20:05:39 <mchua> #startmeeting
20:05:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan  5 20:05:39 2010 UTC.  The chair is mchua. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:05:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:05:44 <mchua> #topic Roll call
20:05:45 <mchua> Who's here?
20:05:55 <asamaras> hello all
20:06:01 <rharrison> here
20:06:18 <mchua> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#Agenda
20:06:34 * rbergeron is here
20:06:37 <wonderer> Me
20:06:43 <wonderer> 2
20:07:02 <mchua> let's get started then - we only have two things on the agenda today
20:07:04 <mchua> # Marketing FAD
20:07:04 <mchua> # Status check on infrastructure projects
20:07:17 <mchua> We'll probably be spending the most time on the first, to nail down as many details as possible.
20:07:24 <mchua> I'd like people to be able to book plane tickets by this time next week.
20:07:44 <mchua> If you have any other things to add to the agenda, shout them out and we'll queue them up.
20:07:55 <mchua> # topic Marketing FAD
20:07:56 <mchua> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010
20:08:14 <mchua> There are 4 things we need to figure out here right now, by my list
20:08:16 <mchua> * Location: Raleigh OK?
20:08:16 <mchua> * Goals/Deliverables: Let's set them.
20:08:16 <mchua> * Dates: Is "days must fall between March 13-21" our only constraint?
20:08:19 <mchua> * Taking Advantage Of Being At The RH Office: Red Hatters in PR/Comms/Brand (like Kara)?
20:08:36 <mchua> #info FAD budget ~$3,000 USD
20:08:39 <mchua> for reference.
20:09:01 <rbergeron> i thought the budget of 3k was for allllll fads?
20:09:24 <mchua> rbergeron: Turns out I parsed spevack incorrectly earlier.
20:09:48 <rbergeron> mchua: ahh
20:09:55 <rbergeron> just double checking
20:10:07 <mchua> So, given that we've got $3k to get everyone over, housed, and fed - are there any objections to setting Raleigh as the location?
20:10:13 <rbergeron> nope.
20:10:24 <mchua> It has, by far, the cheapest hotel rates; it's reasonably central/easy-to-get-to for most people.
20:10:30 * spevack is here
20:10:39 <mchua> And as an added bonus, we've got the RH marketing and PR folks there.
20:10:48 <mchua> hey spevack! We're planning the FAD.
20:10:52 <rbergeron> that's definitely +1
20:11:24 <mchua> wonderer, any objections to travelling to Raleigh? I think you'd be the one coming from the furthest away.
20:11:37 <mchua> (from the "I want to come" list right now, in any case)
20:12:15 <mchua> I'm going to set the location as Raleigh and we'll keep planning from there. ;)
20:12:20 <mchua> #agreed Marketing FAD in Raleigh, NC
20:12:27 <mchua> Next: goals and deliverables.
20:12:32 <wonderer> mchua: of course I have no objections!
20:12:38 <mchua> wonderer: awesome!
20:12:58 <mchua> we've had a lot of in-channel/on-list discussions on FAD goals, but we should actually pin those down.
20:13:12 <mchua> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010#Agenda is the list so far.
20:13:35 * rharrison likes Raleigh considering he lives there. :-)
20:13:36 <rbergeron> i know there is something on the list about PR.
20:13:47 <rbergeron> i think we could definitely spend quite a bit of time doing some PR-related stuff
20:14:09 <rbergeron> rdieter: talking with kara about the whole flow of things. I know she did a fedora-classroom session on it, but I thinkwe might be able to benefit more from in-person discussion
20:14:10 <mchua> rharrison: yep, the proximity of Lots Of Cool People was also a definite plus factor ;)
20:14:31 <rbergeron> crap. sorry. irc client fail again
20:14:35 * mchua chuckles
20:14:37 <rharrison> heh
20:14:39 * rbergeron hits the computer
20:14:53 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to figure out wth is with her client
20:15:02 <mchua> The strawman proposal I've been floating is 2 weekend days + 2 weekday days, for a total of 4 days for the FAD.
