15:37:59 <tatica> #startmeeting 15:37:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 8 15:37:59 2012 UTC. The chair is tatica. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:37:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:38:11 <mojavelinux> .fas mojavelinux 15:38:13 <tatica> #topic Rollcall - Fedora Videos Meeting 15:38:13 <zodbot> mojavelinux: mojavelinux 'Dan Allen' <dan.j.allen@gmail.com> 15:38:19 <tatica> .fas 15:38:19 <zodbot> tatica: (fas <query>) -- Search the Fedora Account System usernames, full names, and email addresses for a match. 15:38:22 <tatica> .fas tatica 15:38:23 <zodbot> tatica: tatica 'Maria Gracia Leandro Lombardo' <tatadbb@gmail.com> 15:38:31 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 15:38:31 <graphite6> .fas graphitefriction 15:38:31 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 15:38:36 <zodbot> graphite6: graphitefriction 'Sarah White' <graphitefriction@gmail.com> 15:38:39 <FranciscoD> .fas FranciscoD 15:38:43 <zodbot> FranciscoD: ankursinha 'Ankur Sinha' <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com> 15:39:03 <MarkDude> .fas MarkDude 15:39:04 <zodbot> MarkDude: markdude 'Mark Terranova' <mark@gidgetkitchen.org> 15:39:42 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 15:39:48 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 15:40:22 <herlo> .fas herlo 15:40:23 <zodbot> herlo: herlo 'Clint Savage' <herlo1@gmail.com> 15:40:40 <tatica> :D 15:40:42 <tatica> welcome all! 15:40:51 <zoltanh721> .fas zoltanh721 15:40:52 <herlo> hi tatica 15:40:52 <zodbot> zoltanh721: zoltanh721 'Hoppár Zoltán' <hopparz@gmail.com> 15:40:54 <thunderbirdtr> tatica, welcome !! 15:40:59 <FranciscoD> quite a gathering :) 15:41:12 <mojavelinux> yeah! 15:41:15 * KageSenshi lurks 15:41:28 <tatica> ok, first topic 15:41:35 <tatica> # Video Handraws 15:41:44 <tatica> FranciscoD worked on some handrawings 15:41:50 <tatica> #link http://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/fedora-videos/ 15:41:51 <FranciscoD> ! 15:41:59 <tatica> niteshnarayanlal and FranciscoD will keep working ont them for get an better result 15:42:04 <tatica> FranciscoD, go! 15:42:07 <akshayvyas> hi all sorry for getting late 15:42:08 <FranciscoD> http://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/fedora-videos/darkened/ 15:42:19 <FranciscoD> Darkened them with pen, to make them more visible 15:42:33 * bckurera_ got disconnected, sorry for that ! 15:42:39 <FranciscoD> Nitesh has worked on something too, I got his email. Uploading 15:42:56 <FranciscoD> I'll give the link as soon as the upload finishes. I havent looked at it too :) 15:42:59 <FranciscoD> eof 15:43:03 <thunderbirdtr> ! 15:43:07 <tatica> thunderbirdtr, go! 15:43:15 <thunderbirdtr> For FranciscoD pdfs 15:43:23 <thunderbirdtr> we can invert colour for now 15:43:27 <thunderbirdtr> I can see perfectly 15:43:29 <thunderbirdtr> for now 15:43:36 <thunderbirdtr> Another thing is 15:43:46 <thunderbirdtr> We have problemm for video editing software 15:43:51 <thunderbirdtr> I already send a bug 15:44:09 <thunderbirdtr> We have to fix this tools before using and give advice for this tools 15:44:11 <thunderbirdtr> eof 15:44:11 <tatica> pitivi right¿ 15:44:16 <thunderbirdtr> yes 15:44:17 <FranciscoD> aye 15:44:18 <tatica> kk 15:44:27 <tatica> ok, anything else regarding this topic? 15:44:35 <thunderbirdtr> ! 15:44:41 <FranciscoD> ! 15:44:48 <bckurera_> Can I have the agenda link please? 