
#fedora-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by brunowolff at 21:00:23 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Is anyone else here? (brunowolff, 21:00:49)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Spins_SIG_Meetings (brunowolff, 21:02:27)

  2. livecd booting and installing in rawhide (brunowolff, 21:03:17)
    1. ACTION: nirik and bruno will do some boot / install tests of nightly livecds (brunowolff, 21:07:52)

  3. spins wrangler? (brunowolff, 21:08:18)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Spins_Process (stickster, 21:14:04)
    2. ACTION: bruno will write a draft spins wrangler page documenting duties of the position. (brunowolff, 21:19:57)

  4. trac instance? (brunowolff, 21:20:15)
    1. ACTION: brunowolff will make sure spin-kickstarts has a track instance for use for the spins sig (brunowolff, 21:26:09)

  5. F14 schedule (brunowolff, 21:26:21)
    1. ACTION: bruno will review spin process for recurring spins to make sure enough details are there for people updating wiki pages. (brunowolff, 21:36:22)
    2. ACTION: nirik Will send a message to spin owners to see if they are continuing their spins. (brunowolff, 21:41:22)

  6. alpha and beta (brunowolff, 21:46:38)
    1. AGREED: There will not be special spin images for the alpha and beta for F14. (brunowolff, 21:52:43)
    2. ACTION: brunowolff will email releng to let them know we are doing that again. (brunowolff, 21:53:06)
    3. ACTION: brunowolff will update the agenda page to reflect today's meeting. (brunowolff, 21:54:18)
    4. ACTION: brunowolff will email out the meeting notes to spins (brunowolff, 21:55:06)

Meeting ended at 21:57:29 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. nirik and bruno will do some boot / install tests of nightly livecds
  2. bruno will write a draft spins wrangler page documenting duties of the position.
  3. brunowolff will make sure spin-kickstarts has a track instance for use for the spins sig
  4. bruno will review spin process for recurring spins to make sure enough details are there for people updating wiki pages.
  5. nirik Will send a message to spin owners to see if they are continuing their spins.
  6. brunowolff will email releng to let them know we are doing that again.
  7. brunowolff will update the agenda page to reflect today's meeting.
  8. brunowolff will email out the meeting notes to spins

Action items, by person

  1. brunowolff
    1. brunowolff will make sure spin-kickstarts has a track instance for use for the spins sig
    2. brunowolff will email releng to let them know we are doing that again.
    3. brunowolff will update the agenda page to reflect today's meeting.
    4. brunowolff will email out the meeting notes to spins
  2. nirik
    1. nirik and bruno will do some boot / install tests of nightly livecds
    2. nirik Will send a message to spin owners to see if they are continuing their spins.
    1. bruno will write a draft spins wrangler page documenting duties of the position.
    2. bruno will review spin process for recurring spins to make sure enough details are there for people updating wiki pages.

People present (lines said)

  1. brunowolff (80)
  2. nirik (70)
  3. sdziallas (16)
  4. stickster (12)
  5. zodbot (3)

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