Clumenas branch merged - New git-post-receive
hook and several installer tests (see,
mkrizek implemented logging support and
unittest execution support. This stuff is now in separate branches
and will be merged once we have a little time to review it(jlaska,
jskladan adjusted his 'new_koji_watcher' patch
and the debate ensued(kparal,
Rhe regrouped the use cases by general and main
test events(runs) use cases. The general cases cover the basic uses
of wiki, and the events cases covers the detailed certain steps for
organizing the events.(jlaska,
The comparison is grouped according to the use
cases. It has overlaps between each other which I need to further
update. But the basic idea is shown, please review them and welcome
to provide any comments about the grouping idea/design
HELP: Feedback
requested ... last chance to review use cases and comparison(jlaska,
Open discussion - <Your topic here>(jlaska, 16:41:18)
HELP: volunteers
welcome - need to adjust current draft to match QA workflow(jlaska,
Volunteer interested in data mining smolt?(jlaska, 16:52:13)
HELP: Anyone interested
in understanding and gathering smolt statistics for use with the
upcoming graphics test days?(jlaska,
figure out a way to get a raw dump of all
graphics cards out of smolt, then categorize them into generations,
then set up queries that abstract out the generations, so we can
just say 'find all cards in NVIDIA generation foo'(jlaska,
Reminder - 2010-01-27 - Network Device Naming test day(jlaska, 16:59:31)