
#fedora-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by bckurera at 10:05:06 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. News from FAmSCo (bckurera, 10:07:17)
    1. (azneita, 10:08:23)

  2. APAC FAD and FUDcon planning (bckurera, 10:15:56)
  3. FAD and FUDCon planning (FranciscoD, 10:16:52)
    1. (FranciscoD, 10:18:28)
    2. (harish, 10:18:57)
    3. Step1: bidding for FUDcon (bckurera, 10:19:51)
    4. (bckurera, 10:28:51)
    5. (FranciscoD, 10:29:43)
    6. All reimbursements are after the event (FranciscoD, 10:38:01)
    7. all FADs need to be placed on the wiki: irrespective of their status (FranciscoD, 10:38:38)
    8. (FranciscoD, 10:39:21)
    9. (bckurera, 10:41:37)
    10. (KageSenshi, 10:48:13)
    11. (bckurera, 10:48:21)

  4. Report current Status of upcoming events (bckurera, 10:51:06)
    1. (azneita, 10:52:55)
    2. ACTION: Kagesenshi Theme for FUDcon (bckurera, 10:56:46)
    3. FUDcon theme discussion in the next meeting (bckurera, 10:57:24)
    4. ACTION: bckurera add "Discuss theme for FUDCon" to next meeting agenda (FranciscoD, 10:57:36)

  5. "news from FAMSCO" (FranciscoD, 11:01:21)
  6. APAC plans (FranciscoD, 11:02:58)
  7. Fedora 15 Release Events (bckurera, 11:03:23)
    1. for Taiwan we have ambassadors linked with forum and working on some exposure for the annual largest OSS event in Taiwan COSCUP in August. (bckurera, 11:05:42)

  8. Media, Swag and other needs. (bckurera, 11:07:32)
    1. (bckurera, 11:08:41)
    2. (bckurera, 11:09:43)
    3. ACTION: kaio harish to work out media for australia (FranciscoD, 11:16:06)
    4. no tax for MY (kaio, 11:16:36)
    5. IDEA: calculate total costs of local production and send harish, so he can decide if sending media is worth it (FranciscoD, 11:17:17)
    6. Tax in BD (maktrix, 11:17:33)
    7. Tax in Nepal (aks, 11:17:47)
    8. IDEA: if you want media, file a ticket at the trac instance (FranciscoD, 11:17:58)
    9. tax in BD (Kalpurush, 11:18:11)
    10. IDEA: everything you want *has* to be on the track instace (FranciscoD, 11:18:18)
    11. tax VN (harish, 11:18:24)

  9. Talk about the media distribution (bckurera, 11:18:26)
    1. tax should be zero if under AUD$1000 (kaio, 11:20:01)

  10. Reimbursements Blank Media as well as Fedora13/14/15 Release Party dinners (bckurera, 11:20:32)
  11. Red Hat Exams for Ambassadors (bckurera, 11:20:48)
  12. Ambassador Wear (bckurera, 11:21:30)
  13. Fedora APAC Magazine (bckurera, 11:31:01)
    1. (bckurera, 11:31:50)
    2. ACTION: bckurera arrange name selection for the APAC magazine (bckurera, 11:35:46)
    3. (mether, 11:37:42)
    4. (mether, 11:38:18)

  14. APAC Committee - Plan 2011/12 (bckurera, 11:38:32)
    1. (bckurera, 11:38:48)

  15. FUDcon APAC Committee (bckurera, 11:40:35)
  16. Online event for Fedora 15 in China. Need help for Media Distribution and Fedora swag (bckurera, 11:41:00)
  17. LCA 2012 (bckurera, 11:41:32)
  18. APAC Library (bckurera, 11:42:11)
  19. Classrooms for APAC (bckurera, 11:42:46)
    1. ACTION: bckurera remove APAC classrooms from agenda (FranciscoD, 11:44:31)

  20. Open floor (FranciscoD, 11:44:40)
  21. Open Floor (bckurera, 11:44:41)
    1. IDEA: please join fedora free media and send *two* media a month (FranciscoD, 11:46:30)
    2. ACTION: FranciscoD prune meeting agenda (FranciscoD, 11:49:10)

Meeting ended at 11:50:19 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. Kagesenshi Theme for FUDcon
  2. bckurera add "Discuss theme for FUDCon" to next meeting agenda
  3. kaio harish to work out media for australia
  4. bckurera arrange name selection for the APAC magazine
  5. bckurera remove APAC classrooms from agenda
  6. FranciscoD prune meeting agenda

Action items, by person

  1. bckurera
    1. bckurera add "Discuss theme for FUDCon" to next meeting agenda
    2. bckurera arrange name selection for the APAC magazine
    3. bckurera remove APAC classrooms from agenda
  2. FranciscoD
    1. FranciscoD prune meeting agenda
  3. harish
    1. kaio harish to work out media for australia
  4. kaio
    1. kaio harish to work out media for australia

People present (lines said)

  1. bckurera (299)
  2. FranciscoD (193)
  3. suresht (100)
  4. harish (79)
  5. Kalpurush (52)
  6. KageSenshi (46)
  7. azneita (42)
  8. mether (33)
  9. zodbot (29)
  10. kaio (25)
  11. aks (18)
  12. arifiauo (7)
  13. maktrix (5)
  14. arifiaou (0)
  15. ask (0)

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