20:01:17 <cwickert> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors meeting 2011-05-04 20:01:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 4 20:01:17 2011 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:29 <shaiton> i hope that the wiki outage won't affect the minutes 20:01:47 * cwickert wonders if he missed something 20:01:50 <elad661> shouldn't, the meetbot is not affected 20:02:44 <cwickert> #topic roll call 20:02:49 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 20:02:50 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com> 20:03:08 <elad661> .fas elad 20:03:08 <zodbot> elad661: jakhveladze 'George Jakhveladze' <giorgi.jakhveladze@gmail.com> - elad 'Elad Alfassa' <el.il@doom.co.il> 20:03:09 <cwickert> Please say your names to indicate your are alive and kicking 20:03:12 <shaiton> Kévin Raymond 20:03:24 <cwickert> any more ambassadors? 20:03:52 <cwickert> doesn't look like it 20:03:53 <richdb> Not official yet 20:04:04 <cwickert> .fas richdb 20:04:04 <zodbot> cwickert: 'richdb' Not Found! 20:04:15 <giallu> .fas giallu 20:04:15 <cwickert> richdb: but you are in FAS? 20:04:15 <zodbot> giallu: giallu 'Gianluca Sforna' <giallu@gmail.com> 20:04:30 <richdb> yep .. 20:04:37 <heffer> here, but just reading 20:04:46 <cwickert> richdb: what is your account name then? 20:04:56 <cwickert> heffer: at least something ;) 20:05:02 <richdb> also richdb 20:05:12 <cwickert> .fas richdb 20:05:13 <zodbot> cwickert: 'richdb' Not Found! 20:05:20 <cwickert> doesn't look like it 20:05:53 <cwickert> richdb: so you are to become an ambassador? 20:05:53 <richdb> Richdb maybe 20:06:00 <cwickert> .fas Richdb 20:06:01 <zodbot> cwickert: 'Richdb' Not Found! 20:06:09 <cwickert> nope 20:06:11 <GeroldKa> .fas geroldka 20:06:12 <richdb> yes .. 20:06:15 <zodbot> GeroldKa: geroldka 'Gerold Kassube' <gerold@lugd.org> 20:06:31 <cwickert> ok, then lets start 20:06:49 <cwickert> all: please follow the meeting protocol 20:06:51 <cwickert> see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRCHowTo#Protocol 20:07:16 <cwickert> we are only a few people, so we don't need to enforce the protocol that strict 20:07:43 <cwickert> the agenda for todays meeting is at 20:07:45 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2011-05-04 20:07:56 <cwickert> #topic Announcements 20:08:05 <giallu> 503 503... 20:08:31 <elad661> Wiki outage? 20:08:33 <shaiton> giallu, an outage is there right now 20:08:41 <shaiton> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2745 20:08:46 <cwickert> too bad 20:08:49 * giallu will look later 20:09:25 <cwickert> ok, thanks god I still had that page open, so here it is: http://fpaste.org/1TnO/ 20:09:31 <cwickert> doesn't look nice but will do 20:09:42 <cwickert> one announcement from me 20:10:03 <cwickert> if you are from EMEA and you want to go to LinuxTag in Berlin please contact me 20:10:14 <cwickert> because many people who wanted to come have canceled it 20:10:24 <cwickert> and we are looking for more ambassadors there 20:10:33 * elad661 wishes he could afford the flight 20:10:44 <cwickert> elad661: where are you from? 20:10:48 <shaiton> same here 20:10:50 <elad661> Israel 20:11:20 <cwickert> shaiton, elad661: we can talk about this later, there is a possibility that Fedora takes over the costs 20:11:30 <cwickert> depending on how much it is 20:11:39 <cwickert> the important thing is that you have time next week 20:11:50 <cwickert> more announcements anybody? 20:12:16 <cwickert> ok, moving on... 20:12:31 <cwickert> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:12:39 <cwickert> #link http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-15/f-15-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:12:55 <cwickert> at least that page is online ;) 20:13:31 <cwickert> the F15 release event submission deadline has been extended by two weeks 20:13:44 <cwickert> this means it ends in 2 days from now 20:13:54 <cwickert> if you want to submit an event, please do 20:14:29 <cwickert> does anybody know something about FAmSCo Regional IRC town halls? 