13:21:39 <igorps> #startmeeting famsco
13:21:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Nov  5 13:21:39 2011 UTC.  The chair is igorps. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:21:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
13:21:56 <igorps> #chair kaio, gbraad_china, yn1v
13:21:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad_china igorps kaio yn1v
13:22:05 <igorps> #topic Roll Call
13:22:10 <gbraad_china> .fas gbraad
13:22:11 <igorps> .fas igorps
13:22:11 <zodbot> gbraad_china: gbraad 'Gerard Braad (吉拉德)' <fedora@gbraad.nl>
13:22:15 <zodbot> igorps: igor 'Igor Pires Soares' <igor@projetofedora.org>
13:22:44 <igorps> yn1v, ping
13:24:11 <yn1v> .fas
13:24:11 <zodbot> yn1v: (fas <query>) -- Search the Fedora Account System usernames, full names, and email addresses for a match.
13:24:19 <igorps> ops
13:24:40 <yn1v> .fas yn1v
13:24:41 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <neville@taygon.com>
13:25:07 <igorps> now you got it right :)
13:25:35 <igorps> #topic Chinese domain
13:25:38 <gbraad_china> if kaio can do the same, we can move on
13:25:57 <igorps> kaio, gbraad_china, updates about that?
13:26:07 <gbraad_china> not from my side
13:26:12 <kaio> .fas kaio
13:26:13 <zodbot> kaio: skaion 'skaion' <erenouf@skaion.com> - kaiomarcio 'kaio marcio' <kaio.marcio@gmail.com> - kaio 'Caius Chance (かいお)' <me@kaio.net>
13:26:25 <kaio> .fasinfo kaio
13:26:26 <zodbot> kaio: User: kaio, Name: Caius Chance (かいお), email: me@kaio.net, Creation: 2008-09-10, IRC Nick: kaio, Timezone: Australia/Brisbane, Locale: en, Extension: 5114286, GPG key ID: 17BEFCFA, Status: active
13:26:30 <zodbot> kaio: Unapproved Groups: art
13:26:31 <igorps> unfortunately I can't see the tickets
13:26:34 <zodbot> kaio: Approved Groups: cla_fedora cla_done fedorabugs hgflies packager cla_redhat ambassadors l10n-commits @packager-zh famsco cvsl10n freemedia
13:26:46 <kaio> igorps, will ping jsmith-away asap
13:27:02 <gbraad_china> the domains are approved, but still some technical steps need to be taken
13:27:07 <igorps> I recall that this was granted but further actions were needed
13:27:19 <kaio> igorps, need details from infra
13:27:21 <kaio> just that
13:27:49 <igorps> #info needs further details from infra
13:28:01 <kaio> slacked progress from me by me personal issues occupied my head recently
13:28:16 <igorps> thanks, just make it clear
13:28:17 <kaio> lets move on
13:28:46 <igorps> #topic Report
13:29:17 <igorps> September report was published this week:
13:29:23 <igorps> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2011-09
13:30:00 <igorps> Joerg is attending to FUDCon Pune and updated statistics on mentoring will come on the next report
13:30:20 <igorps> which I hope to publish sooner this time
13:30:48 <igorps> A draft is available already if you guys want to add some regional news:
13:30:59 <igorps> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2011-10
13:31:33 <igorps> That's it about the report
13:31:53 <igorps> moving on
13:32:24 <igorps> #topic Wiki page about Ambassador Liaisons with other teams
13:33:05 <igorps> This is the point when we need to start finishing our tasks for this term
13:33:38 <igorps> I already set this page:
13:33:40 <igorps> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassador_liaisons
13:34:18 <igorps> but I still need to review it
13:34:24 <yn1v> I was on the readiness meeting just eager to know if there was a slip on general availability ... there was nobody from ambassadors side
13:34:50 <igorps> if you have ideas please let me know
13:35:35 <yn1v> I steeped up, but I was not ready to provide any info from ambassadors side. I think that's something to include in the tasks.
13:35:50 <igorps> +1
13:36:17 <igorps> but this is something for the next term
13:36:46 <yn1v> yes
13:36:56 <igorps> the next FAmSCo will have the challenge to follow the schedule
13:37:04 <igorps> better that we did
13:37:09 <igorps> than*
13:37:11 <gbraad_china> i do hope they will
13:37:21 <gbraad_china> for us it was mostly missing members
13:37:39 <yn1v> just thinking that may be useful to write that on that wiki
13:37:58 <igorps> yn1v, I will add that to the page
13:38:19 <igorps> #idea Add readiness meeting task
13:38:49 <igorps> can we move to the next topic?
