04:10:31 <dramsey> #startmeeting APAC meeting 2011-04-16 04:10:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Apr 16 04:10:31 2011 UTC. The chair is dramsey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:10:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:10:34 <dramsey> #meetingname APAC 04:10:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac' 04:10:53 <dramsey> #chair arifiauo lcafiero suresht tuanta 04:10:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: arifiauo dramsey lcafiero suresht tuanta 04:10:53 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 04:10:54 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 04:10:58 <suresht> .fas suresht 04:10:59 <zodbot> suresht: suresht 'Sureshkumar Packiyarajah' <sureshp8@gmail.com> 04:11:00 <dramsey> #topic Ambassador Pinging 04:11:03 <dramsey> .fas dramsey 04:11:03 <zodbot> dramsey: dramsey 'David Ramsey' <diamond_ramsey@hotmail.com> 04:11:03 <arifiauo> .fas arifiauo 04:11:07 <zodbot> arifiauo: arifiauo 'Arif Tri Waluyo' <arifiauo@gmail.com> 04:11:11 <dramsey> Hello Everyone 04:11:15 <suresht> Srilanka f14 from DVD 04:11:44 <dramsey> Welcome to our meeting. 04:11:50 <dramsey> #topic News from FAmSCo 04:11:58 <dramsey> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2011-04-16#Agenda 04:12:10 <dramsey> lcafiero, any news or should we continue? 04:13:11 <dramsey> May be next topic then? 04:13:26 <tuanta> next, please 04:13:27 <suresht> dramsey, YES MOVE ON 04:13:31 <dramsey> #topic Report current Status of upcoming events 04:13:32 <suresht> err 04:13:36 <dramsey> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents#FY12_Q1_.28March_2011_-_May_2011.29_4 04:13:57 <dramsey> I am doing my biweekly Akihabara tomorrow, any news from you all? 04:14:01 <tuanta> ! 04:14:06 <dramsey> Tuan, please 04:14:09 <suresht> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Sri_Lanka_2011 04:14:27 <suresht> we are going to do i next month 04:14:31 <tuanta> GNOME 3 release party has been fine 04:14:41 <dramsey> +1 tuanta 'Tuan' 04:14:42 <tuanta> I posted report on 04:14:47 <dramsey> Excellent! 04:15:08 <dramsey> #info GNOME 3 release party with report by tuanta 'Tuan' 04:15:16 <suresht> dramsey, see my task page #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_lk_prework 04:15:27 <tuanta> Fedora is the best distro running GNOME 3 at that event 04:15:35 <arifiauo> +1 04:15:38 <dramsey> Good to hear tuanta 'Tuan' 04:15:44 <dramsey> Excellent suresht! 04:15:52 <dramsey> Other information Tuan? 04:15:54 <tuanta> I shown Fedora 15 Alpha with latest GNOME 3.0 final 04:16:05 <suresht> dramsey, tuanta i want feedback about #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_lk_prework 04:16:32 <suresht> it seem we are going to little big event 04:16:46 <tuanta> sure, suresht 04:17:07 <dramsey> #action suresht needs action from others on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_lk_prework 04:17:37 <dramsey> Duly noted suresht 04:17:38 <dramsey> Other information tuanta 'Tuan' or suresht? 04:17:39 <suresht> dramsey, tuanta after get local sponsor i will move to next 04:17:56 <dramsey> #action suresht needs to get local sponsor 04:18:05 <dramsey> +1 tuanta 04:18:07 <dramsey> +1 suresht 04:18:21 <tuanta> that's all at me, all details could be found in event report 04:18:31 <dramsey> Understood tuanta 04:18:43 <dramsey> suresht, has the update the Fedora Activity Day Sri Lanka 2011 with appropriate contact, date and time data been completed? 04:19:52 <tuanta> +1 dramsey 04:19:54 <suresht> dramsey, #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_lk_prework after your approval i will add to event page 04:20:16 <dramsey> Got it! 04:20:17 <dramsey> Anything else or next topic? 