14:01:40 <bcotton> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings
14:01:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May  7 14:01:40 2012 UTC.  The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:01:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:01:51 <bcotton> #meetingname Fedora Docs
14:01:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs'
14:01:54 <bcotton> #topic Roll Call
14:02:27 * pkovar is here
14:02:54 * jjmcd 
14:03:04 * claneys 
14:03:30 * sgordon is here
14:05:12 <bcotton> first order of business: i have to leave early. who wants to run the 2nd half?
14:05:45 * jjmcd ... grudgingly ;-)
14:05:50 <bcotton> #chair jjmcd
14:05:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton jjmcd
14:06:06 <bcotton> hokay! so we have no action items from last week, so...
14:06:11 <bcotton> #topic Release Notes
14:06:17 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Notes_schedule
14:06:29 * randomuser stumbles in
14:06:41 * jjmcd swatted a rash of bugs
14:06:58 <jjmcd> many thanks to those who found them, especially those who provided patches
14:07:18 <jjmcd> Unfortunately, that means that I had to update the POTs so L10n has more to do
14:07:49 <jjmcd> Also, to be sure we have an RPM in place in my absence ...
14:08:12 <jjmcd> I'll probably push RPMs as new translations complete over the next week and a half
14:08:22 <jjmcd> So please, give karma often
14:08:36 <jjmcd> /EOF
14:09:04 <bcotton> #info karma early and karma often
14:09:10 <jjmcd> ;')
14:09:12 <bcotton> anything else on RN, anyone?
14:09:37 <jjmcd> #info thanks to bug providers
14:11:33 <bcotton> #topic Guide Status
14:11:39 <bcotton> #link http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-17/f-17-docs-tree-tasks.html
14:11:46 <bcotton> #info String Freeze today
14:12:09 <jjmcd> Adam Williamson provided some info on a change to direct kernel boot that really needs to go in the IG if it isn't already
14:12:25 <randomuser> changes are more or less in the PXE section
14:12:26 <bcotton> jjmcd: is there a bz for it, do you know?
14:12:31 <jjmcd> What is in the RNs is probably too detailed for RNs, not detailed enought for IG
14:12:45 <jjmcd> I don't know, it may already be there for IG
14:12:59 * jjmcd sees lots of bugs, only pays attention to his
14:14:27 <randomuser> if we think that people doing a direct kernel boot via methods other than PXE can extrapolate, i think we're good on the IG with adamw 's message
14:14:46 <jjmcd> cool
14:15:20 <adamw> jjmcd: did you see my notes on your proposal?
14:15:33 <jjmcd> Yes, revamped it this morning
14:16:28 <jjmcd> Actually, I had changed the style except for the first paragraph already.  This morning moved it to a new Installation section and made it clear it is installation for geeky users
14:16:29 <randomuser> I havent checked for it, but we should have a note in the release notes about how there is no loader, and the rootfs image needs to be declared with a root=live:method:path , see <ulink IG-section
14:18:49 <claneys> what state has Wireless Guide ? A bz ask to update it for f16
14:19:30 <claneys> for now, it exists only on f13 release
14:19:47 <Sparks> claneys: The Wireless Guide was written by someone in AU...
14:20:01 <claneys> AU?
14:20:02 * Capesteve sorry I am late
14:20:17 <Sparks> claneys: The intent of the guide, I believe, was not to instruct on the usage of Network Manager but rather talk about hardware.
14:20:20 <jjmcd> claneys, BNE
14:20:22 <Sparks> claneys: Austrailia
14:20:50 <pkovar> scott radvan? :-)
14:20:53 <Sparks> Yes
14:21:26 <claneys> ok, so connecting to the internet part of User Guide is intended to gives instructions about how to connect with wireless connection
14:21:48 <Sparks> I believe so, yes
14:22:47 <claneys> should keep an updated version of WG ? or clean references about it in newest guide that still refer to WG
14:22:54 <claneys> should we*
14:23:07 <Sparks> What references are there?
14:23:14 <Capesteve> some of this is in the update Sys admin guide
14:23:20 <Capesteve> updated
14:23:25 <Capesteve> but not yet live
14:23:41 <Capesteve> I have to make new screenshots
14:23:48 <Capesteve> I have done all the text
14:24:02 * bcotton is gone. everyone behave for jjmcd
14:24:06 <Capesteve> for configuring a network
14:24:24 <jjmcd> bcotton, I know they won't
14:24:32 <claneys> there are some reference in wiki pages
14:24:54 <claneys> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAQ#How_do_I_configure_network_connections.3F_How_does_Fedora_support_wireless_connections.3F
14:25:09 <Sparks> The WG might not actually be out of date...