20:15:11 <rbergeron> it's probably also a good time to figure out any gameplan we might have for fedora presence at rh summit
20:15:19 <mchua> To minimize the amount of time people would have to miss from school/work, if applicable.
20:15:23 <wonderer> rbergeron: I wrote something about PR. That was under "workshops" but if wished it cold be pulled up to the "normal" agenda...
20:15:43 <rbergeron> wonderer, i saw that
20:15:52 <mchua> If 4 days sounds like a decent length, we could figure out a theme for each day and then deliverables that would fall under that.
20:16:02 * rbergeron nods
20:16:15 <rbergeron> and i think the 2 days that are weekday days we could have the ongoing in-person interview sessions
20:16:20 * wonderer will plan better 5 days vacation ;-)
20:16:20 <mchua> So it sounds like we want a PR day - during one of the weekdays, with Kara there.
20:16:23 <mchua> wonderer: :)
20:16:40 <rharrison> where is the next rh summit?
20:16:44 <mchua> rharrison: Boston
20:16:46 <rbergeron> and i like the idea of having the weekdays after the weekend days.... just so we can pinpoint any in-person stuff we need to do
20:17:06 <rbergeron> before the days are over with :)
20:17:10 <mchua> rbergeron: Ok, that would mean we're basically talking March 13-16
20:17:12 <skvidal> I thought we had determined that fudcon + rhsummit == overload
20:17:32 <rbergeron> mchua: i'm not totally tied down on the dates
20:17:44 <mchua> skvidal: no FUDCon here, just the Fedora booth / any presentations at the summit
20:17:45 <rbergeron> skvidal: i think we're thinking more of a "here's a bit of press interaction"
20:17:50 <rbergeron> not full-blown fudcon
20:17:52 <skvidal> ok
20:17:53 <skvidal> good
20:18:01 <rbergeron> all the analysts are there, might as well take advantage of the situation :)
20:18:03 <rbergeron> press
20:18:05 <rbergeron> whoever :)
20:18:21 <mchua> (I don't think I could handle a FUDCon *and* a Summit simultaneously... already didn't sleep during the last FUDCon)
20:18:24 <mchua> (anyway)
20:18:27 <mchua> (which was AWESOME)
20:18:36 <wonderer> ;)
20:18:58 <mchua> ok, so we have 2 weekend days and 2 weekday days.
20:19:07 <mchua> one weekend day is Strategy Day, methinks.
20:19:11 <mchua> One weekday day is PR day.
20:19:21 <mchua> that leaves two more days to theme. Thoughts?
20:19:43 <rbergeron> there was some discussion of booksprinting on either a brand book and/or the picture book
20:19:58 <rbergeron> brand book would be good if we have the appropriate people during a weekday
20:20:02 <mchua> Would that go under either strategy day or PR day?
20:20:10 <mchua> Or would that be The Theme for the 2nd weekday?
20:20:18 <rbergeron> PR day or maybe part of the 2nd weekday
20:20:25 <rbergeron> we could break up into some mini-sprints
20:21:01 <rbergeron> there was discussion of doing some video, as well
20:21:16 <rbergeron> what deliverables do we hav earound that timeframe?
20:21:22 * rbergeron pulls out the schedule
20:21:36 <rbergeron> we could draft up one-page release notes
20:21:49 <rbergeron> and sprint on feature profiles / interviews
20:22:41 <rbergeron> if we can get limesurvey up and get a survey out we can take time during the strategy day to go over results and what to do
20:22:44 <mchua> I'd personally prefer to spend as much sprint time as possible on things that *aren't* release deliverables
20:22:47 <mchua> ooh
20:22:56 <mchua> rbergeron: is that part of strategy day, or do you want a half-day for Research Day?
20:23:24 <rbergeron> well, i think going over research stuff really leads in to strategy
20:23:38 <rbergeron> "here's what we have. what do we do with it "
20:23:43 <asamaras> or vice versa
20:23:47 <mchua> wonderer, asamaras: are there any sections of the FAD you'd like to lead?