13:39:02 <yn1v> better release activities... including release party and readiness
13:39:29 <yn1v> that may go to remember art team to make nice posters
13:39:44 <yn1v> and request resources.
13:40:51 <igorps> that last part is already there
13:41:20 <igorps> but needs to be more specific
13:42:07 <igorps> ok, moving on
13:42:31 <igorps> #topic FUDCon LATAM recommendation
13:42:41 <igorps> this was done last meeting
13:43:19 <igorps> an email was sent to fudcon-planning ml in order to communicate our recommendation
13:43:48 <gbraad_china> ok
13:43:54 <igorps> and was also discussed in our last regional meeting
13:45:02 <igorps> yn1v, would you like to add something here?
13:45:53 <yn1v> nothing new
13:46:25 <igorps> so let's move to the next one
13:46:39 <igorps> #topic Community credit card process
13:46:49 <igorps> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jsimon/draft_community_credit_card_process
13:47:34 <igorps> IMHO it might be a good idea to take this to the financial SIG as well
13:48:16 <gbraad_china> this process need to have input for APAC, but at the moment it is not considered as a process for China
13:48:30 <igorps> having famsco members there to have a better grasp of the budget
13:48:35 <yn1v> yes, but I am not sure what is the real status of the financial sig
13:50:10 <yn1v> The current status has been a big step forward. Everybody knew before it was made, that credit cards will not solve all problems.
13:50:45 <igorps> A couple meeting ago we gave some ideas about that, we need to get the credit card holders together to finish this
13:50:52 <yn1v> The agreement was that was better to help now and keep looking for solutions for the cases that this will not help
13:51:05 <igorps> yn1v, +1. It was a great step forward.
13:51:49 <gbraad_china> for the new famsco, I really want them to work on an APAC process
13:51:51 <igorps> yn1v, listing those alternative methods should help as well
13:52:02 <yn1v> I think that Harish taking over, has set some new pressure to keep things moving.
13:53:46 <igorps> This was one of the best things of the current term
13:54:11 <igorps> things started to move forward again on the budget side
13:54:42 <igorps> I guess we can move to the tickets now
13:55:03 <igorps> so we keep it moving :)
13:55:05 * kaio think reimbursement is the foundation of ambassadors team
13:55:24 <igorps> #topic Tickets
13:55:37 <igorps> Any particular ticket folks?
13:55:38 <gbraad_china> still waiting for my reimbursement for FAD. because of the amount and the organizers it was needed to et the money first
13:55:52 <gbraad_china> however, still waiting for Harish
13:56:22 <igorps> I have two waiting for reimbursement:
13:56:28 <igorps> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/228
13:56:34 <igorps> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/220
13:57:00 <gbraad_china> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/222
13:58:00 <yn1v> I think we can solve #220 and #228
13:58:30 <igorps> yn1v, you can deal with them together to make things easier
13:58:44 <yn1v> yes
13:59:57 <kaio> gbraad_china, sorry to say but you need to send reminder
13:59:57 <igorps> tickets for F16 media are started to get filed
14:00:03 <igorps> this is good
14:00:11 <igorps> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/218 (EMEA)
14:01:12 <igorps> kaio, what about this one?
14:01:17 <igorps> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/205
14:01:59 <igorps> It looks like Harish needs an answer to proceed
14:02:06 <gbraad_china> kaio: I just did
14:02:34 * kaio looks
14:04:09 * kaio commented
14:04:15 <igorps> yn1v, can I close this? https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/128
14:04:23 <igorps> thanks, kaio
14:04:27 <gbraad_china> ok, thanks. harish has been notified to look into it again
14:04:28 <kaio> igorps, welcome
14:06:32 <igorps> Any tickets more, folks?
14:06:32 <kaio> more?
14:07:44 <yn1v> I don't see any problem with 205... just need to remind Harish to reimburse. He can use some other methods that can not be done by credit card holders
14:09:00 <yn1v> yes, I think #128 did as much as it can, now is old .... no point in keeping it alive. beside is not related to budget
14:09:27 <igorps> yn1v, I will close it then
14:10:31 <igorps> I'll get in touch with yn1v post meeting in order to proceed with the transactions. Please keep in touch with Harish and others to keep things moving as well.
14:11:18 <igorps> Anything else?
14:12:23 <igorps> I'm going to end the meeting in one minute if there is nothing else.
14:12:46 <gbraad_china> nope
14:13:06 <yn1v> I want to express concer about the challenging on famsco nominations.
14:13:44 <yn1v> I was looking on mailing list, and all traffic was private sent to all current famsco members.
14:14:09 <igorps> I hope we get more nominations today
14:14:46 <gbraad_china> challengging?
14:14:46 <yn1v> I hope so.
14:15:00 <igorps> yn1v, I got that email.
