01:59:18 <graphite6> #startmeeting FAmNA Meeting 01:59:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 12 01:59:18 2012 UTC. The chair is graphite6. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:59:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:59:24 <graphite6> #meetingname FAmNA 01:59:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:59:40 <graphite6> #topic Roll Call 01:59:46 * award3535 present 02:00:16 <graphite6> Hi award3535 :) 02:00:28 <award3535> evening 02:00:44 <award3535> pretty scarce tonight 02:00:47 <graphite6> I'm going to give everyone a minute or two since I was a touch early :D 02:01:16 <chanchito> #chair inode0 graphite6 tuanta award3535 epico 02:01:18 <rbergeron> hi 02:01:26 <award3535> well, 9pm is late for me since I get up at 430 every day 02:01:32 <chanchito> F 02:01:36 <chanchito> FPL! 02:01:45 <chanchito> :-) 02:01:45 <graphite6> Hi rbergeron! 02:01:55 <rbergeron> hai guys 02:01:58 <rbergeron> and gals 02:02:11 <graphite6> award3535: yucky early mornings :P 02:02:18 <award3535> evening rbergeron 02:02:32 <graphite6> #chair rbergeron 02:02:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: graphite6 rbergeron 02:03:18 <graphite6> #chair inode0 chanchito award3535 02:03:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 chanchito graphite6 inode0 rbergeron 02:03:22 <tuanta> hi friends 02:03:39 <graphite6> #topic Announcements 02:03:51 <graphite6> #info FAmSCo would like to encourage you to organize release parties in your city, university, etc... 02:04:02 <graphite6> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_events 02:04:14 <graphite6> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2012-December/020597.html 02:04:44 <award3535> I would love too, but it seems I am the only one here in the southeast corner of the country, will check with the local Lug group 02:05:19 <graphite6> Any one brewing up any release party ideas? 02:05:38 <graphite6> Any other announcements? 02:06:05 * graphite6 luuuuuvvvvsss eggnog 02:06:29 <graphite6> okeydokey to the tickets!!! 02:06:35 <graphite6> #topic Tickets 02:06:43 <graphite6> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 02:06:49 <rbergeron> lol 02:06:57 <graphite6> .famnaticket 33 02:06:59 <zodbot> graphite6: #33 (2012 Fedora Merchandise Order) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/33 02:07:10 <graphite6> inode0: I think this is you 02:07:20 <graphite6> #topic 2012 Fedora Merchandise Order 02:07:44 <inode0> me? 02:07:49 <graphite6> I think we were pretty squared away last week, inode0 was just going to work out the exact numbers 02:08:03 <inode0> oh, well I did that and sent it along and 02:08:19 <inode0> they came back saying I was about $400 under budget 02:08:27 <inode0> so I asked for a clarification 02:09:40 <inode0> I will order more if the prices I had were inflated or something 02:10:07 <graphite6> sounds awesome 02:10:18 <award3535> cool 02:11:07 <graphite6> #info inode0 waiting on T-shirt price update because we were under budget 02:11:27 <graphite6> next ticket? 02:11:35 <graphite6> more jingle bells? 02:11:43 <award3535> next please 02:11:55 <graphite6> .famnaticket 36 02:11:57 <zodbot> graphite6: #36 (Fedora Ambassador Day North America (FADNA)) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/36 02:12:05 <graphite6> #topic Fedora Ambassador Day North America (FADNA) 02:12:11 <graphite6> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassador_Day_North_America_2013 02:12:23 <graphite6> Who is going? i.e. is your name and travel info on the wikipage? 02:12:38 * inode0 has a release party suggestion 02:13:01 <graphite6> w00t! 02:13:02 <inode0> http://ii.figis.com/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi?FIF=/images/figis//source/fourmoomixsnackvarieties_17FT_FG0246P.tif&wid=400&cvt=jpeg 02:13:08 <award3535> I will not be able to go 02:13:08 <inode0> sorry about the ugly url 02:13:33 <rbergeron> lol 02:13:48 <graphite6> oh yum, mooey gooey! 02:13:59 * nb is around now 02:14:01 <nb> sorry for the delat 02:14:03 <nb> inode0, sounds nice :) 02:14:05 <nb> I am going to fadna 02:14:07 <nb> not sure if i am on the wiki page 02:14:10 <graphite6> #chair nb 02:14:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 chanchito graphite6 inode0 nb rbergeron 02:14:36 * rbergeron suggests playing http://www.wiggitybang.com/quao/index.html as well 02:14:37 <graphite6> inode0: would the release party be at Fudcon/FADNA? 02:14:40 * rbergeron grins 02:15:00 * inode0 might bring some moo mix there 02:15:33 <nb> graphite6, if we release by then :) 02:15:42 <graphite6> The Ultimate Dictatorship Card Game - Because Fedora will rule the world <bruhahahahah> 02:15:42 <rbergeron> how about some moooooo nshine? 