20:24:23 <mchua> for instance, if rbergeron is going to be our research ninja, maybe she should "own" Strategy Day and figure out the agenda and deliverables ("survey deployment and analyais SOP, with first example done?") for it
20:24:27 <asamaras> I still have to fix the dates with my work so only remotely for the time
20:24:40 * mchua nods
20:24:42 <mchua> remotely works too ;)
20:24:47 <asamaras> :)
20:24:55 <mchua> it'd be good for someone to own PR day
20:25:22 <mchua> and figure out what we want to set up with Kara
20:25:23 <wonderer> I could do the PR stuff, but hopefully some more "international" experienced girl/guy would also be around...
20:25:32 <mchua> the deliverables from http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-classroom/2009-11-10/fedora-classroom.2009-11-10-20.36.html seems like good targets for a PR day
20:26:09 <mchua> wonderer: want to take on PR day at least for now, and then we can figure out who else we can pull in to help?
20:26:18 <wonderer> maybe Kara and I could do that together...?!
20:26:27 <mchua> wonderer: ooh, that would be great if Kara's free and up for that.
20:26:48 <asamaras> I can give you a hand if needed ;)
20:26:52 <mchua> I'd want to check on whether she can make it on the 15th or 16th (Monday or Tuesday) before we lock those dates in stone
20:26:53 <wonderer> sounds like a plan then :-)
20:27:04 <wonderer> asamaras: thanks, more hands are better!
20:27:08 <mchua> excellent
20:27:26 <rbergeron> mchua: are we going to have a rh conference room and associated goodies like whiteboards and intarwebz access?
20:27:27 <mchua> #info wonderer running point on PR day, asamaras helping remotely - need to coordinate with Kara
20:27:31 <mchua> rbergeron: indeedy
20:27:38 <rbergeron> sweeeet
20:27:40 <mchua> spevack: which reminds me that I need to learn how to reserve a conference room
20:27:55 * mchua can, however, lead everyone to free bagels in the mornings ;)
20:28:15 <mchua> rbergeron: and did you want to be point for Strategy/Research day?
20:28:51 <rbergeron> sure thing
20:28:53 <mchua> let's set the other two days as Brand Book Day and F13 Interviews Day
20:29:11 <rbergeron> what's the scoop with the picture book?
20:29:12 <mchua> (they'll be a little mixed - for both, there's some stuff we need to do on the weekday, and some we need to do on the weekend)
20:29:34 * rbergeron isn't sure what the ongoing interest level is there
20:29:35 <mchua> ianweller, tatica: ping - updates/thoughts on picture book?
20:30:03 <rbergeron> because we could sprint on that in tandem, but we'd probably want to make sure that whatever infrastructure we need for that is up and running.
20:30:04 <tatica> nop at this moment mchua, I'm just getting back today from vacations
20:30:18 <rbergeron> including whatever magic book-layout stuff needs to exist
20:30:21 <mchua> rbergeron: My impression is that it's the sort of thing that has its components half-finished, and a day of bookwriting/sprinting could assemble it into a polished deliverable with clear "This Piece Is Missing. Here's How You Can Provide It" areas.
20:30:25 <mchua> (like "we need a picture of X")
20:30:27 <rbergeron> right
20:30:32 <tatica> I hope to start working in all plans from tomorrow
20:30:36 <mchua> similar to how we did it for the one-page release note screenshots for F12.
20:30:42 <rbergeron> right
20:30:42 <mchua> So that would be the deliverable for Brand Book
20:30:53 <mchua> and the deliverables for Interviews would be developer interviews, but also...
20:30:56 * mchua finds link
20:30:57 <rbergeron> right
20:31:11 <mchua> c'mon, youtube...
20:31:16 <rbergeron> hah
20:31:22 <mchua> #link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b42bPNOdkA0
20:31:35 <tatica> http://www.flickr.com/groups/fedora-latam/pool/
20:31:44 <mchua> #link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b42bPNOdkA0
20:31:46 <mchua> (thanks tatica!)
