22:20:25 <herlo> #startmeeting "FAmSCo Weekly Meeting" 22:20:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 8 22:20:25 2012 UTC. The chair is herlo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:20:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:20:35 <herlo> #chair yn1v igorps kaio 22:20:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: herlo igorps kaio yn1v 22:20:42 <herlo> anyone else need chair? 22:20:48 <zoltanh7211> .fas zoltanh721 22:20:49 <zodbot> zoltanh7211: zoltanh721 'Hoppár Zoltán' <hopparz@gmail.com> 22:20:51 * herlo lets someone else run with it 22:20:54 <herlo> ahh, k 22:20:57 <herlo> #chair zodbot 22:20:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: herlo igorps kaio yn1v zodbot 22:20:59 <herlo> lol 22:21:03 <herlo> #chair zoltanh7211 22:21:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: herlo igorps kaio yn1v zodbot zoltanh7211 22:21:06 <yn1v> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9 22:21:53 <herlo> yn1v: you can do .famsco ### 22:21:58 <herlo> and we can click the issues 22:22:24 <yn1v> I was looking to see if we can tackle any easy one first 22:22:55 <yn1v> but probably we should better take them in order. 22:23:02 <yn1v> .famsco 250 22:23:02 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/250 22:23:28 <yn1v> how to improve swag shipping. 22:23:34 <yn1v> Any new ideas ? 22:24:09 <zoltanh7211> I still keep my opinion of we should send together the media and the swag 22:24:34 <zoltanh7211> I have also discussed this with spot 22:25:09 <igorps> It's a good suggestion, but sometimes the swag wrangler is not the media wrangler 22:25:10 <zoltanh7211> and I would like to add that there is such swag that doesn't need translation, and could be produced massively 22:25:36 <zoltanh7211> and even cheaply 22:25:42 <herlo> zoltanh7211: we do an 'ambassador kit' when we ship 22:25:55 <yn1v> balloons and shiny case badges 22:25:55 <herlo> it contains about 10 shirts, media, stickers, pens and whatever else we have on hand 22:26:25 * herlo argues that this is something that each region should sort out, not so much a FAMSCo issue. I think I argued this before too 22:26:44 <yn1v> I agree with herlo 22:26:46 <herlo> argue as in 'contend' not as in 'yell loudly' 22:26:58 <igorps> herlo, +1. That may vary from region to region. 22:27:22 <yn1v> what about if we set a special meeting, one time only to get together people having problem with people having expertise ? 22:28:11 <herlo> yn1v: would that be a regional or FAMSco type meeting? 22:28:56 <yn1v> let's say ... meeting with swag people from EMEA with LATAM... so LATAM can get ideas to improve 22:29:17 <herlo> ahh 22:29:19 <yn1v> not famsco, just swag/media wranglers 22:29:20 <tatica> ! 22:29:25 <herlo> well, that could be good 22:29:33 <yn1v> go ahead tatica 22:29:33 <herlo> timezones could be problematic 22:29:36 <igorps> Maybe we could invite them to this meeting 22:29:54 <tatica> maybe just take the question made through mail about have a list of local places to buy swags and organize a kit based on that info can be a final solution (even if might take some months to be done completely) 22:30:06 <tatica> but if you're thinking on solutions, think on the bigger picture, not the local issue 22:30:07 <tatica> eof 22:30:25 <yn1v> tatica, thanks. that may algo help 22:30:42 <herlo> tatica: when you say it's not a 'local' issue, can you clarify what you mean? 22:30:58 <tatica> sure 22:31:16 <tatica> Each region has different prices, but same local product that are a base on what a Marketin-kit or swags are 22:31:31 <tatica> shipping is for some regions the bigges issue, for some there are other problems 22:31:58 <tatica> same way we have people in charge of people-admin-infra tasks, won't be a bad idea to have some regional people that can hand swags for events 22:32:02 <tatica> not *who gets it* 22:32:08 <tatica> or who gets reimbursed 22:32:36 <tatica> more like *have a neutral place (or several)* where some Fedora specific items can be done, ship and GET to the place in time and not-overpriced 22:32:40 <tatica> eof again 22:32:43 <herlo> tatica: sure, we previously discussed setting 'standards' for swag, like color and such for a shirt. 22:32:54 <igorps> tatica, that wouldn't be the current swag wranglers? 