05:06:04 <juhp> #startmeeting i18n
05:06:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 11 05:06:04 2010 UTC.  The chair is juhp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
05:06:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
05:06:20 <juhp> sorry for slow start
05:06:43 <juhp> #topic agenda
05:06:53 <juhp> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2010-03-11
05:07:18 <paragan> hi
05:07:20 <pravins> hi
05:07:34 * juhp goes and makes yum-langpacks optional in comps while waiting for people to join
05:07:39 <juhp> ;)
05:13:12 <juhp> anyone else before we start?
05:13:49 <nkumar> hi
05:13:52 <tagoh> hi
05:16:04 <juhp> ok
05:16:42 <epico_laptop> hi
05:16:42 <phuang> hi
05:17:05 <juhp> (commited ;)
05:17:15 <juhp> ok let's get moving
05:17:50 <juhp> #topic f13
05:18:04 <juhp> 2010-03-16	Software Translation Deadline
05:18:04 <juhp> 2010-03-23	Beta Freeze
05:18:14 <juhp> are upcoming dates
05:19:10 <juhp> relnotes https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_I18n_Beat are starting to look better :)
05:20:05 <pravins> juhp: just i remember we have done some work on glibc as well
05:20:19 <pravins> new locale kok_IN and collation enhancecments for Tamil
05:21:15 <pravins> and assamese collation as well
05:22:22 <juhp> pravins: ok - you could add it I guess :)
05:22:43 <pravins> yeah
05:26:18 <juhp> sorry just editted a little
05:27:22 <juhp> ok
05:28:50 <juhp> #topic f13 bugs
05:29:04 <juhp> I still have my blocker bug for yum-langpacks
05:29:39 <juhp> I think I need some help from an rpm expert on sorting it out though so I disabled yum-langpacks in comps-f13 for now
05:30:46 <juhp> epico_laptop: I see zinnia got approved :)
05:30:59 <epico_laptop> juhp: yes.
05:31:19 <epico_laptop> juhp: ibus-handwrite needs some changes according to the comments.
05:31:45 <juhp> ok
05:34:14 <juhp> hmm my favourite fontconfig bug does not show up on blocker list
05:38:02 <juhp> any other bugs to talk about?
05:39:29 <juhp> ok I cc'ed fedora-i18n-bugs
05:41:53 <juhp> any bugs people want to discuss today?
05:42:25 <tagoh> not particularly from me
05:42:32 <juhp> ok
05:42:35 <juhp> anyone else?
05:43:59 <juhp> we need to be active in remembering to add fedora-i18n-bugs to CC in bugzilla so bugs we are tracking don't slip through the cracks
05:44:26 <juhp> tagoh: I dunno what we can do for 65-nonlatin.conf
05:44:52 <juhp> having CJK fallback seems to break Japanese with wqy installed
05:45:05 <juhp> at least in firefox
05:45:10 <tagoh> juhp: the issue on firefox you mean?
05:45:15 <juhp> yes
05:45:33 <juhp> well guess it is most obvious in firefox anyway
05:45:38 <juhp> probably not firefox specific?
05:45:46 <tagoh> let me have a look for that later today.
05:45:56 <juhp> great - would appreciate that :)
05:46:55 <juhp> oh
05:47:19 <juhp> just noticed patch from James Antill for yum-langpacks
05:47:32 <juhp> perhaps I was too quick to move in comps
05:48:47 <juhp> :)
05:49:08 <nkumar> I want to discuss this one: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=497090
05:49:08 <pravins> juhp: i have updated page
05:49:26 <juhp> thanks
05:49:36 <juhp> .bug 497090
05:49:39 <zodbot> juhp: Bug 497090 [bn][bn-IN][as] Invalid addition of Yaphala conjuncts are being rendered - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=497090
05:50:43 <nkumar> I added come chained contextual rule to the font and it works fine for pango...
05:50:56 <nkumar> But on kwrite and oowriter
05:50:59 <juhp> aha
05:51:56 <nkumar> it does not work
05:52:14 <nkumar> looks like some kind of bug in icu and QT
05:53:03 <tagoh> nkumar: it may be not true anymore I don't look at OOo's code recently but it may be a good idea to try on the different desktops perhaps. it had ever behaved differently on GNOME and KDE say.
05:53:29 <pravins> tagoh: while checking on uniscribe its working same as pango
05:53:43 <nkumar> it seems to work on uniscibe
05:54:02 <nkumar> s/uniscibe/uniscribe
05:55:27 <juhp> nkumar: you're running gnome or kde?