20:31:57 <mchua> So, that youtube video is the shiny-lookin' F12 video
20:31:59 <tatica> np, I'm a little afk but still reading
20:32:12 <mchua> And I'd like to do the F13 equivalent during the Marketing FAD since we'll have a stickster in town and all.
20:32:33 * stickster pops up, late from his phone call -- thanks for the shout mchua
20:32:46 <mchua> stickster: thoughts on F13 video filming during Marketing FAD?
20:33:06 <tatica> have a photos repo help me to do this = http://proyectofedora.org/wiki/Conoce_Fedora_12
20:33:08 <wonderer> mchua: fogot to mention tha I intend to bring my DSLR Camera stuff with me... just in case to have some Fedora-model shootings ;-)
20:33:19 <mchua> (I'm not sure if it's possible, it's pretty early in the cycle too - and we'll be spending some time interviewing the developers we can get to while we're in town, too)
20:33:24 <tatica> so the idea of have a set of photos with cc-by or wathever licence is awesome
20:33:33 <stickster> mchua: I think we could accomplish some pieces that are specific to the things we already have a good feeling will be done by F13 release
20:33:34 * rbergeron will be bringing the cameras and flipvideos and such as well
20:33:53 <stickster> mchua: We'd need to do something for technical features a bit later, after freeze certainly
20:33:59 <rbergeron> bag-o-gadgets
20:34:26 <mchua> stickster: aye... any thoughts on what would make a good target deliverable for that portion of the sprint?
20:34:31 <stickster> mchua: But that's not as much of a Fedora Marketing-only problem, it's something I try to coordinate each release with Red Hat's Creative team.
20:34:54 <rbergeron> how many of the creative team members are in raleigh?
20:35:08 <rbergeron> i think they'd certainly want to be involved in any branding guide we have :)
20:35:17 <stickster> rbergeron: Most of them
20:35:41 <mchua> stickster: Aye, and I definitely don't want to step into the middle of that, but I'm wondering what supplementary bits we could make or help with while we're in town
20:35:42 <stickster> mchua: Do you mean, deliverable for a F13 videotaping session?
20:35:57 <mchua> stickster: Yep. Not sure if there's a better way of phrasing that question.
20:36:11 <rbergeron> perhaps rather than "brand book" day we should do day 4 as "creative / marketing teamwork day"
20:36:16 <mchua> stickster: basically "swarm of marketing people in town for 4 days, how can we best be of service"
20:36:23 <mchua> Creative rocks, btw.
20:36:26 <mchua> win 2
20:36:26 <stickster> With Creative doing the taping, or Marketing people?
20:36:30 <mchua> ergh, irssi fail
20:36:43 <mchua> stickster: either/or - ideally a combo of the two?
20:36:54 <tatica> http://www.flickr.com/photos/tatadbb/4014630312/in/set-72157613836974776/  == we could do a video of "what fedora 13 brings to you" using a virtual pc
20:37:01 <tatica> no people involved, no licence in the middle
20:37:03 <stickster> mchua: OK, leaving aside technical constraints, since that could be hashed out later...
20:37:38 <mchua> I mean, wonderer and rbergeron are bringing equipment, we could probably film developer interviews, more general "Fedora is Teh Awesum, here is how to get involved" stuff
20:37:44 <mchua> not necessarily as "this content is the end-all-be-all things"
20:37:47 <stickster> mchua: a good deliverable would be a segment on the growth and accomplishments of the Fedora Marketing team over the F13 cycle, including Fedora Insight for example
20:37:58 <mchua> but in part as a "let us test the tools we have available for people to make such materials" thing
20:38:06 <mchua> stickster: Ooo.
20:38:21 <wonderer> I bring a STILL Camera (Canon EOS) its more for the photobook or pressreleases, Flyers, booklets, etc.
20:38:26 <stickster> Something that could end up as a 2-3 minute video.
20:38:32 * tatica is just thinking: are we going to use subtitles or voice translations?
