04:30:36 <tuanta> #startmeeting
04:30:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Dec  8 04:30:36 2012 UTC.  The chair is tuanta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
04:30:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
04:30:37 <arifiauo> +1
04:30:54 <dramsey> .fas dramsey
04:30:54 <zodbot> dramsey: dramsey 'David Ramsey' <diamond_ramsey@hotmail.com>
04:30:54 <tuanta> #meetingname apac
04:30:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac'
04:31:16 <arifiauo> .fas arifiauo
04:31:17 <zodbot> arifiauo: arifiauo 'Arif Tri Waluyo' <arifiauo@gmail.com>
04:31:29 <zerng07> .fas zerng07
04:31:30 <zodbot> zerng07: zerng07 'Cheng-Chia Tseng' <pswo10680@gmail.com>
04:31:37 <sentabi> .fas sentabi
04:31:38 <zodbot> sentabi: sentabi 'Tommy Albert Surbakti' <tommy@surbakti.net>
04:31:45 <tuanta> #topic rolling call
04:32:05 <tuanta> .fas tuanta
04:32:06 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com>
04:32:32 <dramsey> :)
04:32:50 <tuanta> #chair sentabi arifiauo zerng07 dramsey
04:32:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: arifiauo dramsey sentabi tuanta zerng07
04:33:08 <tuanta> Come on, my friends
04:33:32 <dramsey> Hello Everyone, David here from Japan and Fedora 17 on DVD / USB.  8-)
04:33:54 <ikhyar> .fas ekoikhyar
04:33:56 <zodbot> ikhyar: ekoikhyar 'eko ikhyar' <ikhyar.com@gmail.com>
04:34:06 <tuanta> I could be disconnected at anytime by network in my travel
04:34:23 <tuanta> #chair ekoikhyar
04:34:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: arifiauo dramsey ekoikhyar sentabi tuanta zerng07
04:34:34 <arifiauo> ok tuanta :)
04:35:03 <tuanta> #topic News from FAmSCo
04:35:46 <tuanta> Please keep it toward, David, Arif and friends
04:35:52 <dramsey> +1
04:36:01 <arifiauo> +1
04:36:22 <dramsey> ?
04:36:40 <arifiauo> please dramsey :)
04:36:42 <dramsey> All that I know for FAmSCo is voting and Fedora 18 preparations.  eof
04:38:04 <arifiauo> next topic?
04:38:06 <dramsey> ? Next topic?
04:38:08 <dramsey> +1
04:38:20 <sentabi> +1
04:38:22 <arifiauo> +1
04:38:41 <zerng07> +1
04:39:02 <arifiauo> #topic Review action items from last meeting
04:39:39 <arifiauo> we have no items for review from last meeting
04:39:52 <dramsey> +1 next topic?
04:39:57 <arifiauo> +1
04:39:57 <dramsey> Was reviewing http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-11-24/apac_ambassadors.2012-11-24-04.20.html
04:40:01 <dramsey> +1
04:40:50 <dramsey> #topic APAC Events: plans, status, reports
04:40:59 <dramsey> #link http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-ambassadors-tasks.html
04:41:11 <dramsey> FYI *Release Event Submission Deadline - Fri 2012-12-14
04:41:18 <dramsey> FYI Hold Release Events and Publish Event Reports - Tue 2013-01-08 until Fri 2013-02-08
04:41:32 <dramsey> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2012-12-08#Agenda
04:41:43 <dramsey> I see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2012-12-08#APAC_Events:_plans.2C_status.2C_reports with
04:41:48 <dramsey> FUDCon 2013 information
04:41:49 <dramsey> eof
04:42:33 <zerng07> file submissions to ambassadors mailinglist?
04:42:48 <zerng07> and add it to wiki event?
04:43:29 <dramsey> Good questions.  We may need to verify but I think there is a Trac Ticket involved.  Sound correct?
04:44:02 <zerng07> OK, I see.
04:44:13 <arifiauo> !
04:44:19 <dramsey> Please arifiauo
04:44:27 <arifiauo> I am already planning a release party in my town but it's still not finished preparation. I hope to be finished soon.
04:44:50 <arifiauo> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F18_Klaten
04:45:05 <arifiauo> eof
04:45:24 <dramsey> +1
04:45:45 <dramsey> Sounds like a #info
04:46:08 <dramsey> #info  arifiauo is working a Release Party in town
04:46:09 <dramsey> eof
04:46:21 <arifiauo> thanks dramsey :)
04:46:26 <zerng07> !
04:46:39 <sentabi> #info I'm planning release party in 2 town (Berastagi and Bandung)
04:46:55 <zerng07> I am planning a release party too. :) Just started.
04:47:00 <dramsey> +1
04:47:03 <dramsey> +1
04:47:07 <zerng07> good, sentabi.
04:47:08 <dramsey> This is great stuff!
