04:05:01 <tuanta> #startmeeting 04:05:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Oct 29 04:05:01 2011 UTC. The chair is tuanta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:05:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:05:11 <tuanta> #meetingname APAC 04:05:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac' 04:05:19 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 04:05:21 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta '' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 04:05:26 <bckurera> .fas bckurera 04:05:27 <zodbot> bckurera: bckurera 'Buddhika Kurera' <bckurera@gmail.com> 04:05:49 <bckurera> bckurera from Kandy, Sri Lanka 04:05:52 <tuanta> #topic Ambassador Pinging 04:05:54 <udinnet> Udinnet Uditha Bandata Wijerathna from kurunegala sri lanka 04:06:15 <tuanta> wow, your name is so long, udinnet :) 04:06:21 <tuanta> good morning, everyone 04:06:29 <tuanta> I'm Tuan from Vietnam 04:06:33 <bckurera> meeting agenda 04:06:35 <bckurera> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2011-10-29 04:06:55 <udinnet> Tuanta: good morning 04:07:14 <tuanta> #chair udinnet harish bckurera kulll 04:07:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: bckurera harish kulll tuanta udinnet 04:07:24 <tuanta> #undo 04:07:24 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0xb24c310> 04:07:37 <udinnet> Bckurera: i saw the details about kandy event 04:07:39 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2011-10-29#Agenda 04:07:52 <udinnet> And we need some photos 04:07:52 <tuanta> it's today agenda 04:07:57 <harish> good afternoon/morning all. 04:08:10 <tuanta> please review today agenda and change as required 04:08:37 <tuanta> #chair harish 04:08:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: bckurera harish kulll tuanta udinnet 04:08:52 <bckurera> ok shall we move to news then? 04:08:56 <tuanta> #topic News from FAmSCo 04:09:07 <tuanta> any news? 04:09:10 <bckurera> We have some news 04:09:21 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:09:24 <udinnet> So go on 04:09:32 <bckurera> there is less than 1 week to FUDCon to happen 04:09:44 <bckurera> So this is the most awaited moment in APAC yet 04:09:54 <bckurera> sadly I missed :) 04:09:59 <bckurera> And the second is 04:10:05 <tuanta> I see you can not attend 04:10:14 <bckurera> FPL announced the Fedora elections 04:10:19 <bckurera> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections 04:10:32 <tuanta> yes, I see your nomination 04:10:39 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:10:42 <bckurera> I hope there are more nominations from APAC for FAmSCo 04:11:17 <bckurera> further changing FAD password thing need some attention 04:11:20 <tuanta> I am considering to nominate for FAmSCo 04:11:26 <bckurera> That is all I have 04:11:34 <bckurera> harish any info? 04:11:43 <tuanta> but first, I am thinking what I can do, how I will do, etc. 04:11:44 <harish> bckurera, info about? 04:11:55 <bckurera> news I mean harish? 04:12:06 <harish> sure 04:12:20 <harish> i have a request from RH APAC marketing about creating media. 04:12:34 <tuanta> cool 04:12:51 <harish> they are keen to support us to make the dissemination of media to areas that are not currently covered by ambassadors. 04:13:23 <bckurera> We are going to make them ourselves, F16 DVD 04:13:27 <harish> we did have a request from an indonesian school about fedora and we (RH APAC marketing and I) shipped a bunch of F15 cds to them. 04:13:39 <udinnet> +r bckurera 04:13:51 <udinnet> +1 bckurera 04:13:58 <kulll> i gtg :( 04:14:03 <harish> so the question is how else can we push more aggressively into as wide a region as possible with media. 