01:00:01 <StabbyMc> #startmeeting 01:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 6 01:00:01 2010 UTC. The chair is StabbyMc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:00:04 <StabbyMc> #topic NA Ambassadors Meeting 01:00:18 <StabbyMc> Good evening everyone, lets get the ball rolling on the meeting. 01:00:23 <StabbyMc> #topic NA Ambassadors Meeting - Announcements 01:00:33 <StabbyMc> Anyone have announcements? 01:01:16 * nb does not 01:01:22 <StabbyMc> 3 01:01:24 * dmaxel does not either 01:01:29 <StabbyMc> 2 01:01:35 <nb> well, if any other shipping ambassadors have a lack of swag or media to send out, ping me 01:01:38 <nb> i have quite a bit 01:01:43 <StabbyMc> 1 01:01:49 <StabbyMc> #topic NA Ambassadors Meeting - Events 01:01:56 <StabbyMc> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents 01:02:12 <StabbyMc> Anyone running an event that needs stuff that doesn't have stuff? 01:03:10 <StabbyMc> 3 01:03:28 <StabbyMc> 2 01:03:40 <StabbyMc> 1 01:03:46 <StabbyMc> #topic NA Ambassadors Meeting - Fedora 14 Release Events 01:03:52 <StabbyMc> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F14_release_events 01:04:25 <StabbyMc> dramsey put this on the agenda to remind us to plan Fedora 14 release parties 01:05:18 <StabbyMc> dramsey isn't here, so ... 01:05:25 <StabbyMc> Consider it discussed :-) 01:05:38 <StabbyMc> #topic NA Ambassadors Meeting - Budget Review 01:05:38 <dmaxel> reminded :) 01:05:43 <StabbyMc> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_budget 01:06:00 <StabbyMc> If anyone has done some ordering, and hasn't updated the budget page, please do so. 01:06:11 <StabbyMc> According to the budget page we're looking in good shape bugetarily. 01:06:27 <StabbyMc> VileGent: I got sticker stuff from mizmo last night. 01:06:35 <StabbyMc> VileGent: so I'll be making that order soon. 01:07:06 <inode0> isn't that spevack's page? 01:07:38 <StabbyMc> it is. 01:07:58 <VileGent> ?? 01:08:15 * inode0 thinks it might get all jumbled if we update it 01:08:33 <StabbyMc> inode0: I thought that's what we were doing noe? 01:08:35 <StabbyMc> now? 01:08:46 <StabbyMc> In order to assist in managing the budget? 01:09:07 <inode0> we have our own budget page - it isn't the FAmSCo page 01:09:35 <StabbyMc> Ok, then ignore my comment to update it. 01:09:50 <StabbyMc> But we're still looking good on budget, so if items need ordering, it can probably happen. 01:10:12 <StabbyMc> VileGent: I'll be ordering key-cap stickers next week. 01:10:23 <inode0> yeah, I know we have a pile of new bills 01:10:28 <VileGent> ok 01:10:45 <StabbyMc> inode0: stuff that's not currently counted on the buget page? 01:11:04 <inode0> I honestly can't always tell what Max is counting where on that page 01:11:25 <nb> did we ever get more buttons? 01:11:36 <VileGent> inode0, where is "our" budget page 01:11:54 <inode0> the old agenda linked to it 01:12:23 <inode0> nb: I don't think buttons were ever ordered 01:12:29 <nb> ooh 01:12:39 * nb will ping rrix 01:13:51 <inode0> StabbyMc: I think you are right that we are in good shape 01:14:09 <StabbyMc> inode0: I thought we updated the agenda to point to the actual budget page instead of the old one on purpose. 01:14:42 <inode0> yeah, we changed it at some point to point to spevack's instead of ours 01:15:08 <StabbyMc> kk 01:15:14 <StabbyMc> Any other budget items? 01:15:48 <StabbyMc> 3 01:15:57 <VileGent> we should be having tshirts and utosc items which should be over 3k 01:16:18 <StabbyMc> VileGent: speaking of Tees, they've been received? 01:16:28 <inode0> yes 01:16:47 * StabbyMc points at a traq ticket *point* *point* 01:17:16 <VileGent> StabbyMc, the one i was suppose to get for OLF has been yes 01:17:46 <VileGent> the rest where sent to ke4qqq 01:17:49 <StabbyMc> VileGent: 3k on the budget still won't put us in any kind of danger. 