15:44:48 <tatica> thunderbirdtr, go! 15:44:53 <tatica> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-03-01/fedora-meeting.2012-03-01-15.30.txt 15:45:06 <thunderbirdtr> Also I already found openshot bug too 15:45:17 <thunderbirdtr> I will send another report for this too 15:45:18 <thunderbirdtr> eof 15:45:33 <tatica> FranciscoD, go! 15:45:39 <FranciscoD> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=799095 15:45:47 <FranciscoD> Pitivi bug link 15:45:56 <FranciscoD> Please reproduce it if you can and add comments. 15:46:15 <FranciscoD> More comments => more visibility => more chances of maintainer looking => more chances of a fix 15:46:28 <FranciscoD> http://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/fedora-videos/Pictures.pdf Nitesh's work 15:46:36 <FranciscoD> we should take a look 15:46:41 <MarkDude> +1 on updated pdfs 15:47:02 <FranciscoD> I'd also like comments on the hand drawings I've done. Suggestions/criticism is more than welcome 15:47:05 <tatica> oka 15:47:18 <MarkDude> ! 15:47:21 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD see if we can file the Pitivi bug with upstream: more chances of fix 15:47:23 <mojavelinux> +1 15:47:24 <FranciscoD> eof 15:47:34 <mojavelinux> ! 15:47:39 <zoltanh721> +1 15:47:41 <tatica> MarkDroid, go! 15:47:46 <tatica> MarkDude, go! 15:47:55 <MarkDude> they look great- readable 15:48:03 <FranciscoD> ! 15:48:04 <MarkDude> good overview 15:48:05 <MarkDude> eof 15:48:28 * MarkDude can gimp them up a bit if people want :) 15:48:30 <MarkDude> eof 15:48:33 <tatica> mojavelinux, go! 15:48:41 <mojavelinux> We should keep a list of bugs we found w/ links to the issue reports at the bottom of the Videos page. That way people know that we are monitoring them and aware of them. 15:48:43 <mojavelinux> eof 15:48:54 <FranciscoD> +1k bug list 15:49:03 <zoltanh721> +1 possible faliures 15:49:26 <zoltanh721> and solutions 15:49:27 <thunderbirdtr> +1 mojavelinux 15:49:30 <tatica> FranciscoD, go 15:49:50 <FranciscoD> Nitesh's stuff looks like a literal translation of my work into clipart 15:50:09 <MarkDude> +1 bug list 15:50:23 <FranciscoD> I'd like to open a ticket with design team for proper graphical "howto" based on the hand drawings 15:50:32 <FranciscoD> (hand drawing is only the underlying concept) 15:51:00 <tatica> oki, do it FranciscoD :) 15:51:04 <graphite6> FranciscoD: +1 15:51:06 <FranciscoD> #idea Known issues and work around page on wiki under fp.o/wiki/Videos/Known_Issues_and_Workarounds 15:51:22 <tatica> #Action FranciscoD will open a design ticket so we can have a graphical howto based on the drafts 15:51:30 <FranciscoD> aye 15:51:33 <FranciscoD> eof 15:51:43 <tatica> oki 15:51:51 <tatica> I think we have some action points 15:51:57 <tatica> shall we move to next topic? 15:52:23 <akshayvyas> +1 tatica 15:52:25 <zoltanh721> go-go-go 15:52:27 <tatica> #topic Fedora Videos - Websites 15:52:31 <tatica> FranciscoD Talk to websites team about search function for fedora videos as soon as first videos are up 15:52:42 <tatica> FranciscoD co-ordinate with thunderbirdtr about search function 15:52:54 <thunderbirdtr> ok 15:52:57 <FranciscoD> as soon as first videos come up, so we're waiting :) 15:53:02 <tatica> oki 15:53:06 <thunderbirdtr> FranciscoD, +1 15:53:07 <thunderbirdtr> :) 15:53:08 <tatica> so we keep with next move 15:53:11 <tatica> next topic... 15:53:13 <tatica> dislexic.. 15:53:38 <tatica> #topic Fedora Videos - VIDEOS!!!!! 