04:14:05 <tuanta> harish, I will be in KL about Nov 17-20. Can I bring some back to Vietnam from KL? 04:14:18 <bckurera> harish we have one FAm in Indonesia as I can remember 04:14:21 <harish> i don't think f16 media will be ready by then. 04:14:39 <tuanta> I need F16 media :) 04:14:46 <harish> btw, all f16 media I make will be 64-bit only. 04:14:54 <tuanta> so, we can have other chances 04:15:14 <harish> so the question for all here is how to 04:15:26 <harish> reach out to countries/cities that have no ambassadors. 04:15:34 <bckurera> harish I think of having some 32 bits DVDs as well here they need it :) 04:15:52 <bckurera> harish I think of this problem 04:15:55 <tuanta> however, for media discussion, we have another separated topic next 04:16:06 <tuanta> should we jump to? 04:16:07 <harish> ok defer till then. 04:16:08 <bckurera> basically expanding the territories with in APAC 04:16:25 <bckurera> will discuss there 04:16:27 <harish> APAC is defined already. 04:16:42 <harish> need to get more involvement within areas not currently showing up. 04:16:58 <bckurera> harish I mean countries in APAC where there are no FAms 04:17:00 <harish> like thailand, taiwan, pakistan 04:17:15 <bckurera> Pakisthan we have FAms harish 04:17:29 <harish> how about tw and th? and id? 04:17:37 <bckurera> taiwan is supported by kaio 04:17:41 <udinnet> There were some pakistani FAms 04:17:43 <tuanta> should we next one by one to the next topics now? 04:17:52 <harish> ok 04:18:05 <bckurera> I have contact with Pakisthan FAms I ll try and let you know about that harish 04:18:33 <harish> ok 04:18:38 <bckurera> next pls>> 04:18:43 <tuanta> #topic Review *ACTION* items from the last meeting 04:19:01 <bckurera> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-10-15/apac_bi_weekly.2011-10-15-04.00.html 04:19:04 <tuanta> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-10-15/apac_bi_weekly.2011-10-15-04.00.html 04:19:17 <tuanta> thanks, bckurera :) 04:19:18 <tuanta> #undo 04:19:18 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0xb0b0a90> 04:19:27 <bckurera> tuanta no worries :) 04:19:35 <tuanta> ask Harish for F16 media for PH on mailing list, azneita 04:19:43 <tuanta> "ask Harish for F16 media for PH on mailing list, azneita" 04:19:50 <tuanta> the first action: "ask Harish for F16 media for PH on mailing list, azneita" 04:20:18 <tuanta> harish, have you received the request from azneita? 04:20:24 <harish> not yet 04:20:27 <udinnet> We miss aznetia today 04:20:48 <bckurera> you should miss him, uddinnet :) 04:21:05 <tuanta> so that action has not been done; I will notice azneita via email 04:21:09 <bckurera> ok then will add this action item to this meeting also tuanta? 04:21:26 * harish i have to step away from keyboard in about 3 minutes. 04:21:38 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:21:46 <harish> i will be in pune for fudcon btw 04:21:56 <tuanta> then, the next one: "need to discuss media production deeply in another meeting, bckurera" 04:22:08 <tuanta> please mark it, bckurera 04:22:28 <tuanta> then, "udinnet: decide a tentative date for the FAD before 29th September" 04:22:36 <tuanta> cool, harish 04:22:42 <tuanta> a lot of people there, I see 04:22:54 <harish> September? 