15:04:22 <tk009> #startmeeting bugzappers 15:04:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 23 15:04:22 2010 UTC. The chair is tk009. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:04:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:04:31 <tk009> #chair adamw 15:04:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw tk009 15:04:40 * adamw kicks it 15:04:44 <tk009> hehe 15:05:09 <tk009> kk sound off if you are here for the bugzappers meeting (please) 15:05:32 <tk009> it better not be just us 15:05:44 * iarlyy here, hi all 15:05:54 <tk009> hi iarlyy 15:06:19 * waltJ is here. 15:06:42 <tk009> hello waltj 15:07:35 <tk009> I'll give two minutes then start 15:08:16 <tk009> I was hoping we'd get more for these topics 15:09:14 <tk009> kk first up 15:09:34 <tk009> #topic discuss jon stanley's suggestions 15:09:38 <adamw> people might appear out of the woodwork 15:09:43 <adamw> jds2001: pingle 15:09:47 <tk009> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-February/088644.html 15:09:54 <Oxf13> I'm watching from the peanut gallery 15:09:58 <tk009> =) 15:10:27 * adamw has never understood why some people find looking at peanuts so interesting 15:10:38 <tk009> I there we are getting what we need from fedora as far as resources go. 15:10:45 <tk009> its the arouma 15:10:49 <Oxf13> soo many different shapes and sizes 15:10:58 <adamw> yeah, i couldn't immediately think of anything we need 15:11:17 <tk009> we need what everyone else needs 15:11:21 <tk009> mentors 15:11:24 <tk009> more time 15:11:31 <adamw> although in terms of 'resources' we could talk about stuff like if bugzilla is set up in the best way, and maybe help from infrastructure for the statistics stuff? 15:11:33 <tk009> I think we have the people now 15:11:46 <tk009> yes 15:12:02 <tk009> I thought soething was in the works on the metrics 15:12:18 <tk009> I know comphappy bolgged about working on it again 15:12:36 <tk009> but I've not seen hide nor hair since 15:12:47 * mcepl is here 15:12:55 <tk009> welcome brother 15:13:11 <adamw> as i said last i heard from comphappy was at fudcon 15:13:21 <adamw> where he was talking with the fedora community group about doing stats in that 15:13:26 <adamw> but i don't know anything since then 15:13:32 <tk009> he blogged about starting on the metrics again about two weeks ago 15:13:37 <adamw> ah, missed that 15:13:43 <mcepl> well, that's I think much more interesting question ... plenty of our infrastructure seems to depend on him 15:13:44 <adamw> unfortunately we never found anyone else to work on it i think... 15:13:48 <adamw> mcepl: ^^^ 15:13:58 <adamw> there just hasn't been anyone else who's volunteered to work on the stats stuff 15:14:09 <adamw> it's easy to criticise comphappy but we'd be no FURTHER along without him, heh 15:14:27 <mcepl> well, I was more interested in administration of fedorahosted.org triage part, for example 15:14:59 * mcepl has to admit to the terrible heresy ... he doesn't care much about statistics 15:15:00 <tk009> do you not have admin on that mcepl? 15:15:09 <mcepl> unfortunately, no 15:15:24 <tk009> that should be changed then yes? 15:15:55 <mcepl> OK, gimme action item 15:16:04 <tk009> #chair mcepl 15:16:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw mcepl tk009 15:16:07 <tk009> =) 15:16:15 <mcepl> no I meant 15:16:31 <mcepl> #action mcepl to take over fedorahosted/triage 15:16:49 * mcepl goes to talk with zodbot privately 15:17:50 <tk009> the thing I found hard is the interaction with bugzilla grabbing the info from the outside is not a good way to do it 15:18:12 <tk009> you'd think someone already thought of this and had something set up 15:18:28 <adamw> we couldn't really find anything when we looked 15:18:45 <adamw> you've seen bugzilla's internal stats stuff right? i posted it up in a meeting a few weeks back 15:19:24 <tk009> I remember the mention but I dont recall looking at it, do you still have the link 15:20:15 <tk009> #action tk009 email comphappy on metrics status 15:20:22 <adamw> just lemme find it 15:20:48 <tk009> did anyone else want to add to this topic 15:21:18 <adamw> can't think of much 15:21:45 <tk009> I have some but its best as reply to the email. 