04:20:33 <tuanta> it should be better if you can have some brief before, suresht 04:20:47 <dramsey> +1 tuanta - great idea!!! 04:21:03 <suresht> dramsey, yes i will provided 04:21:08 <dramsey> Should suresht provide to this brief to the mailing list? 04:21:17 <dramsey> +1 suresht 04:21:26 <suresht> dramsey, yes via ambassadors mailing list 04:21:30 <dramsey> :D 04:21:32 <dramsey> Good 04:21:38 <tuanta> you, as event organizers should decide the event time/date, place soon 04:21:55 <suresht> tuanta, i am working with bckurera 04:22:03 <dramsey> +1 tuanta. 04:22:04 <tuanta> I see 04:22:10 <dramsey> This is very important. 04:22:32 <dramsey> Other thoughts or next topic? 04:22:48 <tuanta> those are key factors before you can start PR(ing) the vent 04:22:54 <tuanta> s/vent/event 04:23:22 <suresht> tuanta, yes we are waiting for the media and am cloths 04:23:41 <suresht> after that i can fix the date 04:23:47 <tuanta> ok 04:24:00 <tuanta> both are in your hands, I see 04:24:37 <suresht> tuanta, yes i will expected soon as possible 04:24:46 <tuanta> ok, we can discuss in the next topic 04:24:50 <tuanta> next? 04:24:54 <dramsey> #topic APAC plans 04:24:56 <suresht> dramsey, move on 04:25:01 <dramsey> Media, Swag and other needs? 04:25:19 <tuanta> yes, how about you, suresht? 04:25:39 <suresht> dramsey, still waiting for #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bckurera/APAC-shirts 04:25:56 <tuanta> what are you waiting for? 04:26:05 <tuanta> the manufacture? 04:26:43 <suresht> already bckurera requested but still not reach here 04:27:14 <tuanta> bckurera is requesting for what? 04:27:29 <suresht> ambassadors cloths 04:27:41 <tuanta> I think bckurera placed the order, right? 04:27:50 <dramsey> Good question. 04:28:15 <tuanta> how long does it take for manufacturer to produce them? 04:28:23 <suresht> tuanta, yes we will expected before end of this month 04:28:38 <dramsey> Excellent. 04:28:41 <tuanta> that's good 04:28:44 <dramsey> How about media, suresht 04:29:03 <suresht> dramsey, still i din not get it 04:29:13 <dramsey> Who are you contacting suresht? 04:29:16 <dramsey> arifiauo, do you need anything? 04:29:19 <suresht> dramsey, need to send remember mail to kaio 04:29:22 <dramsey> tuanta 'Tuan' needs? 04:29:37 <tuanta> I will burn media myself 04:29:37 <dramsey> Sounds like action suresht 04:29:44 <dramsey> #action suresht 'contact' kaio for stuff. 04:29:47 <dramsey> Hi KageSenshi 04:29:47 <arifiauo> No really right now. 04:29:54 <dramsey> #chair KageSenshi 04:29:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: KageSenshi arifiauo dramsey lcafiero suresht tuanta 04:29:55 <tuanta> it's not convenience to import media to Vietnam 04:29:57 <suresht> dramsey, +1 04:30:09 <suresht> hi KageSenshi 04:30:31 <dramsey> arifiauo, understood, if you have future needs then please make note kaio as well as harish are very support us. 04:30:43 <dramsey> KageSenshi we are at APAC Plans. 04:30:43 <KageSenshi> zzzzzzZZ 04:30:45 <KageSenshi> hi all :) 04:30:48 <arifiauo> Yup :) 04:30:50 <dramsey> tuanta, true! 04:30:57 <suresht> KageSenshi, hi 04:31:01 <KageSenshi> ok :) 04:31:16 <dramsey> #idea If anyone needs stuff, then please contact harish and kaio. 04:31:23 <dramsey> KageSenshi, do you have media needs? 04:31:29 <arifiauo> +1 04:31:51 <KageSenshi> i've got my media from harish .. already used up half of them last week at the gnome3 release party .. 04:32:16 <tuanta> I am checking CD printing cost in Vietnam to produce about 500-1,000 F15 discs, then get reimbursement 04:32:17 <dramsey> Cool to hear, KageSenshi! 