00:59:41 <SGS> #startmeeting 00:59:41 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 2 00:59:41 2011 UTC. The chair is SGS. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:59:41 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:59:47 <SGS> #meetingname FAmNA 00:59:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 00:59:53 <SGS> #chair VileGent 00:59:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: SGS VileGent 00:59:57 <SGS> #chair inode0 00:59:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: SGS VileGent inode0 01:00:35 <SGS> Kay kay. Anyone actually here for the FAmNA meeting? 01:00:45 <inode0> yuppers 01:00:55 <MarkDude> \o 01:01:20 <SGS> #topic Announcements 01:01:22 <SGS> Are there any> 01:01:47 <VileGent> F16 is scheduled for release next week 01:01:59 <SGS> Yay! Finally! 01:02:29 <VileGent> Replacement Chair needed for next meeting 01:03:40 <SGS> and we move on 01:03:45 <SGS> #topic Events 01:04:06 <SGS> Events, events, be there any events? 01:04:21 <grover> yes 01:04:31 <grover> grace hopper, portland or, nov 9-12 01:04:32 <SGS> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents 01:05:38 <SGS> grover, what about it? 01:05:38 * inode0 sees sri lanka events there 01:06:40 <inode0> do you need anything more or do you have all the things you need arranged now? 01:06:44 <grover> SGS: just wanted to mention it. filed media request, didn't know if I needed to do anything else (I'm a new ambassador) 01:07:09 <SGS> grover, Very good very good :) 01:07:17 <SGS> Aaanythin else? 01:07:32 <MarkDude> What is the ticket number? 01:07:41 <grover> MarkDude: 221 01:08:04 <MarkDude> vwbsuguy said he can help with some swag 01:08:29 <MarkDude> Mo has some of the SXSW fliers, is she a shipper? 01:08:58 <grover> MarkDude: swag would be great. nb had media to send me 01:09:01 <VileGent> MarkDude: i have some if needed 01:09:51 <MarkDude> Perfect. I need to hold on to some stuff for our events in NorCal 01:10:24 <SGS> Kay anything else? 01:10:29 <nb> i was planning on sending swag to grover also 01:10:32 <nb> and media 01:10:49 <VileGent> nb do you have SXSW flyers 01:11:04 <nb> no 01:11:14 <nb> inever got any 01:11:16 <VileGent> ok i will send some of those 01:11:19 <grover> nb: woot 01:12:31 <SGS> And I ask again: Any more for events? 01:13:05 <inode0> two in sri lanka :) 01:13:28 <inode0> oh, I guess those already happened too 01:13:45 <MarkDude> Mine will be at Hacker Dojo Dec 4th 01:14:38 <MarkDude> As well as Saxbys coffee shop, date to be sorted out. sexycatsinhats is leading here 01:14:39 * jds2001 ariybd 01:14:43 <nb> VileGent, are you getting ticket 212? 01:14:45 <jds2001> er, around 01:15:02 <VileGent> nb i will get part of it i have no media 01:15:16 <inode0> is the nyscate person around? 01:15:35 <nb> does anyone have any other tickets they need me to get for media? i'm going to be sending most of what i have left to grace hopper 01:15:38 <inode0> that event is later this month and I've heard nothing about it yet 01:15:44 <nb> so if you need me to get something else, let me know asap 01:15:48 <inode0> but I see a page with some costs 01:16:18 <jds2001> nyscate sounds like something in NY??? 01:16:22 <jds2001> upstate i presume? 01:16:29 <inode0> that event is huge so send a bunch to grace hopper 01:16:41 <inode0> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events#FY12_Q3_.28Sept_2011_-_November_2011.29 01:16:52 <VileGent> jds2001: rochester 01:17:30 <jds2001> rules me out getting there easily 01:17:44 <jds2001> if necessary, i could likely make it happen 01:18:08 <inode0> I wasn't trying to make it happen, just get some comment from the event owner if he wants funds for it 01:19:10 <VileGent> he siad before he had brought it up and we had rejected in the past 01:19:10 <inode0> I recall it being a teacher conference mostly 01:19:14 <VileGent> yep 01:19:27 <VileGent> $800+ for a table 01:20:09 <VileGent> + electric +internet 01:20:20 <inode0> I guess I'm inclined to let it slide at this point 01:20:30 <VileGent> not here so 01:20:40 <VileGent> i see no budget page 01:21:13 * MarkDude can fly in and sort it out :D 01:21:16 <inode0> maybe TOS should be there 01:21:29 <inode0> more than us I mean 01:21:29 <jds2001> inode0: my thoughts exactly 01:23:07 <inode0> EOF 01:24:19 <VileGent> any more events? 