14:34:35 <gbraad> #startmeeting FAmSCo 14:34:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jun 18 14:34:35 2011 UTC. The chair is gbraad. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:34:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:34:51 <gbraad> #chair yn1v igorps 14:34:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad igorps yn1v 14:34:58 <gbraad> #topic Rollcall 14:35:01 <gbraad> .fas gbraad 14:35:05 <zodbot> gbraad: gbraad 'Gerard Braad (吉拉德)' <fedora@gbraad.nl> 14:35:18 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 14:35:19 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <neville@taygon.com> 14:35:25 <igorps> .fas igorps 14:35:26 <zodbot> igorps: igor 'Igor Pires Soares' <igor@projetofedora.org> 14:35:32 <gbraad> #topic Old items 14:35:56 <gbraad> the agenda is published on http://www.fedora.redhat.com/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda 14:36:09 <gbraad> thanks for attending and saving my ass ;-) 14:36:21 <igorps> gbraad: You're welcome :) 14:36:32 <gbraad> #topic FUDCon bidding 14:37:09 <gbraad> as you have noticed, recently jsmith announced there was a posibility of hosting a FUDCon for APAC 14:37:21 <gbraad> at the moment India and China have shown interest 14:37:47 <gbraad> I am still busy with finalizing trhe bidding page. currently flight and hotel information needs to be added 14:37:55 <igorps> gbraad: what are the possible dates? 14:37:56 <yn1v> india has the opportunity of making the biggest famsco ever 14:37:58 <gbraad> I have been offered help by the local RH office 14:38:25 <gbraad> at the moment we are aiming for the weekend of 11-11-2011 14:38:33 <igorps> gbraad: that helps a lot 14:38:57 <gbraad> I have not seen the bid page for India, but I am sure it must exist 14:38:58 <yn1v> yes, having RH support will make a lot of things easier 14:39:26 <gbraad> two locations are possible for hosting the event in Beijing; both are universities 14:39:41 <igorps> here it is: 14:39:44 <igorps> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:India_2011 14:39:50 <gbraad> just hope all the information can be available before the 23rd 14:40:33 <gbraad> igorps: that is not a big page :-s 14:40:38 <gbraad> s/big/bid 14:41:03 <igorps> gbraad: it's not indeed 14:41:16 <igorps> they might need to fix it 14:41:19 <gbraad> #link http://www.fedora.redhat.com/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Beijing_2011 14:41:35 <gbraad> is the page for Beijing/China at the moment 14:42:18 <igorps> gbraad: any posible sponsors in mind? 14:43:16 <gbraad> redhat engineering in China will help, but also Mozilla China 14:43:21 <yn1v> gbraad, I would like to expend my birth day in China :D ... how can I help you ? 14:43:42 <gbraad> have not heard from China Unix yet, but it am sure they will help. 14:43:48 <gbraad> deadline is very short :-s 14:44:02 <gbraad> yn1v: provide flight information on the wiki would help 14:44:58 <yn1v> I would post all direct flights from Managua to Beijing :D 14:45:24 <gbraad> I have nothing more to add... but the India page looks weird. Bidding deadline did not finish yet :-s 14:45:26 <igorps> yn1v is getting pretty good at flight information 14:45:47 <gbraad> igorps yn1v: anything to add could help 14:45:49 <yn1v> but sure, I will look other options as well 14:46:00 <igorps> gbraad: we should contact them to change it 14:46:08 <igorps> I can post that on fudcon planning 14:46:51 <yn1v> It is paradox... as I am getting hang of all the flight stuff I stating to hate it 14:46:54 <igorps> it looks like the india page was based on an actual fudcon template not the bid one 14:47:08 <gbraad> #action igrops will ask on fudcon-planning to alter FUDConIndia to follow the bid page structure 14:47:19 <yn1v> I will write to Rahul to tip him about that 14:47:33 <gbraad> igorps: maybe the reason why I started off wrong last weekend. I think I took their structure 14:47:53 <gbraad> no action needed? 