15:53:43 <tatica> *everyone* Pick any topic of interest and try making a screencast to understand the process in detail 15:53:54 <tatica> *everyone* try writing random subtitles and document how to do it 15:54:02 <thunderbirdtr> ! 15:54:08 <tatica> thunderbirdtr, go! 15:54:10 <graphite6> ! 15:54:21 <FranciscoD> ! 15:54:26 <thunderbirdtr> I was researched about BBB 15:54:36 <thunderbirdtr> then I found a better one include BBB 15:54:50 <thunderbirdtr> and this systems is working and tested 15:54:52 <tatica> :O 15:55:09 <thunderbirdtr> We already installed it on our university system 15:55:17 <thunderbirdtr> for link ; 15:55:43 <FranciscoD> BBB? 15:55:53 <zoltanh721> what is BBB 15:55:55 <thunderbirdtr> eof I forget link I will just min 15:56:00 <tatica> Big Blue Button 15:56:00 <thunderbirdtr> Big Blue Button 15:56:06 <tatica> graphite6, go! 15:56:12 <graphite6> I just got a nice usb microphone yesterday (didn't have a microphone and didn't realize it, :) but I have been playing with audacity and I have an idea for a screencast I'm working on (how to create an event page on the wiki) 15:56:23 <graphite6> so I plan to have a video up next week 15:56:35 * FranciscoD jumps *awesome* 15:56:44 <MarkDude> +1 15:56:44 <thunderbirdtr> ! for link = tatica, http://moodle.org/ 15:56:54 <tatica> hmmm 15:57:04 <gnokii> wth is big blue button 15:57:06 <tatica> I know moodle... but that has no comparison with BBB 15:57:10 <zoltanh721> hey can we improve our conferences either with bbb 15:57:16 <tatica> are different things thunderbirdtr 15:57:17 <thunderbirdtr> tatica, it have 15:57:24 <graphite6> and mojavelinux and I did the idea page (but that may be another topic for later 15:57:25 <thunderbirdtr> yes different 15:57:28 <graphite6> eof 15:57:31 <thunderbirdtr> and much more function in moodle 15:57:32 <tatica> FranciscoD, go! 15:57:39 <tatica> pls, lets keep the ! 15:57:49 * FranciscoD is in the middle of a screen cast. Should be done over weekend. 15:57:49 <mojavelinux> +1 to tatica 15:57:51 <FranciscoD> We have one already: Acidcore did it: #link http://youtu.be/Zvw49EY68wE 15:58:14 <tatica> #link http://www.bigbluebutton.org/ 15:58:29 <FranciscoD> I also got hold of some srt files (subtitle files). So I'll hopefully be able to document how to write them sometime soon. 15:58:32 <FranciscoD> eof 15:58:50 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD document writing srt (subtitle) files 15:58:58 <thunderbirdtr> ! 15:59:05 <tatica> thunderbirdtr, go! 15:59:15 <thunderbirdtr> BBB plug-in for moodle = http://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?d=13&rid=3524 15:59:21 <thunderbirdtr> oef 15:59:22 <thunderbirdtr> eof 15:59:59 <tatica> but is not a different thing then :P 16:00:09 <tatica> is just an integration between moodle and BBB 16:00:10 <tatica> :P 16:00:12 <tatica> ok, anyone else? 16:00:28 <thunderbirdtr> I just did what ever you say :) 16:00:31 <thunderbirdtr> :P 16:01:20 <mojavelinux> ! 16:01:20 <tatica> can you guys pls point me to the url where we will add the video ideas? 