01:18:10 <ke4qqq> yes I need to send that up to VileGent 01:18:12 <StabbyMc> VileGent: I thought you were the shipment amb for SE now? 01:18:22 <VileGent> StabbyMc, exactly 01:18:36 <StabbyMc> Ok, now I'm caught up. 01:19:03 <VileGent> ok ke4qqq one of the guys for canada is suppose to be in westford in November 01:19:05 <inode0> we need to talk to brian :) 01:19:15 <inode0> I got nb's box too 01:19:41 * herlo got a box as well 01:19:50 <herlo> haven't even opened it yet... 01:19:56 <inode0> heh, you were actually supposed to get a box 01:20:01 <VileGent> i think we send the SE lot to westford for canada 01:20:10 <herlo> inode0: haha, I know 01:20:25 <inode0> I'm pretty sure lcafiero got a box too 01:20:30 * StabbyMc want some shirts before they all go to America's Hat! 01:21:19 <VileGent> StabbyMc, i have a couple saved for you 01:21:25 <StabbyMc> Ok. 01:21:40 <StabbyMc> Any other budget items? 01:21:48 <StabbyMc> 3 01:21:54 <StabbyMc> 2 01:21:59 <StabbyMc> 1 01:21:59 <VileGent> fudcon? 01:22:03 <StabbyMc> #topic NA Ambassadors Meeting - Open Floor 01:22:07 <StabbyMc> Fudcon! 01:22:23 <StabbyMc> and other open floor items, GO! 01:23:31 <VileGent> well i dont know if anything about fudcon has anything to do with our budget or not (hoping the latter) 01:24:02 <inode0> last year we sponsored one attendee, we haven't discussed doing that this year 01:24:03 <VileGent> other than possible budget shipping stuff around 01:24:27 <VileGent> inode0, a Campus Ambassador? 01:24:33 <inode0> we did subsidize lanyards/badge holders for FUDCon 01:25:44 <VileGent> do we have a campus ambassador to send to fudcon? 01:25:52 <inode0> not that I am aware of 01:26:05 <inode0> I'm sure if we offered several would raise their hands 01:26:09 <dmaxel> where is fudcon? 01:26:21 <herlo> dmaxel: Tempe 01:26:23 <herlo> Arizona 01:26:30 <dmaxel> hmmm, not happening for me :P 01:26:52 <dmaxel> thanks herlo 01:26:56 <herlo> np 01:27:02 <herlo> sorry you won't be there... 01:27:06 * nb wishes we had fedora lanyards 01:27:27 <dmaxel> yeah, i kind of have a very busy schedule and taking a break from busy school to go there doesn't fit my schedule, although i wish it did 01:27:53 <dmaxel> and yes, lanyards would be awesome. I'd where it everywhere :P 01:28:45 <dmaxel> *wear 01:28:56 * ke4qqq looks at nb 01:29:21 * inode0 looks at ke4qqq 01:29:27 <nb> would they be something we'd be interested in ordering? 01:29:35 <nb> if so, he can look at finding a supplier and ordering some 01:29:36 * ke4qqq looks at inode0 01:29:47 <ke4qqq> is it a secret? 01:29:55 * inode0 looks at nb 01:30:08 <inode0> no, they were discussed earlier in this meeting 01:30:17 <nb> oh, /me scrolls up 01:30:28 <inode0> or at least mentioned 01:30:43 <nb> oh, we ordered some for fudcon 01:31:09 <rbergeron> oh, crap, meeting 01:31:11 * nb was talking about ordering some to send out to ambassadors in general 01:31:25 <dmaxel> +1 01:31:29 <inode0> half will go to FUDCon, a portion will go to Raleigh and Westford, a portion will go to the regional distributors I think 01:31:34 <nb> inode0, oh ok 01:32:08 <inode0> I would say they aren't specifically for ambassadors - they are for people representing Fedora at events where such things are worn 01:32:26 <inode0> some leakage is to be expected :) 01:33:39 <nb> :) 01:33:44 * nb would wear one to work every day :) 01:33:50 <StabbyMc> Anything else we need to discuss for Open Floor? 01:34:16 * herlo notes that UTOSC is this weekend! watch for lots of blog posts!! 01:38:06 <StabbyMc> Ok, I'm thinking we're about done then. 01:38:15 <StabbyMc> Closing the meeting in: 01:38:16 <StabbyMc> 3 01:38:28 <StabbyMc> 2 01:38:36 <StabbyMc> 1 01:38:41 <StabbyMc> #endmeeting