20:05:29 <liknus> #startmeeting Fedora Ambassadors EMEA Irc Meeting 17-2 20:05:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 17 20:05:29 2010 UTC. The chair is liknus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:05:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:05:41 <liknus> #topic Rollcall 20:05:43 <dramsey> .fas dramsey 20:05:44 <zodbot> dramsey: dramsey 'David Ramsey' <diamond_ramsey@hotmail.com> 20:05:44 <kital> .fas kital 20:05:47 <cmpahar> .fas cmpahar 20:05:47 <zodbot> kital: jsimon 'Joerg (kital) Simon' <simon@simline.de> 20:05:48 <heffer> .fas heffer 20:05:49 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:05:49 <biertie> .fas biertie 20:05:51 <liknus> .fas ppapadeas 20:05:51 <zodbot> cmpahar: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com> 20:05:52 <th0br0> .fas th0br0 20:05:53 <zoltanh7211> .fas zoltanh721 20:05:53 <underscores> .fas underscores 20:05:54 <sspreitzer> ohgod 20:05:54 <nihed> .fas nihed 20:05:55 <heffer> poor bot :D 20:05:56 <zodbot> heffer: heffer 'Felix Kaechele' <felix@fetzig.org> 20:05:57 <liknus> #chair kital 20:05:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: kital liknus 20:06:01 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Konstantinidis Giannis' <gloooabvoe9a@gmail.com> 20:06:04 <heffer> what a mess 20:06:04 <zodbot> biertie: biertie 'Bert Desmet' <bert@devnox.be> 20:06:08 <zodbot> liknus: ppapadeas 'Papadeas Pierros' <ppapadeas@gmail.com> 20:06:13 <zodbot> th0br0: th0br0 'Andreas Osowski' <th0br0@mkdir.name> 20:06:17 <zodbot> zoltanh7211: zoltanh721 'Hoppár Zoltán' <hopparz@gmail.com> 20:06:21 <cmpahar> wow ! a lot of people! #excited 20:06:21 <liknus> We lagged zodbot :P 20:06:22 <sspreitzer> .fas sspreitzer 20:06:22 <zodbot> underscores: underscores 'Fabian Kanngießer' <fabian.kanngiesser@yahoo.de> 20:06:27 <zodbot> nihed: nihed 'm'barek med nihed' <nihedmm@gmail.com> 20:06:32 <zodbot> sspreitzer: sspreitzer 'Sascha Thomas Spreitzer' <sascha@spreitzer.name> 20:06:41 <liknus> cmpahar, we are not it tweeter :P 20:06:59 <liknus> loupgaroublond, its rollcall yet 20:07:12 <loupgaroublond> liknus, s/yet/still 20:07:21 <liknus> ....still i ment :) 20:07:26 <biertie> :) 20:07:27 * loupgaroublond rolls a 5 20:07:38 <loupgaroublond> someone want to call that? 20:07:43 <liknus> 3 20:07:53 <heffer> joksters 20:08:00 <heffer> +e 20:08:02 <heffer> :D 20:08:03 <constanton> .fas constanton 20:08:04 <zodbot> constanton: constanton 'Konstantinos Antonakoglou' <anton.cost@gmail.com> 20:08:43 <liknus> Ok lets move on 20:08:52 <liknus> #topic Announcements 20:09:05 <liknus> kital, anything special from FAmSCo? 20:09:16 <rsc> Robert Scheck (robert) 20:09:31 <kital> famsco is still working on the topics from last townhall 20:09:38 <kital> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda 20:10:03 <kital> mentoring has cleaned up 44 Candidates from fama yesterday 20:10:19 * cwickert (christoph wickert) is sorry for being late 20:10:30 <kital> and thanks to fabian affolter 20:10:40 <kital> we have new statistics for our group 20:10:44 <kital> http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=fama.git;a=blob_plain;f=stats/ambassadors.png 20:10:48 <kital> eof 20:11:00 <liknus> Nice one kital :) We needed some statistics 20:11:21 <cmpahar> thanks guys. Great statistics :) 20:11:26 <zoltanh7211> cool 20:11:38 <liknus> There is a clear cleanup during summer 2009...nice :) 20:11:59 <kital> ;) 20:12:12 <liknus> Ok.. I can see biertie has an announcement regarding Fedora Campus Ambassadors 20:12:15 <liknus> biertie, 20:12:22 <biertie> ah yes, I can do that now too 20:12:31 <biertie> We are starting the campus ambassadors program again 20:12:40 <biertie> and I am elected as the 'president' 20:12:50 <sspreitzer> whats that about? 20:12:50 <liknus> biertie, explain it a little bit to us 20:12:55 <cwickert> ? 20:13:05 <biertie> our next meeting is on saturday, 21h utc, so if you want to come ;-) 20:13:27 <biertie> campus ambassadors resembles to the read ambassador project 20:13:32 <heffer> how broad is the definition of campus? universities only? 20:13:35 <biertie> but it's more meant for college / uni students 20:13:56 <liknus> #info Fedora Campus Ambassadors meeting on Saturday 21 UTC 20:13:57 <biertie> so our goal is to get open source (not only fedora) into schools more 20:14:18 <biertie> but off course, we'll try to push fedora first ;) 20:14:32 <zoltanh7211> that's cool 20:14:33 <dramsey> +1 20:14:34 <liknus> who can become a Campus Ambassador? Do you have to be an Ambassador already? 20:14:44 <biertie> no, you don't have to be an ambassador 20:14:58 <liknus> (ok we need to clarify that :) ) 20:14:58 <biertie> but you need to have the cla done, and you have to be in college / university / some other school 20:15:01 <heffer> biertie: wait. universities or schools? 20:15:15 <biertie> schools count too :) 20:15:19 <heffer> okay 20:15:21 <liknus> biertie, So there is gonna be a special group in FAS? 20:15:29 <biertie> liknus: there is already one 20:15:32 <liknus> nice 20:15:52 <liknus> any link? (with #link tag please) 20:16:04 <biertie> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/view/campusambassadors?_csrf_token=9bc110425a1507848448adae4900f6f9c5b31ed4 20:16:11 <th0br0> how far does the campus ambassador program differ from the "normal" one? 20:16:16 <biertie> ok, the token wasn't needed, I guess ;-) 20:16:31 <biertie> th0br0: that's one of the things we still have to clarify in the next meetings 20:16:40 <cwickert> ? 20:16:53 <biertie> we are starting it, we don't have all details set yet :) 20:17:06 <liknus> cwickert, go ahead 20:17:22 <cwickert> do we follow the meeging rules or is everyone supposed to just speak up? 20:17:25 <sspreitzer> i think a focus on early education is very important 20:17:36 <biertie> sspreitzer: +1 20:17:40 <liknus> cwickert, we are a little bit flexible on that.. 20:17:55 <sspreitzer> one of the windows 7 sins points is MS in schools 20:18:03 <sspreitzer> i think we can battle that 20:18:04 <cwickert> ok, my question was: biertie, who elected you? and congrats of course ;) 20:18:20 <biertie> the people who attended last meeting ;) 20:18:27 <cwickert> which meeting? 20:18:28 <linuxthomass_gh> :) 20:18:35 <biertie> lcafiero, inonde0, ... 20:18:42 <biertie> we weren't with to much people 20:18:48 <biertie> last saturday, we had a meeting 20:18:51 <biertie> it was announced! 20:18:53 <cwickert> ah, i see 20:18:56 <kital> biertie: Campus Ambassadors have to be Ambassadors ? 