02:15:42 <inode0> remains to be seen if there is a release by then :) 02:16:08 <inode0> we could revisit F7 if not :) 02:17:19 <graphite6> only if it was a happiness and joy during F7 02:17:58 <graphite6> anyways...back to FADNA 02:18:08 <graphite6> #action Update your travel plans on the wikipage if you're attending FADNA 02:18:40 <inode0> it was named moonshine, of course it was happiness and joy! 02:18:50 <graphite6> Do we have a room for our mooovalous Ambassador work? 02:19:07 <award3535> is there going to be a presetation package available for us to review for those who cannot attend? 02:19:36 <graphite6> inode0: followed by the release hangover :D 02:20:25 <graphite6> #idea will there be a presentation package available for review for those who cannot attend FADNA? 02:21:10 <graphite6> so no room assigned yet? 02:21:16 <award3535> that would be a great help to me here all alone in the southeast 02:21:20 <inode0> well, I think we do have a room 02:21:39 <inode0> but only ruth can probably fill in the details 02:22:26 <graphite6> I could ask Ruth for the details and put them on the wikipage...yes? or not important? 02:23:20 <inode0> at some point we need to know what room we have :) 02:23:37 <inode0> not very urgent as long as we have a room 02:24:06 <graphite6> #action graphite6 will confirm FADNA room and ask Ruth for the details and put them on the wikipage 02:24:13 <graphite6> Schedule - What time do I have to get my lazy butt out of bed? 02:24:25 <graphite6> on Thursday 02:25:49 <graphite6> thinks maybe should table FADNA discussion if we're all sleepy? 02:26:52 * nb is not sleepy 02:26:56 <nb> but just doesn't have much to say 02:27:14 <graphite6> nb: no worries :D 02:27:27 * nb was dealing with fires at $2ndjob 02:27:34 <nb> networking issues causing our servers to be offline 02:27:43 <nb> which just got resolved 02:27:48 <inode0> yeah, I haven't given this any thought yet really 02:28:02 <inode0> we need to prioritize what we are doing 02:28:06 <inode0> then schedule it 02:28:13 <award3535> I would greatly appreciate a FADNA media, presentation, information since I cannot attend. The material would greatly improve and put me on the same page with everyone else 02:28:22 <graphite6> what I'm thinking is that some of the FADNA details just need to be nailed down and an email may be the best way to get more input 02:28:27 <inode0> we should start fairly early ... that is 9-10am inode0_time 02:29:01 <graphite6> inode0: as long as I'm highly caffeinated and sugared 02:29:14 <nb> inode0, +1 02:29:41 <graphite6> just to mention one other thing: Ambassador videos 02:29:44 <inode0> I suspect some of us will start the night before and be up late :) 02:30:09 <graphite6> For Fedora's Anniversary (thanks inode0) the marketing team will do contributor videos 02:30:10 <award3535> Yes, videos would help 02:30:32 <graphite6> I'm bringing this list of equipement for recording: https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/411 02:30:39 * inode0 rolls his eyes 02:31:09 <graphite6> no eyerolling! or I'll record you not stop all weekend :D 02:31:47 <graphite6> but on Thursday the ambassadors can use the equipment for our own fun and games (and important stuff) 02:32:10 <award3535> yes thats what I am talking about. Just the FAD portion 02:32:50 <graphite6> #action video equipment will be available during FADNA - what do we want to document? put your ideas on the FADNA wikipage 02:33:05 * kk4ewt here 02:33:14 <graphite6> award3535: agreed 02:33:21 <graphite6> #chair kk4ewt 02:33:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 chanchito graphite6 inode0 kk4ewt nb rbergeron 02:33:27 <award3535> Iwould like to go, but unable to during Feb, any information that is delivered to us for training coordination, etc 02:34:03 <graphite6> next ticket... 02:34:13 <graphite6> .famnaticket 45 02:34:15 <zodbot> graphite6: #45 (Discuss FAmNA Reimbursement Guidelines) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/45 02:34:18 <graphite6> #topic FAmNA Reimbursement Guidelines 02:34:20 <award3535> yes, I am good moving on 02:34:26 <graphite6> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAMNA_Reimbursement_Guidelines 02:34:33 <graphite6> Have we concluded this discussion and the ticket just needs to be closed? 02:35:21 <inode0> if nb and/or herlo is finished with us we can - I'd rather not think about it any more now :) 02:35:32 <award3535> +1 02:35:58 <nb> +1 02:36:15 <graphite6> +1 02:36:44 <graphite6> #agreed close ticket #45 02:37:00 <graphite6> .famnaticket 47 02:37:02 <zodbot> graphite6: #47 (New Events for FY14) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/47 02:37:08 <graphite6> #topic New Events for Fedora participation 02:37:29 <graphite6> #idea Should FAmNA consider expanding outreach activities to conferences/events where the audience may not be familiar with Fedora's capabilities in their area of interest? 