
#fedora-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by tuanta at 04:00:10 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Ambassador Pinging (tuanta, 04:00:29)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2012-05-05#Agenda (dramsey, 04:03:14)

  2. Review *ACTION* items from the last meeting (tuanta, 04:03:19)
    1. FranciscoD is helping inode0 with the elections, so survey has been pushed back a little (FranciscoD, 04:06:42)
    2. Email has been sent out to all attendees to check status of FUDCon KL tickets, so 5 is also done ;) (FranciscoD, 04:07:31)
    3. bckurera will complete video and present at FUDCon KL (FranciscoD, 04:11:53)
    4. fedora-india trac will be made read only within this week (FranciscoD, 04:12:11)

  3. APAC for FAmSCO (dramsey for you!) (tuanta, 04:12:32)
    1. fedora-india only has one active ticket at the moment (FranciscoD, 04:13:25)
    2. The election questionnaire is open till May 8 (FranciscoD, 04:14:35)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_elections_questionnaire (FranciscoD, 04:14:48)
    4. It is important that we have a good set of questions to enable folks to vote for the right candidates (FranciscoD, 04:15:09)
    5. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_elections_questionnaire (tuanta, 04:15:12)
    6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&v=_BRv9wGf5pk (dramsey, 04:17:18)
    7. all questions to be put on the wiki page (FranciscoD, 04:17:38)

  4. Things need to be discussed face to face in FUDCon KL (tuanta, 04:18:29)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/BoF_discussion#Discussion_Ideas (tuanta, 04:18:58)
    2. ACTION: all add more details to the f2f meeting wiki https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/BoF_discussion#Discussion_Ideas before we go to KL (tuanta, 04:35:23)
    3. ACTION: FranciscoD put all guidelines on wiki and request mailing lists to go look (FranciscoD, 04:40:22)
    4. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRCHowTo#Protocol (bckurera, 04:43:47)

  5. APAC Events and Status of F17 Release Parties (dramsey) (tuanta, 04:44:46)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F17_release_events (dramsey, 04:45:15)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events#FY13_Q1_.28March_2012_-_May_2012.29_4 (dramsey, 04:45:33)
    3. If anyone needs design team help for events please ping me, ready to help ! (bckurera, 04:46:38)
    4. ACTION: all we should update all upcoming F17 release parties onto wiki (tuanta, 04:49:40)

  6. Review APAC trac tickets (tuanta, 04:50:39)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9 (tuanta, 04:50:52)
    2. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9 (bckurera, 04:51:02)
    3. ACTION: find out about commands for fedora-apac, something like .apacticket (bckurera, 04:52:36)
    4. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/25 (bckurera, 04:54:10)
    5. ACTION: bckurera talk to inode0 after the meeting to get explained how to make .apacticket (tuanta, 04:54:36)
    6. AGREED: apac ticket #25 (tuanta, 04:59:53)
    7. trac ticket #25 approved (FranciscoD, 05:01:13)

  7. Open Floor (tuanta, 05:01:52)
    1. ACTION: FranciscoD send out logs to lists (FranciscoD, 05:02:12)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2012-03#FY12 (tuanta, 05:07:16)
    3. please watch out for announcements on budget numbers (FranciscoD, 05:07:26)
    4. maktrix requests that all APAC ambassadors should bring their polo and have a photo session with the Polo on. (FranciscoD, 05:08:00)
    5. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget (bckurera, 05:08:54)
    6. famsco is trying to develop a process for proper budget management, but it isn't adopted yet (FranciscoD, 05:11:28)
    7. ACTION: bckurera please update event page with reports (FranciscoD, 05:12:47)
    8. ACTION: bckurera please send report to ambassadors-ml if not already done (FranciscoD, 05:13:00)

Meeting ended at 05:14:30 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. all add more details to the f2f meeting wiki https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/BoF_discussion#Discussion_Ideas before we go to KL
  2. FranciscoD put all guidelines on wiki and request mailing lists to go look
  3. all we should update all upcoming F17 release parties onto wiki
  4. find out about commands for fedora-apac, something like .apacticket
  5. bckurera talk to inode0 after the meeting to get explained how to make .apacticket
  6. FranciscoD send out logs to lists
  7. bckurera please update event page with reports
  8. bckurera please send report to ambassadors-ml if not already done

Action items, by person

  1. bckurera
    1. bckurera talk to inode0 after the meeting to get explained how to make .apacticket
    2. bckurera please update event page with reports
    3. bckurera please send report to ambassadors-ml if not already done
  2. FranciscoD
    1. FranciscoD put all guidelines on wiki and request mailing lists to go look
    2. FranciscoD send out logs to lists
  3. inode0
    1. bckurera talk to inode0 after the meeting to get explained how to make .apacticket
    1. all add more details to the f2f meeting wiki https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/BoF_discussion#Discussion_Ideas before we go to KL
    2. all we should update all upcoming F17 release parties onto wiki
    3. find out about commands for fedora-apac, something like .apacticket

People present (lines said)

  1. FranciscoD (207)
  2. tuanta (129)
  3. bckurera (102)
  4. dramsey (83)
  5. maktrix (26)
  6. zodbot (24)
  7. kaio_ph (21)
  8. inode0 (12)
  9. MavJS (9)
  10. liznevada (5)
  11. harish (2)
  12. MavJs (0)

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