22:33:15 <herlo> however, I think the shipping and delivery is definitely something handled in each region. SWAG wranglers like igorps suggests isn't a bad idea 22:33:53 <tatica> could be, but needs to have more exposure 22:34:02 <tatica> since not everyone and not every event is getting swags 22:34:12 <tatica> either money issues, shipping, time or general knowledge 22:34:14 <yn1v> I propose to hit mailing list with a humble request for media/swag wrangler to set meetings on their own to share expertise and then see what new things happens 22:34:29 <nb> In NA, we have about 4 or 5 people who each maintain a supply of swag in each area of the country (and one in canada) 22:34:38 <herlo> maybe a set of swag wranglers in each region, who approach FAMSCo when issues happen? 22:34:42 <tatica> ! 22:34:52 <nb> and hten people ship to people in their area when requests come in in the famnarequests trac 22:35:10 * herlo started the program which nb is referring along with a few others in NA 22:35:16 <kaio> In some regions (like here) postages are overpriced, I cannot be an wrangler. However, in some countries reimbursement is an issue. 22:35:21 <herlo> tatica: please, go ahead :) 22:35:38 <tatica> nop... I don't see it like *ask people to be in charge*, is more to develop a team where if people come or go, info won't be lost - Rather to do a general DB with business info and start from there. 22:35:40 <tatica> eof 22:35:53 * nb wishes there was a good solution for shipping in EMEA similar to how we have our UPS accounti n NA so that it automatically gets charged to the community CC 22:36:05 <igorps> what would help a lot is if we could use FUDCons and FADs distribute swag in and between regions 22:36:10 <herlo> tatica: so a wrangler or two from each region? 22:36:20 <herlo> igorps: we do in NA, for sure. 22:36:29 <igorps> that would save a lot of shipping efforts 22:36:51 <tatica> herlo, as much as needed, but wrangler can delegate if is needed 22:36:55 <yn1v> I feel the need for something that is actionable and the move to the next topic 22:36:55 <igorps> herlo, that's an excellent idea for other regions 22:37:03 <nb> and some things like media, we had the company directly ship to each regional shipping person 22:37:29 <herlo> igorps: but not for your region? 22:37:35 * herlo notes we are at 15 minutes on this topic 22:37:56 <igorps> herlo, I meant for NA and all the others 22:38:06 <igorps> including LATAM 22:38:09 <herlo> oh, okay 22:38:38 <yn1v> I propose to hit mailing list with a humble request for media/swag wrangler to set meetings on their own to share expertise and then see what new things happens ... probably create a wiki to get all ideas on one place 22:39:09 <igorps> yn1v, it looks like that CCing people on Track wasn't enough to get feedback from them 22:39:10 * tatica could write something for next week, not this one 22:39:32 <herlo> #idea further discuss swag wrangler concept on ambassador list 22:39:44 <igorps> yn1v, I'm not sure if they are able to see the ticket or if they get the idea 22:39:44 <yn1v> I not sure if all wranglers are in trac CC 22:40:19 <yn1v> igorps, that's why I suggest wiki 22:40:42 <igorps> yn1v, I think we'll need to contact them directly by mail and ask to post feedback on Track 22:40:43 <herlo> I think a comment period would be better 22:40:58 <herlo> for all ambassadors to discuss on the mailing list 22:41:18 <herlo> but that's just me 22:41:40 <yn1v> probably will be enough 22:41:42 <herlo> we have a specific idea, and constructs for completing the idea, so it could be something that someone else could provide useful feedback 22:42:01 <igorps> works for me! 22:42:36 <igorps> we can do both, keep the discussion on Track and start it on the mailing list 22:42:42 <herlo> #action send email to ambassadors mailing list for comment on 'swag wranger' concept 22:42:51 <herlo> #undo 22:42:51 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x2c9e5f10> 22:42:53 <tatica> there is already a thread started by Mel I think 22:42:57 <herlo> #action send email to ambassadors mailing list for comment on 'swag wrangler' concept 22:43:00 <tatica> pls, keep it simple and support that idea 22:43:21 <yn1v> shall we move to next topic? 