02:00:07 <chanchito> #startmeeting
02:00:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 28 02:00:07 2012 UTC.  The chair is chanchito. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
02:00:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
02:00:17 <masta> #meetingname FAmNA
02:00:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna'
02:00:18 <masta> #topic === Roll Call ===
02:00:24 <masta> lol
02:00:38 <masta> hi chanchito
02:00:42 <chanchito> hey hey
02:00:51 <masta> go ahead
02:01:00 <chanchito> sorry i kicked it off, not trying to be presumptuous, but i wanted to get an early start
02:01:13 <chanchito> sons of anarchy at 10PM
02:01:13 <masta> chair me plz
02:01:14 <chanchito> EST
02:01:17 <chanchito> oops
02:01:19 <chanchito> sorry
02:01:25 <chanchito> #chair masta
02:01:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: chanchito masta
02:01:30 <masta> #meetingname FAmNA
02:01:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna'
02:01:30 <masta> #topic === Roll Call ===
02:01:40 * graphite6 is here but also on a late work conference call so I may start typing gibberish
02:01:43 <chanchito> where's the gang?
02:01:45 <lcameron> here
02:01:52 * lh is here
02:01:59 <chanchito> #chair lcameron graphite6
02:01:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: chanchito graphite6 lcameron masta
02:02:06 <chanchito> greetings everyone
02:02:11 <lh> chanchito, SOA rocks.
02:02:42 <chanchito> yeah my friend provides the jackets and vests ( via piston clothing ) so i scored free jackets
02:02:51 <chanchito> hotjackets.com
02:02:57 * masta waves
02:03:03 <chanchito> tom beitz, co-worker for years
02:03:13 <chanchito> ok so who else do we have tonight?
02:03:43 <chanchito> let's wait a few, and we can zip thru tickets and topics, and then wrap it up
02:03:48 <chanchito> snowing here in new england
02:03:51 <chanchito> colld
02:03:53 <chanchito> cold
02:03:57 <masta> ok lets get started
02:04:00 <chanchito> ok
02:04:10 <masta> #topic === Announcements ===
02:04:12 <chanchito> #chair useall
02:04:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: chanchito graphite6 lcameron masta useall
02:04:36 <chanchito> any announcements folks?  any new events? travel? new idea?
02:04:49 <masta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections#FAmSCo_.28Ambassadors.29
02:05:05 <masta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_nominations
02:05:36 <chanchito> elections, yes, the leadership does want us to participate and voice our ideas/opinions and endorse candidates
02:06:01 <masta> any more things to say before we get going on tickets?
02:06:04 <chanchito> so please read try to participate to the best of your abilities and circumstances
02:06:21 <chanchito> ok let's kick them off
02:06:24 <masta> #topic === Tickets ===
02:06:25 <masta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9
02:06:43 <masta> another week same tickets
02:06:52 <masta> .famnaticket 33
02:06:54 <masta> #topic Ticket #33 - 2012 Fedora Merchandise Order
02:06:54 <zodbot> masta: #33 (2012 Fedora Merchandise Order) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/33
02:06:58 <chanchito> yeah it looks like that
02:07:05 <chanchito> again, purchasing, reimbursement
02:07:07 <chanchito> etc
02:07:47 <chanchito> anyone want to discuss?  deliberate?  any new / changed ideas, thoughts comments opinions ?
02:07:52 <masta> I have had one idea that may be added to the ticket, which is tabel cloths with fedora logo for events
02:07:53 <chanchito> about the tickets
02:08:00 <chanchito> wow
02:08:03 <chanchito> yes good one
02:08:04 * inode0 stumbles in
02:08:13 <chanchito> #chair inode0
02:08:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: chanchito graphite6 inode0 lcameron masta useall
02:08:54 <chanchito> i know the white table cloth must have been expensive, very nice material, but the color white stains easily and even thought i paid for dry cleaning, the stains did not disappear
02:09:02 <chanchito> hey jon!
02:09:04 * inode0 would like to just devote a meeting, maybe next week, to laying out what we want to buy in the next year and estimating costs
02:09:12 <chanchito> apologies, i kicked off about 30 seconds early
02:09:31 <masta> I'm still pricing things but it looks good so far, I'd like to get some for NA, EMEA, and APAC.... if they would like
02:09:58 <chanchito> have we ever used blue tablecloths?  or are they always white by default/policy?
02:10:00 <lh> chanchito, oxy clean worked for me even on coffee stains, fwiw
02:10:01 <masta> chanchito: the tabel cloths I've looked at are made of a vinyl material that resist stains
02:10:04 <chanchito> just curious
02:10:16 <chanchito> i imagine a nice fedora blue would be attractive
02:10:29 <chanchito> as well as white
02:10:35 <inode0> I think white looks the best, great contrast with the logo stuff
02:10:45 <masta> chanchito: +1 blue with white text
02:11:00 <inode0> you can't make the logo white though
02:11:02 <masta> yes and white looks great
02:11:18 <masta> well... sorta liek the f heart freedom shirts
02:11:45 <chanchito> good points about the logo, a guess a lighter blue, very light sky blue, then superimpose the darker blue fedora logo with the white letter F
02:12:08 <masta> anyhow... it's an idea, and I wanted to float it to the meetign this week... does anybody think it's a poor idea?
02:12:32 <chanchito> another idea i have been pursuing is an overhead lighted banner/display, something horizontal to run across the top of a booth setup
02:12:48 <masta> the only problem is most companies that make them want to have a minimume order of 10 or 12... and they cost ~ $120 USD each.
02:12:52 <chanchito> +1 on more tablecloth choices/option to be investigated!