20:14:41 <cwickert> rbergeron: what is "FAmSCo Regional IRC town halls"? 20:14:53 * giallu does not know 20:15:20 <cwickert> ok, but from the ambassador's side everything looks good 20:15:28 <cwickert> we have already done what we need to do 20:15:37 <cwickert> now it's FAmSCos turn 20:15:45 <cwickert> there also is the "FAmSCo Review Budget Allocations" item 20:15:47 <rbergeron> cwickert: so i think the intent was to have each region do irc meetings with ambassadors or other interested folks ... 20:15:51 <rbergeron> to cover things like 20:16:00 <rbergeron> features, etc. 20:16:20 <rbergeron> basically give peoople an opportunity to ask questions as we get close o release 20:16:26 <cwickert> rbergeron: what features? F15 features? 20:16:30 <rbergeron> before they have release parties, etc. 20:16:42 <cwickert> do you know if this will happen? 20:16:45 <rbergeron> i dont think anyone has ever actually *held* a town hall, though 20:16:58 <cwickert> me hasn't heard of it 20:17:04 <rbergeron> cwickert: yeah, probably 20:17:09 <cwickert> anyway, we are fine 20:17:09 <giallu> me neither 20:17:27 <rbergeron> i think it had originated in famna - it's certainly emea's call as to if they want to do that 20:17:40 <cwickert> is see 20:17:44 <rbergeron> i will probably remove it if nobody is ever dooing it 20:17:57 <rbergeron> since afaik this is the second time it's been in the schedule 20:17:58 <cwickert> #action cwickert to send out a reminder for release events deadline and remind people to file budget requests for their events 20:18:31 <cwickert> #topic Update on F15 Media production 20:18:38 <cwickert> ok, now for the media 20:18:59 <cwickert> spot mostly finished the multi-media-creator 20:19:06 <cwickert> and has is tested by rel-eng 20:19:16 * cwickert is very happy and grateful 20:19:23 <giallu> so one DVD for all the spins? 20:19:24 <shaiton> :) 20:19:35 <cwickert> yes, and dual arch 20:19:40 <giallu> great 20:19:44 <cwickert> the install dvds will be also on one dvd 20:19:53 <cwickert> and we have automatic selection of the architecture 20:20:06 <shaiton> great feature 20:20:09 <cwickert> so if your pc can do 64bits, it will be booted by default 20:20:17 <cwickert> you can still select an architecture 20:20:23 <cwickert> this is going to rock! 20:20:29 <cwickert> as for the timeline 20:20:47 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule 20:20:51 <cwickert> damn, it's down, too 20:21:04 <cwickert> but the compose should happen on May, 10th 20:21:24 <cwickert> so if I can get the images from rel-eng somehow, we can have media in time 20:21:40 <cwickert> well, if the creation goes well and testing is positive 20:21:54 <cwickert> I think the final compose should be done ~ 15th 20:22:03 <cwickert> this is 9 days till release 20:22:19 <cwickert> media company says they need 9 or 10 days 20:22:31 <giallu> that would rock. I assume "we can have" means in your hands 20:22:31 <cwickert> I haven't heard of the design-team though 20:22:43 <cwickert> right giallu, in my hands 20:22:46 <giallu> k 20:22:54 <cwickert> they are only shipping to Germany 20:23:03 <cwickert> I will distribute the media ASAP 20:23:22 <cwickert> but depending on the parcel service and your location it can take a week 20:23:34 <cwickert> still fast compared to previous releases though 20:23:39 <cwickert> I will do my best 20:23:48 <shaiton> thank you :) 20:23:50 <giallu> thsnk you in advance for that! 20:24:15 <cwickert> #info people should file F15 media requests at https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ already and assign them to cwickert 20:24:31 <shaiton> ? 