22:43:29 <herlo> tatica: yes, but I do think we need to construct an email that is clear and concise with actual steps. I'm sure we'll be getting your input before we email the list 22:43:32 <herlo> yn1v: let's 22:43:38 <igorps> yn1v, yes 22:43:42 <tatica> ok, np 22:43:54 <yn1v> .famsco 251 22:43:54 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/251 22:44:05 <yn1v> #topic improve reimbursement 22:45:04 <yn1v> I think that we are more or less the same as the last ticket 22:45:17 <igorps> This is something that we need more general changes. Like having a better grasp of the spending during the fiscal year. 22:46:00 <herlo> igorps: there was a discussion with harish regarding the budget recently 22:46:08 <herlo> it's in the ticket 22:46:23 <yn1v> yes, having more documentation on our expending, so we can trac and compare 22:46:24 <herlo> this was also discussed last week 22:47:01 <herlo> discussed that the budget would be finalized this week 22:47:08 <igorps> herlo, I read the logs and it seems that Harish is working to update the expenses on the wiki 22:47:11 <herlo> but I didn't hear whether it was, or if we got a copy 22:47:20 <herlo> igorps: okay 22:47:33 <herlo> so maybe we should ask him if it's accurate now? 22:48:06 <igorps> we might need to wait for the announcement of the budget for next fiscal year 22:48:15 <yn1v> Yes, he was trying to make sense of things and share his findings, but we need to try to look forward ... how we want to operate in the future to avoid this 22:48:16 <igorps> this fiscal year is almost over 22:48:49 <igorps> there isn't much we can do about it now 22:49:03 <igorps> we need to try to fix things for the next one 22:49:05 <yn1v> this , is not having details to make sense of the expending 22:49:06 <herlo> #action ask harish if budget for 2013 FY is ready 22:49:21 <herlo> does that sound right? 22:49:24 <yn1v> yes 22:49:28 <igorps> herlo, +1 22:49:34 <herlo> k, I think we have a good resolution on this one for now 22:49:47 <herlo> s/resolution/direction/ 22:49:57 <herlo> yn1v: next? 22:50:09 <igorps> let's keep revisiting this one 22:50:14 <herlo> aye 22:50:15 <yn1v> .famsco 252 22:50:19 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/252 22:50:34 <herlo> #action revisit .famsco 251 next week 22:50:41 <yn1v> not sure if we skip talking about google+ page by now 22:50:43 <zoltanh7211> +1 22:50:52 <yn1v> as the last item was to revisit later 22:51:03 <herlo> I think we already resolved that one 22:51:06 <herlo> I got an invite 22:51:08 <yn1v> not sure if there is anything to said on this now 22:51:26 <igorps> I was added as one of the administrators 22:51:38 <igorps> it seems that everything is ok now 22:51:39 <herlo> yes, let's wait to see if there are any issues on it, maybe close it next week if we don't hear any issues? 22:51:48 <yn1v> +1 22:51:52 <igorps> herlo, +1 22:51:57 <herlo> #action close .famsco 252 if no new issues arise 22:52:04 <herlo> #undo 22:52:04 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x2c9d1050> 22:52:22 <herlo> #agreed close .famsco 252 if no new issues arise by 15 Feb 2012 22:52:36 <yn1v> .famsco 255 22:52:36 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/255 22:52:45 <yn1v> change in famsco election rules 22:52:53 <herlo> ugh, I failed on this one 22:53:00 <herlo> haven't had time to read the rules completely 22:53:13 <igorps> so did I 22:53:15 <yn1v> this has been championship by cwickert 22:53:22 <herlo> I would like to push back for another week to review it. And since cwickert isn't here... 22:53:35 * herlo votes to delay by 1wk 22:53:35 <zoltanh7211> +1 22:53:39 <yn1v> +1 22:53:50 <igorps> I'm not quite sure if he contacted Red Hat Legal either 22:54:01 <igorps> let's revisit this one next week 22:54:03 <herlo> #agreed delay discussion of .famsco 255 by one week 22:54:17 <yn1v> I explained my concerns with some examples, but there are minor issues. 