14:25:14 <randomuser> it seems like most of the wireless (802.11x, anyway) usage issues I've seen are related to undistributable/unsupportable diver blobs
14:25:24 <jjmcd> So perhaps simply update the number?
14:26:09 <jjmcd> Capesteve, do you want to go ahead and generate an F17 with your changes and updated Fedora version numbers?
14:26:55 <Capesteve> I have to make new screen shots for Sys Admin guide of the wireless setup so I can update the Wireless Guide at the same time I think
14:27:07 <jjmcd> cool beans
14:27:16 <Sparks> Would incorporating the Wireless Guide in the Sys Admin Guide make sense?
14:27:45 <Capesteve> jjmcd: I will do Sys Admin chapter tomorrow (as its a holiday here). Then do the Wireless Guide update.
14:27:47 <jjmcd> #action Capesteve to investigate incorporating Admin Guide changes into Wireless Guide
14:27:55 <jjmcd> Great - thanks
14:28:13 <jjmcd> Sparks, I suspect that they are different audiences
14:28:21 <pkovar> Capesteve: thanks :-)
14:28:34 <Capesteve> It maybe easier to update what we have but I will think about it, investigate etc.
14:28:42 <Sparks> perhaps
14:28:44 <jjmcd> Lots of folks might look for wireless help that wouldn't consider the admin guide
14:28:53 <Capesteve> Yes
14:28:56 <Sparks> true
14:29:12 <jjmcd> Capesteve, yes, might not make sense, but take a look and decide
14:30:03 <Capesteve> so we can keep the WG as a more verbose guide, just put essential config stuff in SYS Admin guide
14:30:28 <pkovar> oh, the wireless guide is still in SVN according to the guides table..
14:30:40 <jjmcd> pkovar, aaaaargggghhhh
14:30:46 <Sparks> yikes
14:31:08 <jjmcd> randomuser, do you want to look at the RN prose around direct boot install and see if it is consistent with the IG?
14:31:47 * jjmcd is waiting on gitweb to check on WG ... zzzzzz
14:32:09 <randomuser> jjmcd, sure, later today
14:32:29 <jjmcd> sigh - no wireless on gitweb
14:33:01 <jjmcd> #action jjmcd to check with nb on moving WG into git from SVN
14:33:26 * jhradilek is here, just for the record.
14:33:31 * jhradilek hides again.
14:34:02 <jjmcd> There's still quite a bit in SVN.  Does anyone know why?
14:34:27 <Sparks> Because of AU
14:34:35 <Sparks> They are a SVN shop.
14:34:45 <jjmcd> Sigh
14:36:08 <jjmcd> OK, anything else on Guides
14:36:19 <pkovar> i think that mprpic is going to move those selinux docs from svn to git, too
14:36:29 <jjmcd> Oh cool
14:36:38 <sgordon> sort of, i am having trouble working out what to do to build a preview of the f17 technical notes
14:36:45 <pkovar> so the only guide still in SVN would be OpenSSH Guide then
14:36:47 <sgordon> for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=817969
14:37:13 <Sparks> Wouldn't OpenSSH guide be better assimilated into another guide?
14:37:19 <pkovar> not sure about the status of that one
14:37:32 <jjmcd> Sparks, I suspect
14:37:49 <jjmcd> Sparks, do you want to raise that question on the list?
14:37:56 <Sparks> I can
14:38:26 <jjmcd> #action Sparks to open question on list of merging SSH guide into another
14:38:28 <jjmcd> thanks
14:38:47 <randomuser> sgordon, is this the same issue seen with zn-CH index.html?
14:40:14 <jjmcd> randomuser, looks like a different one.  817969 looks like the reporter is OK with the outcome
14:40:32 <sgordon> randomuser, no this is different
14:40:46 <sgordon> i am struggling to work out where i should tx pull into (which branch)
14:40:48 <randomuser> actually, looking at docs.fp.o/en-US/index.html, it mentions that we "Only maintain documentation for Fedora 12 and 13.....older documentation is preserved for historical interest'
14:40:51 <sgordon> there was no f17 branch
14:41:08 <sgordon> so i created the one following the instructions and pulled into there
14:41:21 <jjmcd> sgordon, that sounds like the right answer
14:41:22 <sgordon> but i obviously got it wrong because the publican build complains about missing xml files
14:41:23 <randomuser> sgordon, that was probably something I should have done, sorry
14:41:40 <sgordon> (this is local, i havent pushed yet since i cant get it to work)
14:42:34 <jjmcd> sgordon, missing XML files probably means you forgot to copy something from master
14:43:20 <jjmcd> randomuser, do you want to follow up on that?
