08:18:51 <lili_> #startmeeting
08:18:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Dec  4 08:18:51 2009 UTC.  The chair is lili_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
08:18:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
08:19:27 <lili_> I am not familiar with these commands
08:19:36 <rhe> zodbot can help you save the logs.
08:19:42 <lili_> ok
08:19:53 <rhe> Commands like #info #action #agreed #topic
08:20:11 <lili_> ok,thinks. Martin, did you see my mail?
08:20:37 <mgracik> lili_: yes i did
08:21:10 <lili_> we want everyone to give their ideas to this project
08:22:05 <lili_> so we can figure out some topics and organize to discuss them
08:22:28 <lili_> mgracik, do you like to do that next time?
08:23:00 <mgracik> lili_: yeah, sure, i will try :)
08:23:49 <lili_> great,actually I am not familiar with all these things too. but hurry did lots in advance
08:24:02 <lili_> we can learn from her
08:24:13 <rhe> next week lili_ and I will leave for training, so I think next time is the week after next.
08:24:32 <lili_> yes, it should be Nov 18
08:24:41 <rhe> Nov?
08:24:58 <lili_> sorry, should be Dec 18 :)
08:25:19 <lili_> I always live in past time
08:25:26 <rhe> right.;-)
08:25:47 <mgracik> ok :)
08:26:23 <lili_> #topic Previous meeting follow-up
08:26:26 <rhe> ok.
08:26:44 <lili_> do you have something to say about the last meeting?
08:26:54 <lili_> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2009-11-27/fedora-meeting.2009-11-27-08.29.html
08:27:19 <rhe> yes
08:27:21 <lili_> I saw that Hurry had some updates to the wiki
08:27:52 <lili_> and we sent that to jlaska for review,but did not get reply yet
08:28:11 <rhe> we did some updates. But James did not respond us, so I guess we can continue.
08:28:51 <lili_> ok, I really want to get the problem space fixed this week
08:29:03 <mgracik> what do you mean with fixed?
08:29:09 <lili_> because we spent too much time in discussion
08:29:44 <rhe> I refered to your problem space in email lili_, and I think yours are better for writing test cases in the next step.
08:29:53 <lili_> means the problem space is done,we can go to next step
08:30:52 <lili_> rhe, put that to test cases?
08:30:57 <rhe> But if we can combine yours and mine, it could be better.
08:31:01 <rhe> :)
08:31:36 <rhe> no, I mean yours are more similar to 'israwhidebroken'
08:31:47 <lili_> ok, we can combine them and let James to give some modify
08:33:05 <mgracik> i'm ok with what you have
08:33:06 <rhe> Do you mean putting them together?
08:33:38 <mgracik> i have nothing to add for now, i'm sure some stuff will come up in the process...
08:33:40 <lili_> yes,combine your and mine
08:33:45 <lili_> does it work?
08:34:32 <rhe> Wow, the page will be too long then...
08:35:19 <lili_> I think it is no matter, it's just a draft, we can modify it later
08:35:32 <lili_> or do you have some good ideas?
08:36:29 <rhe> okay. So far I don't have other ideas, but to think about the next steps, I like yours.
08:36:42 <lili_> ok
08:37:30 <lili_> mgracik, we are trying to define a system,but we have no need to develop a system like that
08:37:58 <mgracik> like what?
08:38:12 <lili_> mgracik, we just need to develop a mini-system first and then we expand it little by little
08:38:27 <lili_> like in the problem space
08:38:58 <lili_> we defined a lot, but we only make the DVD work first
08:39:19 <mgracik> yeah
08:39:23 <mgracik> agreed
08:39:28 <lili_> we resolve the remaining after the DVD
08:39:38 <rhe> yes, so what's the next step? write test case?
08:40:21 <lili_> I am not sure, we need to design a framework first? or to develop test cases
08:40:35 <mgracik> i would go with the framework
08:41:26 <rhe> But I think James' idea is write solution first like https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Rawhide_Acceptance_Test_Plan
08:41:27 <lili_> mgracik, if we start to develop this system ,what problems we should solve first
08:42:39 <lili_> rhe, not a bad idea
08:42:53 <mgracik> first? how to create and run virtual machines automatically
08:43:44 <lili_> you mean to get familiar with the API of libvirt?
08:45:00 <lili_> I mean do we need to design the framework? to make it be compatible with CD/LiveCd etc..
08:45:19 <mgracik> is there some framework we can use?
08:45:36 <lili_> that framework can solve i386/x86_64 etc...
08:45:57 <rhe> Can we use autotest ?
08:46:03 <lili_> the libvirt team have some framework,I can get the code
08:46:27 <rhe> but libvirt can't do the graphical testing, can it?
08:46:44 <lili_> rhe, I think we can use some of their code
08:47:00 <lili_> yes, it can not
08:47:19 <rhe> okay.
08:47:45 <lili_> as we discussed last time, we only use kickstart to install a DVD for version 1
08:48:00 <mgracik> yes
08:48:55 <lili_> now, we have these tasks need to do
08:49:29 <lili_> 1. the problems did not get done
08:49:41 <rhe> hmm...do you mean we use libvirt at first?
08:49:46 <rhe> or just some codes?
08:49:52 <lili_> yes
08:50:04 <rhe> which?
08:50:17 <lili_> 2. as Hurry said, we need a test plan and to think about the test cases
08:50:29 <lili_> at :https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Rawhide_Acceptance_Test_Plan
08:50:54 <lili_> 3. the framework to design and get some code
08:51:02 <lili_> am I correct?
08:51:38 <rhe> yep, and we 've discussed no.1.
08:51:50 <lili_> if possible, we choose one for each other and start to do this work
08:52:42 <mgracik> ok
08:53:18 <lili_> rhe, mgracik  which one do you like?
08:53:28 <rhe> but No.1 is already well drafted. we can't do much before James.
08:53:42 <lili_> ok
08:54:36 <lili_> how about rhe and me to figure out the test plan and test cases,mgracik, you design the framework
08:54:47 <lili_> I will get some code and give them to you
08:55:12 <mgracik> lili_: yeah, that would be cool
08:55:15 <lili_> and get some examples from libvirt team?
08:55:20 <rhe> I could write pass/fail criteria and test case.
08:55:25 <mgracik> ok
08:55:34 <lili_> ok, agree,
08:56:13 <rhe> deal.
08:56:36 <lili_> ok, anything else?
08:56:50 <rhe> can you use #action to make some notes?
08:57:00 <lili_> sorry :)
08:57:16 <lili_> #action <rhe> I could write pass/fail criteria and test case.
08:57:51 <lili_> #action  mgracik will design the framework
08:58:22 <rhe> And please combine the problem space on website. Thanks.
08:58:48 <lili_> #action lili will figure out some test cases and finish test plan along with rhe,lili also will get framework code from libvirt team to mgracik
08:59:18 <lili_> #action lili will  combine the problem space on website
08:59:43 <lili_> #action mgracik will organize the topic next time
09:00:17 <lili_> if nothing else ,end the meeting?
09:00:27 <rhe> I'm ok with it.
09:00:50 <mgracik> i'm ok too
09:00:57 <mgracik> next meeting in 2 weeks
09:01:02 <lili_> yes
09:01:06 <lili_> Dec 18
09:01:15 <rhe> See you both. bbl:)
09:01:33 <lili_> bye
09:01:34 <lili_> #endmeeting