20:18:58 <cwickert> eof 20:19:06 <biertie> kital: no 20:19:11 <liknus> Is there gonna be a SCO for that group? 20:19:13 <heffer> sspreitzer: i do have a lot of experience dealing with german education ministries on the topic of software :D 20:19:22 <biertie> kital: but most will probably 20:19:32 <rsc> ? 20:19:32 <kital> so the approach is the same as Ambassadors with smaller scope? 20:19:36 <sspreitzer> heffer, great! 20:19:40 <biertie> kital: indeed :) 20:19:52 <heffer> okay. i'd like to request to follow the meeting rules if that's okay? i'm getting a bit confused 20:19:59 <cwickert> +1 20:20:03 <linuxthomass_gh> +1 20:20:10 <biertie> kital: well, about the same anyway :) 20:20:12 <liknus> +1 i guess if everyone is agreed on that 20:20:12 <underscores> +1 20:20:24 <sspreitzer> +1 20:20:24 <constanton> +1 20:20:27 <sspreitzer> ! 20:20:30 <nihed> +1 20:20:33 <liknus> Ok lets try this on...anyone please follow the meeting rules 20:20:44 <liknus> sspreitzer, go ahead (on announcements please) 20:20:51 <sspreitzer> ok 20:21:23 <sspreitzer> I think it is for the future of FOSS very important to do early educations 20:21:42 <sspreitzer> because the pupil of yesterday will be the executives of tomorrow 20:21:55 <sspreitzer> and if they select FOSS, we are paid off 20:21:58 <sspreitzer> eof 20:22:02 <sspreitzer> eh 20:22:03 <sspreitzer> eod 20:22:10 <dramsey> Cool 20:22:13 <rsc> ? 20:22:24 <liknus> This approach is something to be considered by both Ambassador Groups I guess 20:22:25 <cmpahar> sorry i didn't "got" that 20:22:31 <liknus> rsc, go ahead 20:22:55 <liknus> cmpahar, follow meeting rules please :) 20:23:08 <th0br0> ! 20:23:16 <rsc> I don't really get why we need "campusambassadors"? Why can't regular ambassadors do that as well? And how will you ensure that "campusambassadors" are knowledged enough? 20:23:25 <liknus> +1 20:23:32 <sspreitzer> 0 20:23:38 <rsc> eof ;) 20:23:43 <zoltanh7211> +0,5 20:24:00 <sspreitzer> ! 20:24:02 <biertie> rsc: well, we will be more 'specialized', and we will also try to have good 'quality control' on the people 20:24:04 <liknus> I think that this thing has to be discussed more generally 20:24:32 <liknus> kital, anything from Famsco in this? 20:24:47 <liknus> (sorry sspreitzer and th0br0 ..i got you) 20:24:52 <kital> no not as long it is not included in Ambassador Group 20:25:12 <kital> they are welcome to do it within Ambassadors and use our mentoring approach 20:25:27 <sspreitzer> +1 20:25:29 <kital> if they want to do it outside it is ok for me 20:25:33 <liknus> Then I guess board has to get a position on that 20:25:44 <sspreitzer> ! 20:25:59 * kital thinks it is easier within Ambassadors from the Infra pov 20:26:00 <kital> eof 20:26:03 <liknus> #action liknus publish that considerations and get some answers 20:26:29 <liknus> Is anyone ok with that action above? 20:26:38 <sspreitzer> ! 20:26:40 <kital> +1 20:26:42 <th0br0> +1 20:26:44 <liknus> sspreitzer, go ahead 20:26:45 <zoltanh7211> okay +1 20:26:48 <cmpahar> can i ask something please?! 20:26:49 <constanton> +1 yes 20:26:51 <biertie> +0 ;-) 20:27:02 <sspreitzer> ok guys 20:27:12 <cmpahar> ? 20:27:12 <liknus> cmpahar, ill get to you :) 20:27:15 <sspreitzer> i need to add something that is from my pov very important 20:27:37 <th0br0> (postpone me, if people want to comment on the campus ambassadors, program, i want to comment on the FOSS @ schools thing) 20:27:42 <sspreitzer> there is a huge difference between schools and universities 20:28:08 <sspreitzer> so I think, it is needed to have special skilled people to delive the thought of FOSS to the student 20:28:12 <sspreitzer> like say 20:28:39 <sspreitzer> a 10 year old will not understand what a 22 year old can understand with two words 20:28:53 <linuxthomass_gh> +1 20:28:53 <liknus> +11 20:28:56 <underscores> +1 20:28:58 <sspreitzer> so it is a whole new target audience 20:29:11 <sspreitzer> and not part of the 4 fedora foundations 20:29:13 <biertie> oh, well: let's say we aim from high school students to older ones :-) 20:29:28 <sspreitzer> eof 20:29:31 <zoltanh7211> I think there is an solution - we have an respin for kids 20:29:36 <dramsey> +1 20:29:49 <liknus> Thanks sspreitzer ill write down those considerations too 20:29:49 <kital> ! 20:29:55 <liknus> kital, go ahead 20:30:07 <kital> i think cmpahar was first 20:30:21 <kital> cmpahar: go ahead 20:30:28 <cmpahar> thanks kital 20:30:33 <liknus> oops...sorry... cmpahar 20:30:58 <cmpahar> i want to figure out what was sspreitzer means on that <sspreitzer> and if they select FOSS, we are paid off 20:31:46 <sspreitzer> ah yes 20:31:51 <liknus> He meant that then we would have accomplice our target (or part of it) 20:31:51 <sspreitzer> may I explain? 20:31:56 <liknus> sspreitzer, go ahead 20:31:59 <sspreitzer> okay 20:32:25 <sspreitzer> lets say we convince a 17 years old passionated person for FOSS 20:32:40 <sspreitzer> he might later, when he becomes CIO/CTO of a big company 20:32:58 <sspreitzer> decide for the FOSS use and not the proprietary use 20:33:02 <sspreitzer> eof 20:33:16 <cmpahar> thanks sspreitzer :) 20:33:26 <sspreitzer> cmpahar, you are welcome :) 20:33:38 <liknus> thanks both :) kital ... 20:33:44 <kital> i think these points are valid 20:34:23 <th0br0> ! 20:34:38 <kital> i think we have great examples of Students who follow this approach 20:34:43 <kital> within Ambassadors 20:34:44 * liknus sees th0br0 :) 20:35:03 <kital> like Mirlan or a lot Indian Ambassadors 20:35:19 <kital> i think personally that they all can live within the Ambassadors Group 20:35:45 <kital> today we have got a new Candidate who is 14 years old 20:35:52 <sspreitzer> omg 20:35:56 <sspreitzer> +1 20:35:59 <kital> i do not care where an Ambassador spreads the word 20:36:06 <nihed> +1 20:36:07 <liknus> and here is giannisk = 15 years old :) 20:36:17 <constanton> +1 20:36:21 <liknus> +1 20:36:22 * sspreitzer gets tears in his eyes 20:36:28 <sspreitzer> ;) 20:36:29 <biertie> kital: sometimes yes, but what if we want to do things somewhat differently... wouldn't we have troubles then with famsco etc? :) 20:36:35 <kital> there is an danger that we cause new management overhead with another ambassador group 20:36:53 <kital> biertie: you can do what ever you want 20:37:00 <liknus> +1 for the overhead 20:37:10 <kital> and it would much easier to use our ressources 20:37:18 <underscores> +1 for the same reason (and I think it may confuse as we have basicly the same goals) 20:37:26 <kital> just my opinion 20:37:31 <biertie> kital: we have support from red hat! :) 20:37:35 <dramsey> +1 20:37:48 <kital> not that i want to discourage you - you will always have my support 20:37:50 <kital> eof 20:37:54 <heffer> ! 