20:24:36 <cwickert> #action cwickert to send out mail about primary distribution 20:24:45 <cwickert> shaiton: yes please 20:24:51 <shaiton> how to know how many we could ask for?... 20:25:10 <cwickert> depends on how many you can distribute 20:25:16 <shaiton> I mean, I want every regions to have enough, not asking too much 20:25:17 <shaiton> eof 20:25:30 <cwickert> we will have more media than ever before :) 20:25:45 <shaiton> but before france never asked for... 20:26:02 <cwickert> the primary shipment was between 300 and 400 to each person 20:26:11 <cwickert> and these persons distributed them in their countries 20:26:36 <cwickert> so it depends on the size of your community and the number of events 20:26:38 <shaiton> while we usually produced (and spread) around 800 pieces (even 1000) 20:26:56 <cwickert> we have 6000 in total 20:27:09 <cwickert> I want at least 1000 for Africa 20:27:27 <cwickert> I think we should be able to ship ~600 to france 20:27:41 <shaiton> ok, you ll let you see if I am asking too much, no problem at all :) 20:27:47 <cwickert> shaiton: are the french people doinf their own media, too? 20:27:49 <shaiton> (filling tickets would help) 20:28:11 <shaiton> cwickert, not anymore 20:28:26 <cwickert> ok, I think we can help you 20:28:27 <shaiton> (waiting for RH answer... renaming etc) 20:28:33 <shaiton> great thanks 20:28:35 <cwickert> sad story indeed.... 20:28:53 <shaiton> that would be solved 20:28:53 <cwickert> anything on media? 20:29:04 <cwickert> #topic Events 20:29:13 <cwickert> there is 2 big events next week 20:29:26 <cwickert> LinuxTag in Berlin and Solutions Linux in Paris 20:29:31 <cwickert> lets rock them! 20:29:44 <cwickert> we have everything organized for LinuxTag 20:29:54 <shaiton> yep! would be awesom 20:29:56 <cwickert> and without the wiki there is not much I can tell 20:30:02 <shaiton> all it's fine for Solution Linux too 20:30:17 <cwickert> #topic F15 Release events 20:30:39 <cwickert> #info remember, the deadline for F15 release events is 2011-05-06 20:31:02 <cwickert> #info you can still submit events at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F15_release_events 20:31:13 <cwickert> the wiki being down really sucks :( 20:31:19 * shaiton thanks cwickert for having fulled the wiki about paris event 20:31:47 <cwickert> anything more on release events? 20:31:52 <giallu> one Q 20:31:58 <cwickert> go ahead 20:32:25 <giallu> what exactly we may ask to be reimbursed? 20:32:54 * cwickert likes to say "look into the wiki", but... 20:33:01 <giallu> ehehe 20:33:19 <giallu> foo? beverages? 20:33:24 <giallu> food even 20:33:26 <cwickert> onec the wiki is up again you can find the info at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Reimbursements 20:33:39 <giallu> ok. thanks 20:34:15 <cwickert> for release events this is also covered in the wiki 20:34:29 <cwickert> not at the F15 page but at a general page that is linked from there 20:34:47 <cwickert> and yes, you can get reimbursed for food and drinks :) 20:35:07 <giallu> ok great 20:35:12 <cwickert> #topic Action items from previous meetings 20:35:30 * cwickert looks at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-04-20/fedora-meeting.2011-04-20-20.03.html 20:35:44 <cwickert> DONE: cwickert to write a reminder about the release events to the ambassadors list 20:35:53 <cwickert> #DONE: cwickert to update the Linux-Tag wiki page with status and hotel information 20:35:59 * shaiton has not seen anything about EMEA FUDCon 20:36:30 <cwickert> info about LinuxTag is at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuxTag_Survival_Kit 20:36:51 <cwickert> NOT DONE: fcrippa to send a mail about further FUDCon Milan planning to all relevant mailing lists 20:36:58 <giallu> shaiton, fcrippa sent a mail today to the italian ML asking for ideas about dates. 