
#fedora-meeting: EMEA Ambassadors 2011-10-19

Meeting started by cwickert at 20:01:05 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Role call (cwickert, 20:01:29)
  2. Announcements (cwickert, 20:05:54)
    1. The F16 media meeting took place and we agreed that the media will be produces in Czech. You can now file media requests in the swag tracker at https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ (cwickert, 20:06:52)
    2. We need to plan the media distribution, please speak up if you can help us by distributing media for other ambassadors in your local communities (cwickert, 20:07:43)
    3. We also need to collect data on how we spent media in the F14 and F15 cycle, details to come by mail to ambassadors-list (cwickert, 20:08:19)
    4. We are 5 days past the F16 release events deadline. Submit your events NOW at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F16_release_events (cwickert, 20:08:58)

  3. Ambassadors Schedule (cwickert, 20:11:40)
    1. ACTION: gnokii to take care we get a F16 release events poster (template) (cwickert, 20:14:50)
    2. http://inkscaper.fedorapeople.org/Fedora16/media-artwork/ (cwickert, 20:23:14)
    3. ACTION: cwickert to tell the design that we need lightscribe labels, too (cwickert, 20:24:01)
    4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightscribe (hno, 20:28:51)
    5. AGREED: to extend the Release Events submission deadline by one week to Friday 21st (cwickert, 20:34:33)
    6. ACTION: cwickert to ask for volunteers and candidates for the FAmSCo elections on ambassadors list (cwickert, 20:44:55)

  4. Events (cwickert, 20:45:36)
    1. ACTION: cwickert, sesivany and all other interested people to get quotes for USB keys ASAP (cwickert, 20:53:48)

  5. Action items from previous meetings (cwickert, 21:01:02)
    1. ACTION: cwickert to send the media meeting minutes to ambassadors list (cwickert, 21:03:34)

  6. Open Floor (cwickert, 21:04:31)

Meeting ended at 21:19:31 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. gnokii to take care we get a F16 release events poster (template)
  2. cwickert to tell the design that we need lightscribe labels, too
  3. cwickert to ask for volunteers and candidates for the FAmSCo elections on ambassadors list
  4. cwickert, sesivany and all other interested people to get quotes for USB keys ASAP
  5. cwickert to send the media meeting minutes to ambassadors list

Action items, by person

  1. cwickert
    1. cwickert to tell the design that we need lightscribe labels, too
    2. cwickert to ask for volunteers and candidates for the FAmSCo elections on ambassadors list
    3. cwickert, sesivany and all other interested people to get quotes for USB keys ASAP
    4. cwickert to send the media meeting minutes to ambassadors list
  2. gnokii
    1. gnokii to take care we get a F16 release events poster (template)
  3. sesivany
    1. cwickert, sesivany and all other interested people to get quotes for USB keys ASAP

People present (lines said)

  1. cwickert (185)
  2. zoltanh7211 (32)
  3. sesivany (20)
  4. zodbot (14)
  5. hno (12)
  6. shaiton (11)
  7. gnokii (10)
  8. t2hot (10)
  9. rsc (5)
  10. pandaconstantin (5)
  11. jsmith (4)
  12. giallu (3)
  13. nb (3)
  14. elad661 (2)
  15. Affix (1)

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