
#fedora-meeting: FAmNA

Meeting started by inode0 at 01:00:39 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (inode0, 01:00:51)
  2. Announcements (inode0, 01:02:36)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 (inode0, 01:07:10)

  3. Tickets (inode0, 01:07:18)
    1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ohio_Linux_Fest_2012 (graphite6, 01:08:49)
    2. http://jbwillia.wordpress.com/2012/10/08/ohio-linuxfest-2012/ (graphite6, 01:09:44)
    3. (graphite6, 01:10:16)
    4. http://graphitefriction.com/blog/2012/10/11/how-to-install-and-configure-fedora-17-remix-on-your-raspberry-pi/ (graphite6, 01:10:48)
    5. http://plus.google.com/u/0/117676046064764850842/posts/Re4dRGCJseL (graphite6, 01:11:59)
    6. http://plus.google.com/u/0/117676046064764850842/posts/YHePnFcRzb9 (graphite6, 01:12:09)
    7. We need to start thinking of future events that would be nice to have a budget in 2013, and of course all the current events. (masta, 01:29:04)
    8. if you have ideas for swag, we want to heard about them. Please research the costs and make a proposal in upcoming meetings. (masta, 01:31:05)
    9. wiki update and hackathon durring FADNA, improve the wiki. (masta, 01:34:52)
    10. we need some figures ready by december to give to the benefactors - cannot wait for FADNA - people needs to get the swag figured out, and a general idea of events. (masta, 01:36:47)
    11. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApBrbq5j6NbOdG0zQzVvR3VqQ05NaE5xaDdLOWh3a0E#gid=0 (kk4ewt, 01:40:00)
    12. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApBrbq5j6NbOdG0zQzVvR3VqQ05NaE5xaDdLOWh3a0E#gid=0 (kk4ewt, 01:41:16)
    13. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Inode0/community_credit_card_report (inode0, 01:47:27)

  4. Open Floor (inode0, 01:52:39)
    1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Presentations (inode0, 01:59:13)
    2. AGREED: $160 for OLPC community summit expenses (inode0, 02:10:05)

Meeting ended at 02:15:10 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. inode0 (95)
  2. chanchito (46)
  3. kk4ewt (45)
  4. MarkDude (42)
  5. masta (33)
  6. graphite6 (28)
  7. dan408 (25)
  8. farmerrob (13)
  9. zodbot (11)
  10. wrnash1 (6)

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