14:15:20 <yn1v> there was one email saying that one of the candidates was not suitable
14:15:53 <yn1v> requesting to him to drop his nomination.
14:15:57 <igorps> Exactly, but it needs further information
14:17:00 <igorps> I really don't know the regional context there and I'm not sure if the current FAmSCo should take action on that
14:17:13 <igorps> Probably this is more suitable to the board
14:17:20 <kaio> ++
14:17:24 <gbraad_china> -
14:17:25 <yn1v> My view is that they have conflicts on a local level, work style ... some trying to get things done, some trying to things properly
14:17:40 <gbraad_china> FAmSCo still has this role as they are ambassadors
14:17:45 <kaio> that conflicts seem happened on last election
14:18:12 <kaio> when joerg dropped himself from election
14:18:27 <kaio> s/conflict/similar conflict/
14:19:30 <igorps> gbraad_china, I mean that it's not a good idea to have the current term members taking action about something specific related to the next term
14:19:31 <yn1v> I also think that some people have problem to grasp the "flatness" of Fedora
14:20:34 <igorps> Those things unfortunately happen from time to time
14:20:43 <gbraad_china> yn1v: +1
14:21:22 <igorps> but they are natural to happen in a big community
14:22:29 <igorps> I think we should reply directly to that thread, also CCing board members
14:22:32 * kaio wants mediation happen in next term when conflicts started
14:23:18 <igorps> kaio +1 :)
14:23:27 <yn1v> The problem is that the conflict revolves around election... next term will be late
14:23:52 <kaio> yes
14:24:04 <igorps> yn1v, but I'm not saying to delay the action
14:24:19 <igorps> just to involve the board into this
14:24:25 <kaio> I am referring to general situations.
14:24:29 <VileGent> ?
14:25:31 <igorps> whatever needs to be done needs to be done with legitimacy.
14:25:53 <yn1v> I feel like writing: "if anybody feels better qualified, then self nominate and let voters decide" later make a statement about "horizontallity"
14:26:25 <igorps> yn1v, +1
14:26:50 <igorps> I think that democracy pretty much solve this
14:26:56 <VileGent> ?
14:27:21 <yn1v> VileGent, want to say something ?
14:27:34 <VileGent> is the candidate in question listed in FAS as a member of the ambassadors group?
14:28:07 <yn1v> good question... have to search for the anwser
14:28:47 <yn1v> .fasinfo bckurera
14:28:47 <zodbot> yn1v: User: bckurera, Name: Buddhika Kurera, email: bckurera@gmail.com, Creation: 2010-05-03, IRC Nick: bckurera, Timezone: UTC, Locale: en, Extension: 5147152, GPG key ID: , Status: active
14:28:51 <zodbot> yn1v: Unapproved Groups: magazine
14:28:56 <zodbot> yn1v: Approved Groups: marketing cla_fedora cla_done freemedia ambassadors cla_fpca
14:29:08 <gbraad_china> he is
14:29:09 <VileGent> then they are qualified to run
14:30:00 <yn1v> VileGent, you have look from other side, and strength my feelings about the situation
14:30:44 <igorps> Unfortunately it's not that simple
14:30:54 <VileGent> why isnt it
14:31:00 <igorps> it's a more subtle situation
14:31:21 <VileGent> the vote will decide
14:31:35 <igorps> there are opinions from other regional ambassadors involved
14:31:47 <VileGent> then they can run as well
14:31:53 <igorps> I agree we should not prevent anyone from running
14:32:02 <igorps> and voting will decide
14:32:41 <igorps> but we need to take a position on that
14:32:41 <VileGent> the only quailifcation to run is be a member of the ambassaodors group am I correct
14:32:49 <igorps> to properly communicate the position of the current FAmSCo
14:33:43 <yn1v> my view is that they are looking as a chain of command when fedora is more like a open forum
14:34:18 <igorps> VileGent, I got your point and I agree. The discussion is how we deal and communicate it.
14:35:06 <igorps> yn1v, I think that your idea of statement is pretty clear
14:35:28 <igorps> could you reply to that thread?
14:36:16 <yn1v> yes, I will do so
14:36:25 <gbraad_china> thanks
14:36:53 <igorps> And please CC board members so they know what's going on
14:37:01 <yn1v> okey
14:37:02 <gbraad_china> +1
14:37:15 <igorps> good!
14:37:28 <gbraad_china> I have deviced to include myself on the list of possible candidates
14:37:45 <yn1v> great!
14:37:48 <igorps> gbraad_china, really nice!
14:38:24 <igorps> It was an excellent meeting, folks
14:38:45 <igorps> thanks for attending
14:38:52 <igorps> #endmeeting