04:23:20 <bckurera> no here 04:23:27 <bckurera> the date fixing before Sep 29th 04:23:36 <bckurera> udinnet needs more days It seems 04:23:50 <bckurera> anyway he noted that we are having that on Dec 6 to 8 04:23:58 <udinnet> Yes its between 6-8 dec 04:24:11 <bckurera> tuanta my AI is not finished yet 04:24:15 <tuanta> and the last two action items are: "put all F16 release events onto wiki" and "all ambassadors in all countries/regions: update your needs of media, swag onto wiki https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/F16" 04:24:33 * harish offtopic - useful note about UEFI from LinuxFoundation - https://www.linuxfoundation.org/publications/making-uefi-secure-boot-work-with-open-platforms 04:24:35 <udinnet> I'm having some reception problem with my mobile. Sorry guys 04:24:48 <tuanta> uncompleted actions should be marked as a new action, I think so 04:25:09 <tuanta> new action in this current meeting 04:25:13 <bckurera> that is good tuanta 04:25:29 <udinnet> +1 bckurera 04:25:33 <tuanta> #action ask Harish for F16 media for PH on mailing list, azneita 04:26:00 <tuanta> udinnet, have you decided the FAD date? 04:26:16 <bckurera> will fix it next meeting tuanta 04:26:25 <tuanta> #agreed uncompleted actions should be marked as a new action 04:26:40 <tuanta> so, it should be an upcoming action 04:26:51 <tuanta> please mark it, udinnet 04:26:53 <udinnet> Yes that is right 04:27:16 <bckurera> #action udinnet: decide a tentative date for the FAD before Nov 5th 04:27:19 <udinnet> I myself update that in next meeting 04:27:31 <bckurera> thanks udinnet 04:27:59 <udinnet> Welcome bckurera 04:28:09 <tuanta> next topic now? 04:28:20 <bckurera> yes pls 04:28:22 <tuanta> #topic Report current Status of upcoming events - Fedora Events 04:28:39 <tuanta> hi KageSenshi 04:28:40 <bckurera> we are still planning next FAD no more info 04:28:43 <tuanta> #chair KageSenshi 04:28:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: KageSenshi bckurera harish kulll tuanta udinnet 04:28:48 <bckurera> KageSenshi hi 04:29:01 <bckurera> saw your tickets at airasia :) 04:29:06 <bckurera> enjoy the FUDcon 04:29:22 <tuanta> you are in time, KageSenshi :) 04:29:29 <tuanta> the right topic, I see 04:29:44 <bckurera> Hanio FAD any info? 04:29:59 <KageSenshi> XD 04:30:27 <tuanta> I will present about Fedara and the relationshop between Fedora and Mozilla community in Vietnam at Mozilla AsiaCamp next month 04:30:30 <tuanta> #link https://wiki.mozilla.org/AsiaCamp2011 04:30:45 <tuanta> s/Fedara/Fedora 04:30:49 <bckurera> tuanta what about FOSS ASIA 04:30:58 <bckurera> is it in Vietnam this year? 04:31:03 <tuanta> I will not attend 04:31:19 <tuanta> it's not so good as its name, I know 04:31:22 <tuanta> :( 04:31:40 <bckurera> oh I see tuanta 04:31:48 <bckurera> ok if no updates shall we move 04:31:54 <tuanta> KageSenshi, hope to see you and Fedorians in KL next month 04:31:56 <bckurera> almost 30 minutes has gone 04:32:19 <tuanta> #topic APAC plans for F16-verne 04:32:30 <bckurera> ok here in Sri Lanka 04:32:33 <KageSenshi> tuanta, yeah :) 04:32:39 <bckurera> we are planning for some release parties 04:32:49 <udinnet> Yeah 04:32:51 <bckurera> indeed we will be having more than 5 this time 04:33:16 <bckurera> myself is arranging a release party for corporate as well 04:33:26 <bckurera> for business ppl 04:33:40 <bckurera> I was keep scaring them about using pirated copies :) 04:33:50 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:33:55 <udinnet> lol 04:34:00 <bckurera> so they are very interested about this free thing 04:34:05 <udinnet> Cool 04:34:08 <tuanta> they should change all to FLOSS 04:34:18 <bckurera> and they agree to use it if we give their employees FREE training 04:34:23 <KageSenshi> tuanta, when are you arriving in malaysia for mozasia ? 04:34:43 <tuanta> about Nov 17th. I am not sure 04:34:52 <bckurera> so as a start will agree to hold a release party 04:34:56 <tuanta> I will send you all details when I have 04:34:58 <KageSenshi> tuanta, ok .. just send me an email and i'll find you :P .. 04:35:00 <udinnet> Bckurera what about moratuwa release party 04:35:04 <bckurera> so that is the interesting part from nest rel parties 04:35:07 <udinnet> ? 