02:12:59 <chanchito> yikes
02:13:45 <masta> #action masta to continue to investigate table cloths with fedora logo, see about getting it blessed for logo, and if the other regions are interested.
02:14:08 <masta> any more things on ticket 33?
02:14:09 <chanchito> good idea
02:14:19 <chanchito> next ticket please
02:14:29 <masta> .famnaticket 36
02:14:30 <masta> #topic Ticket #36 - Fedora Ambassador Day North America (FADNA)
02:14:31 <zodbot> masta: #36 (Fedora Ambassador Day North America (FADNA)) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/36
02:14:46 <masta> Can I get a +1 from those who are going?
02:14:54 <masta> +1
02:15:36 <masta> ok then
02:15:39 <masta> moving on
02:15:39 <chanchito> i will be out of the country
02:15:42 <chanchito> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/45
02:15:44 <inode0> +1
02:15:50 <masta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassador_Day_North_America_2012
02:15:53 <masta> #info Please add your names to the above wiki page if you're going to FADNA
02:16:02 <masta> moving on
02:16:03 <masta> .famnaticket 45
02:16:04 <masta> #topic Ticket #45 - Discuss FAmNA Reimbursement Guidelines
02:16:05 <zodbot> masta: #45 (Discuss FAmNA Reimbursement Guidelines) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/45
02:16:29 <masta> this is perhaps the most important iteem to talk about
02:16:34 <masta> item
02:16:34 <chanchito> agreed
02:16:37 * inode0 isn't sure what is left to discuss there
02:17:06 <masta> right now I have nothing to say on this ticket? anybody else?
02:17:37 <inode0> we could ask herlo or nb if they need anything more from us so we can close it
02:17:45 <chanchito> not sure what to say, i dont have any reimbursement needs, so the policy doesn't affect/apply to me at the moment
02:18:05 <chanchito> hopefully i can continue self-supporting my activities
02:18:24 <chanchito> i hope the funding continues though, and expands
02:18:44 <masta> me too
02:18:54 <chanchito> hopefully next year there will more opportunities and more coverage
02:18:57 <inode0> speaking of funding
02:19:26 <inode0> we really should be proposing a rough budget very soon as it will be decided perhaps as early as this December
02:19:48 <masta> yes, that is what I meant about it being the most important ticket
02:19:58 <masta> but perhaps the two are different things
02:20:40 <masta> +1 proposing a rought budget very soon
02:20:44 <chanchito> do we ask for what we received before, and then list the items, swag, travel, events, sponsorships, etc
02:20:56 <chanchito> #chair mjg59
02:20:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: chanchito graphite6 inode0 lcameron masta mjg59 useall
02:21:16 <chanchito> #chair tuanta
02:21:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: chanchito graphite6 inode0 lcameron masta mjg59 tuanta useall
02:21:26 <chanchito> #chair davej
02:21:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: chanchito davej graphite6 inode0 lcameron masta mjg59 tuanta useall
02:21:34 <masta> ok folks, looks like we are going ot move on here
02:21:47 <masta> #topic == Who will be the next FAmNA meeting chair?  ==
02:22:08 <chanchito> i think we did OK, not too bumpy
02:22:13 * masta is happy to chair next meeting
02:22:17 <chanchito> yay
02:22:19 * inode0 wonders if we aren't getting carried away chairing random people :)
02:22:22 <chanchito> rock and roll, works for me
02:22:33 <chanchito> yeah sorry, my fault, i kicked off early
02:22:41 <chanchito> was worried about running over time
02:22:50 <chanchito> selfish reasons ( Sons of Anarchy )
02:23:03 <masta> #topic == Open Floor ===
02:24:00 <chanchito> wow, quiet as a mouse
02:24:11 <chanchito> #chair delhage
02:24:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: chanchito davej delhage graphite6 inode0 lcameron masta mjg59 tuanta useall
02:24:28 <masta> question... leave the meeeting open until the hour mark, or end it early?
02:24:58 <chanchito> yeah this has never happened since i joined, a meeting that ending super early
02:25:06 <chanchito> im surprised
02:25:20 <chanchito> only 3 tickets, not many changes,
02:25:35 <masta> well I'm pulling the plug
02:25:42 <masta> thanks all
02:25:42 <chanchito> so i guess we will have a larger crew next week, and then we can reconvene
02:25:45 <chanchito> sounds good
02:25:45 <inode0> if we don't have anything to discuss end it ... but I would like to have a work meeting where we actually bang out something useful next week
02:25:49 <masta> all three of you
02:26:11 <chanchito> +1 working meeting next week
02:26:22 <masta> inode0: ok, I'll keep that in mind for next week, and script in thing that get work done
02:26:59 <inode0> I'll change the announcement for next week and perhaps send it out tonight or tomorrow as well as next Monday
02:27:02 <masta> inode0: I'm sry this meeting was less than spectacular
02:27:18 * inode0 is guessing people needed a break
02:27:27 <chanchito> perhaps, snow storm up north too
02:27:31 <masta> same tickets 4 weeks now
02:27:35 <chanchito> yeah
02:27:40 <chanchito> we gotta crank them out
02:27:46 <chanchito> next week
02:28:04 <chanchito> we come back ready for business, ready to work, and get it done
02:28:17 <masta> +1
02:28:33 <masta> goign to end it at the 30 minute mark
02:28:41 <chanchito> +1
02:28:44 <masta> have a great night folks
02:28:48 <chanchito> half-meeting is better than none
02:28:56 <chanchito> adios everyone!  :-)
02:30:18 <masta> #endmeeting