16:01:24 <tatica> I can't find it :/ 16:01:26 <tatica> mojavelinux, go! 16:01:33 <mojavelinux> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Video_ideas_and_inspiration 16:01:51 <mojavelinux> one change, I propose that we change the URL to be under /Videos/ 16:02:02 <tatica> +1 16:02:02 <mojavelinux> so /Videos/Ideas_and_Inspiration 16:02:06 <tatica> mojavelinux, can you take care of that? 16:02:07 <FranciscoD> +1 16:02:09 <MarkDude> +1 for simplicity 16:02:11 <thunderbirdtr> +1 16:02:13 <tatica> and link it to video web so we can easily get it? 16:02:18 <zoltanh721> +11 16:02:21 <mojavelinux> The key here is that we have a template so we get good entries (thanks to graphite6) 16:02:21 <mojavelinux> eof 16:02:38 <tatica> mojavelinux, ? 16:02:43 <mojavelinux> +1 we'll make sure it's linked (to the updated URL) 16:02:48 <tatica> #action mojavelinux should redirect https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Video_ideas_and_inspiration to /Videos/Ideas_and_Inspiration 16:02:52 <tatica> ok 16:03:18 <tatica> ok, any other topic we should review? 16:03:21 <thunderbirdtr> ! 16:03:28 <mojavelinux> by template, I mean an example of what to type so that the idea is documented and not just something that makes sense to the person writing it 16:03:37 <tatica> thunderbirdtr, go! 16:03:41 <graphite6> ! 16:03:44 <FranciscoD> ! 16:03:50 <tatica> wait 16:03:51 <tatica> same topic? 16:03:52 <thunderbirdtr> I pass sorry eof 16:03:55 <tatica> or different one? 16:03:57 <tatica> ok 16:04:01 <tatica> #topic Fedora Video - open floor 16:04:03 * FranciscoD different, next task 16:04:06 <tatica> graphite6, go! 16:04:22 <graphite6> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Frequently_asked_questions_about_video_resources 16:04:33 <graphite6> I started (barely) the FAQ page 16:04:41 <FranciscoD> FAQ+++++++ 16:04:51 <graphite6> also, should we nest this url under Videos? 16:04:55 <tatica> graphite6, can you move that to videos too? 16:04:57 <graphite6> I can move it 16:04:57 <tatica> yeap 16:05:07 <thunderbirdtr> also we need add all links 16:05:08 <thunderbirdtr> for it 16:05:09 <tatica> #action graphite6 move https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Frequently_asked_questions_about_video_resources under video 16:05:13 <graphite6> now I just need questions and answers 16:05:17 <thunderbirdtr> FAQ +111 16:05:25 <graphite6> and I linked it to the main page 16:05:34 <graphite6> and will update it when I move it :) 16:05:36 <graphite6> eof 16:05:45 <thunderbirdtr> tatica, Can we change main page ? 16:05:54 <thunderbirdtr> for new search function ? 16:06:12 <thunderbirdtr> If this videos complete ? 16:06:18 <tatica> sure 16:06:24 <tatica> I think, yeap 16:06:28 <tatica> ok, sry, fast brb 16:07:01 * thunderbirdtr hungry please make it fast :)) 16:07:26 * DiscordianUK grabs a good seat 16:07:28 * daMaestro is gonna lurk for the meeting 16:07:44 <daMaestro> i have back to back meetings this morning so i likely wont be participating in this one 16:08:00 <tatica> back 16:08:05 <DiscordianUK> Aww okay 16:08:19 <tatica> ok 16:08:22 <daMaestro> i'll follow along, as both my meetings are google hangouts 16:08:27 <FranciscoD> ! :) 16:08:34 <tatica> so, anything else that we should take care of guys? (and lovely girls :P ) 16:08:38 <tatica> FranciscoD, go 16:08:40 * DiscordianUK nods 16:08:42 <FranciscoD> Idea: Make a category:Videos on wiki if not already there 16:08:48 <FranciscoD> Issue: All loggers require root privileges, so might not be as helpful as we expected. Will package up the others too as soon as I get free cycles. 16:08:55 <DiscordianUK> oops sorry tatica4 16:08:55 <graphite6> ! 16:08:56 <FranciscoD> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=799701 -> logkeys review ticket 16:09:08 <FranciscoD> We also received a suggestion to move the the mktg mailing list. Could we vote/decide on that please? 