04:35:22 <udinnet> They confirmed it? 04:35:29 <bckurera> Moratuwa rel party also will take place in first week of Dec udinnet 04:35:37 <bckurera> still the date is not fixed 04:35:42 <tuanta> so cool, bckurera 04:35:47 <tuanta> your idea, I meant 04:35:47 <bckurera> anyway we can arrange it with in 2 weeks minimum 04:35:51 <udinnet> You may have a busy december 04:36:02 <udinnet> ;) 04:36:18 <bckurera> Further I am involving spreading Fedora in Kandy 04:36:32 <tuanta> we support you, bckurera 04:36:41 <bckurera> Kandy SLIIT ppl also asked about a rel party with install fest 04:36:46 <udinnet> I note about that too. Very cool 04:36:49 <bckurera> if possible will have it on Dec or Jan 04:36:51 <bckurera> will see 04:37:17 <bckurera> apart from that I have one in my home town Negombo 04:37:25 <bckurera> more to come so I think we have more than 5 04:37:30 <bckurera> thats all update 04:37:43 <bckurera> udinnet is supporting me locally well 04:37:53 <bckurera> thanks for that udinnet 04:38:43 <udinnet> its an honor bckurera 04:38:49 <bckurera> all info can be found 04:38:54 <bckurera> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F16_Sri_Lanka 04:39:10 <tuanta> at my side, I only have one fixed date F16 release party in Hanoi 04:39:10 <bckurera> please note all dates and time are tentative and can be changed 04:39:20 <bckurera> great tuanta 04:39:36 <tuanta> two others in HCMC and Hue in planning 04:39:50 <tuanta> all should be update onti wki 04:39:51 <KageSenshi> how much is the release party dinner budget per community again ? 04:39:55 <tuanta> s/wki/wiki 04:40:26 <tuanta> as I remember, the max budget should be 60 EUR 04:40:33 <bckurera> KageSenshi I dont hear that from FAmSCo this time 04:40:44 <KageSenshi> oh we dont have that this time? .. ok 04:40:49 <bckurera> they were telling so in last release 04:40:55 <tuanta> I think, the *new* FAmSCo will decide this later 04:41:12 <bckurera> KageSenshi this time there will be a new FAmSCo to decided :) 04:41:23 <bckurera> I hope there will be more APAC FAms 04:41:39 <tuanta> btw, every1, we should have more APAC to nominate for FAmSCo 04:42:04 <bckurera> +1 tuanta 04:42:12 <tuanta> and more important, new FAmSCo should be much more active 04:42:13 <bckurera> I miss dramsey a lot 04:42:20 <KageSenshi> i'm thinking of just doing a small gathering at restaurant among usual faces for the release party .. because we're planning to have another FAD around January anyway .. which hopefully will have DVDs arrived .. 04:42:32 <tuanta> I like mspevack ideas 04:42:52 <bckurera> me too tuanta FAm matrix 3 by 3 :) 04:42:57 <tuanta> +1 KageSenshi, DVD should be good 04:43:38 <tuanta> any more about media, sticker, swag and other? 04:43:54 <tuanta> or next topic? 04:43:57 <KageSenshi> hope to grab extra swags from fudcon :P 04:44:00 <bckurera> producing locallt is the good idea 04:44:06 <bckurera> it saves lot of $$ 04:44:07 <tuanta> +1 KageSenshi 04:44:21 <tuanta> keep me some of them :) 04:44:34 <bckurera> ok next pls then>> 04:44:37 <tuanta> I am in KL :) 04:44:51 <tuanta> #topic Fedora Thank You Letter 04:45:07 <bckurera> i m empty at this topic 04:45:10 <tuanta> any updates about this? 04:45:23 <KageSenshi> tuanta, :D 04:45:57 <tuanta> I think this topic should be removed in the next meeting agenda 04:46:25 <tuanta> #action remove the topic "Fedora Thank You Letter" in the next meetings, tuanta 04:46:26 <bckurera> yes tuanta i agree 04:46:40 <tuanta> #topic Red Hat information training for Ambassadors 04:46:57 <bckurera> dramsey ping 04:47:13 <tuanta> I miss him! 04:47:29 <tuanta> next? 04:47:40 <bckurera> pls do 04:47:42 <tuanta> #topic APAC Library 04:47:59 <tuanta> I miss asmartgoat too :) 04:48:05 <bckurera> topic owner missing :) 04:48:13 <bckurera> agredd with tuanta ;) 04:48:17 <tuanta> #topic Classroom 04:48:24 <tuanta> your turn, bckurera 04:48:25 <bckurera> here it is 04:48:35 <bckurera> so still we didnt have one 04:48:46 <bckurera> what can we do 04:48:53 <bckurera> to have more Classrooms 04:48:59 <bckurera> ideas? 