20:38:56 * rbergeron was thinking we could definitely work on sketching out more content deliverables that we could do over cycles
20:39:16 <asamaras> subtitling is easier than voice tracks
20:39:16 <rbergeron> interviews, stories, whtever
20:39:21 <mchua> wonderer: oh, *nice*
20:39:21 <wonderer> I think .srt files would be easier to deliver. shoot in english, subtitles all over the world...
20:39:23 <rbergeron> to have a more continuous flow of content
20:39:30 <mchua> +1 subtitles
20:39:35 <asamaras> +1
20:39:43 <mchua> because they're also transcripts, text-searchable and easier to deal with
20:39:43 <stickster> mchua: The question then is, would it be better to rely on Red Hat Creative to provide that material, meaning a possible licensing constraint -- or alternately, you'd need to go into it knowing that you have the people, tools, and expertise sufficient to produce one as the Fedora Marketing team, licensed in a typical Fedora manner
20:40:17 <stickster> It's possible we could get Red Hat Creative to provide a CC BY-SA video, but that would need to be agreed upon up front.
20:41:02 <mchua> I used to work-study as A/V crew in school and still have reasonably decent editing chops, if I can get at a good machine with the software on it for a day.
20:41:40 <stickster> That's a detail that could be hammered on outside this meeting, certainly
20:41:44 <mchua> Yep.
20:42:31 <stickster> But if you're interested in getting support from Red Hat Creative we'd just need a clear idea of what kind of piece we want to create.
20:42:37 <stickster> <eof/>
20:42:42 * stickster phone, brb
20:43:14 <mchua> Ok. I think that, if nothing else, it will be a good way for us to see the state of the tools/workflows we have to produce those sorts of materials
20:43:27 <mchua> for the stuff we try to do ourselves
20:43:38 <asamaras> +1
20:43:39 <mchua> and a great opportunity to coordinate with Creative and see what kind of working-togetherness we can do
20:43:41 * rbergeron nods
20:43:53 <mchua> So it looks like we have our 4 days and our 4 targets more or less sketched out.
20:44:04 <mchua> Strategy/Research day, which is rbergeron (weekend, probably Saturday)
20:44:11 <mchua> followed by Brand Book Day
20:44:15 <mchua> (which needs an owner)
20:44:24 <mchua> followed by Interview/Filming/Creative Day (also needs an owner)
20:44:38 <mchua> followed by PR Day (wonderer, with asamaras, and coordinating with Kara)
20:44:50 * rbergeron cheers
20:45:01 <mchua> #info 4 days, 4 targets: Strategy/Research (rbergeron)
20:45:05 <mchua> #info Brand Book
20:45:10 <mchua> #info Interview/Filming/Creative
20:45:18 <mchua> #info PR (wonderer, with asamaras and coordinating with Kara)
20:45:27 <mchua> Moving right along. What was next on the list
20:45:35 <rbergeron> infrastructure
20:45:39 <rbergeron> no no
20:45:40 <rbergeron> dates
20:45:48 <mchua> #
20:45:48 <mchua> # Dates: Is "days must fall between March 13-21" our only constraint?
20:45:49 <mchua> # Taking Advantage Of Being At The RH Office: Red Hatters in PR/Comms/Brand (like Kara)?
20:46:09 <mchua> Ok. It sounds like March 13-16 is our first choice target, pending people being available.
20:46:26 * rbergeron double checks the calendar
20:46:43 <mchua> Which means we should jump to the last point on the FAD - who from Raleigh (or other places) do we *definitely* want to be there?
20:46:44 <rbergeron> those dates are fine with me, but i'm not completely constrained
20:47:00 <mchua> stickster, you're on the list - how's March 13-16 look for you?
20:47:18 <rbergeron> if other dates are better and phrk is unable to attend, i can switch to whatever, more or less.
20:47:23 <mchua> It also seems like we have general consensus that we definitely want a Kara, at least for PR day.
20:48:06 <mchua> spevack: you're in town March 13-16, right? How much Marketing FADness do you want to come in for?
