02:01:57 <lcafiero> #startmeeting FAmNA meeting 12-8-10 0200 UTC (12-7-10 2100 US Eastern) 02:01:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 8 02:01:57 2010 UTC. The chair is lcafiero. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:01:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:02:02 <lcafiero> Ah, that's more like it. 02:02:07 <asmartgoat> :P 02:02:13 <lcafiero> Welcome all my friends to the show that never ends 02:02:18 <dramsey> ;) 02:02:24 <nb> lcafiero, #meetingname famna please 02:02:36 <nb> not sure if thats on your cheat sheet, but it makes the logs named nicely 02:02:46 <lcafiero> It's not, but thank you 02:02:53 <herlo> lcafiero: #chair herlo :) 02:03:07 <herlo> lcafiero: I mean #chair lcafiero 02:03:10 <lcafiero> #meetingname FAmNA 02:03:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 02:03:16 <lcafiero> Are we all copacetic so far? 02:03:32 * nb thinks so 02:03:47 <lcafiero> OK, let's flip this switch 02:03:55 <lcafiero> #topic agenda https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Ambassadors_2010-12-08 02:04:07 * lcafiero looks to see if he did that right 02:04:26 <lcafiero> That our agenda for tonight. 02:04:45 <lcafiero> #topic announcements 02:05:05 <lcafiero> Announcements? 02:07:27 <lcafiero> Going once . . . . 02:07:42 <asmartgoat> I think you can skip it lcafiero ;) 02:07:48 <lcafiero> No one? 02:07:55 * nb thought herlo did? 02:08:04 <lcafiero> OK, if anyone thinks of anything, it can go to open floor later. 02:08:10 <lcafiero> Next on our menu . . . 02:08:28 <lcafiero> #topic Events 02:08:47 <lcafiero> vwbusguy: You have the floor regarding SCALE FAD. 02:09:06 <vwbusguy> There are currently two suggestions and they are not exhaustive 02:09:12 <herlo> nb: no, just more of a status update 02:09:15 <vwbusguy> We need to make a decision on our focus for the upcomig FAD 02:09:26 <nb> herlo, oh ok 02:09:26 <herlo> vwbusguy: I was thinking about that 02:09:31 <vwbusguy> My suggestions are KDE integration or LibreOffice 02:09:40 <herlo> the choices you suggest don't appeal to me, but I'll be at SCaLE 02:09:46 <vwbusguy> rrix had a suggestion for KDE 02:09:58 * herlo isn't complaining 02:10:08 <vwbusguy> he had suggested a "Welcome to Fedora" plasmoid 02:10:33 <herlo> when are we doing the FAD? 02:10:37 <herlo> Friday? 02:10:38 <lcafiero> Friday 02:10:43 <vwbusguy> If we go the LibreOffice, route, there is a list of things at http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Easy_Hacks 02:10:46 * VileGent sneaks in the backrow 02:10:53 <vwbusguy> herlo, the Friday before SCaLE 02:10:54 * lcafiero sees VileGent 02:11:17 <lcafiero> SCALE is 25-27 Feb. 2011 02:12:05 <vwbusguy> LibreOffice is not currently in Fedora 14 but RH has joined the Document Foundation and LibreOffice is planned for Fedora 15 02:12:14 <vwbusguy> It is essentially replacing OpenOffice.org 02:12:35 <vwbusguy> (The most basic explanation I can give that situation) 02:12:53 <herlo> vwbusguy: like a week before, or during the pre-conference events? 02:13:03 <vwbusguy> herlo, pre-conference event 02:13:06 <herlo> k 02:13:17 <vwbusguy> herlo, http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale9x/special-events 02:14:02 <herlo> vwbusguy: yeah, just making sure you were clear 02:14:15 <vwbusguy> kk 02:14:27 <xm4nfedoralinux> Hi 02:14:31 <vwbusguy> So basically the feedback from the list is one person said he likes both ideas 02:15:13 <vwbusguy> other than rrix's suggestion, there was no response on the KDE list 02:15:15 <herlo> vwbusguy: is this going to be a 'come to hack' session or are people allowed to just drop by and ask questions? 