22:54:28 <yn1v> so, I am happy to delay this one week 22:54:39 <yn1v> last item 22:54:51 <yn1v> .famsco .257 22:54:52 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/.257 22:54:55 <yn1v> .famsco 257 22:54:56 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/257 22:55:26 <yn1v> This is about replasing me as mentor 22:55:51 <igorps> I know Luis in person and he has been doing a nice job in LATAM 22:56:02 <herlo> .fasinfo lbazan 22:56:02 <zodbot> herlo: User: lbazan, Name: Luis Enrique Bazán De León, email: bazanluis20@gmail.com, Creation: 2011-04-19, IRC Nick: LoKoMurdoK, Timezone: America/Panama, Locale: es, GPG key ID: E7FF38FC, Status: active 22:56:06 <zodbot> herlo: Approved Groups: bzrpython-fedora docs-writers docs gitfas cvsl10n sysadmin-logs @fedora-pa sysadmin-noc bodhiadmin packager fedorabugs cla_fedora cla_done ambassadors cla_fpca sysadmin campusambassadors freemedia 22:56:15 <igorps> he's also chairing the LATAM meeting 22:56:25 <igorps> +1 to him 22:56:44 <herlo> per the recommendations from yn1v and igorps, I also +1 lbazan 22:56:56 <zoltanh7211> +1 let it be - seem to worthy for me too 22:57:00 <herlo> he's been around almost a year 22:57:14 <herlo> keep him excited and involved, good stuff 22:57:26 <yn1v> I have good communication with him, so I will be within his reach in case he want to consult about mentoring, I am not just pushing him in the deep side of the pool 22:57:27 * tatica would like that mentors choice would be made regionaly 22:57:34 <igorps> it's good to have a injection of new blood too 22:57:37 <nb> tatica, +1 22:57:51 <herlo> #agreed lbazan to become ambassador mentor 22:58:24 <yn1v> tatica, can you comment on how to make it regionaly ? 22:58:36 <herlo> #topic open floor 22:58:46 <tatica> votes, same we do to select famsco, and famsco will only provide recomendations 22:59:17 <tatica> for me... is a bit odd that famsco (with only 2 members per region aprox) makes a decition on the best ambassador from a region without consult the regional members 22:59:19 * nb suggests like tatica is saying. just have the regional meetings vote on who to amke mentors from that region 22:59:31 <tatica> not that is wrong, but I would rather to make this regional with famsco support 22:59:38 <herlo> tatica: nb: so those nominations are not arbitrary 22:59:48 <herlo> they come from *existing* mentors 22:59:53 <nb> true 22:59:54 <herlo> within the region 22:59:57 <tatica> nominations are ok 23:00:12 <tatica> selection is a bit focus on what a few members have to say about someone 23:00:16 <igorps> i'd rather do it the other way around, gathering recommendation from regional folks and then having the name ratified by famsco 23:00:19 <herlo> I'm not saying no or anything, I'm just saying that doing voting requires more work than a nomination and approval from famsco 23:00:36 <inode0> ! 23:00:37 <tatica> nothing against anyone... but I think process has a lack of knowledge about the candidate itself 23:00:37 <herlo> igorps: I'd be happy with that, a comment period 23:00:49 <herlo> inode0: yes? 23:01:00 <yn1v> Having a vote requires having candidates 23:01:23 <inode0> I think this really works the other way around - the regional person who did the nominating made the choice - famsco is just a double check 23:01:47 <herlo> inode0: what do you think about having a comment period for say a week? 23:01:47 <inode0> so regional mentors choose the new regional mentors, not famsco 23:01:59 <herlo> let regional ambassadors comment on trac about the individual? 23:02:09 <tatica> inode0, not exclude, all choose a new mentor 23:02:20 <tatica> is not a you do it and I don't, more a team work between both sides 23:02:20 * inode0 is against it being a public spectacle with people for and against 23:02:32 <igorps> inode0, +1 23:02:42 <tatica> sadly... if you choose a person to represent ambassadors becomes a public person 23:03:35 <tatica> do not ask regional people just because we don't want controversy is avoid the fact that their oppinion matter 23:03:35 <inode0> all ambassadors are public people, but only a few are public spectacles :) 23:03:36 <igorps> I really think that the point of mentorship is not related to elections 23:03:58 <herlo> +1 igorps 23:04:03 * nb doesn't support elections 23:04:10 <kaio> ++ 23:04:12 * nb would support allowing the regional meetings to vote on the mentors 23:04:35 * inode0 would strongly oppose regional voting 23:04:36 <herlo> nb: as just a recommendation, not a binding vote, correct? 23:04:40 <tatica> is not a yes/no, maybe you guys can explore ideas on this 23:04:53 * inode0 would strongly oppose regional public discussion 23:04:58 <nb> herlo, as a binding vote 23:05:00 <inode0> this turns mentoring into politics 23:05:15 <inode0> are we picking bad mentors now? 23:05:17 <herlo> inode0: it's politics either way, but I tend to agree with you 23:05:21 <nb> inode0, ? no 23:05:22 <inode0> if not what problem are we solving? 