20:38:27 <liknus> I got everything written so i ll post them all together 20:38:29 <liknus> halfline, 20:38:35 <liknus> sorry heffer ... 20:38:42 <heffer> no problem 20:39:08 <heffer> i think this should be discussed more on another occasion 20:39:41 <liknus> Thats why I should post this considerations on the list 20:40:38 <liknus> heffer, anything more on that? 20:40:46 <heffer> not right now 20:40:53 <liknus> ok 20:40:55 <heffer> i will join in on the discussion on the list 20:41:02 <liknus> th0br0, 20:41:09 <th0br0> Right... 20:41:52 <th0br0> I think we might run into a ... more or less of a problem here. Just for some background information: currently, at my school, we are trying to get students to know 20:42:28 <th0br0> FOSS better and to use it from time to time. However, these attempts are actually endangered by our regional administration who made some contracts for MS stuff etc. 20:42:47 <biertie> ! 20:42:49 <heffer> ! 20:42:57 <giannisk> ! 20:42:58 <sspreitzer> :( 20:43:06 * liknus show biertie heffer giannisk 20:43:10 <th0br0> So now, for actually gaining *young* people to join the FOSS mindset, i think that we'll have to ... 20:43:37 <th0br0> pursue two different "marketing strategies", one aimed at students, while the other one being aimed at the administrations. 20:43:44 * liknus meant saw....what is happening to me? :P 20:44:10 <sspreitzer> ! 20:44:22 <th0br0> At the same time, if you want to introduce FOSS to schools, then you've got to provide not just mere spins but rather complete solutions for user administration etc. So far, there are a few out there ... I've only had contact with one so far so I can't argue much on this. 20:44:37 <th0br0> So in general, this might be a bigger challenge than we currently perceive it to be. 20:44:44 <th0br0> I guess this is EOF 20:45:13 <liknus> Not that I want to stop that discussion but i believe that we should continue it on the list with all ambassadors round the world 20:45:20 <liknus> biertie, 20:45:23 <biertie> th0br0: believe me or not, but that's one of the problems we face in about *all* schools, and that's something we want to 'fight' with the campus ambassadors program but you have a good point about the 3 marketing strategies.. 20:45:24 <cmpahar> +1 20:45:43 <heffer> +1, i can make my point on the list 20:45:49 <biertie> and you're right about the 'complete solutions', but I think foss has something to offer there too :-) 20:46:11 <sspreitzer> ! 20:46:16 <th0br0> I think we should make this a joint effort, where a *big* part of the FOSS community is collaborating to bring FOSS to schools. 20:46:22 * liknus saw sspreitzer 20:47:26 <liknus> Please everyone remember to "eof" everytime you end your part on the meeting 20:47:37 <liknus> th0br0, anything more? 20:47:52 <biertie> th0br0: true, that's one reason why we're not in the ambassador program 20:47:52 <biertie> eof 20:48:19 <liknus> giannisk, 20:48:34 <th0br0> liknus: sorry, eof :S 20:49:08 <liknus> giannisk, anything you want to add? 20:49:15 <giannisk> i just wanted to say that here in my school it is getting really worse...no one knows about FOOS...and books are only focusing on MS stuff 20:49:26 <giannisk> eof 20:49:33 <liknus> sspreitzer, sorry for the delay ...go ahead 20:49:39 <sspreitzer> thanks liknus 20:49:59 <sspreitzer> as some of you might know im also living in Bavaria, Germany 20:50:15 <sspreitzer> the government of germany chose the path of FOSS 20:50:43 <sspreitzer> and they even design their own Linux for there administration services 20:50:49 <biertie> ! 20:50:50 <sspreitzer> based upon debian 20:51:03 * liknus saw biertie 20:51:12 <sspreitzer> as well as the german department of foreign affairs chose linux 20:51:21 <sspreitzer> if bertie or thj0br0 20:51:45 <sspreitzer> one of you need help or contacts or decision suggesting documents 20:51:56 <sspreitzer> TCO calculations or whatever 20:52:08 <sspreitzer> ill be glad to organize them for you 20:52:10 <sspreitzer> eof 20:52:26 <liknus> thanks sspreitzer for the info :) 20:52:41 <liknus> So lets all move on 20:52:53 <liknus> Anything more on Announcements? 20:52:56 <sspreitzer> liknus, bertie is on the list 20:53:17 <liknus> Sorry biertie :) 20:53:22 <liknus> thanks sspreitzer 20:53:26 <biertie> sspreitzer: first: thank you that you want to do that (about the documents) 20:53:41 <biertie> but I just wanted to add: a lot of governments start to embrace FOSS in europe 20:53:53 <biertie> but not yet schools -or it even gets worse in schools- 20:53:54 <biertie> eof 20:54:13 <liknus> Ok anyone else on announcements? 20:54:27 <th0br0> ! 20:54:30 <liknus> th0br0, 20:55:19 <th0br0> Just some quick comment, I think that a major problem for the regional levels of administration is also the lack of professional support. And many schools don't have the manpower to do the support themselves. My region is kinda like an exception, but I presume this lack of prof. support for schools for FOSS might be a main reason... EOF 20:55:46 <liknus> thanks th0br0 20:55:49 <liknus> now.. 20:55:55 <liknus> #topic Events 20:55:59 <cwickert> ! 20:56:08 <liknus> cwickert, go ahead 20:56:18 <cwickert> event report from last saturday at 20:56:22 <cwickert> #link http://www.christoph-wickert.de/blog/2010/02/17/4-linux-informationstag-oldenburg/ 20:56:24 <cwickert> eof 20:56:46 <liknus> Thanks cwickert . You did some nice job there :) 20:57:11 <liknus> So... 20:57:26 <liknus> Our next event on EMEA region is Cebit 20:57:31 <cmpahar> ! 20:57:39 <dramsey> #link http://www.cebit.de/ 20:57:54 <liknus> We have previously encountered the problem 20:57:55 <dramsey> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cebit_2010 20:58:08 <liknus> And still we have no event owner 20:58:13 <liknus> thanks dramsey 20:58:24 <liknus> Anyone on that? 20:58:32 <liknus> cmpahar, about Cebit? 20:58:40 <heffer> ! on cebit 20:58:43 <cmpahar> about a event report 20:58:51 <liknus> heffer, 20:58:52 <th0br0> ! 20:58:59 <th0br0> (cebit) 20:59:08 <heffer> we're over the deadline of applying for a presence on cebit already 20:59:13 <liknus> cmpahar, wait a little bit on that :) 20:59:20 <cmpahar> liknus, no problem 20:59:30 <heffer> i asked sdziallas to take care but he's deep into his exams at the moment :D 20:59:38 <heffer> eof 20:59:47 <liknus> heffer, So i guess we have nothing to do on that anymore 20:59:57 <liknus> Is anyone going to attend whatsoever? 