15:21:55 <tk009> kk we'll move on then 15:21:59 <tk009> one sec 15:22:38 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/browse.cgi 15:24:03 <tk009> back sorry about that 15:24:24 <tk009> #topic discuss what to do with rawhide bugs now f13 has branched 15:24:55 <adamw> so yeah, this is a bit sticky 15:25:02 <tk009> did everyone see 0xf13's email on this? 15:25:10 <adamw> let's go over it quickly just in case 15:25:16 <iarlyy> interesting this topic... yesterday we had some questions about how to close a bug against fedora 13 15:25:18 <adamw> we've changed the development process from f13 on 15:26:07 <adamw> previously, the next release would be developed in rawhide and only branch from it just before release. around then we'd rebase all 'rawhide' bugs to be 'nextrelease' bugs instead. nice and simple 15:26:26 <adamw> now we've branched 'nextrelease' (f13) very early, and rawhide continues with a distinct identity - it's working towards f14 15:26:55 <adamw> now the question is, what do we do with bugs filed against rawhide between the release of f12 and now? 15:27:00 <iarlyy> adamw, I knew by this way 15:27:00 <tk009> should we think about re-defining nextrelease? 15:27:03 <adamw> do we rebase them to be f13 bugs, or leave them as rawhide? 15:27:27 <adamw> i'd come down on the side of making them f13 bugs 15:27:31 <adamw> but it's a tricky call 15:27:40 <tk009> what does bodhi close them as? 15:27:51 <tk009> off the top of my head I dont know 15:28:44 <iarlyy> all rawhide bugs still as rawhide, ins't? when rebase will happen? 15:29:05 <adamw> bodhi isn't much of a canonical reference, what it's doing know will be basically random 15:29:21 <adamw> iarlyy: we haven't changed anything yet, because we hadn't decided what to do yet 15:29:24 <adamw> s/know/now/ 15:29:47 <adamw> i'd rather worry about what we do with open bugs than how we close them, though 15:29:58 <adamw> resolutions aren't frankly that important, especially as long as we don't have statistics 15:30:14 <tk009> what are your thoughts on open bugs 15:30:20 <iarlyy> adamw, I'm worried about too 15:30:50 <adamw> tk009: as I said, i'd say to move current open rawhide bugs to f13 15:31:46 <iarlyy> tk009, same happened after releases, yep? 15:32:04 <iarlyy> s/after/before/ 15:32:33 <tk009> is that soething we'd was to autoagically do? 15:32:42 <tk009> s/was/want 15:32:42 <adamw> it's covered in the bugzappers housekeeping 15:32:47 <adamw> but that's different 15:33:18 <adamw> under the previous system it was clearer what was 'correct', because rawhide and 'nextrelease' never differed 15:33:40 <adamw> we never had a situation where f12 and f13 were simultaneously under development, really 15:34:27 <adamw> now it's not clear whether we should assume all bugs filed on rawhide before the branch should be considered f13 bugs, or remain as rawhide bugs 15:34:28 <Oxf13> you mean f13 and f14 15:34:31 <iarlyy> actually f13 in development and f14 same time 15:34:33 <adamw> no, i mean f12 and f13 15:34:43 <adamw> Oxf13: right now we have f13 and f14 in development simultaneously 15:34:45 <adamw> which is the new bit 15:34:48 <Oxf13> right 15:34:56 <Oxf13> we've never had two releases in develoipment simultaneously 15:35:01 <adamw> before, we *didn't* have f12 and f13 in development simultaneously. 15:35:16 <tk009> how long would you say we have to figure this out? I need to get my head around this and I am distracted atm and not uch help 15:35:45 <adamw> erf, it'd be nice to do it soon 15:35:54 <adamw> it's just a 'which way to jump' call, really, not a complex operation 15:36:03 <tk009> I can work on this today and colaberate with you 15:36:13 <tk009> I have inspectors at the house right now 15:36:17 <adamw> well we can't 'work on' it until we decide what to do 15:36:25 <adamw> if we leave them as rawhide bugs, there's nothing to do 15:36:36 <adamw> if we make them f13 bugs, it's a pretty simple operation in the database i believe 15:36:42 <adamw> it's just a question of making a call about which to do 15:37:09 <adamw> again, i'd vote to make them f13 bugs; does anyone want to argue for leaving them as rawhide bugs? 15:37:12 <tk009> but as you said how do we know some of those are not f14 bugs 15:37:21 <iarlyy> I don't understand, if I enable rawhide now, what updates will I get? 15:37:26 <iarlyy> f13 ou f14 updates? 