23:05:28 <nb> inode0, /me doesn't really see a problem 23:05:31 * nb was just commenting 23:05:37 * tatica didn't say you're doing a bad job... pls... 23:05:45 <herlo> tatica: I don't think that was the sentiment 23:05:59 <inode0> what is motivating changing the current process? 23:06:01 <tatica> ok, forget everything I said and just make a vote based on how much work you guys want to or not to do 23:06:04 * tatica eof 23:06:13 <yn1v> we are improving Famsco elections rules. Why we don't treat this as a proposal for improving mentor elections/ratification 23:06:16 <igorps> I want to use the nomination of Luis by Neville as a good example 23:06:35 <igorps> It works and I don't see a problem with it 23:06:45 <inode0> so do I, and the nomination by susmit as another good example 23:06:54 <tatica> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Tatica/Ambassadors-Mentors 23:07:39 <tatica> well... have you ask your regional partners if they are happy wih the process? 23:08:02 <yn1v> Yes, I will suggest that any change on procedures should not affect LoKoMurdoK approval that was already agreed 23:08:15 <tatica> you guys are the voice, so -listen- what people has to say, or ask if people is too quiet 23:08:16 * herlo says it will not 23:08:34 <igorps> some will agreed and some will not as usual 23:08:36 <tatica> yn1v, completely 23:09:37 <tatica> is not about Luis, I know him and is a good ambassador 23:09:54 <tatica> so again, I ask you not to take this personally and just check this small issue 23:10:06 <herlo> I don't think the current process is broken. I also think that adding voting will make the process more difficult. Changing of the gard only ever 6 months is difficult, it should be more fluid. 23:10:17 <herlo> s/gard/guard/ 23:10:23 <igorps> herlo, +1 23:10:38 <tatica> those are general thought. if none is important is ok :) 23:11:41 <yn1v> In general I like the idea of making guidelines for mentoring, this will easy the pressure about people asking how to be super-ambassadors 23:11:59 <herlo> tatica: I think we probably need a week to let this absorb. You've seen our points of view. Maybe there is something wrong with the procedure now, but I don't think we've seen that. Please feel free to modify it and re-present it if you like. I'd like to see if there's a reason to improve some of our process for mentoring and such. 23:12:15 <tatica> i will, thx 23:12:33 <herlo> anyone else want to add to what I said, or disagree? 23:12:42 <yn1v> +1 23:12:56 <herlo> I'd really like to see evidence of the failings if there are any, and would love to improve our mentoring processes for sure 23:13:50 <yn1v> I want to congratulate LoKoMurdoK ! 23:14:03 <igorps> I don't want to see this turning into a counterproductive discussion, if there is a demand for change we'll know that 23:14:19 <igorps> yn1v, yep, congrats to LoKoMurdoK! 23:14:25 <herlo> yay! 23:15:01 <yn1v> LoKoMurdoK, has done a great job, so we give him more work as a prize ! 23:15:01 <herlo> igorps: I concur with you, but there is no harm in reviewing a proposal. If we spend a few minutes reading through and can give good reasons for or against it, at least we had a look :) 23:15:08 <LoKoMurdoK> yn1v: tks 23:15:17 <herlo> yn1v: that's the way free software communities owrk :) 23:15:31 <LoKoMurdoK> I will do a good job 23:15:39 <igorps> herlo, sure, that's part of getting to know the problems that may be arising 23:16:10 <yn1v> #action to create a meeting ticket with mentoring process, including link for reviewing on next week 23:16:17 <herlo> yn1v: nice 23:16:20 <herlo> I was about to do that :) 23:16:45 <igorps> sounds perfect 23:17:20 <zoltanh7211> +1 23:18:24 <herlo> +1 23:18:39 <yn1v> herlo ... I already did :D 23:18:53 <herlo> I know 23:18:56 * herlo has to sign off now 23:19:06 <igorps> just got the mail 23:19:09 <yn1v> any other topic from any one? 23:19:17 <igorps> nothing else from me 23:19:22 <kaio> no thx 23:19:30 * kaio is going to bed 23:19:58 <herlo> awesome 23:20:00 <herlo> let's end 23:20:05 <herlo> 3 23:20:06 <herlo> 2 23:20:09 <herlo> 1 23:20:12 <herlo> #endmeeting