21:00:03 <heffer> guess so 21:00:28 <biertie> liknus: I *might* be there on saturday, but I'm not sure yet, so I don't count as event owner too :) 21:00:29 <liknus> It would be nice to have a report on the FOSS presence in order to keep up with others 21:01:21 <biertie> liknus: I could do that, if I go, not sure yet 21:01:29 <liknus> ok biertie thanks :) 21:01:31 <liknus> th0br0, 21:02:20 <th0br0> Oh I just wanted to say that (for future CeBits) staying at Halle is pretty cheap, although you'll need ~30-40min each morning to get to cebit... 21:02:22 <cwickert> ! (cebit) 21:02:33 <th0br0> i can't be there due to school unfortunately. 21:02:33 <th0br0> eof 21:02:41 <liknus> th0br0, you could state it on the wiki :) 21:02:57 <th0br0> I'll get further information on it and post it then. eof 21:02:58 <liknus> cwickert, go ahead 21:03:02 <cwickert> I talked to romal on saturday, he used to organize cebit and I think he was already in contact with the organizers 21:03:15 <sdziallas> ! (cebit, too) 21:03:16 <cwickert> so he may already have an agreement on the booth 21:03:20 <cwickert> but not sure 21:03:23 <liknus> #action th0br0 edit the wiki on accommodation for Cebit 21:03:30 <cwickert> I will have to ask him for details 21:03:31 <cwickert> eof 21:03:58 <ascenseur> *sincere apologies for the late arrival 21:04:11 <liknus> #action cwickert clarify with romal the booth on Cebit 21:04:15 <liknus> ok cwickert ? 21:04:22 <cwickert> ok 21:04:27 <liknus> ascenseur, no problem :) 21:04:34 <liknus> sdziallas, go ahead 21:04:56 * GeroldKa also :-) 21:05:17 <sdziallas> alright, so I double-checked the information concerning the Linux Media sponsored booths, and I guess we won't be able to get stuff there, as they announced their partner projects already. 21:05:50 <sdziallas> unfortunately, I'll be travelling almost the whole week, so I wouldn't count as an event owner, either. 21:05:59 <GeroldKa> ! 21:06:08 * liknus saw GeroldKa 21:06:13 <sdziallas> last year, I stayed at the Gnome Booth with Sven Herzberg, if anybody's interested there... 21:06:15 <sdziallas> EOF 21:06:24 <liknus> GeroldKa, 21:06:35 <GeroldKa> Do you imagine what costs are for Cebit? Only for a hotel room; there are already booked; since MONTH in advance 21:06:51 <GeroldKa> we had this discussion also last year 21:06:58 <GeroldKa> were we wanted to attend 21:07:03 <sspreitzer> GeroldKa, <th0br0> Oh I just wanted to say that (for future CeBits) staying at Halle is pretty cheap, although you'll need ~30-40min each morning to get to cebit... 21:07:05 <GeroldKa> with one or two peopele 21:07:26 <GeroldKa> and we were not elected to be there 21:07:29 <GeroldKa> EOF 21:07:55 <heffer> staying at sdziallas' place could also be very cheap :D 21:08:00 <heffer> just joking 21:08:13 <biertie> heffer: +1 21:08:21 * underscores has to go, sorry but good bye :) 21:08:22 <liknus> ok done for Cebit. Next year we could be more organized on that :) 21:08:27 <liknus> underscores, bye 21:08:35 <sdziallas> heffer: that would have worked (at least for one person), if I was at home and attending. I won't be around, though. 21:09:06 <liknus> sannithomas_gh, has to say something for an event :) 21:09:28 <sannithomas_gh> Thanks liknus 21:09:34 <liknus> sannithomas_gh, go ahead and surprise us from Africa :) 21:10:08 <sannithomas_gh> In May this year there Ghana will be hosting the 4th IDLELO. This is a program hosted by FOSSFA 21:10:24 <sannithomas_gh> #link http://www.idlelo.net/ 21:11:02 <sannithomas_gh> I havent seen too much activity from Fedorians here in Ghana or the West Africa region 21:11:12 <cwickert> ? 21:11:37 <liknus> sannithomas_gh, Are you planning to attend? 21:11:42 <sannithomas_gh> Since there will be an exhibition part of the program the objective is to have a Fedora exhibition too 21:11:55 <liknus> Nice sannithomas_gh ! 21:12:00 <dramsey> +1 21:12:01 <sannithomas_gh> liknus- yes I plan to attend this 21:12:06 <GeroldKa> +1 21:12:09 <biertie> +1 21:12:21 <liknus> You want anything on swag, media etc? 21:12:22 <GeroldKa> sannithomas_gh, how can we support you? 21:12:27 <liknus> Any help :) 21:12:37 <sannithomas_gh> yes i will require media etc. 21:12:50 <sannithomas_gh> i have decided to burn few copies of the F12 21:12:56 <liknus> Ok, i guess you should file a request on our ticketing system 21:13:16 <sannithomas_gh> and do some demo on hacks..etc using Fedora 21:13:21 <sspreitzer> ! 21:13:37 * liknus saw cwickert sspreitzer 21:13:52 <kital> ! 21:14:08 <liknus> #action sannithomas_gh request media through out ticketing system 21:14:21 * cwickert has nothing to say, question already ansered 21:14:30 <sannithomas_gh> I spoke to the assistant organizer, but she requires some letter showing representation of Fedora. 21:14:46 <biertie> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ 21:14:51 <kital> there is an open request for ghana i have set asside stuff for it ? sannithomas_gh 21:14:59 <kital> https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/8 21:15:01 <liknus> We could arrange it (the letter) 21:15:33 <kital> .fas edgates 21:15:34 <zodbot> kital: edgates 'Elijah Hanson' <pkwesihanson@yahoo.com> 21:15:42 <liknus> GeroldKa, can we have an official letter from Fedora EMEA ev 21:15:44 <liknus> ? 21:16:07 <kital> ! 21:16:19 <GeroldKa> what kind of letter? 21:16:30 <sannithomas_gh> kital: i will try and talk to the 2 other Fedorians here so we plan this event but his request is not for the FOSSFA event. 21:16:37 <liknus> stating the Ambassador status of sannithomas_gh 21:16:45 <sannithomas_gh> +1 21:17:28 <GeroldKa> I'm not aware that the NPO is stating any Ambassadors 21:17:29 * liknus notes next on the line is sspreitzer and then kital 21:17:46 <liknus> GeroldKa, just asking... 21:17:48 <sannithomas_gh> the request for <.fas edgates> is for a University he attends. 21:17:53 <sspreitzer> thanks liknus 21:18:14 <liknus> wait sspreitzer :) 21:18:21 <GeroldKa> I can write many things on letters :-) 21:18:26 <liknus> We need to address this issue on the official letter 21:18:36 <sannithomas_gh> +1 21:18:41 <liknus> sannithomas_gh, what exactly do you need? 21:19:13 <GeroldKa> would be nice if I get these request by mail with the exact words you need 21:19:27 <liknus> sannithomas_gh, can you do that? 21:19:32 <sannithomas_gh> What I got from the lady meant that they need to be sure I represent Fedora as an ambassador. 