02:15:22 <vwbusguy> herlo, yes 02:15:32 <lcafiero> More hacking than asking, I hope 02:15:48 <herlo> vwbusguy: do we have coverage for people to just drop by because it's going to happen and if you can't focus, nothing is going to get done 02:16:00 <vwbusguy> herlo, in the past this has been used for things like Font Packaging. Last year, we did documentation for Google Summer of Code 02:16:09 <xm4n> ok 02:16:11 * herlo suggests a short, what is Fedora presentation at 10am, then hacking... 02:16:16 <herlo> vwbusguy: I know, I helped at teh one in 2008 02:16:17 <lcafiero> Also, we should probably ping qa or other groups to see if there's something more fedora-specific to be done 02:16:20 <xm4n> hi everyone 02:16:44 <herlo> whcih is why I bring it up. I didn't attend last year due to work challenges 02:16:53 <herlo> anyway, I can take this offline with you 02:16:55 <lcafiero> But I like either option. And I will be there on Friday to do whatever needs to be done. 02:17:04 <lcafiero> hi xm4n 02:17:33 <vwbusguy> last year a few people came and went, and a person or two may have gone to talk with them, while every one else worked on the project 02:17:54 <vwbusguy> lcafiero, I like rrix's suggestion honestly 02:18:00 <herlo> vwbusguy: k, cool 02:18:13 <vwbusguy> lcafiero, and giving a friendly introduction to Fedora seems like an Ambassador-style undertaking as well 02:18:23 <lcafiero> Right. 02:18:43 <lcafiero> So should we discuss this further on-list and in #fedora-ambassadors? 02:18:50 * herlo concurs 02:18:59 <vwbusguy> Sure. 02:19:04 <lcafiero> OK then 02:19:42 <lcafiero> #action continue discussion of SCALE FAD on the mailing list and in the irc channel 02:19:49 <lcafiero> Any other events? 02:20:08 <VileGent> LCA ? and Fudcon 02:20:10 <xm4n> Installfest in Jan 02:20:16 <xm4n> in TX 02:20:18 <lcafiero> OK 02:20:25 <lcafiero> Anyone want to talk about LCA? 02:20:31 * asmartgoat wakes up 02:20:46 <asmartgoat> *listening* 02:20:47 <lcafiero> That's your cuw, asmartgoat :-) 02:20:55 <lcafiero> cuw=cue 02:20:57 <herlo> lol 02:21:04 <xm4n> lol 02:21:15 <asmartgoat> anyway, 02:21:28 <asmartgoat> dgilmore is coming down for the first few days i believe 02:21:48 <asmartgoat> and the rest of the information isnt really relevant to FAmNA 02:22:08 <asmartgoat> eof 02:22:33 <VileGent> well other than it apprears we are sending swag with dgilmore 02:22:51 <VileGent> appears 02:23:35 * dgilmore will be in BNE jan 13-28 02:24:29 <asmartgoat> i'll be in brisbane jan 28-30th, but im not attending the confs.. so i wont see you. 02:24:41 <lcafiero> OK then 02:24:49 <dgilmore> asmartgoat: what time do you get in? 02:24:52 <xm4n> yep 02:24:52 <lcafiero> Fudcon? 02:25:04 <dgilmore> ill be at FUDCon 02:25:07 <asmartgoat> dgilmore, i get in, in the morning 02:25:24 <asmartgoat> but im not attending the one day of confs for ~$200 02:25:37 <lcafiero> Anything to report on FUDCon, VileGent? 02:25:57 <VileGent> its happening as many as we can should attend 02:26:22 <lcafiero> has anyone NOT signed up for FUDCon? 02:26:49 <VileGent> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Tempe_2011 02:28:05 <lcafiero> Right. Arizona in January. 02:28:16 <dgilmore> mexican hotdogs 02:28:21 <lcafiero> Yum. 02:28:21 <dgilmore> and other yummy foods 02:28:33 <herlo> fried bacon 02:28:39 <VileGent> xm4n, i dont see your event of the events page so what can we do to help you 02:28:45 <herlo> and baked potatoes too, I'm sure 02:28:54 <lcafiero> Moving right along, xm4n -- your event in January? 