05:56:06 <nkumar> gnome
05:56:18 <juhp> ok
05:56:41 <juhp> nkumar: it is quite possible
05:57:05 <juhp> pravins: any comment?
05:57:40 <pravins> might be better to talk with Eric Mader once
05:57:51 <pravins> i need to onec go through rules written by nkumar
05:57:52 <juhp> aha
05:58:08 <pravins> s/onec/once
05:58:43 <nkumar> yep, I need feedback
05:59:17 <juhp> it doesn't sound very serious though - sort of an rfe?
06:00:11 <juhp> we're getting out of time...
06:00:27 <juhp> epico_laptop: I guess no more on TC/SC?
06:00:59 <juhp> I had added an IM section too this week
06:01:14 <juhp> dunno if there is anything particular that needs attention now
06:01:18 <juhp> or any other topics?
06:01:33 <tagoh> hmm, it may be a good idea for having common sharper engine for Indic. it's quite annoying looking at same issue in the different applications and libraries..
06:01:56 <epico_laptop> I saw the fangqq's new suggestion, maybe we can try that config, will ask about it with tagoh3.
06:01:56 <juhp> like harfbuzz? :)
06:02:10 <juhp> epico_laptop: ok - what is it?
06:02:19 <juhp> thanks
06:02:23 <tagoh> juhp: yeah.. hope we'll go moving soon
06:02:36 <juhp> yeah.....
06:02:53 <tagoh> epico_laptop: I don't like that anyway...
06:02:53 <epico_laptop> It is on the comments, several fontconfig conf files by fangqq in mailing list.
06:03:11 <juhp> epico_laptop: do you have the bug#? :)
06:03:38 <epico_laptop> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-wqy-zenhei/+bug/521163/comments/5
06:03:46 <juhp> aha
06:04:29 <tagoh> juhp: not a kind of bug but a kind of flamewar we are/were doing on upstream bugzilla..
06:04:39 <juhp> epico_laptop: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20911#c77
06:04:57 <juhp> tagoh: hehe - wish we could tone it down a little :)
06:04:59 * tagoh sighs
06:05:04 <juhp> fighting doesn't really help
06:05:52 <juhp> anyway we just need some solution that works - otherwise we might have to pull wqy-zenhei from f13 desktop and I don't want to do that
06:06:21 <juhp> but will if we don't have a solution by Beta :-(
06:06:34 <juhp> so I hope people are motivated to fix this ;)
06:07:10 <juhp> ok I think we better finish :)
06:07:57 <juhp> tagoh: how do you think about his 65-language-*.conf suggestion?
06:08:24 <juhp> I don't really see how we can support CJK fallback in any sane way that will work with fedora
06:08:57 <juhp> and Ubuntu just wallpapered over the issue
06:09:02 <tagoh> juhp: dunno - just using that without the ubuntu hack won't work for Indic at least.
06:09:12 <juhp> Indic?
06:09:35 <juhp> can you say more? :)
06:10:06 <juhp> you mean local glyphs?
06:10:18 <paragan> not tested recent ubuntu releases
06:10:29 <juhp> probably not a problem for us currently?
06:10:48 <tagoh> well, all of examples are in my post on the list though, the priority list won't work for the font queries for scripts that could be used for different languages and want to have different fonts for them
06:11:04 <juhp> tagoh: right
06:11:05 <tagoh> such as devanagari and so on.
06:11:20 <juhp> so Indic is no different from CJ I guess?
06:12:16 <juhp> let me re-read - was there more discussion upsteam?
06:12:29 <tagoh> right. but Japanese is a subset of Chinese actually so may be a bit different to Indic in some cases.
06:12:44 <juhp> true
06:12:58 <juhp> which is probably why wqy causes problems for ja
06:13:08 <tagoh> yeah
06:13:16 <juhp> actually really wish zh font designer could just leave ja along!! ;)
06:13:22 <juhp> designers
06:13:38 <juhp> (and not call their fonts CJK...)
06:13:45 <tagoh> nod
06:14:17 <juhp> we should probably just fire back so japanese cjk fonts, hehe ;)
06:14:20 <juhp> some
06:14:29 <juhp> anyway
06:14:35 <juhp> better stop...
06:14:57 <juhp> hope we can find a way out of this tunnel soon
06:15:04 <juhp> thanks for the meeting! :-)
06:15:35 <juhp> #endmeeting