20:48:48 <mchua> spevack, rharrison, folks around RDU-ish: anyone else from the area we should be inviting?
20:49:01 <mchua> From out-of-town, we have everyone else in this meeting (asamaras and pcalarco will be remote)
20:49:18 <rbergeron> phrk, who is sort of not here :)
20:49:30 * rbergeron notes we have an attendee list
20:49:37 <rbergeron> poelcat was on the list
20:49:44 <mchua> so that's rbergeron and phrk from PHX, wonderer from Germany, Rahul wants to come from India (need to check plane flights), me from Boston, poelcat if he wants to make the trip from Oregon
20:50:17 <mchua> tatica: can we get some design team magic, at least remotely? ;)
20:50:25 <tatica> lol, sure
20:50:30 <tatica> I'll do my best :)
20:50:38 <mchua> I'm hoping others from the Marketing list can at least join us remotely - yn1v, for instance
20:50:51 <tatica> Neville +1
20:50:57 <asamaras> (I wish for streaming of sprints)
20:51:19 <mchua> #action look into infrastructure for remote participation in Marketing FAD (video streaming, etc)
20:51:23 <rbergeron> can we set up video links or anything with other people?
20:51:24 <rbergeron> oh
20:51:41 <wonderer> is it possible to establish a continous videoconferencing thingy? Did not know if RH has somtehing to share or if someone has to bring some with...
20:51:45 <rbergeron> i mean there is always gchat video if nothing else but i'm not entirely sure how open-source friendly that is
20:51:54 <rbergeron> or how many can link into that
20:52:13 <mchua> #action mchua check into video/audio streaming capabilities of RH Raleigh office
20:52:14 <yn1v> mchua, I am in my work now
20:52:29 <yn1v> I will block to help remotely.
20:52:32 <rbergeron> but it is easy as pie, if it is just one conference room to another or something similar
20:52:36 <mchua> yn1v: cool :)
20:52:46 <yn1v> so I have all the time to help without interruptions
20:53:08 <mchua> Ok - we're getting close to the end of the hour and need to do infrastructure updates, so lemme just do this...
20:53:27 <mchua> #action check Paul and Kara's schedules to make sure they can make March 13-16 for a Marketing FAD
20:53:34 <mchua> and if that's a yes, we have our dates set
20:54:00 <mchua> and we have our focuses for each day, and deliverables will rapidly be forming around those
20:54:20 <stickster> March 13-16 looks OK to me right now
20:54:23 <mchua> ...and I think we're in great shape for knowing what we need to do to prepare.
20:54:26 <mchua> stickster: yay!
20:54:32 <stickster> #info stickster looks OK for March 13-16
20:54:41 <mchua> stickster: ah, you beat me to the #info :P
20:54:49 <stickster> :-)
20:54:50 * ianweller is here
20:54:53 <mchua> Any other big outstanding questions on FADness?
20:54:55 <Southern_Gentlem> i will try to come down as well
20:54:59 <mchua> Southern_Gentlem: Sweet.
20:55:14 * mchua has visions of giant BBQ dinners and Marketing fun
20:55:17 <Southern_Gentlem> only 150 miles away
20:55:18 * mchua wants March to come now
20:55:40 <mchua> Ok, so wrapping up the rest of our agenda real quick
20:55:46 <mchua> #topic Infrastructure updates
20:56:10 <mchua> #topic limesurvey
20:56:11 <mchua> #info sparks has been working on packaging https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=508817 - 3 out of 6 blockers are cleared. Remaining:
20:56:12 <buggbot> Bug 508817: medium, medium, ---, david, ASSIGNED, Review Request: Limesurvey - An open source survey application
20:56:14 <mchua> #info https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=549604 needs a review.
20:56:15 <buggbot> Bug 549604: medium, medium, ---, nobody, NEW, Review Request: domxml-php4-php5 - XML transition from PHP4 domxml to PHP5 dom module
20:56:16 <mchua> #info https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=544821 is in testing and needs karma.
