20:09:50 <liknus> #startmeeting 20:09:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 2 20:09:50 2009 UTC. The chair is liknus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:09:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:10:06 <liknus> #meetingtopic EMEA Ambassadors Meeting 20:10:15 <liknus> #topic Rollcall 20:10:26 <liknus> .fas ppapadeas 20:10:27 <zodbot> liknus: ppapadeas 'Papadeas Pierros' <ppapadeas@gmail.com> 20:10:40 <liknus> Please state your name for rollcall's sake :) 20:10:48 <spevack> kital is in India, so he probably is asleep 20:10:52 <spevack> .fas mspvack 20:10:52 <zodbot> spevack: 'mspvack' Not Found! 20:10:56 <spevack> .fas mspevack 20:10:57 <zodbot> spevack: mspevack 'Max Spevack' <mspevack@redhat.com> 20:11:23 <bochecha> .fas bochecha 20:11:24 <zodbot> bochecha: bochecha 'Mathieu Bridon' <mathieu.bridon@gmail.com> 20:11:31 <sspreitzer> .fas sspreitzer 20:11:32 <zodbot> sspreitzer: sspreitzer 'Sascha Thomas Spreitzer' <sascha@spreitzer.name> 20:11:58 <alukin> .fas alukin 20:11:59 <zodbot> alukin: alukin 'Oleksiy Lukin' <lukin@stu.cn.ua> 20:12:24 <liknus> Many absences today, i guess 20:12:55 <liknus> Shall I move forward? 20:13:04 <spevack> yeah, let's 20:13:07 <liknus> #topic Announcements 20:13:20 <liknus> Any particular announcements from Famsco spevack ? 20:13:59 <spevack> I have a bunch of things to say, but they are on a bunch of different topics. 20:14:07 <spevack> should I just do that now, or save it for later/ 20:14:29 <liknus> I guess we could do it now and leave only events for later.. 20:14:35 <liknus> So go ahead :) 20:14:41 <spevack> ok 20:14:54 <spevack> Here are the things I want to discuss. 20:14:56 <spevack> (1) Funding 20:15:03 <spevack> (2) current status of swag and other stuff in EMEA 20:15:06 <spevack> (3) FAMSCO elections 20:15:14 <spevack> (4) FADs and FUDCons in EMEA next year 20:15:23 <spevack> So I'll start with funding. 20:15:34 <spevack> Yesterday was the first day of a new quarter for Red Hat from a finance point of view 20:15:39 <liknus> #topic Funding of EMEA region 20:15:48 <spevack> which means that my team -- Community Architecture -- has a new set of budget that we need to spend. 20:16:02 <spevack> We've got an order in for F12 live CDs and DVDs that will be used in EMEA 20:16:10 <liknus> #info spevack reminds us for the new fiscal period 20:16:13 <spevack> I asked for quotes for either 2,000 or 3,000 depending on cost. 20:16:28 <spevack> so we'll have f12 media for the region. 20:16:49 <liknus> Any schedule on that? 20:16:51 <spevack> We'll figure out how to have it spread out and shipped to a few key ambassadors in the region, who can then spread it around further 20:17:00 <spevack> I hope all of the media is in people's hands by Christmas. 20:17:10 <spevack> It's taking a bit longer this time than I want, and I apologize for that. 20:17:14 <bochecha> spevack, no need for france, we already produced 1000 of them 20:17:17 <spevack> ok 20:17:22 <spevack> good to know, bochecha 20:17:35 <liknus> Italy and Greece need fot Release Events 20:17:47 <liknus> but Xmas is after that :( 20:18:07 <spevack> shit... maybe we can get it done faster -- I will send another email today and poke people 20:18:11 <sspreitzer> i can spread some arround munich and in bavaria and basle, zurich and switzerland 20:18:27 <sspreitzer> lets say Alps ;) 20:18:57 <liknus> 12 Dec for Greece and Italy is ok i see...16 Jan 20:19:02 <spevack> We also have probably, as a starting point, 2500 EUR to spend on "other random stuff" 20:19:11 <liknus> so if it is only for us dont bother :) 20:19:14 <spevack> We're going to make some case badges for the whole world, as you guys saw on fedora-ambassadors-list 20:19:23 <alukin> may be I need about 70-100 for north Ukraine though we already had event at 27. Nov. with home-made DVDs but people keep asking 32bit DVDs 20:19:24 <spevack> and we'll have some of those sent to Europe -- a few thousand. 