02:29:17 <xm4n> Yes sir 02:29:22 <xm4n> in Mid Jan 02:29:45 <xm4n> but taht event may occur depending on my fellow crew. 02:30:24 <xm4n> Most of them may get back to school once winter break ends. 02:30:46 <lcafiero> Where will it be held? 02:30:55 <xm4n> If the LUG does happen as scheduled, then the only thing we probably need is media and stickers. 02:31:03 <xm4n> It will be held here in LAredo, TX 02:31:09 <lcafiero> Ah, good. 02:31:14 <xm4n> but it is tentative. 02:31:28 <VileGent> xm4n, please go ahead and get it on the events page 02:31:35 <xm4n> depending on help from the crew at the LUG 02:31:35 <lcafiero> OK, then -- make sure you put it on the events wiki, even if it's tentative 02:31:45 <lcafiero> Check with your mentor if you need help. 02:31:49 <xm4n> ok I will put it on events page 02:31:57 <VileGent> so we have time for logistics needed 02:31:59 <xm4n> yes sir 02:32:10 <lcafiero> Your mentor's a great guy and can point you in the right direction 02:32:12 <lcafiero> :-) 02:32:21 <lcafiero> Any other events? 02:32:27 <xm4n> He is certainly a wonderful mentor 02:32:34 <lcafiero> Heh. 02:32:50 <VileGent> and if you have any problems let us know and we will work to help all we can 02:32:56 <lcafiero> Right. 02:33:04 <lcafiero> You know where you can find all of us. 02:33:13 <lcafiero> Moving right along . . . . 02:33:13 <xm4n> Absolutely!! I am so happy to be in this wonderful community 02:33:52 <lcafiero> #topic Budget Review 02:34:33 * herlo would like to suggest we put 'Fedora takes the RHCE' on the budget for Q1 or Q2 02:35:01 <herlo> that way it'll force me to approach it with Max and others 02:36:09 <lcafiero> +1 02:36:43 <lcafiero> Does anyone have the budget wiki readily available? I can't seem to find it. 02:37:18 <herlo> the plan is to get some to apply and have FAmSCo or something approve applications based upon some criteria, then send 8-10 people per quarter to take the classes and/or exam(s) 02:37:19 <asmartgoat> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_budget ??? 02:37:28 <herlo> asmartgoat: it might link from there 02:37:51 <herlo> ooh, they moved it there 02:37:55 <herlo> nice work 02:37:59 <lcafiero> Actually, that works 02:38:00 <asmartgoat> :) thanks 02:38:04 <lcafiero> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_budget 02:38:10 <lcafiero> thanks, asmartgoat 02:38:26 <VileGent> looks like we have been busy 02:38:31 <lcafiero> Right, so spevack's not here, but these are the numbers we're looking at. 02:39:01 <lcafiero> That we have, VileGent 02:39:23 <VileGent> looks like we need to spend some money 02:39:52 <lcafiero> Right, we have a lot of money to spend, so if there's any additional swag we need, now would be a good time to get it. 02:40:27 <VileGent> last meeting we ordered 12K in case badges for the world iirc 02:40:49 <herlo> yeah, but I doubt it all came out of NA's budget 02:40:56 <VileGent> right 02:40:56 <lcafiero> Right. 02:42:09 <VileGent> but out of the 100K yearly budget our budget should be what for the year is 20K 02:42:16 <lcafiero> I do want to point out that we have a little bit of leeway going forward next year, so I think we should be a little less shy in ordering swag in 2011 since, in my opinion, it appears in 2010 we ordered a significant amount and still ended up with a windfall 02:42:20 <lcafiero> at the end of the year. 02:42:31 <lcafiero> this year 02:43:23 <VileGent> ok this is a wish list item but another set of Vbanners so we have a east and west sets 02:43:28 <lcafiero> Right. 02:43:36 <lcafiero> Before we do that, vile 02:43:40 <lcafiero> VileGent, sorry 02:43:49 * lcafiero didn't hit tab quick enough 02:44:19 <lcafiero> I'm going to skip over the Canada swag -- this was my item to be done with Arsenick, who is not here but is at the Fedora table at an expo in Quebec. 