20:56:17 <buggbot> Bug 544821: medium, medium, ---, felix, ON_QA, Review Request: php-gettext - Gettext emulation in php
20:56:19 <mchua> #info https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=549590 needs a one-line patch that sparks is working on as we speak.
20:56:20 <buggbot> Bug 549590: medium, medium, ---, nobody, NEW, Review Request: pChart - A PHP class to build charts.
20:56:21 <rbergeron> Southern_Gentlem: add yourself to the list :) https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010
20:56:22 <mchua> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_set_up_a_limesurvey_sandbox for current testing instructions
20:56:25 <rharrison> I'll be up in the air from about March on anyway.  No telling whats going to happen to my schedule.
20:56:26 <mchua> Questions, thoughts, impending deadlines? We're going to have our first round of data to analyze (from the FUDCon survey) after this Friday... rbergeron, do you want to chime in with any notes here?
20:56:44 <mchua> rharrison: join the list too - mark yourself as tentative if needed ^^
20:56:47 <Southern_Gentlem> rbergeron,  i will when it gets closer and i know for certain
20:56:51 <mchua> Uh... anyway, that's the limesurvey braindump
20:57:07 <rbergeron> not really. anything we can do to get it going would be uberawesome obviously :)
20:57:23 <rbergeron> first round of data i will go through this weekend
20:57:30 * rbergeron is all rubbing her hands with glee and stuff about it
20:57:40 <mchua> rbergeron: were you planning on capturing the "go through data" process somehow
20:57:41 <rharrison> mchua, we've got twins on the way so tentative is about where I'm going to be from about the end of Feb on. ;-)
20:57:53 <mchua> or is it something you need to teach us in person during the FAD
20:58:02 <mchua> and we'll figure out how to document it so that more people can do it then?
20:58:15 <rbergeron> mchua: i can definitely do a session on it
20:58:26 <mchua> rharrison: congratulations! that's a *great* reason to be up in the air.
20:58:30 * rbergeron hasn't seen yet how limesurvey outputs things so
20:58:31 <asamaras> :)
20:58:36 <mchua> rbergeron: as in Classroom session, or...?
20:58:39 <rbergeron> process will be new for me :)
20:58:50 <rbergeron> mchua: we can do either way. classroom would probably be more efficient use of time
20:58:57 <wonderer> mchua: teaching sounds like being a teacher in front of a class. why not say workshop...? sounds mor FOSS like ;-)
20:58:58 <rbergeron> so we can do bigger things at the fad
20:59:11 <mchua> Okeydokey.
20:59:17 <rbergeron> but i could do it there as well, if we have a bunch of time sitting around with nothing to do
20:59:21 <rbergeron> (unlikely!) :)
20:59:29 <mchua> #action rbergeron teach us how to analyze survey results with FUDCon surveyness
20:59:32 <wonderer> VERY unlikly.
20:59:39 <mchua> ok, moving on
20:59:40 <mchua> #topic Fedora-tour
20:59:53 <mchua> phrk pinged me last night; they're stalled in implementatin
20:59:56 <mchua> er, implementation
21:00:06 <rbergeron> stalled how?
21:00:17 <rbergeron> time?
21:00:19 <mchua> and need some help - possibly design help - *cough tatica cough* remembering what they were focusing on
21:00:37 <tatica> yeap
21:00:37 <mchua> from his analysis it sounded like they'd gotten sidetracked exploring Shiny Technology Tools
21:01:25 <mchua> so I pointed him in the direction of Design and hopefully they'll also be posting a call for help shortly (on lists, or Planet, or both) so we can help them get unstuck
21:01:38 <mchua> and real quick...