20:19:42 <spevack> And then I want to spend about 2500 EUR additional in the region, so I'm not sure what sorts of things are at the top of the wish list. 20:19:56 <spevack> But if we have a "shopping list" for the region, we can then figure out priorities and start buying what we need 20:19:59 <spevack> EOF 20:20:05 <liknus> spevack, i guess swag for main events like Fosdem 20:20:17 <spevack> exactly 20:20:17 <liknus> Flyers, buttons and stickers 20:20:28 <sspreitzer> spevack, new tshirts for the new ambassadors? 20:20:30 <sspreitzer> ;) 20:20:31 <spevack> I think one good action item would be to talk to Frederic Hornian and see what swag he needs for FOSDEM, so we can get it created. 20:20:35 <alukin> red hats of course are at top of wish list :) 20:20:38 <liknus> We can begin to get some quotes 20:20:49 <spevack> sspreitzer: i think kital was already handling new tshirts -- we need to ask him when he gets back from India 20:20:57 <sspreitzer> ah good 20:21:00 <liknus> #action liknus contact Fsdem event owner abour swag needs 20:21:31 <liknus> Shall we also start a quote period till next meeting on key items? 20:21:33 <spevack> actually, I think it would be a good idea to have a meeting on IRC where we talk about ONLY fosdem, and invite everyone who is planning on attending 20:22:02 <liknus> spevack, thats a good idea but when shoudl this happen 20:22:14 <spevack> next Wednesday? 20:22:19 <spevack> whenever Frederic can make it :) 20:22:21 <liknus> I mean some things need to be taken into account last minute 20:22:25 <liknus> Ah ok 20:22:31 <liknus> i guess it could work 20:22:42 <spevack> liknus: I'll take the action to organize that meeting 20:22:54 <liknus> #undo 20:22:54 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x2b2d3a9959d0> 20:23:00 <spevack> #action spevack set up an IRC meeting about FOSDEM with all the folks and leaders 20:23:05 <liknus> nice :) 20:23:32 * spevack looks at the rest of his list. 20:23:42 <alukin> I'd like to come but I need visa in EU so who I can ask to help with? 20:24:01 <liknus> Where are you from? 20:24:07 <alukin> Ukraine 20:24:25 <sspreitzer> alukin, I can try to help you with the Schengen visa 20:24:36 <spevack> sspreitzer: that would be great 20:24:46 <liknus> hm... spevack can RH Germany have someone invited? 20:25:06 <sspreitzer> i think its a normal tourist visa 20:25:11 <sspreitzer> no problem for 3 months 20:25:14 <liknus> #action sspreitzer helps alukin with visa 20:25:24 <spevack> if sspreitzer runs into problems, we'll see what RH can do 20:25:33 <liknus> fair enough :) 20:25:40 <alukin> sspreitzer, thnks, I'll write you e-mail 20:25:43 <sspreitzer> good 20:25:58 <liknus> Shall we move to the next item? 20:26:24 <spevack> sure 20:26:34 <spevack> Next item is the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee Elections 20:26:34 <liknus> #topic Status of swag 20:26:39 <liknus> op 20:26:40 <Southern_Gentlem> sorry but is EMEA interested in the case badges? 20:26:55 <spevack> sorry liknus, I thought we had finished the swag talk :) 20:26:59 <alukin> yes I am of course 20:27:02 <spevack> Southern_Gentlem: yeah, EMEA is in on the case badges :) 20:27:08 <spevack> as we predicted yesterday 20:27:26 <spevack> any other swag discussions? 20:27:38 <alukin> A lot of our students will be glad to put it on notebooks with Fedora 20:27:45 <liknus> nope i guess...just reminder 20:27:47 <liknus> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/wiki/Inventory 20:28:30 <liknus> #topic FamSCo Eleactions 20:28:39 <spevack> Ok, I just wanted to remind people that the famsco election is coming up 20:28:51 <spevack> FAMSCo is the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee for anyone who is new. 20:29:11 <sspreitzer> what is it about? 