04:47:10 <sentabi> +1
04:47:38 <zerng07> #info zerng07 is planning a release party in Taiwan.
04:48:15 <ekoikhyar> we plan to release party at kendari
04:48:44 <dramsey> ekoikhyar, sounds like a #info
04:48:54 <dramsey> +1
04:49:37 <sentabi> #info ekoikhyar is planning release party in Kendari, Indonesia.
04:49:46 <dramsey> Perfect!
04:49:53 <zerng07> +1
04:50:12 <tuanta> Cool
04:51:37 <arifiauo> we have so many release party for Fedora 18 :)
04:51:55 <tuanta> I am also planning for some release parties in some cities in Vietnam
04:52:00 <dramsey> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F18_Tokyo
04:52:01 <dramsey> eof
04:53:01 <tuanta> Will announced e to you when plan is ready
04:53:26 <tuanta> S/announce
04:53:34 <dramsey> ?
04:53:52 <arifiauo> #info dramsey also planning for release party in tokyo
04:54:00 <dramsey> #info http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_events update with your F18 Release Events eof
04:54:10 <dramsey> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_events update with your F18 Release Events eof
04:54:10 <dramsey> eof
04:54:18 <arifiauo> +1 tuanta
04:54:43 <arifiauo> +1 dramsey
04:54:54 <zerng07> +1
04:55:00 <sentabi> +1
04:56:24 <jurank_dankkal> hi guys, sorry I'm late
04:56:28 <arifiauo> everyone, is there anything you need for support you release party?
04:56:38 <jurank_dankkal> .fas jurankdankkal
04:56:38 <zodbot> jurank_dankkal: jurankdankkal 'Prima Yogi Loviniltra' <loviniltra@gmail.com>
04:56:39 <arifiauo> hi jurank_dankkal :)
04:57:16 <jurank_dankkal> hi arifiauo
04:57:23 <jurank_dankkal> meeting already done y?
04:59:27 <zerng07> not yet
04:59:39 <zerng07> we are talking about release parties.
05:00:08 <sentabi> #info jurank_dankkal is planning release party in Aceh, Indonesia.
05:00:56 <arifiauo> 12:00 PM my local time
05:00:58 <jurank_dankkal> owh oke zerng07
05:01:26 <jurank_dankkal> here I already put some list RP in Indonesia https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/IndonesianTeam#Release_Party_Fedora_18
05:02:40 <dramsey> #chair Suresh
05:02:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: Suresh arifiauo dramsey ekoikhyar sentabi tuanta zerng07
05:02:49 <dramsey> #chair jurank_dankkal
05:02:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: Suresh arifiauo dramsey ekoikhyar jurank_dankkal sentabi tuanta zerng07
05:03:17 <Suresh> sorry i forget the meeting!
05:03:26 <Suresh> .fas suresht
05:03:26 <zodbot> Suresh: suresht 'Sureshkumar Packiyarajah' <sureshp8@gmail.com>
05:03:27 <dramsey> :)
05:03:42 <arifiauo> hi Suresh :)
05:03:44 <dramsey> Keep going forward.  :)   eof
05:03:53 <ikhyar> hai Suresh
05:04:00 <arifiauo> are we going to discuss FUDcon 2013 or next topic?
05:04:01 <Suresh> Hi all
05:04:06 <dramsey> #chair ikhyar
05:04:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: Suresh arifiauo dramsey ekoikhyar ikhyar jurank_dankkal sentabi tuanta zerng07
05:04:58 <zerng07> next +1
05:05:02 <dramsey> +1
05:05:04 <dramsey> +1
05:05:07 <ikhyar> +1
05:05:29 <arifiauo> #topic Trac tickets
05:05:47 <arifiauo> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9
05:07:37 <arifiauo> please every FAms to respond ticket #43
05:07:48 <tuanta> Just one ticket from bckurera
05:08:11 <tuanta> Not for approval but for open discussion
05:08:30 <tuanta> Any idea?
05:08:40 <dramsey> ?
05:09:03 <Suresh> so we have to make our  feedback for that?
05:09:07 <dramsey> What was the ticket about?  eof
05:09:16 <tuanta> I will think more and reply to the ticket later
05:09:25 <dramsey> okay, eof
05:09:38 <arifiauo> the ticket is about Sponsoring FUDCon attendees
05:10:14 <tuanta> .apacticket 43
05:10:15 <dramsey> 8-)
05:10:41 <tuanta> .apacticket #43
05:10:58 <arifiauo> !
05:10:58 <tuanta> No work. Sorry ;)
05:11:02 <tuanta> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/43
05:11:44 <tuanta> Please, Arif
05:12:04 <arifiauo> we respond through the trac. now we go next topic?
05:12:11 <arifiauo> eof
05:12:47 <tuanta> +1
05:12:49 <zerng07> +1
05:12:52 <dramsey> +1
05:12:53 <dramsey> ? Sounds like an action or something like that?