16:09:11 <FranciscoD> eof 16:09:14 <tatica> graphite6, go! 16:09:24 <graphite6> Can we consolidate all the tasks we're doing onto one page or one place? There are tasks on the main page and other page and I keeps forgetting where stuff is :) 16:09:36 <graphite6> maybe make a video team task page? 16:09:43 <tatica> +1 16:09:48 <tatica> would you like to take care of that? 16:09:50 * FranciscoD remembers the main page already having tasks, modify that? 16:09:54 <tatica> can anyone give graphite6 a hand? 16:10:02 <graphite6> Also, I know there are 2 pages with how to submit can they be consolidated? 16:10:10 <akshayvyas> graphite6 +1 16:10:10 <tatica> +1 16:10:11 <FranciscoD> ! 16:10:25 <thunderbirdtr> If I have spare time I will help graphite6 16:10:27 <graphite6> I can combine tasks to one page 16:10:35 <graphite6> eof 16:10:36 <tatica> FranciscoD, go! 16:10:58 <FranciscoD> If by the two pages we mean thunderbirdtr and mine, we should consolidate them. They are about different things, but they do need to be placed together. 16:11:03 <FranciscoD> eof 16:11:22 <thunderbirdtr> +1 16:11:28 <graphite6> thunderbirdtr: I think I do, I know one is under someone's username 16:11:29 <tatica> #action graphite6 FranciscoD and thunderbirdtr will consolidate tasks and submit pages 16:11:35 <graphite6> +1 16:11:37 <FranciscoD> aye 16:11:42 * FranciscoD wonders if anyone read about the move to mktg list issue :P 16:11:44 <thunderbirdtr> tatica, yes general !!! :)) 16:11:52 <tatica> FranciscoD, yeap 16:11:57 <FranciscoD> (no one's discussed it) 16:11:59 <tatica> that's why I sent the reminder to mktg this time 16:12:15 <tatica> fast vote? who's ok with moving with mktg? 16:12:16 <tatica> +1 16:12:25 <graphite6> +1 16:12:30 <FranciscoD> anyplace works for me, +1 16:13:09 <mojavelinux> +.5 16:13:15 <tatica> lol 16:13:33 <FranciscoD> #action thunderbirdtr zoltanh721 FranciscoD graphite6 mojavelinux gnokii join mktg list 16:13:41 <tatica> #agreed to move from ambassadors to mktg list 16:13:53 <FranciscoD> #action *everyone* involved in Fedora Videos join mktg ML 16:13:55 <thunderbirdtr> I already have it 16:13:59 <thunderbirdtr> ? 16:13:59 <zoltanh721> one more mail rush channel omg 16:14:01 <FranciscoD> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/marketing 16:14:01 <thunderbirdtr> in FAS ? 16:14:04 <mojavelinux> Marketing tends to be more at the end of the pipeline of a project, when there is output to advocate and communicate. I think the ambassadors are the right people to understand what ideas need to be created, what type of guidance users need. 16:14:07 <tatica> thunderbirdtr, yes? 16:14:18 <mojavelinux> so, keeping them involved is important imho...but marketing can be the channel 16:14:24 <tatica> mojavelinux, yeah, but there was a complain already, so won't hurt to move 16:14:33 <mojavelinux> got it, +1 16:14:35 <mojavelinux> ! 16:14:37 <thunderbirdtr> I mean fedora FAS for join marketing team or just mail ? 16:14:41 <FranciscoD> thunderbirdtr: just join the mailing list, dont have to join the mktg group in FAS 16:14:43 <tatica> just mail 16:14:47 <thunderbirdtr> ok 16:14:48 <tatica> mojavelinux, go! 16:14:48 <thunderbirdtr> ok 16:15:13 <MarkDude> ! 