15:37:33 <adamw> iarlyy: stuff tracked for f14. 15:37:44 <tk009> rawhide is f14 atm iarlyy 15:37:51 <adamw> iarlyy: if you want to follow f13 you need to have a fedora-release package versioned 13, and enable the 'fedora' and 'updates' and 'updates-testing' repos, and disable rawhide. 15:38:19 <adamw> tk009: some of them probably will be stuff the developers would prefer to target for f14, yup. 15:38:25 <iarlyy> as our bugs is based on our rpm packages versions, so rawhide now is f14 and f13 should be created on bz and all bugs rebased, isn't? 15:38:27 <adamw> tk009: but then, some of them will be targeted for f13. 15:38:35 <adamw> tk009: my feel is *more* are likely to be f13 stuff than f14 stuf.f 15:38:42 <tk009> it will hurt less if we do it now 15:38:47 <adamw> since we can't make an individual judgment on every bug, i'd argue just to go with the majority. 15:39:06 <adamw> iarlyy: 13 is already in bugzilla, but we're making the decision about whether to rebase or not now. :) 15:39:18 <adamw> the problem is that some of the bugs will be f13 stuff, and some will be f14 stuff, most likely. 15:39:19 <tk009> kk +1 rebase to f13 15:39:36 <tk009> we will just have to take the heat on that and deal wit hit 15:39:49 <adamw> we can explain the situation in the comment 15:40:03 <adamw> and make sure it says that it's fine to change it back to rawhide if that's more appropriate 15:41:17 <tk009> so do we need poelcat to request this? he is the only one that can I believe 15:41:43 <adamw> i'm not sure how the rebase is usually done, i guess we go through dkl to do it directly in the bz database to avoid a big email spam 15:41:52 <adamw> i can take an action item to check with poelcat and dkl about it 15:42:10 <tk009> #action check with poelcat and dkl about 15:42:14 <tk009> grrr 15:42:28 <tk009> #action check with poelcat and dkl about rebase to f13 15:42:42 <tk009> bah I will get it right eventualy 15:43:00 <tk009> #action adamw to check with poelcat and dkl about rebase to f13 15:43:13 <tk009> okay any more on this one? 15:43:30 <iarlyy> tk009, the actions was added? 15:43:34 <adamw> well, there's the resolution question, but as i said i'm not losing much sleep over that 15:43:49 <iarlyy> normally zodbod confirms action 15:43:50 <adamw> i'd say just go with ERRATA as it follows practice for finished releases 15:43:59 <adamw> iarlyy: i don't think so? 15:44:11 <tk009> I will fix it if it doesn't iarlyy 15:44:16 <Oxf13> adamw: I'm OK with that, since that's what bodhi is doing automatically 15:45:11 <tk009> do we need to changes the wiki for that? 15:45:23 <adamw> yeah, we can explain it explicitly there 15:45:23 <adamw> i 15:45:27 <adamw> i'll update the page later 15:45:32 <tk009> kk 15:45:56 <adamw> #action adamw to update lifecycle page 15:46:10 <tk009> meetbot is sleeping maybe 15:46:27 <adamw> i don't remember meetbot confirming action items? 15:47:11 <tk009> no biggie if it didnt 15:47:25 <tk009> well that is it for the topics 15:47:34 <tk009> #topic Open Floor 15:48:00 <mcepl> adamw: do you know what other resources (aside from fedorahosted hosting) we should be managing and we don't? 15:48:19 <adamw> not a frickin' clue 15:48:40 <tk009> mcepl: aybe ask jds2001 15:48:49 <mcepl> jds2001: ^^^^ 15:49:27 <tk009> hosted is all I know about 15:49:29 <mcepl> anyway, that's it from me (I don't want to held meeting waiting on jds2001) 15:49:49 <tk009> kk does anyone have something else 15:49:57 <adamw> yeah i don't have anything 15:50:08 <tk009> waltj iarlyy 15:50:17 <waltJ> nothing. 15:50:35 <tk009> closing in 2 15:50:47 <iarlyy> nothing 15:51:11 <tk009> kk thank all and thanks adamw for doing the agenda 15:51:17 <tk009> I will do the recap 15:51:24 <tk009> #endmeeting