14:47:55 <gbraad> #undo 14:47:55 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x1f8b49cc> 14:48:09 <gbraad> ok, moving on 14:48:09 <igorps> gbraad: probably so 14:48:13 <yn1v> #action write to mether to point the difference in page structure 14:48:35 <igorps> gbraad: you can keep my action point :) 14:48:38 <gbraad> pierros is not here, so igor? 14:48:51 <gbraad> #action igrops will ask on fudcon-planning to alter FUDConIndia to follow the bid page structure[5~ 14:49:05 <igorps> the FAmSCo report is published 14:49:19 <igorps> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2011-05 14:49:34 <gbraad> igorps: thanks again for this 14:50:10 <igorps> we are trying to finish some tasks to FISL with help from yn1v 14:50:11 * gbraad wants to point out something he noticed: 'less meeting in the last month' 14:50:56 <igorps> gbraad: I also noticed that 14:51:04 <yn1v> I am a bit afraid of that ... 14:51:45 <gbraad> seems some people also forget the time opf the meeting 14:51:48 <yn1v> as we have less people every one it is more important 14:52:10 <igorps> we also lack meeting reminders 14:52:42 <yn1v> that may help 14:52:43 <igorps> sending them to the list is helpful 14:52:47 <gbraad> igorps: I remember these were not that important, but might be a good idea again to inform about the time 14:53:09 <gbraad> at least no new items have been added to the recent agenda 14:53:43 <igorps> sometimes people jus forget, so it's good to send a reminder 14:54:08 <igorps> I'll be busy in the following couple week with my graduation 14:54:25 <igorps> so I probably won't add anything new during that time :) 14:54:31 <gbraad> igorps: success and thanks for informing 14:54:52 <igorps> gbraad: thank you! :) 14:55:12 <yn1v> yes, good luck ! 14:55:12 <igorps> yn1v: how is the survey going? 14:55:29 <igorps> yn1v: Thanks! :) 14:55:33 <gbraad> I wanted to ask that, but before we move on; 'the Mentor town halls' 14:55:57 <yn1v> I send an email inviting 14:56:08 <yn1v> I think that I have to send another as reminder 14:56:33 <igorps> yn1v: +1 14:56:58 <yn1v> I am going to host one town hall and pierros will host the other, but not sure who is hosting which one 14:56:58 <igorps> yn1v: it will be next Monday, right? 14:57:04 <yn1v> yes 14:57:41 <gbraad> please send a reminder ;-) 14:58:04 <gbraad> ok, thanks. moveing on the the surevey 14:58:24 <yn1v> I will look to secure help from channel operators, it will be award if the person hosting can not send bot commands 14:58:43 <igorps> gbraad: if you are going to post the meeting minutes in the mailing list also add a note about the Town Halls on the same email 14:59:28 <yn1v> about the survey 14:59:41 <gbraad> igorps: I will 15:00:05 <yn1v> I blog a sneak peek and it made to the planet 15:00:35 <igorps> yn1v: I read it. Sounds good. 15:00:53 <yn1v> I will check after meeting a post a mail to famsco list to let every body know how numbers are 15:01:14 <igorps> but it looks like we did not have more answers after the reminders sent to the list 15:01:29 <yn1v> total entries, partials and completed 15:01:32 <gbraad> yn1v I am very curious. especially if we are doing well on regional representation 15:01:35 <igorps> maybe after the blog post things have improved 15:02:27 <igorps> gbraad: the preliminary results already provide some good insights 15:03:19 <yn1v> my first surprise was to have more or less equal responses from every region. 