <mailga> we are not sure yet
22:25:42 <cwickert> #info mailga will try to take over LibreOffice conference 2013
22:25:52 <mailga> maybe I'll need a little help from you.....
22:25:54 <mailga> EOF
22:25:56 <cwickert> thanks
22:26:08 <cwickert> robyduck: do we want to discuss swag now?
22:26:09 <rsc> cwickert: yes, probably. And I will also try Open Source Days, got the information these days.
22:26:35 <frankice> yeah I guess
22:26:35 <robyduck> cwickert: I took a look on cycling jerseys
22:26:47 <frankice> in keenya
22:26:48 <cwickert> thanks rsc
22:27:04 <cwickert> frankice: ok, if you have something, please let us know
22:27:43 <cwickert> robyduck: what was the outcome?
22:27:46 <robyduck> cwickert: http://www.owayo.de/radsport-radtrikots/preise/preislisten.htm
22:28:06 <robyduck> ordering 50 jerseys woul be 31€
22:28:12 <robyduck> would*
22:28:26 <robyduck> they also have other stuff
22:28:31 <cwickert> I doubt we can order 50 :(
22:28:50 <robyduck> ok how many do you think we can order?
22:28:52 <cwickert> I mean, even for ambassadors polos I usually only do 30 a year
22:29:01 <robyduck> 20?
22:29:07 <cwickert> probably
22:29:14 <cwickert> we need to ask the relevant people
22:29:17 <robyduck> then 40€
22:29:33 <robyduck> design can be up to us
22:29:43 <cwickert> I know like Jessie and Seth are bikers
22:29:44 <robyduck> or they also have some examples
22:30:05 <robyduck> I didn't find better ones (which also have a little bit of quality)
22:30:18 <robyduck> cwickert: me and giallu too
22:30:54 <cwickert> ok, lets try to find more people first before we spend too much time on that
22:31:03 <robyduck> cwickert: we could ask on the ML who is interested to see how many would order at least one
22:31:05 * comzeradd would love a fedora cycling jersey
22:31:31 <cwickert> robyduck: cool, you just volunteered :)
22:31:40 <robyduck> cwickert: hehe
22:31:50 <robyduck> ok, will do it
22:31:56 <robyduck> let's move on
22:31:58 <cwickert> #action robyduck ask on the ML who is interested in Fedora cycling jerseys to see how many would order at least one
22:32:15 <cwickert> ok, I think there is not much for the other swag items
22:32:24 <cwickert> I mean, we first need to get quotes
22:32:33 <sesivany> !
22:32:40 <cwickert> sesivany: go ahead
22:33:04 <sesivany> speaking of swag, gnokii, is artwork for F18 media ready?
22:33:16 <gnokii> yes
22:33:23 <sesivany> I have to have it ready for the vendor.
22:33:53 <cwickert> sesivany: everything else ready?
22:34:26 <cwickert> would it save time if they did the sleeves in advance?
22:34:29 <sesivany> cwickert: it's approved by FAmSCo, the vendor counts with it, we're just waiting for artwork and isos.¨
22:34:49 <robyduck> !
22:34:54 <cwickert> #action sesivany and gnokii to sort out media artwork
22:35:01 <sesivany> cwickert: it's always better to have it in advance because it's potential source of delays.
22:35:20 <gnokii> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/MediaArt/F18
22:35:25 <cwickert> ok, then ask them if they can start once you have the designs from gnokii
22:35:43 <cwickert> gnokii: is that final and approved by the design team?
22:35:49 <gnokii> thats final
22:35:58 <sesivany> cwickert: ok
22:36:24 <cwickert> gnokii: looks pretty much like F12!
22:36:57 <cwickert> ok, sesivany, go run with it
22:37:14 <sesivany> #info sesivany had 1000 buttons produced. Peer-approved in the ticket #195
22:37:28 <cwickert> thanks for the info
22:37:40 <cwickert> so, are we done with swag?
22:38:04 <sesivany> I think so
22:38:07 <cwickert> ok
22:38:12 <robyduck> for release parties, how much time is necessary to get the Multi DVD's of F18 when it will be released? 2 weeks or more?
22:38:30 <cwickert> sesivany: your question I think
22:39:08 <sesivany> robyduck: well, at least 10 days.
22:39:31 <robyduck> sesivany: ok, that's great :)
22:39:39 <sesivany> robyduck: the vendor says they deliver it in 7-9 days, 1 day to package it, 2-3 days to deliver it.
22:39:48 <sesivany> if there are no delays.
22:39:49 <cwickert> make it 2 weeks then
22:40:15 <sesivany> we made it within two weeks last time.