01:24:53 * MarkDude will put his on event page 01:25:06 <VileGent> shall we go straight to Open Floor and discuss swag and budget 01:25:14 <MarkDude> I need some medium shirts, 01:25:51 <inode0> I'd like to remind everyone we need shirts retained for the raffle for contributors 01:27:12 <inode0> I am hoping that will run in November 01:29:08 <inode0> is there anyone here who can discuss budget? 01:29:24 <StabbyMc> Have we heard about anyone going to LatAM? I've still got their stickers. 01:29:31 <nb> StabbyMc, did you send me mine? 01:29:35 * nb hasn't received them 01:29:43 <inode0> going to LATAM for what? 01:29:45 <StabbyMc> nb: I don't think so. 01:29:56 <StabbyMc> inode0: dunno, conference, fun, whatever. 01:30:04 <StabbyMc> inode0: just need a mule to take them down there. 01:30:17 <inode0> possibly someone from LATAM will come to Blacksburg 01:30:22 <VileGent> inode0: i only used 3 shirts at OLF 01:30:50 <StabbyMc> I can ship them up to VileGent if there's going to be someone to take them home with them. 01:31:12 <inode0> we should know more in a few weeks 01:31:24 <VileGent> maybe lcafiero can make a run to the border 01:31:32 * MarkDude most certainly wants to go to LATAM, Where can I file ticket for that? Nice to see nushio tatica and the otheres 01:31:43 <lcafiero> border? Which one? 01:31:48 * lcafiero hates being late. 01:32:19 <VileGent> tatica is hopeing to come to fudcon 01:32:57 <inode0> neville has a ticket too, as does gomix I think - maybe others 01:33:23 <inode0> I'm guessing someone will be there 01:34:16 <inode0> VileGent: what do you want to do with respect to swag/budget? 01:34:57 <VileGent> we talked earlier maybe we need to see what people needs to possible distrubute at fudcon 01:35:06 <inode0> right 01:35:23 <VileGent> i have no case badges or balloons left 01:36:23 <nb> i have like maybe 5-10 clings left 01:36:48 <nb> i have a few buttons, not a whole lot 01:36:49 <VileGent> clings have been long gone 01:37:01 <VileGent> maybe 50 buttons 01:37:03 <inode0> I have some clings, maybe 30 01:37:23 <VileGent> so do we want clings or more ballons 01:37:31 <MarkDude> We are planning more fliers to be printed? 01:37:40 * inode0 thinks clings weren't the best idea ever 01:38:28 <inode0> MarkDude: if people want them printed we certainly can 01:38:49 <MarkDude> Cool. 01:39:10 * SGS agrees with inode0 01:39:18 <inode0> I'd like to see new general purpose flyers 01:39:37 <MarkDude> Balloons work nice, 01:40:05 <inode0> balloons are cheap enough we should keep some in stock 01:40:09 * MarkDude would like a flier with to herald Beefy MIracle 01:40:21 <MarkDude> XD 01:40:31 <VileGent> inode0: the sxsw flyers are a big hit 01:40:40 <inode0> they are nice for kids, nice for booths 01:40:42 <VileGent> i dont know if you ever saw them or noe 01:40:48 <VileGent> not 01:40:48 <inode0> yes, I did 01:41:12 <inode0> while nicely done they were targeted at an audience that we mostly don't see though 01:41:39 <inode0> they work in spots 01:41:42 <VileGent> but people like the seeing open source ways to do those things 01:41:46 * nb would like to see us look at quotes for usb drives again (perhaps as special swag or something, kinda like the lanyards?) 