22:01:41 <cwickert> #startmeeting FAmSCo Meeting 2012-01-25 22:01:41 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 25 22:01:41 2012 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:01:41 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:02:04 <cwickert> #meetingname FAmSCo meeting 2012-01-25 22:02:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_meeting_2012-01-25' 22:02:34 <cwickert> #chairs cwickert zoltanh7211 22:02:51 <cwickert> more famsco people present? 22:03:26 <cwickert> #chair cwickert zoltanh7211 22:03:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert zoltanh7211 22:03:33 <cwickert> that's better 22:04:41 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: are you here at least? 22:04:47 <cwickert> this is so disappointing 22:04:59 * cwickert thinks we should think about a new meeting time 22:05:04 * inode0 is here but that doesn't help much 22:05:11 * tatica too :( 22:05:21 <cwickert> inode0: I told you to run for FAmSCo! 22:06:07 <zoltanh7211> szill here 22:06:11 <cwickert> hey! 22:06:43 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: should we investigate a new meeting time? or should we just close down FAmSCo? 22:06:50 * cwickert is serious about this 22:07:21 <cwickert> number 3 22:07:22 <zoltanh7211> cwickert 22:07:38 <cwickert> chair yn1v 22:07:41 <cwickert> #chair yn1v 22:07:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert yn1v zoltanh7211 22:07:55 <zoltanh7211> first I think we should find another meeting time 22:07:56 <cwickert> #chair igorps 22:07:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert igorps yn1v zoltanh7211 22:08:11 <zoltanh7211> maybe a bit flexibilty req 22:08:21 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: ? 22:08:27 * jsmith wouldn't underestimate the power of public shame 22:09:19 <cwickert> jsmith: this hasn't worked out in the past either. the information who was present in the meetings is published in every report, but still the people didn't show up 22:10:06 <yn1v> not sure how implement flexibility in a schedule, or maybe I am missing some previous statement 22:10:41 <igorps> yn1v, do you mean to have different meeting times? 22:11:02 <yn1v> I am following zoltanh7211 sugestion 22:11:03 <zoltanh7211> I thought on different meeting times 22:11:53 <igorps> Maybe one more appropriated for NA/LATAM and other to APAC/EMEA 22:11:57 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: you mean alternating meeting times or more flexibility from the individual famsco members 22:11:58 <cwickert> ? 22:12:07 <zoltanh7211> yes cwickert 22:12:27 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: that was an OR question, you cannot say "yes" ;) 22:12:33 <zoltanh7211> alternating 22:12:43 <zoltanh7211> altenating meeting times 22:12:43 <cwickert> I don't think this will work out 22:13:26 <igorps> From what I recall from last term our attendance is about the same 22:13:29 <cwickert> if people cannot make it one week, why should they be able to make it the next week? I think your night shift is special 22:13:40 <cwickert> but it sucks 22:13:43 <zoltanh7211> yes 22:13:52 <zoltanh7211> I know it 22:14:30 <zoltanh7211> But I'm always read the logs, and try to be here 22:14:42 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: how would alternating times work? make a doodle poll each week? 22:14:44 <yn1v> aIternating,like one week a time good for na/latam next, week good for emea/apac and back againg to week one? 22:14:59 <tatica> ! 22:15:22 <cwickert> first zoltanh7211, then tatica 22:15:39 <tatica> is a good idea, however, will make 50% 50% attendance - since people will only show up on days that fit - meetings are a commitment, so you should definitely work on a schedule for *all* 22:15:41 <tatica> ups 22:15:42 <zoltanh7211> yes let make a poll and let see 22:15:47 <tatica> sry (I read go tatica) 22:16:18 <zoltanh7211> eof 22:16:41 <tatica> sry zoltanh7211 :( I just jump over you 22:17:01 <zoltanh7211> tatica np 22:17:32 <cwickert> what about yn1v's idea? does anybody think it will work? 22:17:46 <cwickert> I mean, I do see some positive aspects 22:17:49 <igorps> I think that 50% + 50% attendance is better than just 50% 22:18:02 <zoltanh7211> igorps +1 22:18:08 <yn1v> It is not my idea... I was just thinking how an alternating schedule may look like 22:18:29 <igorps> yn1v, I think its worth trying anyway 22:18:35 <cwickert> igorps: sorry, I don't understand. what is 50%+50%? 