05:02:18 <tagoh> #startmeeting i18n
05:02:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 25 05:02:18 2010 UTC.  The chair is tagoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
05:02:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
05:02:59 <tagoh> #topic agenda
05:03:10 <tagoh> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2010-03-25
05:03:30 <paragan> hi
05:03:32 <tagoh> hi guys, time for i18n meeting
05:05:05 <tagoh> who's here today?
05:06:35 <dramsey> .fas dramsey
05:06:35 <zodbot> dramsey: dramsey 'David Ramsey' <diamond_ramsey@hotmail.com>
05:06:52 <dramsey> I am just watching interested in Input Methods updates...
05:06:56 <dramsey> Is okay?
05:07:11 <pravins> hi
05:07:12 <tagoh> dramsey: sure :)
05:07:18 <dramsey> Thank you.  ;)
05:08:43 <dychen_> hi
05:08:48 <epico_laptop> hi
05:08:57 <tagoh> okay, let's get started.
05:09:07 <tagoh> #topic f13
05:10:27 <kaio_monolith> hi
05:11:21 <paragan> F13 Beta freeze is going on
05:11:28 <tagoh> we have passed over the beta freeze and all of features are supposed to complete its implementation
05:11:48 <tagoh> unfortunately yum-langpacks aren't yet complete and informed that on the list.
05:12:14 <tagoh> juhp is away this week. so anyone knows the status for that?
05:12:38 <tagoh> guess it may be postponed this time.
05:13:04 <paragan> yes
05:14:09 <tagoh> for relnotes - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_I18n_Beat
05:14:41 <tagoh> thanks all for updates. guess it's all for f13?
05:16:12 <paragan> looks good now
05:16:39 <tagoh> okay, good
05:17:40 <tagoh> #topic f13 bugs
05:18:31 <tagoh> we still have one blocker bug and three target bugs for f13.
05:19:55 <paragan> blocker bug is related to yum-langpack
05:20:02 <tagoh> for fontconfig related bugs, nim-nim seems to be busy or away. wanted to talk about the template change though
05:20:07 <tagoh> paragan: right
05:21:03 <pravins> tagoh: should we make titlebar underline bug as a blocker?
05:21:16 <paragan> is zinnia-tomoe submitted to Fedora?
05:21:21 <pravins> it is going to impact lot of desktop quality
05:21:34 <tagoh> pravins: hmm, good question.
05:21:56 <tagoh> it could be since it affects to all Indic languages.
05:21:57 <paragan> seems its blocking ibus-handwrite package
05:22:08 <epico_laptop> paragan: zinnia-tomoe is in review.
05:22:15 <paragan> aha
05:22:20 <tagoh> sounds a bit late to raise it though
05:22:25 <pravins> hmm
05:22:45 <epico_laptop> after zinnia-tomoe is finished, ibus-handwrite will be in review process.
05:22:58 <paragan> ok
05:24:14 <tagoh> pravins: anyway, let's try and leave it to FESCo for judgement to keep it there.
05:24:47 <pravins> tagoh: ok, i will update summary littlebit more, so one can understand it quickly :)
05:25:05 <tagoh> pravins: okay. thanks
05:26:43 <tagoh> I'll write one more mails for fontconfig later - if we need to fix this, need to update a lot of packages.
05:27:29 <tagoh> epico_laptop: any issues on zinnia-tomoe's review?
05:28:41 <epico_laptop> tagoh: currently a new version is for review, wait for his reply.
05:29:08 <tagoh> epico_laptop: okay
05:29:37 <tagoh> anything else bugs concerned we may want to fix before f13 GA?
05:31:08 <tagoh> okay, let's move on
05:31:20 <tagoh> #topic Splitting TC and SC
05:31:35 <tagoh> epico_laptop: any updates?
05:33:08 <epico_laptop> I installed F-13 alpha, it seems the font confs is more clear than F-12. maybe we can find some better results on F-13 for SC/TC fonts.
05:33:26 <epico_laptop> ZenHei for SC users, UMing for TC users.
05:33:31 <tagoh> aha
05:35:12 <epico_laptop> dychen_: Is UMing default for TC users OK?
05:35:17 <tagoh> do we need to improve the fonts for the glyph coverage and design to split them?
05:35:40 <epico_laptop> I think not.
05:36:21 <tagoh> just remember fangqq talked about it on bz?
05:37:54 <epico_laptop> I think serif (UMing) for TC users is a work around for TC users, TC users may be need to manually changes all fonts to serif to use UMing.(if we use fangqq's proposal)
05:37:55 <kaio_monolith> epico_laptop☺ which face
05:38:10 <epico_laptop> UMing for sans and serif.
05:38:34 <kaio_monolith> epico_laptop☺ wqy not for Sans now?
05:38:42 <kaio_monolith> (in TC)
05:39:10 <epico_laptop> wqy is better for sans and serif in SC locale, I think.
05:40:04 <epico_laptop> The last comments on fedora-cn google groups remind me that sans/serif is meaningful for English, not so for Chinese.
05:40:18 <epico_laptop> http://groups.google.com/group/fedora-cn/browse_thread/thread/4a3595996ef137cb/e2e695c7c6f4e7c2
05:41:31 <dychen_> epico_laptop: Ok
05:45:14 <tagoh> okay
05:45:41 <tagoh> move on
05:45:46 <tagoh> #topic Fonts
05:47:13 <tagoh> anyone who added a topic on the agenda? :)
05:47:36 <pravins> on fonts, i am fixing bugs of lohit
05:47:53 <tagoh> aside from that, though I talked a bit the above already, any comments on my post at the fonts list are welcome :)
05:49:09 <tagoh> pravins: okay.
