01:16:59 <jds2001> #startmeeting FamNA meeting 01:16:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 21 01:16:59 2010 UTC. The chair is jds2001. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:16:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:17:04 <jds2001> #meetingname famna 01:17:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:17:12 <jds2001> #topic announcements 01:17:15 <jds2001> anyone have any? 01:17:42 * jds2001 takes that as no 01:17:53 * inode0 was distracted 01:18:03 <jds2001> inode0: any from you? 01:18:13 <inode0> no :) 01:18:25 <jds2001> #topic Quebec release party report 01:18:33 <jds2001> Anyone here to represent this? 01:18:45 <inode0> Wasn't that last meeting? 01:19:02 * jds2001 going from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Ambassadors_2010-7-7 01:19:11 <inode0> which would be last meeting 01:19:13 <jds2001> could well be carryover, dunno 01:19:23 <inode0> today is the 21st 01:19:48 <jds2001> indeed 01:20:04 <jds2001> #info Stale agenda, sorry! 01:20:23 <inode0> ok, someone also didn't create the wiki page although mel left us a surprise 01:20:24 <jds2001> #topic Ticket keyword for "need RH credit card" 01:20:40 <jds2001> indeed 01:20:55 * jds2001 thinks this is easy 01:21:01 <jds2001> needcredit 01:21:17 <jds2001> and why do we need a separate trac instance? 01:21:17 <inode0> yeah, that is a good idea if it helps them pay bills 01:21:30 <jds2001> cant we use the existing one? 01:21:31 <inode0> so they have the list of bills to pay I guess 01:22:03 <inode0> I think they need to answer that, it makes no difference to me 01:22:18 <jds2001> mchua_afk: you around by any chance? 01:22:24 <jds2001> spevack: or you? 01:23:12 <inode0> well, ok, we'll get the answer soon 01:23:19 <jds2001> no worries 01:23:26 <jds2001> #topic Events 01:23:33 <jds2001> anything upcoming? 01:23:38 <jds2001> OSCON is nowish 01:24:09 <jds2001> so i had one 01:24:13 <inode0> herlo sent out an announcement about the CFP for UTOSC 01:24:44 <inode0> I think it was extended until around the end of the month - so submit ideas if you'd like to attend and present 01:25:50 <jds2001> #info submit ideas for UTOSC if you'd like to present there 01:25:59 <jds2001> So I have a new one 01:26:16 <jds2001> though getting budget approval in this format may be....challenging :) 01:26:27 <inode0> nah, I'll do it 01:26:37 <jds2001> We need $100 for a booth at CPOSC 01:26:38 <inode0> it is easier in this format 01:26:40 <inode0> done 01:27:38 <jds2001> and I'll go again this year, so some money for that if possible, 01:27:50 <jds2001> just the train and hotel for a night 01:27:55 <inode0> jds2001: you know the new ritual for that? 01:28:02 <jds2001> im unaware 01:28:29 <inode0> let me find the link 01:28:34 <jds2001> do i need to sacrifice pigs or something? 01:28:35 <jds2001> :) 01:29:24 <inode0> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sponsoring_event_attendees 01:29:32 <jds2001> oh, yeah 01:29:35 <inode0> no, but we need an event page with the request ... 01:29:39 <jds2001> we did that at the events fad 01:29:43 <inode0> then I'll approve that too :) 01:29:50 <inode0> right 01:29:56 <jds2001> ok, I'll make one soon :) 01:30:15 <inode0> if brian going to make it? 01:30:17 <inode0> is 01:30:29 <jds2001> dunno havent talked to him in forever 01:30:43 * jds2001 can email him and ask 01:31:01 <inode0> you might try - or is anyone else you know of? 01:31:12 <jds2001> tmz normally does, it's in his backyard 01:31:48 <jds2001> but im sure we could assemble a contingent 01:31:58 <inode0> ping brian, I don't know why reasonable expenses would be any problem for that event 01:32:07 <inode0> oh 01:32:12 <inode0> back to mchua 01:32:14 <mchua> apologies, OSCON is slowly eating my life :) - around if needed 01:32:36 <jds2001> mchua: need to talk about the needcreditcard thing that you dropped on the agenda page 01:32:41 <mchua> What questions do you folks need answered? Ah, yes. 01:32:46 <jds2001> which is the only agenda we seem to have 01:33:31 <mchua> Basically, the desired functionality is a to-do list for Max/Mel/anyone-else-that-can-pay-for-Ambassadors-stuff of "credit card should be applied here, in this manner." 01:33:47 <jds2001> ok, can we use the existing trac for that? 01:33:50 <mchua> i don't think we need a separate ticket queue for this; I'd be happy to use any means you folks would like to keep it. 01:33:55 <jds2001> (which you may not have access to) 01:33:57 <mchua> Yeah, I'm not sure why a separate trac was even suggested. 01:34:15 <mchua> I think that FAmNA or FAmSCo or whatever trac/queue/ticket/todo-keeper would be fine. 01:34:46 <jds2001> ok, consider it done 01:34:54 <mchua> My main interest is in eliminating the "maybe we will catch Max or Mel on IRC and maybe they'll remember to pay this and maybe they'll tell each other that it's done or not!" panic-method of getting things paid for. :) 01:35:11 <jds2001> hehe 01:36:23 <jds2001> #info please use the needcredit keyword in famna tickets to delineate items to pay for 01:36:37 <jds2001> #action jds2001 to make sure mel and max have access 01:36:58 <mchua> Max and I still need to be pinged to look at the queue, unless we know there's stuff in there every single week, for the record. 