04:32:18 <suresht> KageSenshi, great nice to here 04:32:19 <KageSenshi> theres around 120 more, should be enough for the rest of this f14 session 04:32:27 <dramsey> +1 tuanta 04:32:50 <suresht> +1 tuanta 04:32:58 <dramsey> +1 KageSenshi 04:33:11 <KageSenshi> did a adhoc demo on gnome3/f15 there .. because the original person who supposed to do it couldnt get it running on his debian >.< 04:33:15 <bckurera> hello 04:33:17 <suresht> hi bckurera 04:33:18 <dramsey> #chair bckurera 04:33:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: KageSenshi arifiauo bckurera dramsey lcafiero suresht tuanta 04:33:23 <dramsey> Eyo bckurera... 04:33:26 <arifiauo> hi bckurera 04:33:26 <bckurera> sorry for the late 04:33:32 <bckurera> had some problems with the client 04:33:33 <bckurera> :) 04:33:37 <dramsey> bckurera we are at APAC plans... 04:33:40 <bckurera> H i all 04:33:40 <tuanta> understood, bckurera 04:33:42 <bckurera> good morning 04:33:45 <suresht> bckurera, hi 04:33:46 <bckurera> .fas bckurera 04:33:46 <zodbot> bckurera: bckurera 'Buddhika Kurera' <bckurera@gmail.com> 04:34:10 <dramsey> Any news to help us, bckurera - Sri Lanka FAD, shirts, media needs? 04:34:16 <tuanta> +1 KageSenshi 04:34:21 <bckurera> yes 04:34:30 <bckurera> there is a problem with media 04:34:41 <bckurera> costom charging lot on media 04:34:46 <dramsey> Ey 04:34:51 <bckurera> and it is hard to collect from them too 04:34:55 <tuanta> I see bckurera :) 04:34:59 <dramsey> bckurera, who/where did the media come from? 04:34:59 <bckurera> Harish recently sent me 100 CDs 04:35:03 <tuanta> same here, in Vietnam 04:35:05 <dramsey> Oh no... 04:35:26 <bckurera> paying that money and all, we can produce DVD for that in SL 04:35:42 <dramsey> Understood bckurera. 04:35:45 <dramsey> tuanta, did kaio help with the customs problem for you? 04:35:57 <bckurera> so I was creating a plan (a documentation) over the situtation 04:36:00 <bckurera> to produce them locally 04:36:13 <dramsey> I think "local" production for tuanta, bckurera, and suresht is best. 04:36:17 <bckurera> Main problem is Harish sending them on FedEx 04:36:33 <bckurera> It is too costly 04:36:43 <tuanta> import tax is more than producing discs locally :) 04:36:45 <dramsey> bckurera, please make sure that both harish and kaio understand. 04:36:47 <suresht> bckurera, normal post would be fine a little 04:37:06 <bckurera> yes suresht 04:37:07 <suresht> bckurera, i hope 04:37:11 <bckurera> normal post is quite ok 04:37:20 <dramsey> bckurera and tuanta, your ideas are best for your situation. I agree 100% 04:37:23 <bckurera> i will do it dramsey for sure 04:37:29 <bckurera> I need to contact harish and kiao 04:37:30 <dramsey> +1 bckurera. 04:37:40 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:37:45 <dramsey> tuanta, was Fedora able to help with the customs cost for you? 04:37:47 <bckurera> then i am looking forwad to investigate the prices in Sri Lanka and find a good producer 04:38:00 <bckurera> The thing is this dramsey 04:38:12 <bckurera> we can refun the tax from fedora 04:38:24 <bckurera> but finally it cost for fedors then that is the use 04:38:40 <bckurera> so paying the costom fee is so unfare 04:38:47 <tuanta> yes, I think Fedora can help but I prefer producing locally 04:39:09 <suresht> bckurera, not only cds but too Road Notice,fedora posters,balloons,pens and strictors 04:39:35 <bckurera> i have no experince with other swags 04:39:36 <bckurera> :) 04:39:44 <bckurera> AND FOR FAD SL 04:39:53 <bckurera> i was discussing with university of Colombo 04:40:01 <bckurera> it seems we can get some room there 04:40:10 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:40:12 <bckurera> i m planing for the F15 release 04:40:18 <suresht> after get local