16:15:33 <mojavelinux> I think in the mid to long term, we should have a list for videos, or perhaps a bit more broad like "learning materials"...that way we can really focus on the topic of creating this type of material 16:15:34 <mojavelinux> eof 16:15:41 <tatica> MarkDude, go! 16:15:44 <MarkDude> mktg is for most part an informal team. People CAN join it to be official. Not needed 16:15:52 <MarkDude> Anyone can get the ML 16:16:06 <MarkDude> only needed if person needs a +1 and CLA 16:16:06 <akshayvyas> +1 markdude 16:16:07 <mojavelinux> +1 that's what is good about the choice 16:16:07 <MarkDude> eof 16:16:20 <FranciscoD> ! 16:16:28 <tatica> FranciscoD, go! 16:16:32 <FranciscoD> #idea classroom list? https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/classroom 16:16:42 <FranciscoD> eof 16:16:51 <tatica> maybe to send the new videos we have... but not to discuss as group 16:17:04 <tatica> eg: send to all list a weekly or bi-week list of the new videos 16:17:16 <FranciscoD> +1 16:17:22 <tatica> but to discuss how the group will envolve... I don't think is a good idea :/ 16:17:47 <FranciscoD> +1 16:17:53 <akshayvyas> +1 16:17:56 <tatica> actually.... 16:18:03 <tatica> would be nice to have a newsletter with new videos... 16:18:10 <MarkDude> +1 for not having too many chiefs 16:18:12 <tatica> every month, week.. whatever... 16:18:24 <FranciscoD> FWN? 16:18:30 <FranciscoD> a spot on that? 16:18:42 <tatica> maybe.... 16:18:46 <tatica> would be interesting 16:18:52 <tatica> once we have videos :P 16:18:53 <tatica> jiji 16:19:08 <FranciscoD> XD 16:19:15 <thunderbirdtr> :) 16:19:16 <graphite6> :) 16:19:23 <tatica> ok, anything else people? 16:19:25 <zoltanh721> hehe - FNN - Fedora News Network - welcome at our latest videocadt 16:19:26 <tatica> we did it in time! 16:19:28 <akshayvyas> +1 tatica 16:19:29 <tatica> woha!!!!! 16:19:42 <herlo> ! 16:19:43 <FranciscoD> #idea talk about weekly newsletter once videos come in 16:19:55 <tatica> herlo, go! (but no.. we don't have rum...) 16:20:05 <thunderbirdtr> zoltanh721, +11111 16:20:06 <herlo> lol 16:20:07 <thunderbirdtr> :) 16:20:07 <mojavelinux> ! 16:20:20 <herlo> I think FVN - Fedora Video Network, but I like the concept from zoltanh721 16:21:06 <zoltanh721> Like an tv channel 16:21:09 <herlo> indeed 16:21:10 <tatica> :D 16:21:11 <graphite6> +1 for herlo and zoltanh721 ideas 16:21:15 <gnokii> ^^ 16:21:38 <mojavelinux> ! 16:21:46 <tatica> herlo, eof? 16:21:46 <zoltanh721> Who needs youtube - if ycould have our own channel 16:21:55 <herlo> tatica: eof, sorry 16:21:59 <tatica> mojavelinux, go! 16:22:03 <mojavelinux> GSoC - is there any task in the Fedora Videos project that would make sense as a GSoC project? We could get some dedicated help 16:22:20 <mojavelinux> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_coding_ideas_for_2012 16:22:24 <tatica> perhaps the channel itself... 16:22:26 <mojavelinux> eof 16:22:36 <tatica> #idea FVN - Fedora Video Network (like a tv channel) 16:23:10 * MarkDude thinks it should be Fedora Knowledge Network Videos - FKN videos :D 16:23:12 <akshayvyas> +1 tatica 16:23:23 <akshayvyas> +++1markdude 16:23:24 <zoltanh721> I thnk everybody can be the part of the stream 16:23:32 <zoltanh721> we need only schedule 16:23:49 <graphite6> MarkDude is naughty 16:23:51 * MarkDude apologizes... 