01:37:16 <VileGent> jds2001, but that means we would need some sort of tracker for this to happen as well correct 01:37:18 <mchua> But instead of "Max! Do you have 15 minutes right now so I can relay this information to you in a way you may or may not keep notes from?" it's "Max, look at the queue, all the info is there when you need it." 01:37:26 <jds2001> #info Mel and Max still need to be pinged to look stuff in the queue. 01:37:36 <jds2001> VileGent: we have one 01:38:12 <VileGent> jds2001, a tracker for reciepts? 01:38:13 <jds2001> VileGent: https://fedorahosted.org/famnarequests/ 01:38:23 <inode0> can go in with the other famna requests 01:38:29 <VileGent> ok 01:38:30 <jds2001> VileGent: not receipts - this is for stuff to apply credit cards to 01:38:56 <VileGent> ok 01:39:08 <inode0> assuming there is no privacy constraints about account info and stuff 01:39:28 <jds2001> inode0: thats a private trac instance 01:39:47 <nb> are we still supposed to be getting inode0 a credit card sometime? 01:40:13 <inode0> maybe Red Hat had second thoughts? :) 01:40:33 <mchua> I thought those were already going out - stickster_afk and spevack would be the ones to ping on it, iirc. 01:41:25 <inode0> well, I've heard nothing and they aren't going to just send them out 01:42:04 <mchua> Hm. Worth bringing up on-list? I know Max has been traveling and Paul is probably crazy busy with transition stuff, so it may just be on pause while they recover. 01:42:22 <inode0> anyway, we just don't know more at this point - Max will take care of it when he is ready 01:42:40 <mchua> I am pretty sure that's in the works and that there are no major blockers to it happening - I expect it to happen, but I don't know the details. 01:42:43 * mchua nods 01:43:01 <mchua> Anything else y'all need from me? I'm being called to OSCON dinner. 01:43:12 <VileGent> go to dinner and thanks 01:43:17 <inode0> go eat, thank mchua 01:43:27 <mchua> Thanks folks. Om nom nom! 01:43:34 <jds2001> ok, anything else? 01:43:43 <jds2001> #topic Open Floor 01:43:48 <VileGent> only thing is i want to order more tshirts 01:43:56 * inode0 was going to discuss the recent f-a-b business but 01:44:06 <jds2001> well now is a good time 01:44:11 <inode0> maybe next month after some more that would be better' 01:44:21 <inode0> more thought 01:45:00 <inode0> if people haven't followed along try to read the f-a-b thread on FUDCon swag which spilled over into other areas where ambassadors do stuff 01:45:20 <inode0> we can talk about it next time I think 01:45:33 <jds2001> if people haven't followed along try to read the f-a-b thread on FUDCon swag which spilled over into other areas where ambassadors do stuff 01:45:38 <jds2001> #info if people haven't followed along try to read the f-a-b thread on FUDCon swag which spilled over into other areas where ambassadors do stuff 01:46:18 <inode0> VileGent: where are we currently with shirts? 01:46:40 <VileGent> inode0, i have ZERO 01:46:49 <inode0> hrm 01:46:54 <inode0> did you ever have any? 01:47:04 <VileGent> technically no 01:47:15 <inode0> did all of them go to SELF? 01:47:19 <VileGent> yep 01:47:21 <inode0> ok 01:47:48 <inode0> and I'm sure the west is going to use theirs up now and the mountain area at UTOSC 01:48:00 <VileGent> OLF is actually a NE event and of those shirts went to the summit from my understanding 01:48:02 <jds2001> #link http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?group=gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.advisory-board&article=7835 01:48:13 <jds2001> i think that's a good link :) 01:48:14 <inode0> yeah, we should fix that for OLF - we need some there 01:48:36 <VileGent> and last year all the shirts for OLF went to the summit 01:48:54 <inode0> no they didn't - I sent shirts to the summit last year 01:49:34 <VileGent> well i was told there was no shirts for OLF last year and when i brought it up last year it was shot down because of the budget 01:49:35 <inode0> but we need to get them for OLF anyway - so let's ping max and brian 01:50:23 <inode0> I don' know if we can pop for another $2K this Q ... probably can but I'd like Max to say do it 01:50:32 <VileGent> i would like to get 75 for OLf and have 5 to send out in ambassador kits 01:50:52 <inode0> ok 01:51:17 <inode0> OLF is in Sept? 01:51:25 <jds2001> yeah 01:51:26 <jds2001> 10-12 01:51:30 <VileGent> yep the first part 01:51:34 <jds2001> and CPOSC is in october 01:51:46 <VileGent> so we need to order soon 01:51:50 <inode0> ok, we should probably ping people and try to get a green light before next meeting I think 01:51:53 <jds2001> not that we need nearly that many there, we'll take scraps :) 01:52:08 <inode0> no one will object if we can get funds 01:52:42 <VileGent> i will send crossbytes label to send v-banners to boston for Linuxcon tomorrow 01:53:08 <VileGent> and i will send my event box to boston this week as well 01:53:40 <jds2001> coolio 01:53:43 <jds2001> anything else? 01:53:49 <VileGent> thats all i have 01:54:12 * jds2001 ends the meeting in 5 01:54:15 <jds2001> 3 01:54:19 <jds2001> 9 01:54:26 <jds2001> oops 01:54:27 <jds2001> 0 01:54:32 <jds2001> #endmeeting