05:12:59 <dramsey> eof
05:13:11 <Suresh> +1
05:13:53 <arifiauo> #action All APAC FAms, please respond to https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/43
05:13:57 <dramsey> +1
05:14:21 <sentabi> +1
05:14:40 <arifiauo> #topic Miscellaneous
05:15:06 <arifiauo> Next meeting chair to be decided?
05:15:32 <tuanta> Not yet
05:15:51 <tuanta> Any volunteer?
05:15:56 <dramsey> Good question, I hope for December 22 meeting at 04:00 UTC. eof
05:16:07 <tuanta> We need two, one for backup
05:16:26 <dramsey> +1
05:16:28 <jurank_dankkal> I'll volunteer
05:16:45 <dramsey> +1
05:17:03 <tuanta> +1
05:17:07 <Suresh> jurank_dankkal: good +1
05:17:10 <arifiauo> I can to be the backup :)
05:17:21 <dramsey> +1
05:17:24 <tuanta> ++1
05:17:29 <ikhyar> yeah +1
05:18:19 <dramsey> ? next topic ? eof
05:18:24 <arifiauo> +1
05:18:28 <zerng07> +1
05:19:31 <dramsey> #topic Open Floor
05:19:50 <dramsey> Please remember to Vote and I think we should talk about FUDCon 2013.  eof
05:20:47 <arifiauo> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_nominations
05:20:56 <dramsey> +1
05:21:01 <tuanta> +1
05:21:13 * zerng07 goes eating lunch.
05:21:23 <dramsey> Thank you, zerng07.  :)
05:21:36 <zerng07> you are welcome. :)
05:22:21 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections
05:22:25 <Suresh> Famsco election was started?
05:22:39 <tuanta> All started
05:22:49 <Suresh> ok
05:23:37 <dramsey> +1
05:23:47 * Suresh is going to cast my vote now :)
05:23:57 <dramsey> +1
05:23:59 <dramsey> ? FUDCon 2013 discussions ? eof
05:24:17 <Suresh> dramsey: right now?
05:24:49 <dramsey> ? Only see the Indonesia bid
05:24:50 <jurank_dankkal> !
05:24:51 <dramsey> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Indonesia_2013
05:24:52 <dramsey> eof
05:24:57 <dramsey> Please, jurank_dankkal
05:25:07 <jurank_dankkal> update from Indonesia for FUDCon Bid
05:25:24 <jurank_dankkal> until now we still stuck in budget for transport
05:25:42 <Suresh> where is ph bid? they are willing to do 2013?
05:25:45 <jurank_dankkal> and for venue+bus we can get it free from sponsor
05:26:06 <jurank_dankkal> and for hotel we still progress to get it free too
05:26:48 <tuanta> Cool info
05:27:06 <dramsey> 8-)
05:27:09 <dramsey> +1
05:27:23 <Suresh> jurank_dankkal: +1
05:27:30 <dramsey> Other information jurank_dankkal?
05:27:31 <dramsey> ? Good questions, Suresh.
05:27:39 <dramsey> eof
05:27:57 <arifiauo> jurank_dankkal, is there option for solution about budget for transport?
05:27:59 <dramsey> jurank_dankkal is that good #info ?
05:28:17 <jurank_dankkal> transport I mean flight budget
05:28:31 <jurank_dankkal> for now no other option If held in Padang
05:28:41 <arifiauo> I see
05:28:52 <ikhyar> many transit
05:29:02 <jurank_dankkal> yep, many transit
05:29:28 <jurank_dankkal> we try to figure out to transit in Jakarta first n then to Padang the cost still high
05:31:51 <arifiauo> are there any opinions to solve this problem?
05:32:15 <dramsey> ?
05:32:21 <arifiauo> please dramsey
05:32:26 <dramsey> What are the costs for each?  eof
05:34:16 <jurank_dankkal> arifiauo, maybe If move to Jakarta or Bandung can be a good option, but consider no people can handle it, that's the problem..
05:34:26 <jurank_dankkal> dramsey, here he costs https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Indonesia_2013#Estimated_Cost_of_Flights
05:35:00 <arifiauo> jurank_dankkal, +1
05:36:27 <ikhyar> maybe sentabi , how about bandung
05:37:15 <arifiauo> jurank_dankkal, maybe we can talk about this later in the #fedora-id?
05:37:38 <ikhyar> +1
05:38:08 <jurank_dankkal> +1
05:38:39 <arifiauo> anything else to talk or end meeting?
05:40:27 <arifiauo> dramsey, tuanta?
05:40:44 <tuanta> Nothing from my side
05:40:52 <Suresh> not from me.
05:41:26 <tuanta> Ok, end now
05:41:30 <arifiauo> 5
05:41:31 <arifiauo> 4
05:41:33 <arifiauo> 3
05:41:34 <arifiauo> 2
05:41:35 <arifiauo> 1
05:41:38 <arifiauo> #endmeeting