22:18:40 <cwickert> two meetings? 22:19:12 <igorps> cwickert, yes, alternated meetings, like zoltanh7211 is proposing 22:19:30 <cwickert> that was not what he was propsing, but anyway... 22:19:34 <cwickert> I do see some benefits 22:19:35 <inode0> ? 22:19:50 <cwickert> such as more ambassadors could attend 22:20:00 <cwickert> but I wonder how we will make decisions then 22:20:04 <herlo> I am here now, sorry for my lateness 22:20:06 <cwickert> remember, we need a quorum 22:20:10 <cwickert> #chair herlo 22:20:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert herlo igorps yn1v zoltanh7211 22:20:30 <cwickert> herlo: you didn't miss much, we were just talking about meeting times 22:20:39 <cwickert> there are two propsals 22:20:40 <herlo> ahh, okay 22:20:51 <cwickert> 1. make a poll for a new meeting time 22:20:58 * yn1v would like to hear what inode0 has to said. 22:21:17 <cwickert> 2. use alternating times, say one that fits better for APAC and EMEA and one for LATAM and NA 22:21:24 <cwickert> but lets hear inode0 first 22:21:37 <herlo> sounds good 22:21:40 <inode0> lack of a quorum was my concern too - 3 or 4 out of 7 at each meeting is a problem for making decisions 22:21:43 <inode0> EOF 22:21:45 <igorps> cwickert, option 2 is what I meant 22:21:56 <cwickert> ok, how about that 22:22:18 <cwickert> lets do a new poll and if it turns out, we cannot agree on something better, we try approach 2 22:22:38 <cwickert> but this means we still need to figure out the quorum thing 22:22:40 <yn1v> +1 22:22:41 * herlo still wonders if a third option could be suggested 22:22:48 <cwickert> herlo: such as? 22:23:52 <herlo> as I mentioned in the original discussion, most of us could discuss things on email. What if we did voting either via email, or via some web form sort of thing rather than having to have a quorum at a meeting. We open it up for a week between meetings or something like that... 22:24:34 <herlo> just a thought, but it seems to be difficult to have a quorum no matter what time we choose. This would provide a decent alternative and as long as everyone votes, or has the opportunity to vote, it could constitute a quorum as well. 22:24:52 <herlo> I do like the option 1 for meetings, though. 22:24:57 <cwickert> ok, how about moving everything to Trac then and vote there? 22:25:06 <herlo> I don't see a problem with that 22:25:23 <cwickert> here is what we did in FESCo 22:25:28 <cwickert> have weekly meetings 22:25:30 <herlo> cwickert: we just discuss them during the meetings and remind members to vote during the week 22:25:42 <cwickert> and if you cannot make it, then you go through the agenda in advance and vote there 22:25:53 <cwickert> votes in trac are counted just like votes in the meeting 22:26:04 <yn1v> It makes things asynchronous 22:26:19 <igorps> herlo, +1. We would just need a deadline for casting the votes. 22:26:24 <herlo> cwickert: +1 to that as well. I like the 'prior to' the meeting part as a requirement 22:26:45 <zoltanh7211> herlo +1 22:26:47 <cwickert> ok then 22:27:01 <cwickert> should we go for another time then or stick with this one? 22:27:11 <cwickert> I mean, we have 5/7 people now, not that bad 22:27:18 <netSys> hello 22:27:19 <yn1v> I can work like that... trac and votes ... not my first choice. 22:27:22 * netSys is back 22:27:42 <herlo> cwickert: I think alternating meetings would be nice.... 22:27:50 <yn1v> I am willingly to try to make things move on 22:28:42 <igorps> I don't see that having another pool would change something 22:28:44 <cwickert> so what do people prefer: trac and one meeting and 2 meetings and possibly trac? 22:28:50 <cwickert> igorps: +1 22:29:34 <herlo> I was thinking about alternating every other week. Like one week the meeting is more appropriate to LATAM and NA, the other to EMEA and APAC 22:29:42 <herlo> but I'm not opposed to staying where we are now 22:30:08 * herlo meant alternating every week, sorry 22:30:11 <yn1v> please not two meetings ... an alternate schedule week A with one time and then week B with another time 22:30:21 <herlo> yn1v: right, that's what I meant 22:30:35 <igorps> Maybe sticking with this time and propose an additional one 22:30:46 <cwickert> herlo: if it helps us to have more ambassadors attend, then I am fine with it 22:30:46 <zoltanh7211> +1 yn1v 22:31:06 <cwickert> ok, I am starting to get lost again 22:31:13 <herlo> cwickert: let's put it on the agenda for next week and have a 'new style' vote :) 22:31:21 <cwickert> could all members quickly state their favorite now? 22:31:53 <cwickert> or should we move this to trac as proof of concept? 