15:03:30 <gbraad> ok, anything more to add? 15:03:55 <gbraad> I think we need to discus this topic in more detail later when more members are present 15:04:20 <igorps> or in the mailing list 15:04:46 <yn1v> As I see the survey, I will post a general result 15:05:19 <yn1v> then we came with questions and I will smash numbers differently to see new answers 15:06:26 <gbraad> ok, thanks. moving on 15:06:31 <igorps> #action yn1v to post preliminary survey results on FAmSCo mailing list 15:06:54 <gbraad> no actions exist for neville. 15:07:12 * gbraad meant to say: 'action points' 15:07:29 <gbraad> #topic Open Floor 15:08:22 <yn1v> at the time I post in the planet we have 73 entries, 55 completed and 18 partials. Right now we have 77 entries, 57 completed and 20 partials. 15:09:35 <gbraad> could you post a link to the meeting already? 15:09:47 <yn1v> as open floor ... what about rpmdev t-shirts ? 15:10:09 <igorps> gbraad: the action point was about what yn1v stated earlier 15:10:24 <igorps> yn1v: not sure if they updated the ticket 15:10:55 <yn1v> they updated the ticket, but so far there is not wiki page 15:11:24 <gbraad> sorry for moving on, but did not get a response. might be a lag, since I use a detour from the Netherlands 15:11:51 <yn1v> other thing is that the ticket said it is a receipt not a quotation 15:12:45 <yn1v> rpmdev is a iniciative to train and sponsor new packagers, and they are awarding a nice t-shirt to new packagers 15:13:15 <yn1v> to me seems a good idea but rather expensive in execution. 15:13:22 <igorps> As far as I understood they are willing to produce 15 t-shirts 15:13:51 <igorps> totalizing 749.70 dolars 15:14:02 <gbraad> :-o 15:14:05 <igorps> we need to find a cheaper alternative 15:14:21 <yn1v> For fudcon panama they have some, and that budget did not come from famsco. So that's why this was kind of new for most of famsco members 15:15:25 <igorps> The t-shirt idea is really nice but cutting the costs is needed here 15:15:32 <yn1v> as I saw in the ticket it is not a quotation, it is a receipt ... meaning that it has been done 15:15:39 <gbraad> to me it sounds very expensive 15:15:48 <igorps> gbraad: +1 15:15:49 <yn1v> extraordinary expensive 15:16:08 <gbraad> yn1v: you took the words out of my might. yes 15:16:08 <igorps> yn1v: maybe it is a pre-order 15:16:23 <gbraad> nonetheless absurdly expensive 15:16:42 <gbraad> sounds more likely to have been 150 pcs 15:16:59 <yn1v> I will try to contact jsmith on this, as he know about the first order. 15:17:06 <igorps> I'll add a comment asking for further clarification 15:17:32 <gbraad> create action points please 15:17:33 <yn1v> those are long sleeve polos with embroided on the back. So it is more that just a plain t-shirt 15:18:08 <yn1v> #action y1nv will ask jmisth about rpmdev polo shirts 15:18:10 <igorps> I say them. They are really good t-shirts 15:18:24 <yn1v> but it seems very expensive anyway 15:18:24 <igorps> saw* 15:18:32 <gbraad> t-shirts and polo shirts are not same. 15:18:39 <gbraad> this might explain the prices 15:18:57 <gbraad> however, it might still be good to ask 15:19:28 <yn1v> one polo for $50 it is still expensive 15:19:28 <igorps> #action igorps to update ticket #193 asking for further clarification 15:19:50 <yn1v> I think that rpmdev should have a wiki page. 15:20:02 <gbraad> +1 15:20:15 <igorps> if this is just a pre-order I will recommend making another one to compare prices 15:20:16 <yn1v> to advertise themselves toward the rest of the project 15:20:35 <igorps> yn1v: will add that as well :) 15:20:59 <gbraad> anything else to add? 15:21:02 <yn1v> I can get a local quote. 15:21:41 <igorps> yn1v: +1 15:21:46 <igorps> gbraad: nothing else from me 15:22:10 <gbraad> ok, also not from me 15:22:14 <yn1v> same here 15:22:29 <gbraad> ok, ending the meeting in 10 seconds 15:22:56 <gbraad> #endmeeting