
#fedora-meeting: Insight

Meeting started by stickster at 20:13:58 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call! (stickster, 20:14:16)
    1. (pcalarco, 20:14:48)
    2. <-- previous meeting notes (stickster, 20:15:55)

  2. review of last meeting and action items (pcalarco, 20:17:02)
    1. (stickster, 20:20:39)
    2. mediawiki_api may be abandoned (pcalarco, 20:20:49)
    3. (pcalarco, 20:21:04)
    4. features_extra module has been packaged and submitted, and is in the testing repo (pcalarco, 20:22:35)
    5. ACTION: stickster fix asrob's branch in the fedora-insight-features repo (stickster, 20:22:39)

  3. new Insight dev discussion topics (pcalarco, 20:24:18)
    1. (stickster, 20:25:49)
    2. <-- Our current tickets (stickster, 20:28:06)
    3. (pcalarco, 20:28:59)
    4. ACTION: asrob will package strongarm and stickster will review (pcalarco, 20:37:51)
    5. ACTION: stickster puppetize features_extra usage once it enters stable (stickster, 20:39:47)
    6. ACTION: pcalarco Ask FWN team for volunteers to help with Insight moderation queue, and coordinate w/ logistics list to set up briefing time (stickster, 20:45:43)

Meeting ended at 20:50:39 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. stickster fix asrob's branch in the fedora-insight-features repo
  2. asrob will package strongarm and stickster will review
  3. stickster puppetize features_extra usage once it enters stable
  4. pcalarco Ask FWN team for volunteers to help with Insight moderation queue, and coordinate w/ logistics list to set up briefing time

Action items, by person

  1. asrob
    1. stickster fix asrob's branch in the fedora-insight-features repo
    2. asrob will package strongarm and stickster will review
  2. pcalarco
    1. pcalarco Ask FWN team for volunteers to help with Insight moderation queue, and coordinate w/ logistics list to set up briefing time
  3. stickster
    1. stickster fix asrob's branch in the fedora-insight-features repo
    2. asrob will package strongarm and stickster will review
    3. stickster puppetize features_extra usage once it enters stable

People present (lines said)

  1. stickster (52)
  2. pcalarco (44)
  3. asrob (31)
  4. zodbot (6)
  5. stahnma (2)

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