22:32:03 <cwickert> of "fail of concept" ;) 22:32:15 <herlo> lol 22:32:25 <igorps> cwickert, good idea, let's try that out already 22:32:29 <cwickert> +1 22:32:38 <herlo> +1 22:32:43 <zoltanh7211> +1 22:32:58 <yn1_v> I missed some lines :( 22:33:17 <cwickert> yn1_v: just vote +1 ;) 22:33:25 <zoltanh7211> :) 22:33:27 <yn1_v> okey +1 22:33:33 <cwickert> (23:31:15) herlo: cwickert: let's put it on the agenda for next week and have a 'new style' vote :) 22:33:33 <cwickert> (23:31:23) cwickert: could all members quickly state their favorite now? 22:33:33 <cwickert> (23:31:55) cwickert: or should we move this to trac as proof of concept? 22:33:55 <cwickert> #agreed create a ticket about new times/voting and all that and then have all FAmSCo members vote on it 22:34:11 <cwickert> #action cwickert to create a ticket about new times/voting etc 22:34:19 <cwickert> hooray, our first decision today 22:34:32 <herlo> w00t! 22:34:57 <cwickert> then lets go through the agenda at https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9 22:35:07 <cwickert> .famsco 213 22:35:08 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/213 22:35:31 <cwickert> no progress, although liknus was seen here today, he didn't respond to my questions 22:35:37 <cwickert> should we just go on with it? 22:36:27 <herlo> go on with it how? 22:36:37 <herlo> do you mean skip this ticket? 22:37:03 <cwickert> we could either wait for feedback from liknus or we just go ahead 22:37:16 <cwickert> the latter is what I meant with "go without it" 22:37:44 <yn1v> As far as I remember we got lost in discussion and cwickert was supposed to explain better the objetives behind this proposal 22:38:15 <yn1v> explaining better his view as comment on trac 22:38:39 <igorps> yn1v, cwickert or liknus? 22:38:45 <yn1v> cwickert, 22:38:47 <cwickert> well, we got lost because we were starting to discuss production and shipping 22:38:51 <liknus> I will look into it asap 22:38:58 <cwickert> but I think we should deal with these questions individually 22:39:08 <liknus> (sorry for the delay.. I ve been really unresponsive lately) 22:39:18 <cwickert> liknus: doesn't really matter, you are not FAmSCo any more :P ;) 22:39:29 <liknus> how nice of you :) 22:39:40 <yn1v> but my recolection can be bad as this happened last year ... 22:40:08 <cwickert> so let us just quickly discuss the question of subsidies 22:40:11 <cwickert> ok with that? 22:40:30 <herlo> fine with me 22:40:44 <cwickert> I have changed my mind and I don't think this PPP approach will work 22:40:51 <cwickert> because it is too complicated 22:40:58 <yn1v> +1 22:41:09 <cwickert> and therefor I request to just have funding if people apply for it 22:41:20 <cwickert> and then basically follow the usual rules 22:41:37 <cwickert> would that work for everybody? 22:41:42 <herlo> cwickert: does this apply to specific SWAG? Or to just reimbursements in general? 22:41:56 <cwickert> herlo: just to ambassadors polos 22:42:06 <herlo> ahh, sure. I'm fine with that... 22:42:13 <herlo> +1 to the above proposal 22:42:15 <yn1v> +1 22:42:16 <cwickert> +1 22:42:19 <igorps> +1 22:42:23 <zoltanh7211> +1 22:42:50 <cwickert> #agreed funding for ambassadors polos will be granted on an individual base according to the general rules for funding and reimbursements 22:43:05 <cwickert> #action cwickert to update #213 22:43:32 <cwickert> .famsco 243 22:43:32 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/243 22:43:50 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: I think this can be closed, right? you sent out the mail, did you? 22:44:17 <zoltanh7211> yes - I made blog and the mail too 22:44:42 <cwickert> ok, please close is then 22:44:42 <zoltanh7211> we have win several new contributors testers 22:44:57 <cwickert> and feel free to get back to us if you need more help 22:44:57 <igorps> zoltanh7211, that's great! 