21:20:03 <sannithomas_gh> GeroldKa: thanks. can i get your email address then. 21:20:05 <liknus> #action sannithomas_gh mails GeroldKa on the letter and GeroldKa prepares it 21:20:08 <liknus> Is this ok? 21:20:12 <kital> ! 21:20:18 <kital> can i say something about this 21:20:18 <kital> ? 21:20:25 <liknus> kital, go ahead :) 21:20:25 <GeroldKa> .fas GeroldKa 21:20:26 <zodbot> GeroldKa: geroldka 'Gerold Kassube' <gerold@lugd.org> 21:20:46 <sannithomas_gh> thanks. 21:20:47 <kital> we have a verification page for this 21:20:49 * liknus is sorry for sspreitzer but kital has to comment on that 21:21:02 <kital> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MembershipService/Verification 21:21:35 <sannithomas_gh> kital: it doesnt include me there :( 21:21:40 * sspreitzer is patient as always :> 21:21:53 <kital> .fasinfo sannithomas_gh 21:21:54 <zodbot> kital: User "sannithomas_gh" doesn't exist 21:22:00 <sannithomas_gh> .fas linuxthomass 21:22:01 <zodbot> sannithomas_gh: linuxthomass '' <linuxthomass@gmail.com> 21:22:22 <kital> you are listed in unknown country 21:22:43 <kital> you may want to enter your country code in FAS 21:23:10 <sannithomas_gh> ok 21:23:11 <kital> regarding to this letter, famsco is also always happy to help out with these 21:23:14 <kital> eof 21:23:38 <sspreitzer> liknus, ? 21:23:39 <liknus> So i suggest sannithomas_gh contact that lady if that page fits her 21:23:53 <liknus> then see if we need a special letter 21:23:54 <liknus> ok? 21:24:03 <liknus> #undo 21:24:03 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x2b6f96a8f590> 21:24:10 <sannithomas_gh> ok 21:24:48 <liknus> #action sannithomas_gh contact a lady on Verification page and change his details on FAS 21:25:02 <liknus> nice... sspreitzer go ahead (at last) :) 21:25:08 <sspreitzer> thanks 21:25:25 <sspreitzer> i think the Africa section of EMEA needs more support 21:25:34 <biertie> +1 21:25:38 <sspreitzer> and more Fedora contributors 21:25:40 <liknus> +1 21:25:40 <biertie> ! 21:25:41 <sannithomas_gh> +1 21:25:43 <sspreitzer> so 21:25:52 <sspreitzer> I suggest we apply for FOSSFA 21:26:08 <th0br0> +1 21:26:12 <killefiz> ! (fad_niederrhein in March) 21:26:39 <sspreitzer> and try to get some of us funded to fly over and try to recruit more Fedora people at FOSSFA 21:26:54 <sannithomas_gh> +1 21:27:02 <sspreitzer> i think thats some point for famsco? 21:27:05 <sspreitzer> eof 21:27:40 <sannithomas_gh> fortunately through my consultancy I have been able to move a few companies to switch to Fedora. My current target is the universities. 21:28:10 <kital> sspreitzer: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jsimon#Future_plans first topic 21:28:12 <liknus> ok nice we should contact famsco on that :) kital ? 21:28:42 <kital> liknus: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jsimon#Future_plans first topic 21:28:47 <liknus> nice :) 21:28:53 <sspreitzer> great 21:28:59 <liknus> ok where were we? 21:29:02 <liknus> biertie, 21:29:27 <sspreitzer> kital, can we make an action on this? I also would like to offer my help if I can get funded and can fly over to stand at that booth. 21:29:55 <kital> sspreitzer: i would prefer not to send over an european 21:30:06 <biertie> well, I someone from africa <forgot his name :$> was at the fad before fudcon, and he told us that I wouldn't be simple to give more things to his country, and that might be a problem in all african countries? 21:30:11 <kital> nayyar from mocambique seems a good choice 21:30:35 <liknus> kital, i could help too.. i guess we are flying cheap from Athens down there than from central europw 21:30:42 <biertie> I think his country was Tunisia 21:30:43 <biertie> eof 21:30:49 <kital> #action add Africa FOSSFA support to next meeting agenda for discussion 21:31:20 <liknus> thanks kital and biertie 21:31:47 <liknus> So lets move on to our next event 21:31:51 <kital> liknus: often flight to inner africa go through south africa which is strange 21:32:09 <kital> #undo 21:32:09 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x2b6f945a2150> 21:32:18 <kital> #action add Africa FOSSFA support to next famsco meeting agenda for discussion 21:32:35 <heffer> sorry guys but i need to leave now 21:32:54 <liknus> kital, i know...we have direct to Johanesburg and not to inner africa...weird :S 21:33:03 <liknus> bye heffer 21:33:25 <liknus> So ... Open Source Days.. rsc ? 21:33:33 <sannithomas_gh> liknus: from which country? 21:33:40 <liknus> Greece 21:33:44 <sspreitzer> Munich - Accra, direct with retour 729 EUR 21:34:31 <sspreitzer> oh no, its over Frankfurt 21:34:46 <rsc> liknus: ? 21:35:10 <liknus> on the event Open Source Days? are you the owner? 21:35:45 <rsc> yes. 21:36:08 <biertie> talk about it then rsc ;) 21:36:12 <rsc> I'm the event owner, we'll likely have one or two Danish ambassadors there (that's 50-100% of our ambassadors) 21:36:26 * wonderer appologize for being late 21:36:41 <rsc> (the coordination team of Open Source Days allows up to 3 persons per community booth) 21:37:07 <rsc> Swag etc. is already handled with kital - let's try to have a nice event there :) 21:37:27 <rsc> EOF 21:37:31 <liknus> Athens - Accra 678 EUR... sspreitzer :P (just kidding) 21:37:55 <sspreitzer> liknus, munich - accra 0 EUR ( by foot ) 21:37:56 <sspreitzer> ;) 21:37:58 <liknus> thanks rsc .. good luck over there! 21:37:58 <GeroldKa> rsc, go to the tivoli 21:38:09 <GeroldKa> there is also a HardRockCafee at the corner :-) 21:38:34 <liknus> sspreitzer, you would still have to cross Souez 21:38:36 <liknus> :P 21:38:46 <rsc> thanks and yes, I'll do some sightseeing ;) 21:39:00 <sspreitzer> liknus, im from Fedora, I can walk on water 21:39:01 <sspreitzer> haha 21:39:13 <liknus> hahaha :) nice one sspreitzer :) 21:39:23 <th0br0> liknus: frankfurt - accra 627.15€! ;) but let's stick to the rules i guess. 21:39:36 <liknus> ok So I think we are done for the upcoming events 21:39:42 <cmpahar> ! 21:39:44 <killefiz> liknus: no 21:39:47 <liknus> cmpahar, 21:39:55 <biertie> ach, if I still can announce my event :) 21:40:01 <cmpahar> just an event report from last sunday 21:40:07 <cmpahar> #link http://bacharakis.com/2010/02/17/fedora-talk-at-university-of-macedonia-recap/ 21:40:14 <cmpahar> the best thig 21:40:27 <cmpahar> thing in my talk was that there were 2 volunteers who were interpreting everything into Greek Sign Language 21:40:31 <liknus> Christos had a nice presentation on Thessaloniki :) Well done Chris! 