21:01:40 <mchua> #topic Fedora Insight
21:01:51 <mchua> We might be able to go to staging now thanks to the packaging hiemanshu did
21:01:58 * rbergeron claps
21:02:08 <mchua> I pinged Simon to check - he'd be able to make the final call
21:02:16 <mchua> but the sandbox instructions create an install
21:02:21 <mchua> and... that's... what we need
21:02:34 <mchua> tech-wise
21:02:41 <mchua> content workflow wise, I put a draft up
21:02:44 <mchua> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Content_workflow
21:02:57 <mchua> so once we get on staging you'll see me running around with the News folks setting that workflow up
21:03:07 <mchua> then we can actually focus on the strategic part of what content we want on it, etc
21:03:32 <mchua> so I will be wearing my Project Management hat in Markteting a lot to push this through in the next month
21:03:50 <mchua> (so we can finish it already, and move the tech part to Websites)
21:04:10 <mchua> meaning I won't be able to spend much time on the strategic thinking stuff until then
21:04:24 * rbergeron will borrow that hat from mchua and wear it for a bit
21:04:25 <mchua> So *thank you* to everyone for stepping up and driving the discussion on social media, PR, etc
21:04:32 <mchua> rbergeron: yay!
21:04:41 <mchua> That's all I had
21:04:42 <mchua> AOB?
21:04:53 <rbergeron> do we have an action to update the fad wiki?
21:04:57 <rbergeron> i'll take it if needed
21:05:02 <mchua> #action rbergeron update FAD wiki
21:05:05 <mchua> (thanks)
21:05:11 <mchua> #action mchua update Insight wiki
21:05:14 <rbergeron> np, just need the log of the meeting notes
21:05:24 <mchua> Yep, I'll do that right after the meeting ends.
21:05:32 <rbergeron> i know you will :)
21:05:40 <wonderer> just one small thing...
21:05:41 <mchua> Ok - sounds like there's nothing else, so...
21:05:43 <mchua> 5...
21:05:45 <mchua> 4...
21:05:47 <mchua> 3...
21:05:48 <mchua> 2...
21:05:50 <rbergeron> wondere has something :)
21:05:51 <mchua> 1...
21:05:54 <mchua> wonderer: go!
21:06:24 <wonderer> do we have thoughts about the sideline "conference package" ?
21:06:37 <mchua> wonderer: not sure what you mean...
21:06:48 <wonderer> or is it to far to think about such nifty little gadget stuff...
21:07:13 <wonderer> "How about something like a conference-Package, T-Shirt or basecap or some other kind of "reminder" of that event? ... maybe there are some RH Backpacks (max carring around some nice ones ;-) ) or other bags laying around in some office with some cool nice tiny black notebooks and some pens with laserpointer or so in it <- makes a nice package ?!"
21:07:58 <asamaras> marketing through marketeers
21:08:24 <rbergeron> tee shirts ftw.
21:08:31 <wonderer> not shure about budget (is tight as allways) but as I said maybe mel, max or whoever can get something from behind someons desk ... we are "only" 10 people...
21:08:36 <mchua> wonderer: depends on how far our events budget stretches ;)
21:08:52 <wonderer> rbergeron: t-shirts, sorry. was just to give an example.
21:09:01 <mchua> wonderer: I'd say let's get everyone plane tickets and hotel rooms first and then see what we have left
21:09:18 <wonderer> maybe 10 BIG RH Coffee Mugs :-D
21:09:23 <asamaras> right to the point mchua
21:09:31 <wonderer> mchua: Ok.
21:09:35 <rbergeron> no, i was just saying tee-shirts are awesome.
21:09:47 <rbergeron> something easily stuffable. pens are small too. :)
21:09:48 <mchua> okeydokey.
21:09:52 <mchua> Anything else?
21:09:57 <mchua> We're a bit over time today ;)
21:10:30 * mchua starts countdown again
21:10:32 * rbergeron has nothing left!
21:10:34 <asamaras> start the countdown
21:10:36 <mchua> wonderer: all set?
21:10:44 <wonderer> yes, you can ;-)
21:11:06 <mchua> 5!
21:11:08 <mchua> 4!
21:11:09 <mchua> 3!
21:11:10 <mchua> 2!
21:11:11 <mchua> 1!
21:11:14 <mchua> 0.5!
21:11:17 <mchua> (thanks everyone!)
21:11:19 <mchua> #endmeeting