04:49:12 <bckurera> i mean not only FAm side in other teams as well 04:49:25 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bckurera/The_FAms_Way 04:49:44 <tuanta> +1 bckurera, Fedora classroom should be for all 04:50:04 <bckurera> I am thinking of discussing this with team leaders 04:50:09 <tuanta> have you got any topic for others? 04:50:17 <bckurera> and arrange a classrooms 04:50:22 <tuanta> e.g. marketing team 04:50:51 <bckurera> like with design team, how to join and contribute effectively with design team 04:51:01 <tuanta> great! 04:51:09 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:51:16 <bckurera> when there is such a classroom we can ask newbies to read it when they send us hello email :) 04:51:22 <tuanta> I'd love to join into that classroom 04:51:24 <bckurera> so that is the objective 04:51:30 <bckurera> I ll start this soon 04:51:40 <udinnet> Yes that is right 04:52:06 <bckurera> #action bckurera, discuss with f.po team leaders and see the possibility of arranging fedora classrooms 04:52:16 <bckurera> we can move if no ideas 04:52:28 <tuanta> +1 bckurera, with your action! 04:52:43 <tuanta> the last topic 04:52:46 <tuanta> #topic Open Floor 04:52:53 <bckurera> I have a news here 04:52:56 <tuanta> we can discuss freely, everything 04:53:01 <bckurera> actually I missed it :) 04:53:04 <tuanta> yes, please 04:53:17 <bckurera> mether asked to update FAms blogs with FUDcon button 04:53:26 <bckurera> so if you are not attending please use this 04:53:30 <bckurera> #link https://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/a/a4/Button3-not-going.png 04:53:40 <bckurera> #link bckurera.wordpress.com 04:53:44 <bckurera> i have put it :) 04:54:36 <bckurera> Next thing 04:54:45 <bckurera> the next meeting is on next Saturday 04:54:52 <bckurera> so we can have it at FUDcon venue 04:55:04 <bckurera> I asked mether and he is ok and I asked harish and he is ok too 04:55:13 <bckurera> as KageSenshi will be there to 04:55:27 <tuanta> already have in my blog 04:55:38 <bckurera> so you all can decide and have it there with the support of other APAC FAms as well 04:55:46 <bckurera> we will join with you all via IRC 04:56:04 <bckurera> that would be a new experience for all of us 04:56:09 <udinnet> That is great! 04:56:21 <tuanta> cool 04:56:40 <bckurera> any other ideas? 04:57:00 <bckurera> because as APAC we can be proud of 04:57:16 <bckurera> we had a nice history with meeting and performances 04:57:27 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:57:44 <bckurera> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings#Meeting_Minutes 04:58:12 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:58:34 <tuanta> but, I prefer more APAC ambassadors join with us 04:58:35 <bckurera> further one thing 04:58:53 <bckurera> I am working with FWN these days :) 04:59:07 <bckurera> so if you guys have any update or news pls send it to me 04:59:44 <bckurera> #info any news for FWN please send it to me if you dont have time to write, bckurera will put it on the FWN 04:59:54 <tuanta> sure, bckurera 05:00:04 <bckurera> then thanks for the room 05:00:21 <bckurera> I m empty now :) 05:00:22 <tuanta> that's almost 1 hour now 05:00:36 <tuanta> it's enough today :) 05:00:42 <tuanta> close now? 05:00:53 <bckurera> great meeting, every time at the end of the meeting we know what is happening around, that is the coolest part 05:00:58 <bckurera> yes tuanta 05:01:05 <tuanta> #endmeeting