20:37:11 <giallu> current candidates are 2-4 September 20:37:12 <cwickert> giallu: anything more on that? 20:37:18 <giallu> or early october 20:37:59 <cwickert> ok, this leaves us and the Italian fellows time for planning 20:38:08 <giallu> it seems we will be meeting weekly to keep the ball rolling 20:38:08 <cwickert> #action cwickert to contact media company again on the specs for media art 20:38:13 <cwickert> #undo 20:38:13 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x19b46e4c> 20:38:18 <cwickert> DONE cwickert to contact media company again on the specs for media art 20:38:37 <cwickert> I have received an answer from the media company 20:38:48 <cwickert> however I have not spoken with the design team yet 20:38:59 <cwickert> rbergeron: do you know the status of the F15 media art? 20:39:13 <cwickert> #action cwickert to get in touch with the design-team about media art 20:39:28 <cwickert> so for the action items I did all I could :) 20:39:31 <giallu> cwickert, I've seen progress on the list, don't think it's final yeyt 20:39:41 <giallu> re media art 20:39:43 <cwickert> 3 out of 3 items done ;) 20:39:52 <cwickert> giallu: ok, thanks 20:40:16 * cwickert looks at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-04-06/fedora-meeting.2011-04-06-20.06.html 20:40:27 <cwickert> NOT DONE arthurbuliva to add a wiki page for his GNOME 3 Release event in Nairobi 20:40:36 <cwickert> DONE t2hot to add his events to the wiki 20:40:43 <cwickert> DONE liknus to send cwickert buttons 20:40:56 <cwickert> well, not really done, but they will arrive on Firday 20:41:01 <cwickert> Friday 20:41:15 <cwickert> no more action items left 20:41:26 <cwickert> #topic Open floor 20:41:28 <rbergeron> cwickert: i'll find out 20:41:29 <rbergeron> mo is here 20:41:52 <cwickert> rbergeron: can you also ask them if there is a list of media art they know they have to create? 20:42:35 <cwickert> rbergeron: I am worried about https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/170 because nobody from the design-team seems to have looked at it 20:42:48 <rbergeron> cwickert: will do. i don't know when i'll be seeing mo next but i should see her about tonight or tomorrow morning 20:42:50 <cwickert> ok, anything for open floor= 20:42:52 <cwickert> ? 20:42:57 <cwickert> thanks rbergeron 20:43:03 <rbergeron> cwickert: did you try mailng the list about the status of the ticket? 20:43:19 * rbergeron is just checking, haven't read design-list in detail lately 20:43:21 <cwickert> rbergeron: no, because they do not allow submissions by non-members 20:43:34 <giallu> http://inkscaper.fedorapeople.org/Fedora15/Fedora-15-installationmedia-32c.png 20:43:42 <giallu> this is one of the latest iterations 20:44:05 <rbergeron> cwickert: gotcha 20:44:30 <cwickert> rbergeron: they could easily open their list for everybody with an fp.o adress, but they don't 20:44:49 <cwickert> giallu: cool, there even it the artwork for the multi-desktop spin 20:45:07 <rbergeron> cwickert: so is your question answered with that link? or still ned me to investigate? 20:45:37 <giallu> anyway it's not final 20:45:40 * nirik notes wiki should be bad. 20:45:42 <nirik> back 20:45:47 <cwickert> rbergeron: no, I'll get in touch with inkscaper directly 20:45:59 <cwickert> nirik: too late, we are almost done 20:46:24 <cwickert> seems like they have not understood the concept of the multi desktop spin 20:46:41 <cwickert> because it says "32bit" and "64bit" while it is both 20:46:46 <giallu> yeah 20:46:47 <cwickert> but we can fix this 20:46:54 <cwickert> thanks for the link giallu 20:46:56 <giallu> I'll mail the list if you like 20:47:29 <cwickert> giallu: lets talk after the meeting because I have the requirements from the media company 20:47:34 <giallu> k 20:47:38 <cwickert> ok, anything for open floor? 20:47:56 <richdb> one question .. 20:48:32 <cwickert> go ahead richdb 20:49:07 <richdb> i will try to have a Fedora release party, but i not know it before 6 may .. 20:49:25 <richdb> is it then possible to give one or not ? 