20:29:14 <spevack> While we try to make sure that the regional ambassador groups have a lot of freedom, FAMSCO does serve an important purpose 20:29:24 <spevack> in making sure that we keep different regions communicating with each other 20:29:30 <liknus> We covered that on our previous meeting but I think none is here from the previous meeting :P 20:29:33 <spevack> and that we have funding, and global Ambassador policies that make sense 20:29:38 <spevack> A few links: 20:29:45 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee/Election/2009Nominations 20:29:57 <spevack> We had two town hall meetings, which people will find interesting to read, especially if you want more information 20:30:02 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meetings:Town_Hall_FAmSCo_2009-11-28_1800 20:30:06 <spevack> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-townhall/2009-11-30/famsco-townhall.2009-11-30-17.58.log.html 20:30:30 <spevack> It's important to vote, that's all I want to say. 20:30:35 <sspreitzer> ok 20:30:36 <liknus> The town hall meetings are discussions with the nominees on various subjects 20:30:55 <liknus> spevack, some schedule on that? 20:30:59 * spevack looks 20:31:20 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections#Committee_Elections_Schedule 20:31:25 <spevack> Elections start December 8 20:32:03 <spevack> EOF from mee 20:32:09 <spevack> er, me :) 20:32:48 <liknus> I dont have sth to add on FamSCo elections, so i guess we sahll move to our next topic 20:33:02 <sspreitzer> yes 20:33:06 <spevack> The last thing that is very much on my mind, but that we won't go into too much detail today, is starting to figure out the Fedora Activity Days for next year 20:33:09 <spevack> and FUDCon in EMEA. 20:33:16 <liknus> #topic FAD's and FUDCON on EMEA next year 20:33:17 <spevack> I know that red_alert was asking about FUDCon yesterday 20:33:26 <spevack> and it's the time of year where we need to start to figure out some real details. 20:33:47 <spevack> so, I'm going to be figuring out some sort of way to discuss this stuff on a global level, and then we'll see where we go from there. 20:33:50 <liknus> Unfortunately none from the candidates are here 20:34:06 <spevack> So really, my point in this meeting is "stay tuned" and "start thinking about what sort of Fedora Activity Days you might want to see in EMEA next year. 20:34:06 <cwickert> candidates? for what? 20:34:26 * cwickert is sorry for being late 20:34:32 <liknus> for hosting FUDCON 20:34:38 <cwickert> ah, I see 20:34:53 <spevack> cwickert: he means red_alert or others who were volunteering to do a lot of the work depending on the location 20:34:58 <liknus> We (as Fedora Greece) are looking for an FAD on September 20:35:02 <cwickert> first question: where will FUDCon take place? 20:35:05 <spevack> this is a conversation that we need to have in a much more organized way, and that we'll have later. 20:35:14 <spevack> cwickert: no decision yet -- the conversation will start soon, and in public, by me. 20:35:22 <cwickert> ok, fine 20:35:23 <spevack> because we need to try to plan all of next year's fudcons 20:35:26 <spevack> not just one at a time. 20:35:33 <spevack> so it's really a global conversation 20:35:37 <cwickert> right 20:35:38 <spevack> and I need to start it soon :) 20:35:47 <cwickert> ok, then for FADs 20:36:14 <cwickert> liknus: what are your plans for greece? 