02:44:41 <lcafiero> So go ahead on the vertical banners, VileGent 02:44:46 <VileGent> which will run about $600 02:45:07 <lcafiero> $600 a pair 02:45:12 <lcafiero> correct? 02:45:14 <VileGent> yep 02:45:20 <xm4n> yep 02:45:47 <rbergeron> sold! 02:45:47 <VileGent> http://www.advatumdisplays.com/servlet/the-207/retractable%2Cbanner-stand%2Ccontender/Detail 02:46:08 <VileGent> http://fedorapeople.org/groups/designteam/Fedora%20Collateral/Posters/Four%20Foundations%20Cloverleaf%20Banners%20-%20Set%20of%202/ 02:46:22 <lcafiero> Right -- and we're looking at three additional sets of v-banners so each event box has one, right? 02:46:31 <VileGent> well no 02:46:46 <VileGent> so there is one set on each side of the country 02:46:58 <lcafiero> And canada 02:47:38 <VileGent> at the moment the logistics of shipping these across country attimes is getting tight 02:47:58 <VileGent> lcafiero, shipping to canada is really not an option 02:48:29 <VileGent> i am hoping canada will get their logistics going to make their swag and stuff in that country 02:48:30 <lcafiero> Right, all the more reason they need one of their own. 02:48:30 <herlo> VileGent: yeah, but once you get it there, it can be easily shipped within canada 02:48:51 <VileGent> so are you guys thinking 2 sets? 02:49:03 <herlo> so ship it to DemonJester in Buffalo and make him drive it up :) 02:49:08 <VileGent> or get a set for canada set now 02:49:09 <lcafiero> Heh. 02:49:25 <vwbusguy> Can the Canadians not get their own made in Canada? 02:49:43 <VileGent> vwbusguy, at this point we dont know 02:49:44 <vwbusguy> Wouldn't that in theory cost less than making it here and shipping it? 02:50:23 <lcafiero> I'd say keep the one you have for the EC, order one for the Central event box (the one inode0/nb have) and one for the WC. Also, in my opinion, we should order one for Canada so we're consistent. 02:51:44 <VileGent> lcafiero, i think 2 at this point myself 02:51:50 <lcafiero> OK 02:52:23 <lcafiero> It's not a strike issue. I just think the banners should be the same and that would probably be best done by having the same manufacturer do it. 02:52:33 <lcafiero> North and south of the 49th parallel 02:52:42 <rbergeron> not to mention easier to order all at once. 02:53:10 <VileGent> i think 2 myself one for west and one for canada at this point 02:53:32 <VileGent> but i will leave it up to the group 02:53:34 <lcafiero> vwbusguy: It's best that they make shirts, buttons, etc., in Canada, but we can make the banner here for them 02:53:40 <lcafiero> OK 02:54:19 <lcafiero> I'm good with that -- one for WC and one for Canada, however if there is a Central event box, we should probably treat it as an equal to the EC/WC boxes. 02:54:22 <lcafiero> just an opinion. 02:54:35 <lcafiero> so should we go ahead and order two v-banners? 02:54:52 * herlo points out that it's not any more expensive, just a logistical nightmare to ship via ups to canada 02:54:56 * VileGent makes the motion we order 2 sets of banners 02:55:23 <lcafiero> I just sent buttons and the horizontal banner to canada -- not so bad. 02:55:41 <lcafiero> OK, motion to order two sets of banners. 02:55:43 <rbergeron> we have canadians coming to fudcon. 02:55:51 <rbergeron> cant they take it home with? 02:55:54 <nb> second 02:56:40 <lcafiero> Actually, they could, Robin. 