20:50:00 <cwickert> richdb: I suggest you add it to the wiki and file a ticket for the expenses because you can still cancel the event later 20:50:02 <cwickert> ok? 20:50:22 <richdb> ok thx 20:50:45 <shaiton> richdb, are you asking that because you're not yet an amba? 20:51:07 <cwickert> no, I think he is asking because of the deadline 20:51:14 <richdb> also .. and its all new for me .. 20:51:22 <shaiton> ok, welcome! 20:51:27 <cwickert> richdb: we will assist you 20:51:40 <cwickert> don't worry, if you have questions, we are here for you 20:51:46 <cwickert> ok, anything else? 20:52:08 * cwickert will close the meeting in 3 minutes if nothing comes up 20:52:09 <shaiton> ! 20:52:16 <cwickert> shoot shaiton 20:52:32 <shaiton> I've read months ago about an event page redesigned... 20:52:45 <shaiton> is it still on the way? Or already done? oO 20:52:58 <cwickert> 2 problems here 20:52:59 * shaiton don't find it really easy to read 20:53:05 <cwickert> we want en events calendar 20:53:25 <cwickert> and AFAIK this is to be done in the Fedora CMS we are developing based on Drupal 20:53:30 <giallu> shaiton, not sure if it's same thing, but there is a GSoC project for creating an event handling system 20:53:43 <cwickert> giallu: oh, I didn't know that 20:53:56 <shaiton> should be nice :) 20:53:57 <giallu> let me dig a link 20:54:00 <cwickert> anyway, the calendar will not be in the wiki 20:54:11 <cwickert> however some info needs to remain in the wiki 20:54:17 <giallu> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_coding_ideas_for_2011#Create_a_Fedora_Events_System 20:55:09 <cwickert> I think that https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events won't play an important role in the future 20:55:20 <cwickert> however we need event pages in the wiki for organization 20:55:29 <cwickert> and I would like to see templates for event pages 20:55:45 <shaiton> yep sure 20:55:59 <cwickert> this means a common header and a infobox with the most important facts 20:56:12 <cwickert> similar to the infoboxes we have on the userpages 20:56:25 <cwickert> if somebody has free time to do this and some wiki skills, please go ahead 20:57:15 * shaiton is not skilled for that 20:57:23 <cwickert> #info we want templates for event pages, e.g. a common info box with all facts about date, time and location. if somebody has wiki skills and some free time, please go ahead 20:57:34 <cwickert> I will bring this up on the list 20:57:47 <shaiton> ok 20:57:56 <cwickert> #action cwickert to bring the idea of common event pages up on the wiki 20:58:01 <cwickert> ok, one more thing 20:58:17 * cwickert nearly forgot the most important thing 20:58:28 <cwickert> I ordered new Ambassadors Polos today 20:58:45 <cwickert> if somebody needs one, please drop me a mail 20:59:27 <cwickert> #info cwickert ordered new ambassador polo shirts. drop him a mail if you need one and are not on the list at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Polo_Shirt 20:59:35 <cwickert> sorry if this comes by surprise 20:59:41 <cwickert> but we really had to hurry 20:59:56 <cwickert> and if I ask two weeks on the mailing list, we won't have any shirts 21:00:12 <cwickert> bit we have produced more than we need so there should be some left for people 21:00:23 <cwickert> ok, that's all I think 21:00:30 <cwickert> questions, comments, rants? 21:00:50 <giallu> do you think it is posible to have a female cut polo? 21:01:05 <giallu> we have one in italy 21:01:14 <giallu> one female ambassador I mean... 21:01:19 <cwickert> giallu: generally yes, but we didn't order it 21:01:30 <cwickert> what size does she need? 21:01:32 <giallu> k. I'll ping her just in case 21:01:52 <cwickert> ok, if you can get back to me by tomorrow, I might be able to do it 21:02:04 <giallu> not sure about the size, will try to contact her now 21:02:22 <cwickert> otherwise she will have to wait until the next order 21:02:34 <giallu> ok 21:02:38 <cwickert> ok then 21:02:41 <cwickert> #endmeeting