
#fedora-meeting: FESCo meeting 20100108

Meeting started by nirik at 16:59:54 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (nirik, 17:00:27)
  2. New Chair (nirik, 17:04:53)
  3. Meeting time (nirik, 17:06:52)
    1. AGREED: Will try and come up with a better time/day for meeting and announce it early next week. (nirik, 17:12:38)

  4. #298 Revoke Paul Johnsons pacakger access and put him on probation. - (nirik, 17:13:54)
  5. #278 Better Hostname - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/BetterHostname (nirik, 17:15:19)
  6. #299 Feature: AtSpiTwo - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/AtSpiTwo (nirik, 17:19:11)
    1. AGREED: The AtSpiTwo feature is accepted. (nirik, 17:21:55)
    2. https://labs.codethink.co.uk/index.php/p/qt-atspi2/ (Kevin_Kofler, 17:22:05)
    3. (the Qt implementation) (Kevin_Kofler, 17:22:08)

  7. #300 Feature: BetterWebcamSupportF13 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/BetterWebcamSupportF13 (nirik, 17:22:27)
    1. AGREED: The BetterWebcamSupportF13 feature is approved. (nirik, 17:25:18)

  8. #291: Man pages Packaging Guideline (nirik, 17:26:01)
  9. Open Floor (nirik, 17:28:20)
  10. #225 Bugzilla 484855 - Mediawiki Fedora-only patch (nirik, 17:39:23)
    1. AGREED: ajax will take a look at the issue for FESCo (nirik, 17:52:03)

  11. Open Floor (again) (nirik, 17:54:35)
    1. http://whenisgood.net/fesco-meeting (cwickert, 18:01:17)

Meeting ended at 18:36:29 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. nirik (129)
  2. Kevin_Kofler (78)
  3. skvidal (71)
  4. pjones (65)
  5. Oxf13 (61)
  6. ajax (45)
  7. mjg59 (43)
  8. abadger1999 (22)
  9. cwickert (16)
  10. dgilmore (16)
  11. zodbot (11)
  12. notting (11)
  13. wwoods (4)
  14. Southern_Gentlem (1)
  15. wonderer (1)
  16. jds2001 (1)

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