22:45:10 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: btw: I had the chance to talk to asrob as Blacksburg 22:45:28 <cwickert> but only on the last day when FUDCon was over and before he left 22:45:38 <cwickert> #action zoltanh7211 to close #243 22:45:40 <zoltanh7211> he is coming to fosdem too 22:45:59 <cwickert> .famsco 246 22:45:59 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/246 22:46:15 <cwickert> we have successfully cut the costs 22:46:24 <herlo> cwickert: sounds like he wants direction now? 22:46:42 <cwickert> Arthur now only needs plane ticket and entrance to the conference 22:46:57 <herlo> I assume we are having him pay for the costs up front and then reimbursing them, correct? 22:47:20 <cwickert> and we even can skip the $300 entrance because as I learned today, another contributor cannot come and we have two exhibitor passes 22:47:38 <cwickert> herlo: I think so, but I will figure out the details with Arthur 22:48:00 <cwickert> I think we should just remove the "meeting" keyword and keep the ticket open for the payment 22:48:32 <herlo> right, sounds good to me 22:48:38 <yn1v> maybe can be pay with one community credit card, so he is not short for paying the other expenses 22:49:16 <yn1v> s/ pay /paid 22:49:17 <cwickert> yn1v: I'll ask kital if he can purchase the ticket 22:49:26 <yn1v> great 22:49:28 <cwickert> and Arthur to give us the flight details 22:50:08 <igorps> he will just need to check if the the company takes international credit cards 22:50:46 <cwickert> they do, you can even book the ticket in their Germany office for exactly the same price 22:51:02 <cwickert> #action cwickert to follow up on #246 22:51:19 <cwickert> ok, and now we have something more contriversial I think 22:51:29 <cwickert> .famsco 242 22:51:29 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/242 22:51:52 <cwickert> not necessarily controversial, but it requires discussion 22:53:03 <herlo> the summary helped give me a better understanding of the goals 22:53:18 <herlo> but I still think it's too small of a segment to really give us enough useful information 22:53:34 <igorps> herlo, +1 22:53:40 <yn1v> +1 22:54:01 <herlo> In terms of the survey, let's thank them for the information and close the ticket? 22:54:17 <yn1v> yes 22:54:18 <igorps> Hard to say that it represents a reasonable portion of the community 22:54:33 <herlo> igorps: agreed 22:54:57 <cwickert> I think we should not just close it but create two new ticket for the key problems we already identified 22:54:57 <cwickert> that is 22:55:06 <cwickert> 1. slow reimbursements 22:55:21 <cwickert> we were already aware of this one without the survey 22:55:26 <herlo> as we already know that is a problem, yes 22:55:37 <cwickert> and the second is swag 22:55:39 <zoltanh7211> +1 22:55:56 <cwickert> I think that for swag, we should look into the regional groups 22:56:03 <cwickert> some groups handle it better than others 22:56:15 <cwickert> try to learn from the ones that work better 22:56:29 <herlo> maybe provide some sort of assistance to those who struggle with swag delivery? 22:56:48 <nb> well, i think in NA we do it well, but that is because primiarily our area is the united states (plus canada). I think EMEA and APAC add more challenges since there are many different countries 22:56:51 <herlo> like guidance on a well-defined process within their region, for instance. 22:57:14 <cwickert> nb: AFAICS EMEA is doing well, too 22:57:15 <igorps> we need to identify where are the "weak" points 22:57:21 <nb> cwickert, oh ok 22:57:23 <cwickert> the only problem we have: 22:57:34 <cwickert> swag is distributed all over Europe 22:57:47 <cwickert> one contruibutor has banners, the other media and the third stickers 22:57:57 <cwickert> this makes 3 packages then 22:58:03 <nb> cwickert, oh. The way we do it is each shipper has a supply of each kind of swag 22:58:21 <nb> i.e. i have media, stickers, case badges, etc, and the others have the same 22:58:25 <cwickert> what I would like to see is 22:58:29 <nb> the banners are the only other thing we usually have to ship differently 22:58:36 <cwickert> 1. we identify the weak spots 22:58:55 <cwickert> 2. ask the people involved in swag shipping for each region