02:57:00 <VileGent> lcafiero, since the banners will not fit in the event box they should be considered separate items 02:57:26 <herlo> or we could buy bigger event boxen, though I'm not sure a bigger box is a good idea 02:57:30 <lcafiero> Right, but they should be considered part of the event package despite the fact they don't physically fit in the box. 02:57:49 <VileGent> lcafiero, can be 02:58:30 <VileGent> are we ready for a vote? 02:58:51 <lcafiero> Anyway, a motion has been seconded, any objections? 02:58:59 <lcafiero> Or votes? 02:59:01 <lcafiero> +1 02:59:07 <mock> +1 02:59:11 <VileGent> +1 02:59:18 * rbergeron doesnt understand why not order a set for central region, but +1 02:59:36 * lcafiero agrees, but we can deal with that later 02:59:53 <VileGent> rbergeron, at the moment 2 sets can easily cover the usa 03:00:24 <nb> +1 03:00:42 <Ender2070> hey hey I got here as soon as I could 03:00:45 <Ender2070> :) 03:00:49 <rbergeron> okay 03:01:00 <lcafiero> Hey, Ender2070 -- we're about to give you vertical banners :-) 03:01:03 <lcafiero> Anyone opposed? 03:01:13 <lcafiero> Hearing none, motion carries 03:01:34 <lcafiero> #action order two sets of vertical banners, one for the WC event box and one for the Canada event box 03:02:03 <Ender2070> :D 03:02:14 <lcafiero> OK the Central event box is next on the agenda 03:02:41 <VileGent> we have the box, why not get it up and ready to be used 03:03:13 <lcafiero> why not indeed. I believe inode0 has it, or has he sent it to nb? 03:03:28 <VileGent> i have the XO for it 03:03:35 <nb> inode0 is supposed to be sending it to me i think 03:03:49 <nb> along with shirts that got shipped to him instead of me 03:04:06 <lcafiero> OK, good. 03:04:14 <VileGent> if nothing else it would give a place for nb to store the swag 03:04:21 <lcafiero> What else does it need? 03:04:32 * nb thinks the event box is empty from what i've heard 03:05:04 <VileGent> nb are you coming to Fudcon? 03:05:08 <lcafiero> If VileGent has an XO, do you need a netbook like the other boxes have? 03:05:20 <lcafiero> nb^^^ 03:05:23 <VileGent> lcafiero, i think it exist 03:05:41 <nb> i think inode0 has a netbook to send too 03:05:47 <lcafiero> Ah, OK 03:05:47 <nb> one of the hp ones 03:05:53 <nb> VileGent, no, unfortunately i am not 03:05:57 <VileGent> ok 03:06:30 <lcafiero> OK, so all you're waiting for is the box to be delivered, nb? 03:06:39 <nb> lcafiero, yeah i think so 03:06:44 <nb> and iguess VileGent is sending the xo? 03:06:52 <lcafiero> Right. 03:07:02 * nb will see what else he needs when the stuff inode0 is sending gets here 03:07:07 <VileGent> yep i will as soon as my shipping dept comes off strike 03:07:25 <nb> shipping dept? 03:07:27 <lcafiero> #action check with inode0 on the status of the central event box being sent to nb, and follow up 03:07:28 <VileGent> yep 03:07:39 <lcafiero> OK then. 03:07:50 <VileGent> explain later 03:08:00 <lcafiero> #topic unfinished business / open floor 03:08:02 <nb> oh ok 03:08:05 <herlo> oh, finally 03:08:13 <lcafiero> herlo: shoot. 03:08:15 * herlo can make his report 03:08:17 <herlo> :) 03:08:45 <herlo> Well, due to a printing issue, I should have the media this weekend 03:09:01 <herlo> it was going to be last weekend 03:09:20 <rbergeron> woooot 03:09:26 <lcafiero> YAAAAAAAAAAAAY 03:09:29 <herlo> they are reprinting a bunch of sleeves. Once they are done, I'll get them shipped out 03:10:06 <rbergeron> herlo: i need so sync w/you on whats being shipped to me 03:10:08 <herlo> the delay really hasn't been the media replication company, it was more of a delay from me and RH (POs take a long time) 03:10:14 <herlo> rbergeron: no 03:10:26 <lcafiero> thanks for taking on that herculean task twice a year. 03:10:30 <lcafiero> herlo^^^ 03:10:37 <herlo> you need to file a ticket