20:36:17 <spevack> FADs are much more regional :) 20:36:22 <liknus> Shall we do anything special? apart from mentioning it on Wiki etc 20:36:42 <spevack> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_FAD 20:36:45 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_FAD 20:36:46 <liknus> We are seeing a 2 days hackfest combined with presentations and translation sessions 20:37:32 <cwickert> liknus: anything you are going to fokus on? 20:37:35 <liknus> We have the venue (my university) and many new members are eager to help 20:38:14 <liknus> Mainly translations and stressing out the universal factor of Fedora community 20:38:23 <spevack> sounds great 20:38:34 <cwickert> ok, we are thinking about doing a FAD next year in the rhine-ruhr area, possibly at düsseldorf 20:38:39 <spevack> also great 20:39:00 <cwickert> we will focus on technical things such as Xfce and geany 20:39:07 <spevack> brilliant! 20:39:10 <spevack> any idea of when? 20:39:16 <cwickert> not yet 20:39:19 <sspreitzer> maybe Munich too, i need to investigate that 20:39:30 <cwickert> I think 2 quarter may be fine 20:39:36 <sspreitzer> include several LUG of the area, etc... 20:39:39 <red_alert> sandro mathys (red) 20:39:45 <cwickert> first quarter there is already lots of events 20:39:54 <sspreitzer> ok 20:40:10 <alukin> we're planing 2 events: middle March and middel May in Chernigiv, Ukraine 20:40:27 <cwickert> what topics? 20:40:46 <alukin> first focused on virtualization in Fedora, and secons - on teaching with FOSS 20:40:52 <liknus> We are talking about FAD alukin, we shall discuss other events later :) 20:40:54 <spevack> well, i'm glad to see that there are some ideas already, and that they are for things other than just Ambassadors, so it's really great. Let's continue making them happen. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD 20:41:24 <liknus> #action liknus adds Greece FAD 2010 on wiki and starts local management 20:41:50 * spevack has said everything that was on his mind 20:41:51 <spevack> EOF 20:42:06 <spevack> one more thing -- I miss you guys! It was fun living in Europe for 1.5 years :) 20:42:18 <heffer> and we miss you 20:42:22 <cwickert> spevack: we miss you too 20:42:23 <liknus> We miss you too spevack :) 20:42:28 <spevack> awwwww 20:42:31 <red_alert> spevack: you're welcome to come back any time ;) 20:42:34 <heffer> but i'll be able to meet you in a few days :) 20:42:38 <LinuxCode> spevack, come to the UK, we will have you 20:42:45 <cwickert> there is a giant gap now that spevack has left 20:42:48 <spevack> I'll see you guys at FOSDEM 20:42:57 <spevack> we have to find somewhere to watch the Super Bowl :P 20:43:03 <sspreitzer> yeah, great 20:43:05 <LinuxCode> spevack, London 20:43:21 <LinuxCode> watch it at wembly... 20:43:23 <spevack> cwickert: part of that is my fault -- I have been so busy with the $EVERYTHING_ELSE part of my job since getting back to USA that I've fallen out of touch a bit on the EMEA stuff. I need to fix that 20:43:43 <liknus> spevack, we really need it too :) 20:43:52 <liknus> So moving on 20:44:04 <liknus> #topic Release Events 20:44:27 <liknus> spevack, now that you are here... what about the refurbishments on Release Events? 20:45:05 <spevack> liknus: same as everything else -- save receipts, write an event report, and I can either reimburse with PayPal directly, or Fedora EMEA e.V. can reimburse 20:45:23 <liknus> Ok nice to be mentioned :) 20:45:35 <liknus> We have 4 events left for EMEA region 20:45:46 <liknus> Tunisia, Greece, France and Italy 20:46:19 <liknus> Greece and France our covered and organized (as mentioned on previous meetings) 20:46:50 <liknus> We were unable to contact the Tunisia guys, but i guess if the needed us on anything they could find us 20:47:28 <liknus> And as far as the Italy is concerned, its a month ahead so we are going to have another meeting till then :) 20:47:37 <liknus> So far the release events are going great 20:47:54 <liknus> Any one else something on release events? 