21:41:07 <cmpahar> and in any future fedora talks in Thessaliki we will have these 2 girls "translating" 21:41:13 <giannisk> it was great 21:41:18 * liknus saw biertie and killefiz 21:41:32 <cmpahar> EOF 21:41:35 <liknus> nice cmpahar ! Thanks for the report 21:41:39 <liknus> killefiz, 21:41:45 <killefiz> We're going to have a small fad in moenchengladbach (Germany, near the Dutch border) at the end of March ( http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Niederrhein_2010 ). Topic is mostly hacking on Fedora-Related stuff. Please spread the word and add yourself to the wiki if you're able to attend. 21:42:00 <killefiz> eof 21:42:11 <liknus> Nice killefiz ! (We have more and more FADs... thats nice) 21:42:19 <liknus> biertie, 21:42:33 <biertie> on 10 and 11 april (I know, it's still a long time) I'm organising an sys admin related event in Antwerp, belgium 21:42:37 <biertie> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Load_2010 21:42:48 <biertie> any fedora people that want to attend, please join us 21:42:54 <biertie> and the call for papers is still open :) 21:42:59 <biertie> eof 21:43:25 <liknus> Thanks biertie :) I hope you will have success on that! 21:43:32 <biertie> thx :) 21:43:39 <liknus> Anything anyone on other event? 21:43:43 <zoltanh7211> ! 21:43:49 <liknus> zoltanh7211, go ahead 21:44:41 <zoltanh7211> I'm currently planning to have an common event at Budapest, and I have got currently some support company called mconet 21:45:09 <zoltanh7211> and I would like to have many attendants 21:45:17 <sspreitzer> +1 21:45:18 <zoltanh7211> for talks 21:45:21 <zoltanh7211> also 21:45:46 <zoltanh7211> so if anybody interested shoot a mail, an I will count in also for talks 21:45:53 <liknus> Making a wiki page on that would be nice :) 21:46:13 <zoltanh7211> Liknus: I'm on it 21:46:32 <liknus> nice. thanks zoltanh7211 :) 21:46:45 <zoltanh7211> More later on in details 21:46:47 <zoltanh7211> eof 21:46:56 <liknus> #action zoltanh7211 makes a wiki page on Budapest event 21:47:12 <liknus> ok anyone on events? 21:47:49 <liknus> Lets move on reviewing items from previous meeting 21:48:34 <liknus> we only have cwickert asking on LXDE media 21:48:37 <liknus> cwickert, ? 21:48:50 <liknus> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-01-27/fedora-meeting.2010-01-27-20.01.html 21:49:03 <cwickert> no reply from max 21:49:08 <cwickert> he is busy 21:49:15 <biertie> he is :( 21:49:29 <liknus> he is indeed :( 21:49:38 <cwickert> I will write a mail to the ambassadors list to gather opinions from the ambassadors 21:49:47 <cwickert> how many media they think they need 21:49:58 <cwickert> and then get back to max or kital with that number 21:49:59 <cwickert> ok? 21:50:00 <liknus> I guess we should wait and have our eyes open for the next media requests 21:50:10 <sspreitzer> ! 21:50:32 <cwickert> liknus, we need them in this cycle, we neet them for CLT in march 21:50:39 <cwickert> one month from now 21:51:00 <liknus> #action cwickert takes care on how many and what media we nee 21:51:02 <th0br0> I have to go, good bye everyone. 21:51:08 <liknus> bye th0br0 21:51:09 <GeroldKa> ! and ? 21:51:13 <cwickert> fine with me liknus 21:51:19 <liknus> sspreitzer, 21:51:31 <sspreitzer> thanks linkus 21:51:56 <sspreitzer> kital, what about the media issue in general? and the famsco items on it? 21:52:43 <kital> sspreitzer: there is a ticket that has max as owner 21:52:57 <kital> and which stated that you both works on it 21:53:18 <sspreitzer> kital, as this issue is blocking for months now 21:53:24 <kital> right now max is really not able to work on this! 21:53:30 <GeroldKa> cwickert, do you have any idea what it costs creating a set of DvDs or CD's to produce them in a manner way? Glas-Master CDs, DvD's Label, Sleeves a.s.o. 21:53:31 <sspreitzer> of course 21:53:34 <sspreitzer> but we 21:53:42 <sspreitzer> what about fedora? 21:54:00 <GeroldKa> what do you mean with "fedora" sspreitzer ? 21:54:16 <liknus> GeroldKa, go ahead with ! & ? :) ( you already did i guess) 21:54:19 <sspreitzer> I mean i fucking get nutz on this issue 21:54:30 <cwickert> GeroldKa, no idea 21:54:31 <liknus> Please sspreitzer ... dont get upset 21:54:44 <sspreitzer> i proposed like 3 ways of handling this 21:54:53 <sspreitzer> nothing moves 21:55:11 <sspreitzer> i think im going to drop this part of work, becuase i get no support 21:55:16 <sspreitzer> like cwickert does 21:55:18 <liknus> If we think that this is a major issue we should alltogether decide it is and promote it like one 21:55:36 <sspreitzer> IT WAS ALREADY DECIDED IN NOVEMBER 21:55:46 <liknus> sspreitzer, calm down :) 21:55:50 <sspreitzer> grmpfl 21:55:59 <cwickert> sspreitzer, I never said I drop anything! i still think we can and WILL do it 21:56:01 <cwickert> eof 21:56:13 <liknus> Lets get to the blocking point 21:56:15 <sspreitzer> i say for me 21:56:19 <sspreitzer> personally 21:56:24 <sspreitzer> 4 months is enough 21:56:27 <liknus> what that is according to you sspreitzer ? 21:56:39 <cwickert> ! 21:57:00 <sspreitzer> i tried to to implement a generalized media production process 21:57:05 <liknus> ok 21:57:05 <sspreitzer> in the behalf of redhat 21:57:07 <liknus> and... 21:57:15 <sspreitzer> where we can order and redhat will pay 21:57:22 <GeroldKa> !!!!!! 21:57:30 <liknus> sspreitzer, wait a bit 21:57:34 <liknus> GeroldKa, 21:57:37 <sspreitzer> neithter Max nor the community (Fedora) were able to do more then just say 21:57:39 <sspreitzer> ok 21:57:40 <GeroldKa> to be honest; RH will never give up and outside their hand 21:57:44 <sspreitzer> go ahead 21:57:55 <GeroldKa> the production of media with their Trademark on it 21:58:02 <sspreitzer> GeroldKa, thats not the point 21:58:11 <GeroldKa> and believe me, this is a damned thing I've learned 21:58:29 <liknus> guys..one by the time 21:58:37 <GeroldKa> you need for professional production all issues 21:58:46 <GeroldKa> also tradmark usage 21:58:48 <sspreitzer> GeroldKa, you dont have a clue 21:59:01 <GeroldKa> yes; I'm an idiot I know 21:59:05 <sspreitzer> GeroldKa, we have the company, we have the budget 21:59:14 <GeroldKa> you have budget? 21:59:15 <kital> GeroldKa: this is not true 21:59:16 <kital> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/OnlineVendors 21:59:20 <GeroldKa> who has budget? 