sponsorship we will confirm 04:40:20 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:40:22 <dramsey> Understood bckurera +1 04:40:29 <bckurera> and I saw dramsey's test days 04:40:35 <bckurera> great work dramsey 04:40:41 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:40:44 <tuanta> :) 04:40:45 <dramsey> bckurera and tuanta, I am sure that harish and kaio want to make sure you both are taken care of. 04:40:58 <dramsey> Thank you bckurera, new stuff is fun. 04:41:08 <bckurera> yes I m bothering about the quality firt 04:41:13 <bckurera> you know with quality 04:41:17 <bckurera> the price change 04:41:31 <bckurera> optimum results from both end is quite difficult 04:41:36 <dramsey> I understand and support "produce" locally, we must make sure FAmSCo understands our situations. 04:41:37 <bckurera> but we will do our best 04:41:47 <dramsey> +1 bckurera 04:41:58 <suresht> bckurera, +1 04:42:14 <bckurera> I m little busy these days due to exams 04:42:14 <tuanta> I believe that they (FAmSCo) already known, dramsey 04:42:15 <bckurera> :) 04:42:26 <dramsey> +1 tuanta 04:42:32 <bckurera> yes I hope so 04:42:35 <bckurera> +1 04:42:36 <dramsey> I will write info, sound good ? 04:42:46 <tuanta> +1 dramsey 04:42:53 <suresht> + dramsey 04:43:12 <bckurera> by the way Verne was selected 04:43:16 <dramsey> #info FAmSCo to understand tuanta 'Tuan' and bckurera issues related to "imported" media versus locally produced. 04:43:18 <bckurera> cheers on that too 04:43:20 <dramsey> Siund good? 04:43:31 <dramsey> s/Siund/Sound 04:43:59 <bckurera> please check 04:44:01 <bckurera> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F16_Artwork/Submissions/Wallpaper_Concept 04:44:09 <tuanta> bckurera, it doesn't make sense to me, sorry 04:44:18 <tuanta> with me, just Fedora is enough 04:44:25 <tuanta> whatever code name :) 04:44:27 <bckurera> great tuanta 04:44:36 <bckurera> just mentioned 04:44:51 <tuanta> yes, I see, bckurera 04:45:12 <tuanta> I have heard about that code name 04:45:13 <bckurera> so we r in APAC plan 04:45:27 <tuanta> ok, next 04:45:27 <dramsey> Yup, other thoughts or next topic? 04:45:40 <bckurera> I have to raise a point there 04:45:43 <tuanta> how about Ambassador Wear, bckurera 04:45:49 <dramsey> Go for it, bckurera 04:45:54 <bckurera> what is the status of events in APAC 04:46:16 <bckurera> due to world cup producing our order got little late 04:46:24 <bckurera> I am getting them at the end of this month 04:46:39 <suresht> bckurera, +1 04:46:55 <bckurera> Is there any Fudcon or FAD is happening in APAC?? 04:46:59 <tuanta> I always update all events and reports onto Fedora Events page 04:47:22 <bckurera> what are our plans for the next 7 months of the year? 04:47:38 <tuanta> not many ones, I see 04:47:43 <bckurera> What are our plans for F15 release? 04:47:47 <tuanta> just local events 04:47:53 <dramsey> good question, we may hear what is in harish's mind as well as gbraad's kaio's within FAmSCo 04:48:08 <dramsey> Late May events for F15 04:48:12 <bckurera> yes we have to have a plan 04:48:14 <tuanta> I will have F15 release parties at 2 cities, at least 04:48:37 <tuanta> Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city 04:48:41 <dramsey> I remember that before we did Fedora Release Party dinners... 