02:37:38 <graphite6> #idea Are there conferences or events in any of following categories that you think Fedora should consider sponsoring, attending, sending swag to, just keeping on our radar, etc.? 02:37:55 <graphite6> #info the long list of categories is in the ticket 02:38:12 <graphite6> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/47 02:38:49 <award3535> I like this Idea, I have already reached out to a few groups in the Jacksonville Fl area, just waiting to hear if they are interested in putting something together 02:39:38 <kk4ewt> i have been doing Fedora demos at a couple of Sci-fi cons as well 02:40:33 <award3535> kk4ewt: I am jealous, I would have attended as well 02:40:51 <nb> kk4ewt, i wonder how popular fedora would be at hamfests or something? 02:41:21 <graphite6> #info kk4ewt has been doing Fedora demos at a couple of Sci-fi cons 02:41:38 <kk4ewt> nb if we can get all the right programs working in linux we would be golden 02:41:39 <inode0> we have in the past approved an experimental visit to comiccon and that might be something to try again 02:41:49 <graphite6> #idea would fedora be popular at hamfests? 02:42:19 <award3535> I have been promoting within my government office as an alternative to home PC use, seems to be going well 02:42:38 <inode0> I would like to consider FreedomFest - which is really out of our comfort zone but I can give some reasons to consider it 02:43:26 <kk4ewt> Freedomfest? 02:43:30 <graphite6> #idea Fedora at FreedomFest 02:43:46 <inode0> http://freedomfest.com/ 02:44:05 <inode0> I really think we need input from people in other areas of the project 02:44:19 <graphite6> #idea Fedora at comiccons 02:44:26 <inode0> I just don't have any idea what might be good for parts I'm not very involved in 02:44:44 <kk4ewt> comicons are very expensive 02:44:59 <graphite6> inode0: I agree in trying to get input from other areas of the project 02:45:27 <award3535> I am up for Freedom Fest, I have family in the area, would save on hotel costs 02:46:33 <award3535> yes comicons are quite pricey 02:47:31 <kk4ewt> i will be going to a couple of local cons the next quarter so i will see how things go 02:47:53 <award3535> kk4ewt, can I go with you? 02:48:10 <award3535> might be worth my travel 02:49:51 <kk4ewt> award3535: we can duscuss later 02:49:56 <kk4ewt> discuss 02:49:57 * rbergeron thinks velocity would be an awesome conference 02:50:02 <rbergeron> also: devopsdays 02:50:16 <rbergeron> awesome new conference 02:50:18 <rbergeron> possibly 02:50:33 <graphite6> #idea Fedora at Velocity 02:50:47 <graphite6> #idea Fedora at DevOpsDays 02:51:18 * inode0 suggests anything ignite as well 02:51:49 <graphite6> #idea Fedora at Ignite 02:52:18 <graphite6> are ignite events held separately as well as attached to other events? 02:52:43 <rbergeron> yes, separately 02:53:20 <graphite6> gotcha 02:53:23 <award3535> shall we move on? 02:53:33 <rbergeron> though here it'd really only a "if i can present on fedora" thing 02:53:41 <rbergeron> not a boothy place 02:53:54 <rbergeron> though sponsorship is always an option 02:53:55 <inode0> yes, ignite would only be talks 02:54:08 <rbergeron> anyway :D 02:54:25 <graphite6> I'll attach these ideas to the ticket and send a follow up email to get the pot stirring with those people not here 02:54:31 <graphite6> #topic Open Floor 02:54:34 <inode0> FreedomFest would also not be a booth event, more selling/promoting open source/fedora in a community that appreciates our values and work already 02:54:52 <award3535> I agree 02:55:47 <inode0> and happens to write articles about that subject on occasion - more of which would be great to see 02:58:11 <graphite6> inode0: +1, although you'll have to explain the libertarian thing to me (I'm suspicious of all organized political groups) 02:58:45 <nb--> .ping 02:58:45 <zodbot> pong 02:59:30 <graphite6> I'll wrap this up in a minute.... 02:59:47 <inode0> graphite6: the Fedora Project is a great example of libertarian principles in action :) 03:00:00 <nb--> kk4ewt, what do you think about us having a booth at dayton hamvention? 03:00:07 <inode0> not about politics at all 03:00:10 * nb-- asked and then lost his connection, so not sure if you already answered 03:00:29 <award3535> I am going to call it a night, early 430 wake up is hard enough, Good night everyone...... 03:00:36 <inode0> night award3535 03:01:51 <graphite6> inode0: gotcha 03:02:05 <graphite6> any last hurahs? 03:02:18 <graphite6> oh wait! 03:02:27 <graphite6> who will chair next weeks meeting? 03:02:53 <graphite6> I can't, I'll be swilling more eggnog at the denver open source party :D 03:03:26 <graphite6> who wants to have the meeting agenda POWER! 03:04:09 <graphite6> well then 03:04:58 <graphite6> #action Need meeting leader for next week's meeting 03:05:03 <graphite6> #endmeeting