21:59:22 <kital> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/LocalVendors 21:59:27 <sspreitzer> ok guys 21:59:44 <liknus> Lets all calm down and talk one by one please 21:59:58 <sspreitzer> i see its like i attend one meeting a year and rewind all the years issues in one meeting 21:59:59 <GeroldKa> EOF 21:59:59 <liknus> sspreitzer, please continue 22:00:07 <sspreitzer> I give up on the media issue 22:00:09 <kital> ! 22:00:19 <liknus> kital, 22:00:22 <sspreitzer> someone else please do this 22:00:29 <sspreitzer> IM NOT EOF YET 22:00:38 <liknus> sorry sspreitzer :( 22:00:40 <kital> sspreitzer: why do you not spoke with max on fosdem and requested money from him ? 22:00:41 <liknus> go ahead 22:00:47 <kital> like i did for shipping ? 22:00:48 <kital> eof 22:01:05 <sspreitzer> kital, BECAUSE I DID IN NOVEMBER AND IT WAS OK AND DECIDED 22:01:19 * sspreitzer bang head on keyboard 22:01:25 <sspreitzer> EOF 22:01:38 <liknus> Ok 22:01:44 <liknus> I have a suggestion 22:02:00 <liknus> Shall we call a special meeting (with max attending) on that issue? 22:02:06 <liknus> maybe next week? 22:02:23 <cwickert> liknus, max is out for the next week at least 22:02:38 <cwickert> liknus, but +1 one to your idea 22:02:49 <liknus> ok maybe on two week then 22:03:11 <cwickert> then we are running out of time 22:03:12 <liknus> Shall I arrange it? sspreitzer kital GeroldKa anyone? 22:03:13 <kital> GeroldKa: is there money around for pressing 200 media 22:03:29 <GeroldKa> I don't know 22:03:40 <kital> /around/available 22:03:48 <sspreitzer> liknus, im out of the issue 22:03:54 <cwickert> liknus, please keep me up to date, I'd like to attend this meeting 22:03:58 <GeroldKa> which amount kital? 22:04:04 <liknus> ok cwickert :) 22:04:18 <kital> sspreitzer: do you have prices? 22:04:27 <liknus> #action liknus arrange a meeting on media issue 22:04:51 <kital> zoltanh7211: do you have prices 22:04:52 <kital> ? 22:05:14 <bochecha> kital, we pay 0.55€ per CD here when we make 1000 22:05:17 <zoltanh7211> kital - yes I have sent to sspreitzer 22:05:18 <liknus> please dont abandon it sspreitzer ... you did some job and we are thankful for that. I can see there are some blockers but i think that we can get round to it 22:06:01 <zoltanh7211> sspreitzer: don't let your anger lead you 22:06:12 <sspreitzer> liknus, get me a letter from RHT entitling me to order the media in future in behalf of RHT or on theri bill, and I will continue. Otherwise im out. 22:06:32 <kital> sspreitzer: you do not need this letter 22:06:34 <GeroldKa> muahua 22:06:37 <liknus> sspreitzer, please give it another chance with our community approach .. i think we worth it 22:06:44 <bochecha> sspreitzer, why would you need that to order some CDs ? oO 22:06:46 <GeroldKa> on behalf of Red Hat 22:06:55 <GeroldKa> you`re kidding sspreitzer 22:07:13 <kital> sspreitzer: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/OnlineVendors#Western_Europe 22:07:16 <sspreitzer> GeroldKa, I AM FUCKING NOT BECUASE THAT IS WHAT WE DECIDED IN NOVEMBER 22:07:19 <sspreitzer> jesus 22:07:28 <sspreitzer> you guys make me sick 22:07:32 <liknus> ok ok 22:08:01 <liknus> sspreitzer, can you please state all the things that you said here in that special meeting in two weeks from now? 22:08:20 <sspreitzer> we decided to bring a process in place where fedora people can order the media and RHT will pay the bill 22:08:22 <GeroldKa> to be honest kital 22:08:27 <sspreitzer> thats the decision 22:08:30 <GeroldKa> what's that: http://www.aum-engineering.com/fedora.html 22:08:32 <sspreitzer> and NOTHING happened 22:08:39 <GeroldKa> the first vendor on your given link 22:08:54 <GeroldKa> fu**** Bulls** 22:09:01 <sspreitzer> liknus, ok 22:09:16 <GeroldKa> FC6 for that amount 22:09:21 <liknus> thanks a lot sspreitzer 22:09:31 <GeroldKa> maybe FAMSco should take care of such pages 22:09:31 <liknus> its collectable now GeroldKa :P 22:09:34 <rsc> GeroldKa: it is F9 already for 12-20 Euro ;) 22:09:34 <loupgaroublond> kital, yes? 22:09:35 <biertie> GeroldKa: F9 according to the text above it :) 22:09:38 <sspreitzer> liknus, you are welcome :) 22:09:38 <kital> liknus: you can follow it here https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/11 22:09:43 <loupgaroublond> i'm trying to help greg out too IRL right now 22:10:11 <kital> loupgaroublond: do we have money to help out sspreitzer to produce official xfce media soon 22:10:16 <rsc> sspreitzer: everything > 5 Euro _per_ _medium_ is horrible worse. 22:10:35 <liknus> ok all.. lets stop this discusion for now and spin it off to a special meeting 22:10:39 <liknus> ok? 22:10:40 <kital> zoltanh7211: what are your prices? 22:10:49 <biertie> rsc: not _IF_ you get support in return 22:11:01 <zoltanh7211> kital: wait, opening the pages 22:11:13 <rsc> biertie: support by aum-engineering.com whenever needed? ;) 22:11:21 <loupgaroublond> hold on a second 22:11:25 <GeroldKa> rotfl rsc 22:11:31 <biertie> rsc: off course! ;) 22:11:48 <liknus> GUYS! protocol, time and order! please... 22:11:49 <GeroldKa> omg 22:11:56 <GeroldKa> the second "vendor": http://www.callacd.com/index_fedora_cd.htm 22:12:06 <GeroldKa> I got crises :-( 22:12:31 <liknus> ok GeroldKa point taken...wiki page needs renewal 22:12:50 <liknus> kital, can you do it? 22:13:05 <rsc> and we need real vendors without exorbitant prices. 22:13:10 <kital> liknus: no i do not care about media - i will tell susmit 22:13:21 <zoltanh7211> kital: I have sent an mail to you 22:13:27 <kital> #action contact susmit on media page issue 22:13:28 <GeroldKa> oh wow; let's have another look : http://www.dvd-iso.de/Linux-Distributionen/Fedora-Linux 22:13:33 <cwickert> ! 22:13:36 <liknus> #action kital tells susmit about updating media vendors page 22:13:36 <kital> GeroldKa: enough 22:13:42 <liknus> #undo 22:13:42 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x28010c50> 22:14:07 <kital> liknus: susmit works on that? 22:14:09 <liknus> ok everyone 22:14:10 <loupgaroublond> kital, how much is the final bill going to be? 22:14:31 <loupgaroublond> i mean, there are funds to do a 2000 euro project, but i don't know if you guys want to spend that much in the first place 22:14:50 <liknus> loupgaroublond, please do not continue that discusion :) 22:14:52 <kital> loupgaroublond: sorry there is no price around 22:14:56 <kital> eof 22:15:35 <zoltanh7211> kital: you got my mail? 22:15:37 <loupgaroublond> sure 22:15:47 <liknus> Ok everyone.. I understand there are 2 hours since starting this meeting.. So we have Open Floor, Support issue and Video proposal 22:16:20 <zoltanh7211> ! 