05:49:14 <pravins> one interesting bug is
05:49:19 <pravins> just saw in f13
05:49:41 <pravins> if one type in Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada fonts
05:49:59 <pravins> half of the font goes below the entry bar
05:50:18 <pravins> basically it cuts down in entry bar
05:50:24 <pravins> of thunderbird
05:50:52 <tagoh> pravins: guess it may be same to what I saw - ascent/descent issue
05:51:39 <pravins> might be, but same was happening in firefox also in firefox-3.5.3-2
05:51:53 <tagoh> right
05:52:12 <pravins> but now somehow fixed in firefox 3.6.1
05:52:15 <tagoh> originally it was reported on firefox
05:52:23 <tagoh> aha. interesting
05:52:38 <pravins> but still no improvement in thunderbird
05:53:21 <tagoh> heh - thanks for server splitting
05:53:37 <pravins> he he
05:53:39 <paragan> :)
05:53:39 <tagoh> #topic Fonts
05:54:19 <pravins> i think this can be fixed from font side as well, but now
05:54:20 <tagoh> no packages for 3.6.1 right?
05:54:26 <pravins> Meera font is also affected with this
05:54:54 <pravins> tagoh: yes, no problem in firefox 3.6.1
05:54:55 <tagoh> pravins: yep. but it might affects its design and need a lot of work to accomplish it
05:55:31 <pravins> yeah, thats why it will be good if we gets fix from thunderbird side
05:56:20 <tagoh> no bug report for that on thunderbird upstream?
05:56:32 <pravins> not yet
05:57:13 <pravins> i will report one for fedora today
05:57:21 <tagoh> cool
05:57:24 <pravins> and upstream as well
05:57:34 <tagoh> yep
05:57:46 <pravins> in between tagoh you saw mine bug for border issues on GTK upstream?
05:58:59 <tagoh> sorry, you remember bug#?
05:59:19 <pravins> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=613778
05:59:29 <pravins> np
06:00:18 <tagoh> thanks. will have a look later.
06:00:31 <pravins> ok
06:00:44 <tagoh> time to move on next topic..
06:00:56 <tagoh> #topic Input Methods
06:01:22 <tagoh> any updates?
06:02:04 <tagoh> phuang: ?
06:02:21 <phuang> hi
06:02:27 <tagoh> hi
06:02:50 <phuang> Release stable version ibus-1.3.0, and built it for fedora 13
06:03:09 <tagoh> great
06:03:22 <tagoh> will it be in Beta?
06:03:24 <phuang> Also improved ibus-pinyin and built the latest for f13
06:03:45 <phuang> I think so. I built them before beta freeze
06:06:10 <phuang> That is all from me
06:07:39 <tagoh> okay. thanks
06:07:56 <phuang> tagoh, thx
06:07:57 <tagoh> anyone else any updates on IM?
06:09:11 <phuang> BTW, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=576502
06:09:15 <tagoh> kaio_monolith: do you have anything else?
06:09:17 <dychen_> tagoh3: ibus-chewing is now capable of bypass the keys in Temporary  En mode, thus user can use dvorak, colemak, and other European keyboard.
06:09:25 <phuang> Here is a RHEL6 bug
06:10:02 <tagoh> dychen_: cool
06:10:13 <phuang> How about port latest ibus in fedora 12 to RHEL6?
06:10:42 <kaio_monolith> hi
06:10:47 <tagoh> phuang: off topic in this meeting sorry :) talk about it later
06:10:59 <phuang> ok
06:11:00 <kaio_monolith> nth much just info for Liberation Fonts.
06:11:15 <tagoh> phuang: if you mind that issue in f13, need to file a bug for f13 then.
06:11:47 <kaio_monolith> there is Liberation Sans Narrow contributed by SUN dev, still sorting out some metadata in the font files and should be available soon I guess
06:11:52 <tagoh> dychen_: sounds nice feature.
06:12:17 <phuang> tagoh, RHEL 6 issue? It has been fixed in f12 and f13
06:12:29 <tagoh> phuang: aha. good then :)
06:12:38 <kaio_monolith> ibus-tables now are repacked into ibus-table-{cangjie,cantonese,cyrillic,tv,code,latin,xingma,yinma} 8 pkgs
06:13:20 <kaio_monolith> there are 3 pkg reviews on going for those pkgs
06:13:29 <tagoh> aha
06:14:50 <tagoh> okay, we are running over time a bit. anything else you want to bring up in this meeting?
06:14:57 <kaio_monolith> thats it from me
06:15:04 <tagoh> #topic open space
06:15:10 <pravins> do we have any equivalent for scim-tables-additional in ibus?
06:15:16 <tagoh> kaio_monolith: thanks :)
06:15:35 <kaio_monolith> pravins☺ what are in that?
06:16:24 <pravins> kaio_monolith: i was looking for Hindi remington Keyboard :)
06:16:42 <pravins> i saw one file in mim file for it
06:16:49 <kaio_monolith> c, check ibus-m17n?
06:17:09 <pravins> but i am seeing on http://www.scim-im.org/forums#nabble-td1326768, different file
06:17:13 <kaio_monolith> afaik no indic tables in ibus-table now
06:17:27 <kaio_monolith> all either in ibus-m17n or elsewhere
06:17:33 <pravins> aha
06:17:54 <pravins> kaio_monolith: in that case i need to do little bit more testing for same
06:18:40 <pravins> kaio_monolith: thanks
06:19:06 <kaio_monolith> np
06:20:19 <tagoh> anything else?
06:20:40 <tagoh> if not , let's close the meeting shortly
06:22:38 <tagoh> thanks everyone for your attendance.
06:22:47 <tagoh> #endmeeting