22:40:22 <cwickert> ok, I think we should try to finish this meeting at some point
22:40:36 <cwickert> but there are two things I'd like to quickly discuss or at least introduce
22:40:57 <cwickert> #1 we were looking for a way to bring new people into the project
22:41:05 <cwickert> you can find our ideas at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#How_to_bring_new_people_into_the_project
22:41:43 <cwickert> if you know people who are using Fedora
22:41:57 <cwickert> but who are not yet official members of the project, ask them to join
22:42:20 <cwickert> we have a lot of people who are on IRC all day, who are very active in internet forums
22:42:33 <cwickert> or other communities like on Facebook or G+
22:42:54 <cwickert> so if they are skilled and you think they could be interested, ask them
22:43:05 <cwickert> we have to be more proactive and not wait for people to join
22:43:17 <cwickert> and we have to be more helpful to people who recently joined
22:43:30 <cwickert> we want to support new ambassadors in their first year better
22:43:40 <cwickert> like send them to one major event
22:44:02 <mailga> !
22:44:06 <cwickert> for example we sent netsys to Linuxcon and thunderbirdtr to FUDCon
22:44:24 <cwickert> and I think it's worth it
22:44:29 <cwickert> mailga: go ahead
22:44:50 <sesivany> so if you're an event owner of a big event consider inviting one freshman.
22:45:01 <mailga> I think, as we said at FAD, If I remember right
22:45:18 <cwickert> there are two things
22:45:24 <mailga> that we have to help new candidates with the
22:45:35 <mailga> mentoring step
22:45:42 <cwickert> we want to have one country-wide meeting of the ambassadors once a year
22:45:54 <cwickert> and one major event, either a FUDCon or another big event
22:46:04 <cwickert> something where the newbies meet a lot of people
22:46:14 <cwickert> because meeting somebody in person is really important
22:46:37 <cwickert> I have been in Fedora for 2-3 years before I first attended LinuxTag and it gave me a real kick
22:46:51 <cwickert> questions? comments?
22:47:20 <mailga> I thought that old members
22:47:32 <mailga> in every country could be the first
22:47:36 <thunderbirdtr> !
22:47:49 <mailga> mentors, before joining the ambassadors
22:48:23 <mailga> Sometimes, the language is the problem for new members. As for me. EOF
22:49:15 <cwickert> mailga: you mean we need more mentors to cover more languages?
22:49:31 <mailga> cwickert, maybe....
22:49:34 * cwickert add this to the wiki page
22:49:38 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: your turn
22:50:00 <thunderbirdtr> Cwickert  this first chance support after who prove itself even can problem like a "I join then after big event I can dissappear" maybe we should do something more rock solid just in idea
22:50:40 <thunderbirdtr> Your is also perfect idea but it can even have some bug
22:50:49 <thunderbirdtr> Eof
22:50:54 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: well, we need to find a balance
22:51:09 <cwickert> in the past we only sponsored people who have been around for a while
22:51:23 <cwickert> you had to work a lot to *earn* the sponsorship
22:51:28 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: there is always a rick that someone will use it and disappear, but I still think it's worth the risk.
22:51:49 <cwickert> now I think we should just give some people wildcards, just like in a sports tournament
22:52:18 <cwickert> for example thunderbirdtr was very active, even if he was not in the project that long
22:52:33 <cwickert> ok, I think you all get the idea
22:52:38 <thunderbirdtr> Yeah
22:52:52 <thunderbirdtr> Got the point
22:52:55 <cwickert> #2 we want to run an "Ambassadors Census"
22:53:04 <thunderbirdtr> +1
22:53:16 <cwickert> we usually did that *before* the FAD
22:53:45 <cwickert> sesivany and I will reach our to the leaders of the local communities and ask them in what state their community is
22:54:08 <cwickert> how many people are there, how active are they, how many events does Fedora attend, do they need anything from us and so on
22:54:21 <cwickert> we'll make s short questionaire and then mail it so some people
22:54:34 <cwickert> for example, we have a big community in Russia
22:54:42 <cwickert> but we have no idea how they are doing
22:54:58 <cwickert> and we want to change this and run the census once a year
22:55:03 <thunderbirdtr> Can problem
22:55:35 <cwickert> so if you know somebody who consider a local leader that has an overview about the community in his country, please let us know
22:55:35 <thunderbirdtr> Meeting in one point need something for see more people
22:56:08 <cwickert> sesivany: btw: the ambassador from Russia replied, she seems really active and eager to work with us
22:56:31 <cwickert> we could even think about sending somebody over to Russia if they have an event
22:56:33 <sesivany> cwickert: that's great to hear!
22:56:39 <cwickert> ok, I think that's all
22:56:49 <zoltanh7211> !