for input 22:59:01 <cwickert> and then try to draft something 22:59:15 <zoltanh7211> I think if we use the same routes as the CD's - inside single package then solves series aof things 22:59:16 <igorps> sounds good to me 22:59:21 <herlo> cwickert: well, banners are not swag if you ask me. But yes, a customized solution with help from FAmSCo seems like a good approach 22:59:50 <herlo> each region has its own challenges, for sure :) 23:00:17 <cwickert> herlo: right, that's what we learned from the long discussion about shipping polos ;) 23:00:53 <herlo> indeed. I agree with your approach, btw 23:00:56 <cwickert> in order to move on I suggest: close #242 in favor of 2 tickets, one for budget and one for swag shipping 23:01:10 <herlo> +1 23:01:17 <cwickert> as for budget, we need harish, I think we all are looking forward to that meeting 23:01:27 <yn1v> yes 23:01:29 <zoltanh7211> +1 23:01:48 <cwickert> and for the other ticket we need to add the people involved with shipping as CC, so they can give input 23:01:48 <igorps> +1 23:01:52 <cwickert> +1 23:01:56 <zoltanh7211> +1 23:02:02 <cwickert> #agreed close #242 in favor of 2 tickets, one for budget and one for swag shipping 23:02:22 <cwickert> #action cwickert to file tickets for budget and swag shipping/production 23:02:33 <cwickert> I think we should also reach out to the mailing lists 23:02:40 <cwickert> s/lists/list 23:02:54 <cwickert> ok, thanks yn1v for your summary 23:03:06 <yn1v> :) 23:03:12 <cwickert> anything else? 23:03:16 <nb> do we know what budget looks like for next year? I heard mention that it might be lower but i didn't see any real numbers 23:03:48 <cwickert> nb: at FUDCon jsmith-away promised us it won't be less. maybe from a different source, but not less 23:04:03 <nb> cwickert, oh ok, great 23:04:09 <zoltanh7211> let's hope the best 23:04:12 <igorps> From what I recall it was already reduced last year :( 23:04:13 <cwickert> the more important question is: do we know what the budget looks NOW ;) 23:04:21 <yn1v> I have one thing regarding mentoring 23:04:22 <cwickert> inode0: was it? 23:04:34 <inode0> yes 23:04:59 <yn1v> I would like to step aside from mentor duties 23:05:32 <yn1v> I may recomend Luis Bazan from Panama as subtitute 23:05:46 <igorps> yn1v, let's reach Luis about it so he can take over your duties 23:06:06 <cwickert> isn't tatica a mentor, too? 23:06:15 <tatica> yes 23:07:08 <igorps> We would need another mentor in CEAM anyway 23:07:29 <igorps> CEAM stands for Central America, btw 23:07:42 <yn1_v> I am not dropping everything, I would help in the transition 23:07:53 <netSys> seeya 23:08:09 <igorps> yn1_v, +1 23:08:21 <tatica> ! 23:08:28 <cwickert> go ahead tatica 23:08:52 <tatica> CEAM needs a bit of push right now. I have talk recently with several members and they are a collapsed with work (life...) 23:09:08 <tatica> Luis is a good example for those who might join us in the next months 23:09:37 <tatica> eof 23:09:44 <tatica> bbl 23:10:07 <cwickert> ok then, works for me 23:10:20 <cwickert> yn1_v: can you get in touch with Luis? 23:10:25 <yn1_v> sure 23:10:58 <yn1_v> I will invite him to participate in next famsco meeting 23:11:08 <cwickert> #action yn1_v to contact lbazan if he is willing to take over his mentoring duties 23:11:24 <cwickert> ok, anything else? 23:11:33 <igorps> yn1_v, please CC me so we can work out the new regional meeting time together 23:11:57 <yn1_v> okey 23:12:20 <igorps> let's see what works for him and then we make a pool 23:13:06 <igorps> nothing else from me, btw :) 23:13:31 <cwickert> one more thing 23:13:51 <cwickert> igorps, yn1_v, tatica: who is involved in swag shipping in LATAM? 23:14:22 <igorps> In Brazil, me and Leandro 23:14:31 <yn1_v> I am too 23:14:34 <cwickert> ok, how about this 23:14:57 <igorps> For Chile, Argentina and some other countries Antonio 23:15:03 <cwickert> I'll just ask all famsco members to CC the people they think are important to the ticket 23:15:16 <igorps> cwickert, works for me 23:15:20 <cwickert> ok then 23:15:39 <cwickert> then let go forth and use the power of trac! :) 23:15:43 <yn1_v> good 23:15:48 <herlo> yay! 23:15:52 <zoltanh7211> :) 23:15:59 <cwickert> for shorter and more efficient meetings (hopefully) ;) 23:16:04 <cwickert> btw 23:16:06 <cwickert> #endmeeting