05:03:34 <tagoh> #startmeeting i18n
05:03:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 20 05:03:34 2011 UTC.  The chair is tagoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
05:03:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
05:03:38 <tagoh> #meetingname i18n
05:03:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n'
05:03:43 <tagoh> #topic agenda
05:04:00 <juhp> hi
05:04:01 <tagoh> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2011-01-20
05:04:11 <tagoh> hi
05:04:17 <tagoh> who else here today?
05:05:47 <fujiwarat> hi
05:05:52 <tagoh> pwu and pravins is away I think.
05:08:35 <juhp> yeah
05:08:59 <dueno> hi
05:09:35 <tagoh> ok, let's get started.
05:09:43 <tagoh> #topic F15
05:10:39 <tagoh> well, this is a last call in the meeting for feature submission. the deadline is next Tuesday.
05:12:03 <juhp> I think paragan made a feature page for RupeeSign
05:12:18 <tagoh> not yet accepted right?
05:12:34 <tagoh> so we have two features for f15 so far?
05:13:08 <juhp> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/RupeeSign
05:13:20 <juhp> hm
05:13:31 <juhp> yet not submitted yet
05:14:22 <tagoh> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/IndicTypingBooster
05:14:30 <juhp> though actually already done :)
05:14:54 <juhp> hm also not submitted
05:14:58 <tagoh> yeah
05:15:06 <juhp> Pravin should be back on Monday...
05:17:01 <tagoh> ok, should rush him when he is back..
05:17:33 <juhp> yeah
05:17:48 <juhp> .bug 670144
05:17:50 <zodbot> juhp: Bug 670144 the icon not updating properly on Xfce - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=670144
05:18:02 <juhp> seems to be orphaned?
05:18:44 <tagoh> oh, no one owns that package?
05:18:56 <nirik> the Xfce systray is in the xfce4-panel package...
05:19:03 <nirik> that package is old/obsolete.
05:19:04 <juhp> ah
05:19:20 <tagoh> aha
05:20:12 <nirik> I'll move it over and look into it.
05:20:26 <tagoh> thanks!
05:21:04 <juhp> thanks since my silly browser can't ;)
05:21:40 <tagoh> anything else concerns on f15 so far?
05:21:43 <fujiwarat> orphaned is no owner?
05:22:29 <juhp> orphaned package I guess
05:22:50 <juhp> there is also nobody@fp.o I think
05:23:11 <juhp> for unowned bugs
05:23:37 <fujiwarat> ok, I thought it's a human account.
05:24:38 <tagoh> rawhide bugs are being increased. we should have a chance to review them any time perhaps.
05:26:06 <tagoh> anything else?
05:26:23 <tagoh> otherwise shall we move on?
05:27:02 <tagoh> #topic Package Updates
05:27:38 <tagoh> any packages needs any volunteers for testing since we've missed this topic last time
05:29:15 <tagoh> nope?
05:30:56 <tagoh> ok, move on then
05:31:03 <tagoh> #topic Fonts and Rendering
05:31:05 <juhp> would be good if people post updates that need testing to i18n list
05:31:22 <tagoh> sounds a good idea
05:31:54 <paragan> sorry I was away for some work
05:32:31 <tagoh> also there may be some people interested in your packages on the test list as usual
05:33:00 <juhp> true
05:34:03 <tagoh> for updates of the fonts table, as I've posted yesterday to the fonts/i18n list, still need some feedbacks on http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f14-defaultfonts.html
05:35:06 <juhp> tagoh: so bold means default installed font for that lang?
05:35:17 <tagoh> right
05:36:09 <tagoh> well, primary font for generic names in lang.
05:37:31 <tagoh> all the fonts in the tables are basically installed by default. italic-name font are installed by default when one chooses a lang at the installation time or explicitly do yum groupinstall /lang/-support
05:38:27 <tagoh> so if the lang isn't a primary lang for you, you could simply get rid of any italic-named fonts there. that should be same result on your system.