22:56:53 <cwickert> nearly two hours, time to stop
22:56:58 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: go ahead
22:57:06 <zoltanh7211> I have also sent an report, maybe its usable
22:57:11 <zoltanh7211> EOF
22:57:16 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: where did you send it?
22:57:29 <zoltanh7211> to you and sesivany
22:57:36 <cwickert> send it to the list please
22:57:40 <zoltanh7211> ok
22:57:45 <sesivany> zoltanh7211: yeah, your report is great, but make it public!
22:57:50 <cwickert> post it on facebook and g+ or in your blog
22:57:53 <cwickert> don't be shy :)
22:57:56 <zoltanh7211> I'll do
22:58:02 <sesivany> zoltanh7211: it could server as an example to others.
22:58:09 <thunderbirdtr> :)
22:58:10 <cwickert> you are doing great work, you need to make people know what you are doing
22:58:21 <zoltanh7211> I just wanted to know that everything is included
22:58:26 <zoltanh7211> or missed something
22:58:35 <zoltanh7211> I would like to have an complete report
22:58:43 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: this is just like the thing with the census: if people don't write event reports or don't send them to the public, we have no clue what is going on
22:58:46 <zoltanh7211> what supports both parties
22:59:13 <zoltanh7211> ok, ok - I will send it po public
22:59:13 <sesivany> zoltanh7211: maybe adding estimations of budgets
22:59:33 <cwickert> #action zoltanh7211 to make his event report public, like *really* public ;)
22:59:48 <thunderbirdtr> +1+1 :))
22:59:49 <cwickert> ok, anything else?
22:59:52 <mailga> ?
22:59:59 <cwickert> mailga: go ahaed
23:00:17 <mailga> at FAD you said that if an ambassador is not active
23:00:30 <mailga> is not a problem, but I want
23:01:04 <mailga> to know on which ones I can cout for events in my country, what shall we do?
23:01:15 <mailga> count* sorry
23:01:56 <cwickert> mailga: that has been a looooong discussion in the past
23:02:06 <cwickert> lets see what the census reveals
23:02:08 <sesivany> mailga: keep in touch with those who are active, and cross out the ones who are not in your list.
23:02:10 <cwickert> maybe it helps us
23:02:11 <mailga> yes.... ;-)
23:02:26 <sesivany> I mean we don't have to rely on the official list.
23:02:52 <cwickert> and if you run an event and need help, just send out a mail to *all* ambassadors in Italy. Some will reply, others not, then you know who is active
23:03:01 <cwickert> mailga: and you can look into FAS
23:03:13 <cwickert> .fasinfo mailga
23:03:14 <zodbot> cwickert: User: mailga, Name: Gabriele Trombini, email: mailga@fedoraonline.it, Creation: 2011-09-14, IRC Nick: mailga, Timezone: Europe/Rome, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active
23:03:17 <zodbot> cwickert: Approved Groups: cla_fpca cla_done ambassadors
23:03:27 <cwickert> you see: "Status: active"
23:03:38 <cwickert> this means your FAS password is still valid, you changed it
23:03:48 <cwickert> it doesn't mean you are an active ambassador
23:04:15 * sesivany just notes that we've hit another day. It's really time to finish.
23:04:21 <cwickert> but on the other hand somebody who doesn't even change his password, probably will not help you with an event
23:04:27 <cwickert> ok, I think that's all
23:04:34 <cwickert> we really need to stop
23:04:36 <mailga> Tnx
23:04:38 <cwickert> welcome
23:04:47 <cwickert> thanks everybody for coming!
23:04:55 <delhage> good meeting
23:04:55 <cwickert> this was probably the biggest and longest meeting
23:04:59 <delhage> thanks
23:05:05 <comzeradd> great meeting :)
23:05:05 <zoltanh7211> thanks everyone
23:05:07 <cwickert> I am really glad to see yo many of you
23:05:16 <cwickert> it really means a lot to me
23:05:23 <sesivany> great to see so many people attending. Merry Christmas! ;)
23:05:31 <thunderbirdtr> Thanks cwickert
23:05:31 <robyduck> Happy Christmas to all
23:05:44 <thunderbirdtr> Except me ;)
23:05:45 <zoltanh7211> Boldog Karácsonyt
23:05:45 <cwickert> because seeing the ambassadors in a healthy state means I haven't done everything wrong as FAmSCo chair
23:06:12 <cwickert> and now sesivany will continue the work. Let's all try to support him and build a bigger and better community!
23:06:28 <thunderbirdtr> Yes !
23:06:28 <cwickert> Happy holidays!
23:06:31 <cwickert> #endmeeting