22:16:24 <dramsey> ! 22:16:36 <liknus> Shall we continue the meeting or leave some issues back for the next one? 22:16:39 <liknus> zoltanh7211, 22:16:44 * ascenseur needs to be going now - I shall have to read the IRC logs through the wiki - Thanks 22:16:53 <liknus> bye ascenseur 22:17:11 <zoltanh7211> I have begun an release video ad about F13 22:17:29 <liknus> oh nice zoltanh7211 22:17:41 <liknus> have you contacted marketing team? 22:17:47 <zoltanh7211> I have sent an mail to Spot, but no answer 22:17:48 <liknus> constanton, is on that too 22:18:14 * spot looks up 22:18:35 <constanton> hey 22:18:44 <liknus> Can you two make a contact with marketing team to coordinate it a little bit? (regarding dates, points etc) 22:18:48 <kital> zoltanh7211: this is your chance to catch spot 22:19:01 <constanton> ! 22:19:34 <spot> what did you need me for? 22:19:37 <zoltanh7211> Spot: I have an agreement from NASA, but I dont know that I could use the video archive truly free 22:19:46 <spot> oh, that sounds familiar 22:19:48 <spot> lemme look 22:21:06 <liknus> while spot is looking constanton on the video thing please 22:21:34 <constanton> ok so 22:21:45 <constanton> I just had an idea that we could improve the promotion of Fedora with a 3-in-1 solution. 22:21:51 <spot> zoltanh7211: okay, so here's the deal 22:21:58 <zoltanh7211> ok 22:22:01 <spot> all of NASA's videos are in the Public Domain 22:22:06 <spot> you can use them however you'd like. 22:22:33 <liknus> nice, thanks spot 22:22:35 <zoltanh7211> oh, thanks - big breath 22:22:46 <spot> Works generated by the US Government are almost always automatically Public Domain. :) 22:22:55 <spot> It is good that you confirmed it with NASA though. 22:23:05 <spot> But yeah, no roadblocks. :) 22:23:07 <liknus> constanton, i think that zoltanh7211 is already on something like you propose 22:23:22 * mcepl is envious to the US citizens :'( 22:23:46 <biertie> mcepl: don't be! ;-) 22:24:31 <zoltanh7211> I have 2 polish fedorians who are helping me to create this launch movie, the musician called AM Samurai, and the maker of their clips is my second helper 22:24:31 <spot> mcepl: it almost makes up for the horrendous copyright and patent laws. 22:25:12 <zoltanh7211> Storyboard ready, currently we try to arrange together the pieces 22:25:24 <mcepl> spot: sure, just I was PhD student in sociology in US and I was very happy with all maps, data, etc. available for free 22:25:55 <mcepl> anyway, I don't want to side-track this discussion with silly Czech corrupted politicians 22:25:56 <liknus> please people stay on topic 22:26:06 <liknus> thanks mcepl 22:26:23 <liknus> zoltanh7211, anything more on that? 22:26:33 <zoltanh7211> Also tried to make some AD movie about fedora, with first Spotmixer 22:26:41 <zoltanh7211> Spot ;) 22:27:10 <liknus> nice zoltanh7211 :) 22:27:16 <spot> :) 22:27:27 <zoltanh7211> The result was sent to kital, but that 30 secs movie isn't finished yet 22:27:51 <zoltanh7211> But I think I will do more marketing stuff, when we are ready 22:28:02 <sspreitzer> zoltanh7211, can you please upstream results for the public? 22:28:12 <liknus> please zoltanh7211 contact marketing and designt team for that things too...even for announcement or review only 22:28:13 <sspreitzer> like on fedorahosted.org ? 22:28:30 <zoltanh7211> Yes, I 'll do it 22:28:59 * liknus reminds everyone on meeting guidelines ( ! ? etc..) 22:29:21 <zoltanh7211> ok, eof 22:29:31 <liknus> #action zoltanh7211 contact marketing and design teams on videos produced 22:29:40 <liknus> thanks zoltanh7211 for all that work :) 22:29:41 <kital> liknus: is it not open floor now? 22:29:53 <liknus> #topic Open Floor 22:29:58 <cmpahar> eeee 22:30:01 <liknus> sorry kital ... i forgot 22:30:01 <cmpahar> ! 22:30:05 <kital> ;) 22:30:05 <zoltanh7211> eh 22:30:07 <cmpahar> there is one more topic 22:30:59 <liknus> I think that time has passed and we need to move the Local Support issue on another meeting .. cmpahar ? 22:31:48 <cmpahar> what do i have to answer now!? 22:32:17 <liknus> cmpahar, dont get upset man... i am just worried that many people left/about to leave 22:32:34 <cmpahar> do what ever you like 22:32:41 <cmpahar> move it to the next meeting 22:33:12 <liknus> It's not what i like .. it is what is logical 22:33:33 <cmpahar> it is logical to keep the guidelines 22:33:37 <liknus> And I am not "xadakwneis" you .... (greek stuff anyone else) 22:34:16 <cmpahar> just close the meeting to get over with it 22:34:27 <liknus> So anyone on that? What shall we do? Continue on that or not? 22:34:37 <cmpahar> i was waiting and trying to participate in the meeting 22:34:40 <cmpahar> the past 2 hours 22:34:50 <cmpahar> please just end it :) 22:34:55 <cmpahar> there is no one here :) 22:35:05 <liknus> my dear Chris dont get upset please :) 22:35:21 <liknus> Anyone here left? (or is it just me and you? :P ) 22:35:31 <cmpahar> we will discuss this later between you and me.. Bed time ;) 22:35:31 <dramsey> :) 22:35:32 <giannisk> i am still here 22:35:34 <biertie> yes! 22:35:37 <Pant> :) 22:35:37 <biertie> I am here :D 22:35:42 <sannithomas_gh> Im here too 22:36:16 <liknus> any suggestions on the subject? 22:36:30 <cmpahar> i will post my thoughts at the mailing list 22:36:45 <giannisk> i guess that since there are not many ambassadors around,we could end the meeting 22:36:52 <biertie> +1 22:36:59 <liknus> I should wait for them then cmpahar :P :) 22:37:06 <liknus> +1 22:37:08 <zoltanh7211> +1 22:37:34 <cmpahar> +1 22:37:44 <liknus> So if no one has anything more to say (than Local Suport) I should end it in 1 min 22:37:46 <cmpahar> thanks liknus :) 22:37:57 <sannithomas_gh> +1 22:37:57 <liknus> 50 22:38:04 <cmpahar> have a nice night everyone 22:38:07 <dramsey> liknus, thank you for chairing. :) 22:38:07 <liknus> 40 22:38:19 <liknus> thanks dramsey for attending 22:38:28 <liknus> 20 22:38:29 <dramsey> FYI, if you have not seen some of the "English, Español, and на русском" versions of the Fedora Cheat Cubes by Nushio, the Fedora Cubes are quite nice. :) 22:38:29 <dramsey> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_collateral#Fedora_Cheat_Cubes 22:38:32 <biertie> good night everybody 22:38:37 <dramsey> Bye. 22:38:40 <Pant> gn 22:38:44 <liknus> cmpahar, night! 22:38:44 <zoltanh7211> sorry guys thx for meeting - good night 22:38:46 <liknus> 5 22:38:49 <liknus> 4 22:38:49 <liknus> 3 22:38:50 <liknus> 2 22:38:52 <liknus> 1 22:38:55 <liknus> #endmeeting