04:48:43 <dramsey> +1 tuanta 04:48:52 <bckurera> great work tuanta 04:48:55 <tuanta> we have a lot of Fedora users in Vietnam 04:49:23 <bckurera> So what i am maning is organizing 04:49:26 <tuanta> I would like to group them all 04:49:33 <bckurera> we have to have a vision and action plan 04:49:39 <bckurera> to cover the APAC 04:49:52 <bckurera> then we can effectively work on spreading Fedora 04:50:04 <bckurera> I see a great potential over Ubuntu for fedora now 04:50:05 <tuanta> we should prepare for the first FUDCon in APAC 04:50:14 <bckurera> it is popping up in Sri Lanka too 04:50:18 <dramsey> Sounds like an action bckurera to discuss with gbraad, kaio and mether 04:50:29 <dramsey> +1 tuanta 04:50:32 <bckurera> +1 04:50:38 <bckurera> yes we have to do something soon 04:50:46 <bckurera> WE NEED TO GET SOME ATTENTION TO FEDORA 04:50:57 <bckurera> whole community in APAC should wake up 04:51:03 <dramsey> True 04:51:10 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:51:13 <arifiauo> +1 04:51:15 <bckurera> we need to motivate our local FAm 04:51:34 <bckurera> but first we need to have a plan 04:51:34 <tuanta> it's on the way here 04:51:53 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 04:52:01 <bckurera> In Sri Lanka I am talking with other FAm 04:52:24 <bckurera> suresht actively participating for Fedora things 04:52:31 <bckurera> likewise we have to get others too 04:52:35 <tuanta> we should have a master plan for APAC and detailed plans for each country/region 04:52:44 <bckurera> coz alone we 3,4 ppl cannot make this happen 04:52:52 <bckurera> great tuanta 04:52:54 <dramsey> #idea develop a master plan for APAC and detailed plans for each country/region 04:52:57 <bckurera> we need such a thing 04:52:58 <dramsey> good ideas! 04:53:15 <dramsey> +1 bckurera 04:53:18 <tuanta> we should have big events to get all Fedorians involved, from APAC as well as all over the would 04:53:21 <suresht> +1 bckurera 04:53:25 <tuanta> s/would/world 04:53:26 <bckurera> if we can creat a committee for that 04:53:31 <bckurera> the work would be nice 04:53:46 <bckurera> India is working alone 04:54:01 <tuanta> I see, poor them, bckurera 04:54:01 <bckurera> so APAC plan not incuding India is the situation 04:54:10 <bckurera> +1 04:54:17 <bckurera> but being frank they are working hard 04:54:20 <tuanta> we should get in touch with them 04:54:27 <bckurera> hats off 04:54:43 <dramsey> I think that Harish and kaio are trying to bridge with meetings...would be good to hear their results. 04:54:46 <bckurera> yup i am trying to be KIT with them 04:55:14 <tuanta> I have not heard about Fedora activities in India 04:55:41 <bckurera> So wht dramsey? 04:55:42 <tuanta> if they have got some meetings like this, I'd love to join with them 04:55:45 <bckurera> what u think? 04:56:14 <bckurera> working alone not that effective 04:56:18 <bckurera> will work together 04:56:24 <dramsey> I remember reading about one month ago at our IRC about such meeting times. 04:56:27 <bckurera> as per the plan we are going to creat 04:56:28 <dramsey> Hello Kalpurush 04:56:36 <suresht> hi Kalpurush 04:56:56 <tuanta> it's not easy to organize a meeting for both Indians and the rest, but Indians with some observers from us is ok 04:57:35 <Kalpurush> Hi 04:57:35 <dramsey> Other thoughts? 04:57:36 <bckurera> we will work for that 04:57:48 <Kalpurush> Am i llate ? :( 04:57:57 <Kalpurush> .fas 04:57:57 <zodbot> Kalpurush: (fas <query>) -- Search the Fedora Account System usernames, full names, and email addresses for a match. 04:58:00 <dramsey> Hi Kalpurush, we are at APAC plans 04:58:05 <dramsey> #chair Kalpurush 04:58:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: KageSenshi Kalpurush arifiauo bckurera dramsey lcafiero suresht tuanta 04:58:12 <tuanta> #idea join fedora-meeting with Indians 04:58:19 <dramsey> +1 tuanta 04:58:24 <bckurera> #idea Forming a committee to work for the Master Plan for APAC 04:58:27 <dramsey> Any news from you, Kalpurush 04:58:38 <bckurera> hi Kalpurush 04:58:40 <Kalpurush> Not yet 04:58:47 <dramsey> Okay, Kalpurush. 