01:41:48 <StabbyMc> what about something like a room-a-rang? 01:42:08 <VileGent> nb usb ==$10 each 01:42:17 <nb> http://quickturnflash.com/1GB-Full-Color-Swivel-Drive.html 01:42:30 <inode0> nb: I think our best bet is to piggyback on the next summit 01:42:46 <nb> yeah 01:43:09 <VileGent> #agreed order more balloons 01:43:38 <inode0> room-a-rang? 01:43:59 <VileGent> on ballons another 1000 or shall we increase the order 01:44:16 <nb> +1 order balloons 01:44:20 <inode0> 5 stars at spevack.com 01:44:48 <inode0> 1K seems like plenty - roughly how much was that? 01:44:50 <StabbyMc> inode0: http://images.google.com/imgres?q=room-a-rang&hl=en&biw=1676&bih=822&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=SWvIhxJBA1-R8M:&imgrefurl=http://cliffordhedin.org/post/archive/2004/07/roomarang.html&docid=kBILiAwHAxWViM&itg=1&imgurl=http://www.cliffordhedin.org/pics/roomarang.jpg&w=640&h=483&ei=faCwTs7CCMbZ0QGG1OHfAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=395&vpy=482&dur=2142&hovh=195&hovw=258&tx=118&ty=89&sig=117211016808390409005&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=202&s 01:44:50 <StabbyMc> tart=0&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:0 01:45:06 <StabbyMc> bleck, inode0: try this http://cliffordhedin.org/post/archive/2004/07/roomarang.html 01:45:27 * inode0 already googled for himself, thanks :) 01:45:51 <inode0> anything you can throw and hit others with has my attention 01:46:35 <MarkDude> +1 for projectiles 01:51:05 <StabbyMc> inode0: I'll see about pricing. 01:51:30 <inode0> nb: maybe you should look into that further 01:52:04 <inode0> I can't believe there is no per unit customization charge - is that for real? 01:52:07 <nb> into what? the roomarang thing? 01:52:15 <nb> or the usb drives i found? 01:52:26 <inode0> usb drives 01:52:37 <nb> ok 01:52:38 <nb> i will 01:52:53 <inode0> we probably need 2GB 01:53:39 <nb> what kind of quantities? 01:55:06 <inode0> you tell me, you brought up usb sticks :) 01:55:35 <MarkDude> piles and piles of them 01:55:55 <inode0> see if we can get a sample - to see if they are just crap too 01:56:39 <VileGent> balloons 1000 for $250 01:56:52 <inode0> VileGent: I'd say go ahead with that any time 01:56:59 <nb> inode0, yeah, i'm going to try to get a sample 01:58:00 <VileGent> inode0: i will check prices maybe 2000 maybe worth the time to count them out 01:58:17 <VileGent> they come in 500 01:58:37 <inode0> ok 01:58:40 <VileGent> no to have to count them out 01:59:02 <inode0> that can be someone else's job at FUDCon if necessary :) 01:59:30 <VileGent> yeah i am defintiely not going to be able to do that at fudcon 01:59:43 <VileGent> i have to be able to definitely float 02:00:30 <VileGent> on that Barcamp seesion suggestions are open on the wiki 02:02:53 <inode0> I also do still have some lanyards 02:04:10 <inode0> I'm thinking those generally failed at my intended effect of being re-used as I see pictures of zillions of FUDCon-goers other places not wearing them 02:04:38 <VileGent> i have been wearing them to other conventions 02:05:03 <VileGent> so has SGS 02:05:03 <inode0> you set a good exampe :) 02:05:22 <inode0> +l 02:05:22 <nb> i used to wear one at work, but now we have to have lanyards with a safety breakaway thing 02:05:40 <VileGent> media ? do we really need as much this time 02:05:55 <nb> we are ordering less 02:06:00 <VileGent> ok good 02:06:04 <nb> 2500 multiarch live and 2000 multiarch install 02:06:20 <nb> total of 5k-ish i believe 02:06:30 <VileGent> because we have alot less events in the next 6 months 02:06:58 <nb> price was a little cheaper this time 02:07:02 <nb> jsmith-away, ping, media art? 02:07:20 <VileGent> nb: he is overseas 02:07:29 <VileGent> so ping design 02:07:39 <nb> media art is done 02:07:51 <nb> but i have to have jsmith's approval afaik before i can send it to the media company 02:08:14 <nb> he mentioned possible wording changes last thing i heard, but never said for sure 02:08:17 <VileGent> probable wont happen till next week 02:08:24 <nb> and i need to ping harish again 02:08:38 <nb> he was having trouble finding ams in redhat's system but spevack said he needed to look in the US supplier list 02:08:43 <nb> and spevack was going to email harish 02:09:47 <nb> so we have no po and we have no art 02:09:52 <nb> so media will be ordered....... RSN 02:11:54 <VileGent> anything else needs to be covered tonight 02:12:39 <nb> did we decide to not reorder clings? 02:13:00 * nb doesn't know that they are needed 02:13:10 <VileGent> only thing we said to order was balloons 02:14:04 <VileGent> anything else 02:14:24 <inode0> I'm good 02:14:34 <SGS> And so, we close. 02:14:36 <SGS> #endmeeting