and I'll get it to you 03:10:37 <rbergeron> herlo: okay, but im moving :) 03:10:50 <herlo> rbergeron: I'll ask off line 03:10:57 <rbergeron> ah. i didnt know if you were shipping a fudcon pile here 03:11:10 <herlo> rbergeron: I'm not 03:11:21 <rbergeron> okay! 03:11:22 <herlo> I'll be bringing it down myself 03:11:26 <rbergeron> oh. duh 03:11:28 <rbergeron> lol 03:11:45 <herlo> :P 03:12:01 * dmaxel managed to get here... 03:12:06 <herlo> the media will go out to a couple of event owners and then the shiping clerks per normal 03:12:16 <herlo> shipping 03:12:23 <lcafiero> Great news, herlo 03:12:51 <lcafiero> Anything else for unfinished business / open floor? 03:12:54 <herlo> so yeah, that is not monumental or anything, and I'll email the amb list when things are shipped to people 03:13:17 <nb> herlo, plz make sure to use my new address, i sent it to famna-regionals list 03:13:20 <nb> if you need it again, let me know 03:13:33 <herlo> nb: I'll verify when I get media 03:13:37 <nb> ok 03:14:03 <VileGent> ok since the next meeting is the 21st do we want to have a meeting 03:14:14 <lcafiero> Good question. 03:14:19 <lcafiero> thoughts? 03:14:20 <VileGent> so close to the holidays 03:14:25 * herlo votes no 03:14:34 <lcafiero> I say yes, but I don't have much of a life. 03:14:38 <fenrus02> attendance is likely to be low. 03:14:42 <rbergeron> well 03:14:53 <lcafiero> It would probably be short, too. 03:14:56 <rbergeron> are we going to be skipping the one the first week of the year too? 03:15:05 <rbergeron> what date does that fall on... hmmmm 03:15:11 <VileGent> no just this one 03:15:14 <herlo> rbergeron: I wouldn't it's the 3rd 03:15:21 <VileGent> january 4th 03:15:22 <herlo> er 4th 03:15:27 <lcafiero> Well, if we skip the 21st, we should meet on the 3rd 03:15:37 <lcafiero> well, 4th at 0200 UTC, right 03:15:38 <herlo> rth 03:15:40 <rbergeron> i agree 03:15:42 <herlo> gah! 03:16:01 <lcafiero> OK, we can skip the 21st if there's nothing pressing. 03:16:07 <VileGent> and that will get us in a good place if needed to deal with fudcon 03:16:14 <lcafiero> Other than what you all are buying me for Christmas :-) 03:16:23 <VileGent> +1 to skip 03:16:28 <lcafiero> Good point, VileGent 03:16:42 <lcafiero> Anyone want to have the meeting on the 21st? 03:16:44 <herlo> lol 03:17:00 <lcafiero> I vote to skip, too. 03:17:18 <VileGent> nb ? 03:17:29 <lcafiero> anyone else want to weigh in? 03:18:07 * lcafiero will take that as no one has a burning desire to meet on 12/21 03:18:21 <lcafiero> OK, let's skip the meeting on the 21st. 03:18:23 <Ender2070> its probably too close to christmas 03:18:28 <Ender2070> people might want vacation 03:18:30 <Ender2070> :) 03:18:42 <lcafiero> I'll just have to find something else to do with my third Tuesday . . . . 03:18:43 <VileGent> Ender2070, exactly 03:18:49 <lcafiero> :-) 03:19:01 <lcafiero> OK then, anything else? 03:19:05 <VileGent> lcafiero, christmas shopping for your wife and daugther 03:19:13 <lcafiero> I do that on the 24th. 03:19:24 <VileGent> #action no meeting on 12/21/2010 03:19:30 <Ender2070> lol 03:19:33 <lcafiero> you beat me to it. 03:19:39 <lcafiero> VileGent^^^ 03:19:47 <dramsey> :) lcafiero, thank you for chairing! :) 03:19:57 <lcafiero> OK, anything else, or can we wrap this up? 03:20:04 <herlo> wrap it! 03:20:07 <lcafiero> thanks, dramsey 03:20:10 <lcafiero> OK, in 5 03:20:11 <lcafiero> 4 03:20:13 <lcafiero> 3 03:20:14 <lcafiero> 2 03:20:18 <lcafiero> 1 03:20:20 <lcafiero> 0.5 03:20:27 * asmartgoat ninjakicks 03:20:29 <dramsey> ;-) Hopes best for everyone's Fedora adventures. ;) 03:20:39 <lcafiero> #endmeeting