04:58:54 <dramsey> Other thoughts or next topic? 04:58:57 <tuanta> .fasinfo Kalpurush 04:58:58 <zodbot> tuanta: User "Kalpurush" doesn't exist 04:59:15 <tuanta> :) 04:59:19 <suresht> .fas Kalpurush 04:59:20 <zodbot> suresht: kalpurush 'Moniruzzaman Monir' <m.mzaman99@gmail.com> 04:59:27 <Kalpurush> I m frm mobile, on the way to my uni 04:59:54 <tuanta> any other thoughts or next topic? 05:00:22 <suresht> tuanta, lets move 05:00:26 <tuanta> #topic APAC Library 05:00:27 <bckurera> hmm that is the main thing in my mind 05:00:52 <dramsey> This is asmartgoat's topic, so duly noted. 05:01:01 <dramsey> Other thoughts or next topic? 05:01:07 <tuanta> +1 dramsey 05:01:37 <Kalpurush> +1 05:01:39 <bckurera> i m empty 05:01:39 <dramsey> #topic Classrooms for APAC 05:01:45 <tuanta> it's FranciscoD's idea 05:01:46 <dramsey> #topic Classrooms for APAC 05:01:53 <dramsey> whoops... 05:01:56 <bckurera> no idea 05:02:00 <dramsey> This was FransciscodD 's topic, so other thoughts or next topic? 05:02:05 <tuanta> +1 05:02:20 <bckurera> next topic 05:02:21 <bckurera> +1 05:02:21 <dramsey> #topic Red Hat Exams for Ambassadors 05:02:27 <tuanta> no idea, too :( 05:02:34 <bckurera> here dramsey's topic comes :) 05:02:41 <dramsey> My topic, all's well. 05:02:42 <tuanta> :) 05:02:42 <dramsey> Other thoughts or next topic? 05:02:43 <bckurera> what is the status of this? 05:02:44 <suresht> dramsey, any new from that 05:02:46 <tuanta> cool 05:03:08 <bckurera> ok then we proceed next topic 05:03:10 <dramsey> This idea is in the FAmSCo's mind, so good. 05:03:13 <dramsey> That's all. 05:03:14 <dramsey> #topic Open Floor 05:03:24 <dramsey> Yo asmartgoat 05:03:26 <suresht> asmartgoat, hi 05:03:28 <dramsey> #chair asmartgoat 05:03:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: KageSenshi Kalpurush arifiauo asmartgoat bckurera dramsey lcafiero suresht tuanta 05:03:34 <asmartgoat> Hi, sorry im late. 05:03:35 <dramsey> We are at Open Floor asmartgoat 05:03:41 <bckurera> Can we talk abou thte FUDcon little here 05:03:44 <asmartgoat> was sitting in a talk at lug meeting 05:03:48 <bckurera> hi asmartgoat 05:03:48 <Kalpurush> Hi, asmartgoat 05:03:54 <asmartgoat> getting rid of last f15 disks. 05:03:56 <bckurera> we are at the last topic 05:03:56 <bckurera> :) 05:03:57 <dramsey> Sure bckurera... 05:04:13 <bckurera> Is anyone having an idea for a location? 05:04:13 <asmartgoat> hi, Kalpurush, bckurera, dramsey, suresht. 05:04:27 <bckurera> we were missing you asmartgoat 05:04:28 <suresht> bckurera, why we cant try here 05:04:40 <bckurera> we ll go with the FAD first 05:04:51 <bckurera> those experinces will help us to FUDcon later :) 05:05:04 <suresht> bckurera, sure 05:05:16 <bckurera> anyone know the timeline? 05:05:23 <bckurera> i heard nothing on that 05:05:24 <bckurera> :( 05:05:28 <tuanta> we can back to the previous topic "APAC Library" 05:05:37 <tuanta> asmartgoat's here right now 05:05:43 <bckurera> ahh yup 05:05:48 <bckurera> are you ready asmartgoat? 05:05:49 <suresht> +1 tuanta 05:06:00 <asmartgoat> I can't write well at the momnt, on OLPC. ;) 05:06:14 <dramsey> Understood asmartgoat 05:06:17 <bckurera> ok tehn continue our discussion 05:06:25 <bckurera> any idea aout FUDcon? 05:06:37 <bckurera> i saw a FUDcon on panama 05:06:42 <bckurera> posted by Igor 05:07:23 <dramsey> True. 05:07:30 <bckurera> Is there any suggesions for the location guys? 05:07:38 <dramsey> #info Find out about FUDcon information for APAC> 05:07:41 <dramsey> s/>/. 05:07:42 <bckurera> location for FUDcon on APAC? 05:07:47 <KageSenshi> hurm .. havent decided yet 05:07:48 <tuanta> +1 for Singapore 05:08:07 <tuanta> there is RedHat office there, Harish there and... :) 05:08:07 <bckurera> i want to know someting 05:08:10 <dramsey> +1 singapore. 