05:40:35 <tagoh> gray-color named fonts are, when you install all or any specific lang groups, means it affects to that lang
05:41:42 <juhp> I see cool
05:41:58 <juhp> might be nice/hard to also show default installed fonts for all users
05:42:47 <tagoh> that should be non-italic and bold named fonts.
05:43:33 <juhp> no default Thai font?
05:44:12 <tagoh> no explicitly described right. but fontconfig will still picks up the better fonts.
05:44:31 <juhp> ah ok
05:44:50 <juhp> so this is wrt to fontconfig rules?
05:44:54 <tagoh> though that would be nice to have explicit one because that's unpredictable.
05:45:12 <tagoh> right, depends on the installed fonts on the system
05:45:33 <juhp> I mean the table
05:45:46 <tagoh> for non-primary langs, thai-scalable-waree-fonts would be.
05:45:57 <juhp> guess i should read your script :)
05:46:04 <tagoh> juhp: partially does. not all.
05:46:11 <juhp> okay
05:46:44 <tagoh> this is why there are different result in testing I've posted to the list.
05:46:58 <tagoh> and should be fixed
05:47:22 <tagoh> in most cases, a kind of rules like 65-nonlatin.conf may be affected
05:47:45 <juhp> nice resource
05:48:01 <juhp> I am still a little unclear about some of it
05:48:37 <tagoh> sure. any questions are welcome. please post on the list.
05:48:59 <tagoh> anything else on fonts/rendering?
05:50:25 <tagoh> ok, let's move on then.
05:50:29 <juhp> tagoh: just continuing about, so Waree is not bold because it has no fontconfig rule?
05:50:33 <juhp> Th
05:50:48 <tagoh> for generic names, right
05:51:43 <tagoh> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fontconfig_packaging_tips#Generic_names
05:52:04 <juhp> ok right
05:52:19 <tagoh> #topic Input Method
05:52:25 <juhp> so other can't be bold
05:52:32 <tagoh> juhp: exactly
05:52:38 <juhp> ok
05:53:16 <tagoh> could have more aliases like fantasy or cursive there though.
05:53:35 <tagoh> it's also in "other" so far.
05:53:37 <tagoh> anyway
05:53:41 <juhp> I see
05:53:58 <tagoh> any updates/progress on IM?
05:54:54 <fujiwarat> gnome-shell migration is still under the development.
05:55:40 <tagoh> ok
05:56:18 <fujiwarat> I assume most build failures was fixed in rawhide.
05:56:51 <tagoh> right. thanks for that
05:57:44 <tagoh> fujiwarat: what the percentage did you finish for gnome-shell so far?
05:59:03 <fujiwarat> Hmm.., it's written by scratch. Maybe 60% is done.
05:59:23 <juhp> in javascript?
05:59:41 <fujiwarat> Yes, GJS.
05:59:46 <juhp> aha
05:59:49 <tagoh> ok, cool.
06:00:13 <tagoh> guess we could see the efforts before alpha right?
06:01:40 <tagoh> fyi, 2011-02-15 Alpha Change Deadline
06:01:51 <juhp> fujiwarat: any review yet upstream btw?
06:02:12 <fujiwarat> OK, sound a good target for alpha.
06:02:45 <juhp> or will we test it first in rawhide?
06:02:58 <juhp> cool
06:04:10 <fujiwarat> juhp: Sorry, there are too many problems between gtk, gobject-introspection and gjs. I need to fix one by one before the reviews with details.
06:04:20 <juhp> sure
06:04:38 <juhp> guess i meant if upstream is aware of the work? :)
06:05:40 <fujiwarat> I informed phuang and also add the link in https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=600771 .
06:08:34 <tagoh> hm, aha
06:12:03 <juhp> cool
06:12:09 <tagoh> that looks like not yet a stage doing something for ibus and is quite likely to be changed?
06:12:32 <fujiwarat> yes
06:12:48 <tagoh> ok
06:14:27 <tagoh> ok, anything else before closing?
06:16:29 <tagoh> it's time to finish the meeting then. thanks everyone for the meeting!
06:16:36 <tagoh> #endmeeting