
#fedora-meeting: Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings

Meeting started by Sparks at 23:00:07 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (Sparks, 23:00:07)
  2. Follow up on last week's action items (Sparks, 23:04:27)
    1. ACTION: GadgetWisdomGuru to assist rbergeron with the Release Announcement (Sparks, 23:04:55)
    2. ACTION: GadgetWisdomGuru to send a message to the Docs list regarding the "Fedora Library" and fixing FBReader (Sparks, 23:05:08)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_workflow_-_translations (Sparks, 23:05:26)
    4. ACTION: rbergeron to work with GadgetWisdomGuru on the Release Announcement (Sparks, 23:06:22)
    5. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_14_announcement (Sparks, 23:08:48)

  3. Doc's announcement (Sparks, 23:09:38)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_14_Release_Announcement (Sparks, 23:09:47)
    2. Will be posted to the Docs Project blog and will go public at 10:00AM on 02 November (Sparks, 23:09:56)

  4. Release Notes (Sparks, 23:13:22)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Notes_schedule (Sparks, 23:13:27)

  5. Guide Status (Sparks, 23:18:30)
    1. All Docs should be published no later than Monday at 23:59 UTC. (Sparks, 23:21:54)
    2. update to Publican 2.3 and Publican-Fedora 2.0 before publishing (rudi_, 23:22:11)
    3. ACTION: Sparks to broadcast that All Docs should be published no later than Monday at 23:59 UTC via email (Sparks, 23:22:39)
    4. ACTION: nb to get the Bugzilla owners.list sync script fixed to use git. (Sparks, 23:25:34)
    5. ACTION: rudi to add "get a bugzilla component" to the "Creating a new Guide" page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Creating_a_new_guide (rudi_, 23:26:14)
    6. ACTION: rudi to add "get a bugzilla component" to the "Creating a new Guide" page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Creating_a_new_guide (jjmcd, 23:26:47)
    7. nb does not know much about meetbot and who can do what :) (nb, 23:29:18)

  6. Outstanding BZ Tickets (Sparks, 23:34:04)
    1. http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 (Sparks, 23:34:11)
    2. 96 Open Bugs (Sparks, 23:34:32)
    3. 40 New Bugs (Sparks, 23:35:07)

  7. Open floor discussion (Sparks, 23:42:58)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Automating_publishing (rudi_, 23:44:59)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Automating_publishing (Sparks, 23:45:25)
    3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Publishing_a_document_with_Publican (rudi_, 23:54:27)
    4. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Branching_a_document_in_git (rudi_, 23:54:44)
    5. ACTION: Sparks to add creating and publishing links to the Docs wiki page (Sparks, 23:58:14)

Meeting ended at 00:00:31 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. GadgetWisdomGuru to assist rbergeron with the Release Announcement
  2. GadgetWisdomGuru to send a message to the Docs list regarding the "Fedora Library" and fixing FBReader
  3. rbergeron to work with GadgetWisdomGuru on the Release Announcement
  4. Sparks to broadcast that All Docs should be published no later than Monday at 23:59 UTC via email
  5. nb to get the Bugzilla owners.list sync script fixed to use git.
  6. rudi to add "get a bugzilla component" to the "Creating a new Guide" page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Creating_a_new_guide
  7. rudi to add "get a bugzilla component" to the "Creating a new Guide" page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Creating_a_new_guide
  8. Sparks to add creating and publishing links to the Docs wiki page

Action items, by person

  1. nb
    1. nb to get the Bugzilla owners.list sync script fixed to use git.
  2. Sparks
    1. Sparks to broadcast that All Docs should be published no later than Monday at 23:59 UTC via email
    2. Sparks to add creating and publishing links to the Docs wiki page
    1. GadgetWisdomGuru to assist rbergeron with the Release Announcement
    2. GadgetWisdomGuru to send a message to the Docs list regarding the "Fedora Library" and fixing FBReader
    3. rbergeron to work with GadgetWisdomGuru on the Release Announcement
    4. rudi to add "get a bugzilla component" to the "Creating a new Guide" page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Creating_a_new_guide
    5. rudi to add "get a bugzilla component" to the "Creating a new Guide" page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Creating_a_new_guide

People present (lines said)

  1. Sparks (122)
  2. rudi_ (40)
  3. jjmcd (35)
  4. nb (27)
  5. tezcatl (19)
  6. laubersm (11)
  7. zodbot (8)
  8. kecalli (5)
  9. jhradilek (4)
  10. bcotton (2)
  11. sgordon (1)

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