05:08:18 <KageSenshi> i'll be meeting with the guys tomorrow 05:08:22 <bckurera> who are going to organize this FUDcon? 05:08:23 <Kalpurush> Bangladesh 05:08:28 <bckurera> FAmSCo? 05:08:51 <tuanta> we should be in the organizing team 05:09:01 <dramsey> bckurera, that is a good question, let us make a note for the logs and I am sure that either harish and/or kaio will help. 05:09:03 <KageSenshi> bckurera, i believe it need a local team in the country selected right ? 05:09:14 <bckurera> yes 05:09:17 <tuanta> +1 KageSenshi 05:09:25 <bckurera> local team should have to 100% responsibility 05:09:39 <dramsey> Someone at FAmSCo and/or budget will need to approve the funding. 05:09:40 <Kalpurush> +1 05:09:44 <bckurera> shall we creat a discussion about that 05:09:54 <bckurera> aiming the F15 release we can go for a FUDcon 05:10:20 <KageSenshi> dramsey, in term of sponsorship, how much will come from famsco and how much will need to find from other sources ? 05:10:21 <dramsey> Good luck in doing bckurera, I think you will need a proposal and corresponding approval. 05:10:30 <bckurera> ok then we can discuss with kaio first 05:10:41 <bckurera> and with Harish 05:10:49 <dramsey> That is a good question, KageSenshi...someone who approves will need to have a "funding" line. 05:10:56 <dramsey> +1 bckurera. 05:11:26 <dramsey> Proposal and approval may be good steps to understand everyone's mind and intentions. 05:11:27 <dramsey> ;) 05:11:29 <bckurera> #action Discuss with Harish and Kaio about the FUDcon for APAC 05:11:31 <dramsey> Other thoughts? 05:11:36 <dramsey> +1 bckurera 05:12:01 <bckurera> just for information 05:12:10 <bckurera> how many contries representing here now? 05:12:22 <tuanta> 1. Vietnam :) 05:12:27 <bckurera> bcoz all the time in meetings I see some common faces 05:12:27 <KageSenshi> .MY 05:12:30 <suresht> bckurera, lk 05:12:35 <dramsey> Japan 05:12:37 <arifiauo> Indonesia 05:12:38 <lcafiero> us 05:12:38 <bckurera> others are not niterested 05:12:43 <dramsey> Had asmartgoat, Australia... 05:12:43 <lcafiero> (not in apac) 05:12:50 <dramsey> lcafiero was U.S.A. 05:12:50 <tuanta> a lot :) 05:12:53 <tuanta> 7-8 05:13:03 <Kalpurush> Any news abt APAC wear? 05:13:19 <dramsey> :) An open ear and experience from lcafiero is always appreciated. :) 05:13:33 <bckurera> sorry got disconnected 05:13:40 <dramsey> We are now at 75 minutes. I will "need" bolt in 15 minutes. 05:13:54 <bckurera> I ll try to communicate with other APAC FAms 05:13:58 <bckurera> and try to get their help 05:14:09 <bckurera> with out them we cannot make a big impact 05:14:09 <dramsey> bckurera is this action and/or info? 05:14:16 <dramsey> True bckurera. 05:14:19 * KageSenshi nods 05:14:21 <bckurera> action good i thik :) 05:14:39 <dramsey> Other thoughts? 05:14:51 <bckurera> #action Contact other countries FAm and get their attention and help towards the Master APAC plan 05:14:53 <bckurera> is it ok? 05:15:03 <KageSenshi> sounds cool 05:15:08 <dramsey> Perfect, bckurera +1 05:15:09 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 05:15:17 <bckurera> WE WILL DO A BIG IMPACT 05:15:19 <Kalpurush> + 1 05:15:20 <bckurera> WE ALL CAN DO IT 05:15:25 <dramsey> Action begets progress. 05:15:33 <KageSenshi> :D 05:15:56 <dramsey> Other thoughts? 05:16:00 <dramsey> Other ideas? 05:16:09 <dramsey> I have one idea only on Fedora Stickers. 05:16:10 <bckurera> i m over 05:16:10 <dramsey> Has everyone received my e-mail on getting Fedora Stickers? If you are interested, then I need your mailing address to send the SASE to Tom Callaway. 