16:23:59 <mojavelinux> I could propose something for GSoC, but we are looking for a mentor (I'm already mentoring on a JBoss project) 16:24:02 * FranciscoD kicks MarkDude 16:24:13 <FranciscoD> mojavelinux: make a proposal, we'll find a mentor 16:24:30 <akshayvyas> well tatica i think so 16:24:32 * herlo notes this is the clean part of MarkDude's brain. It's way worse in pm. 16:24:35 * tatica is mentoring half insight 16:24:41 <tatica> I could be half mentor for videos as well 16:24:47 <akshayvyas> +1 16:24:50 <FranciscoD> although, I'm not sure what we could get done for videos really? Make an open source youtube for instance? 16:24:55 <tatica> but I would need someone to help and work as team for this 16:25:00 <spot> herlo: there is a clean part?!? 16:25:12 * FranciscoD will consider mentoring once the proposal comes up ;) 16:25:15 <zoltanh721> FranciscoD yes 16:25:15 <herlo> spot: once a week, for 5 minutes :) 16:25:19 <tatica> FranciscoD, yes and no.... if we involve a lot of infra... who will mantain it? 16:25:26 <mojavelinux> great! I'm also thinking perhaps a project could be working on the software to make creating videos easier (like a toolchain) 16:25:28 <FranciscoD> zoltanh721: tatica : exactly 16:25:33 <tatica> we need to simplify things so they work better and don't represent a headache later 16:25:54 <FranciscoD> aye, which is why I'd like to stick to archive.org or something that already exists, and is maintained 16:26:06 <thunderbirdtr> +1 FranciscoD 16:26:10 <tatica> maybe an easy front end that updates automaticly 16:26:14 <tatica> like a planet, but for videos 16:26:16 <tatica> that could be easier 16:26:20 <mojavelinux> right, exactly what I was thinking 16:26:21 <mojavelinux> +1 16:26:22 <zoltanh721> yep 16:26:34 <thunderbirdtr> +1 tatica 16:26:35 <tatica> but at the end, infra will remain with archive.org 16:26:38 <FranciscoD> i guess, worth putting up as a proposal 16:26:45 <tatica> mojavelinux, you think you can work on that? 16:26:51 <mojavelinux> yep 16:26:55 <FranciscoD> with html 5 etc, it isnt difficult to embed videos iirc 16:26:56 <tatica> maybe grab some ideas and make a proposal for GSoC? 16:27:03 <zoltanh721> and you need only kinda playlist where you could select your interests 16:27:07 <thunderbirdtr> FranciscoD, but HTML5 is not completed ? 16:27:15 <thunderbirdtr> It will complete 2020 ? 16:27:20 <FranciscoD> thunderbirdtr: its usable, but I dont have details 16:27:30 <thunderbirdtr> I did a research for that too 16:27:33 <zoltanh721> with html5 - full screen doesnz work 16:27:34 <FranciscoD> im sure video embedding is permitted, since youtube lets you try it out 16:27:43 <tatica> vimeo too 16:27:50 <FranciscoD> http://www.youtube.com/html5 16:27:57 <thunderbirdtr> Maybe I have another videa 16:27:59 <thunderbirdtr> idea 16:28:04 <thunderbirdtr> but You will not like it 16:28:11 <tatica> #action mojavelinux will explore ideas to take Fedora Videos to GSoC 16:28:32 <thunderbirdtr> GSoc ? for all of us ? 16:29:02 <tatica> thunderbirdtr, mojavelinux 16:29:32 <thunderbirdtr> yes? 16:29:32 <FranciscoD> we have 2 minutes before we hit 1 hour 16:29:43 * tatica was looking at the clock too :P 16:29:43 <mojavelinux> yep, i'll add ideas, mark them as "Draft" and forward for review 16:29:47 <tatica> oki 16:29:49 <FranciscoD> if we're done, we should end. Nice to have meetings finishing within the hour ;) 16:29:53 <mojavelinux> +1 16:29:54 <tatica> mojavelinux, remember to push that through mail too pls 16:29:56 <thunderbirdtr> please 16:30:00 <thunderbirdtr> I have to eat :) 16:30:06 <tatica> thank you all for come!!!!!!!!! 16:30:07 <zoltanh721> bon appetite 16:30:08 <akshayvyas> +1mojavelinux 16:30:11 <tatica> #endmeeting