14:43:34 <randomuser> sure
14:43:41 * jjmcd obviously has an ulterior motive here
14:43:58 <randomuser> i think I know what's going on here
14:44:08 <jjmcd> #action randomuser to investigate issue with branching tech notes
14:44:34 <jjmcd> randomuser, I suspect it is fairly straightforward
14:44:58 <jjmcd> Anything else on Guides?
14:45:29 <pkovar> re shaiton's earlier request/message, i think it would be a good idea to send translators a list of guides that have been pushed to transifex so far, so they know what to work on/translate
14:45:51 <jjmcd> pkovar, who has that list?
14:46:04 <pkovar> i know about the following guides: live images, burning isos, user guide
14:46:08 <pkovar> SAG
14:46:28 <pkovar> and that's it i think. any other guide that i missed?
14:47:30 <pkovar> so, i can send the email later
14:48:02 <jjmcd> shaiton seems to have been riding herd on this, you might want to touch bases with him
14:48:24 <pkovar> is shaiton here by any chance? ;-)
14:48:47 <jjmcd> Looks like he is /away
14:49:13 <nb> jjmcd, we want to move what?
14:49:17 <jjmcd> #action pkovar to warn L10n of guides ready for translation
14:49:27 <pkovar> i think he can follow up on that email later
14:49:33 <jjmcd> nb, WG to git, but I need to touch bases with BNE first
14:50:39 <jjmcd> We are running out of clock.  Lets move on, and if no objections, I propose we skip the RN location thing for now
14:50:55 <jjmcd> since we won't do anything until F18 if I recall
14:51:01 <Capesteve> jjmcd: I have e-mailed sradvan about that WG
14:51:12 <jjmcd> Capesteve, cool, thanks
14:51:23 * nb wonders if BNE could not learn to use git
14:51:50 <jjmcd> nb, apparently it must be harder when you're upside-down
14:52:00 <pkovar> heh
14:52:09 <jjmcd> #topic Open Help Conference
14:52:31 <jjmcd> OK, have we convinced jhradilek to do the Publican thing yet?
14:52:56 <jhradilek> jjmcd: Nope, I am afraid I won't be able to attend that event.
14:53:17 <pkovar> looks like you have to try harder, guys ;-)
14:53:18 <jjmcd> Do we need to get some higher power to consider it?
14:54:21 <nb> Is anyone else interested in going? we may be able to get funding through ambassadors
14:54:37 <pkovar> sgordon: are you planning to attend this conference?
14:54:52 <sgordon> at this stage i would guess no
14:54:58 <pkovar> ok
14:55:00 * jjmcd is still up in the air.  It's driving distance for me.
14:55:25 <jjmcd> It is good to see folks from other distros. I very much enjoyed the 2010 edition
14:55:52 <jjmcd> OK, only 5 minutes left
14:56:02 <jjmcd> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets
14:56:10 <jjmcd> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84
14:56:54 * jjmcd got a bunch.  Looks like still 110
14:57:22 <jjmcd> I would suggest if it is your bug, please at least assign it to yourself so the reporter knows he isn't being ignored
14:57:43 <pkovar> another Bug Squashing Party? :-)
14:58:08 <jjmcd> Sounds like we need it, there's a couple screens of unassigned bugs
14:58:25 <pkovar> yep
14:58:59 <jjmcd> #topic Open floor discussion
14:59:10 <jjmcd> OK, we need at least a couple of minutes for this
14:59:26 <Capesteve> jjmcd: BTW, what do most people in the USA consider "driving distance". 1000 miles?
15:00:11 <jjmcd> Varies a lot, and at least for me, by time of year
15:00:55 <Capesteve> My records on mostly single lane roads is 900 miles in 12 hours
15:01:07 <Capesteve> record
15:01:39 <jjmcd> Well, I squirm at 100 miles in the winter, but in decent weather, I don't think hard about 400 miles
15:02:02 <Capesteve> OK, ta
15:02:19 * adamw taps watch
15:02:38 <jjmcd> Yeah, anything else ... we are overdue
15:02:45 <sgordon> .bacon adamw
15:02:48 <zodbot> I love bacon, you love bacon, WE ALL LOVE BACON!! (except for NiveusLuna, who was tragically attacked by bacon as a child.)
15:02:50 <jjmcd> OK, thanks guys
15:02:58 <adamw> .fire sgordon
15:02:58 <zodbot> adamw fires sgordon
15:03:06 <jjmcd> #endmeeting