05:16:27 <suresht> dramsey, yes 05:16:29 <bckurera> ahh I am 05:16:30 <dramsey> I must send my mail to Tom. 05:16:42 <bckurera> are seding SASE for us? 05:16:44 <Kalpurush> I did'nt get yet , dramsey 05:16:56 <dramsey> Kalpurush what is your e-mail address? 05:17:21 <Kalpurush> m.mzaman99@gmail.com 05:17:41 <bckurera> BTW how is the situation in Bangladesh? 05:17:46 <dramsey> Sending now Kalpurush. 05:17:53 <bckurera> hope you all fine Kalpurush? 05:17:59 <dramsey> Yup, I am sending "SASE" for each of you who are interested? 05:18:20 <bckurera> nice sounds good 05:18:22 <Kalpurush> not bad 05:18:26 <bckurera> i ll send you my address 05:18:36 <dramsey> bckurera, yes please. 05:18:41 <bckurera> ahh there is a news 05:18:49 <dramsey> that is it for me. 05:18:55 <dramsey> Go for it bckurera. 05:19:01 <bckurera> FSCo and Fedora Board election will be on May 05:19:07 <bckurera> please be in Alert 05:19:13 <KageSenshi> :D 05:19:14 <Kalpurush> Wow 05:19:23 <bckurera> like to see more ppl from APAC in the board and SCo. 05:19:33 <suresht> i have an idea dramsey 05:19:41 <bckurera> go on suresht 05:19:42 <Kalpurush> +1 05:19:50 <suresht> to put Board 05:20:04 <dramsey> +1 05:20:13 <dramsey> Cool suresht, what's in your mind? 05:20:16 <Kalpurush> +1 05:20:18 <dramsey> T minus 10 minutes... 05:20:20 <bckurera> yup go on 05:20:35 <dramsey> +1 bckurera 05:20:40 <suresht> when the next Board election my voat for dramsey 05:20:56 <bckurera> ahh you wanna propose dramsey for the board 05:21:05 <bckurera> it is really nice idea cooooool 05:21:06 <suresht> yep 05:21:10 <dramsey> suresht, I am easy, let us vote for all APAC folks, I think that is best to help APAC. 05:21:28 <bckurera> u r great dramsey 05:21:31 <suresht> dramsey, wow 05:21:34 <bckurera> will see what w can do 05:21:41 <dramsey> lcafiero, gbraad, harish and kaio are taking care of us. 05:21:50 <Kalpurush> +1 ,dramsey 05:21:51 <dramsey> I am just human...I am like a monkey, I fall from trees. 05:21:52 <dramsey> ;D 05:21:54 <dramsey> :D 05:21:59 <tuanta> that's local thoughts. I love all about Fedora :) 05:22:07 <KageSenshi> :) 05:22:09 <Kalpurush> :D 05:22:09 <dramsey> +1 05:22:12 <bckurera> BTW last time minutes are nt that in nice format 05:22:15 <dramsey> Good ideas, other thoughts? 05:22:24 <dramsey> True bckurera. 05:22:26 <bckurera> what is the problem? 05:22:27 <dramsey> +1 05:22:44 <bckurera> hope this time it is ok 05:22:45 <suresht> server zotbot restart 05:22:58 <dramsey> ... 05:23:05 <bckurera> ohhh really i didnt notice 05:23:10 <suresht> during the meeting when the last time 05:23:16 <tuanta> I have to go now 05:23:21 <bckurera> ok then we ll move 05:23:23 <tuanta> good meeting 05:23:25 <suresht> shall we closed 05:23:26 <dramsey> thank you tuanta! 05:23:28 <dramsey> Good meeting 05:23:32 <dramsey> Thank you all for attending 05:23:33 <bckurera> tuanta accept my friend request on Facebook 05:23:34 <tuanta> see you later 05:23:36 <suresht> +1 dramsey 05:23:37 <bckurera> i m waiting :P 05:23:40 <dramsey> Ending in 5 05:23:47 <tuanta> ok bckurera 05:23:47 <bckurera> then see you all guys 05:23:50 <dramsey> Take care everyone! 05:23:50 <bckurera> thanks 05:23:50 <dramsey> 5 05:23:52 <dramsey> 4 05:23:53 <dramsey> 3 05:23:54 <bckurera> take care 05:23:54 <dramsey> 2 05:23:57 <tuanta> bye 05:23:59 <KageSenshi> \o/ 05:24:00 <bckurera> lets meet soon on the mailing list 05:24:01 <dramsey> :) Everyone, thank you for attending. :) 05:24:02 <KageSenshi> bye all 05:24:02 <Kalpurush> Bye 05:24:03 <dramsey> 1 05:24:03 <dramsey> 0.5 05:24:10 <dramsey> 0 05:24:11 <suresht> bye 05:24:12 <Kalpurush> :) 05:24:13 <dramsey> Have a great weekend! 05:24:14 <bckurera> thanks for all for the participation 05:24:20 <dramsey> #endmeeting