20:49:10 <alukin> Where repostrs on events should be sent? 20:49:34 <liknus> On the fedora-ambassadors-list or on Fedora Planet via your blog 20:49:51 <MrTom> when does the tunisian event happens 20:49:55 <liknus> and as always you should mention them on the wiki page of the event 20:50:11 <MrTom> the tunisian guy asked me yesterday for sharing OpenOffice presentations 20:50:12 <liknus> MrTom, 3 days from now on 5 Dec 20:50:34 <MrTom> omg 20:50:34 <MrTom> ok 20:51:03 <liknus> Thanks MrTom for taking care of it :) 20:51:21 <MrTom> is there any information your need from him ? 20:51:38 <liknus> A report of the event could be just nice :) 20:51:54 <MrTom> ok i'll ask him 20:52:17 <liknus> There is also an event in Lagos registered in our Wiki 20:52:27 <liknus> Any idea anyone on that? 20:53:24 <liknus> It doesnt seem like Fedora-user organized and no nick is mentioned. So I guess we shall move to our next topic :) 20:53:52 <liknus> #topic Review items from Previous Meeting 20:53:53 <spevack> i guess so :) 20:54:01 <liknus> #liknk http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2009-11-18/fedora-meeting.2009-11-18-20.12.html 20:54:09 <liknus> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2009-11-18/fedora-meeting.2009-11-18-20.12.html 20:54:55 <liknus> zoltahn could not attend us today so we cant now on his item 20:55:27 <liknus> On action item d. biertie has taken care of it 20:55:44 <liknus> On action item e. alukin 20:56:27 <liknus> alukin, i guess you were talking about the event you mentioned earlier 20:57:02 <alukin> It was great and report in Russian is on http://cs.stu.cn.ua/blogs/view.html?id=373 20:57:44 <liknus> Thats the photos : 20:57:46 <liknus> #link http://cs.stu.cn.ua/gallery.html?id=84 20:57:59 <alukin> It was very first our experience but everything went OK and people keeps asking for next events 20:58:24 <liknus> Nice job alukin :) Keep it up :) 20:58:43 <alukin> I do not know is it ok or not tyo have common meetings with Ubuntu people... 20:59:07 <bochecha> alukin, why not ? 20:59:12 <liknus> I guess it is ok :) 20:59:20 <alukin> Indeed why not :) 20:59:25 <bochecha> I hope so, we have one each month 20:59:43 <liknus> Just try to emphasize, what sets fedora apart 21:00:18 <liknus> On our next item a took care of it (mentioning the Greek Release Party on wiki) 21:00:26 <alukin> Sure! Ialways make it clear and btw Feodra is promary OS in our labs 21:00:45 <liknus> Nice alukin :) 21:01:03 <sspreitzer> good job alukin :) 21:01:23 <liknus> And finally on our last action item, spevack what about an ambassadors classroom ? 21:01:37 <spevack> What about it? Is it time to do another one? 21:01:38 <liknus> Could we arrange it? 21:01:43 <spevack> Sure! 21:01:51 <sspreitzer> is that the wording for training? 21:01:57 <alukin> thnks! Local buisnesses helped us with Fedora disks so we had about 100 for attenders 21:02:01 <liknus> I think we have enough new ambassadors in EMEA region :) 21:02:24 <spevack> I have all the notes from the previous ones -- I'll put them on a wiki page if I haven't already done so -- and we'll make it happen. 21:02:24 <spevack> #action spevack to run an ambassadors classroom session 21:03:02 <sspreitzer> er guys 21:03:10 <sspreitzer> whats that classroom ? 21:03:19 <sspreitzer> ambassador training? 21:03:47 <liknus> spevack, could you please send at least two reminders on that on the list? (because some want it early some want it late) 21:03:56 <bochecha> sspreitzer, we have an IRC channel for classrooms: #fedora-classroom 21:04:06 <bochecha> sspreitzer, there, people give training about various subjects 21:04:09 <spevack> sure :) 21:04:23 <spevack> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom 21:04:28 <sspreitzer> bochecha, ok 21:04:34 <sspreitzer> spevack, thanks 21:04:44 <liknus> It's kinda training for new (and not only) ambassadors just to keep up with the global policies, practices etc 21:05:14 <liknus> I am done with the action items from the previous meeting 21:05:24 <liknus> #topic Open Floor 21:06:05 <liknus> Anyone that has something to say bout the Ambassadors on EMEA region should step up now :) 21:06:16 * liknus lingering for a couple of minutes 21:06:59 <spevack> I'm all set -- Thanks for running the meeting, liknus 21:07:11 <cwickert> yeah, good job liknus 21:07:17 <heffer> thank you 21:07:24 <liknus> np spevack :) I am always happy to serve the community :) 21:07:25 <cwickert> one moment 21:07:29 <cwickert> I have somethink 21:07:37 <LinuxCode> me too 21:07:44 <liknus> cwickert, 21:07:54 <cwickert> we were looking for a place to host event pics 21:08:12 <alukin> We plan 2 day event in May 2010 on teching with Linux and FOSS and I'd like to invite pople from EU universities to give presentations 21:08:22 <cwickert> so what about setting up an instance of gallery2 at pictures.fedoraproject.org or something? 21:08:34 <cwickert> just like blogs.fedoraproject.org 21:08:46 <alukin> Could anyone suggest me good contacts? 21:08:46 <LinuxCode> cwickert, I think somebody in FI was brewing something up to allow that 21:08:48 <liknus> cwickert, you are talking about gallery.fedoraproject.org that Nicu mentioned? 21:08:58 <bochecha> cwickert, I think the design team is already investigating on a gallery solution 21:09:15 <cwickert> ok, nice to see someone else already had this idea 21:09:21 <cwickert> alukin then? 21:09:38 <liknus> Sorry it was Chitlesh and not NIcu 21:10:19 <cwickert> ok, I'll get in contact with him 21:10:30 <liknus> There is already a temporary one 21:10:32 <liknus> #link http://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/gallery2/main.php 21:10:34 <alukin> I'd like to discuss what are possibilities of colaboration for instance in EU Temus project and similar projects 21:10:45 <cwickert> alukin: your event is going to take place where? 21:10:51 <liknus> But needs to be finalized and possibly conected with the new community portal 21:10:52 <cwickert> and when? 21:11:20 <alukin> MAy be we'll find some common interests. And it is interesting for Ukrainian teaches and students to hear how FOSS is used in EU universities 21:11:34 <alukin> When is appr. May, 17 21:11:50 <alukin> Exact date will be known next week 21:12:20 <liknus> alukin, possibly some ambassadors with University experience could come over 21:12:38 <alukin> Where: Chenigiv, Ukraine, State Technological university 21:13:20 <alukin> Chernigiv is 1h20min from Borispol int. airport 21:14:13 <liknus> Maybe you could create a wiki page for the event and ask for any suggestions from the ambassadors-list ? 21:14:53 <alukin> Yes, good idea. Thnks. As soon I will know exact date, next nomday 21:15:00 <liknus> alukin, shall i make it an action item? 21:15:14 <alukin> Yes 21:15:43 <liknus> #action alukin starts a wiki page on Ukrainian event and asks suggestions on the list 21:15:50 <liknus> nice :) 21:16:17 <liknus> LinuxCode, go ahead 21:16:33 <LinuxCode> can we please clarify the meeting times on the wiki ? 21:16:43 <LinuxCode> it states, 2nd Wednesday 21:16:50 <liknus> by clarify you mean? 21:16:53 <LinuxCode> this is the first Wednesday of the month 21:17:17 <LinuxCode> well, either state some dates, so people know what is the second Wednesday 21:17:21 <liknus> Every other Wed would be more appropriate? 21:17:29 <LinuxCode> or say 1st and 3rd Wednesday every month 21:17:41 <liknus> Thats not always the case LinuxCode 21:17:57 <liknus> Its note the same to say that 21:17:59 <LinuxCode> well, I am open for suggestions 21:18:08 <liknus> I shall make it " Every second Wed" 21:18:30 <liknus> or not? 21:18:31 <LinuxCode> yes, but specify a date so people can extrapolate 21:18:35 <LinuxCode> hehe 21:18:44 <liknus> We always specify the next one 21:18:52 <LinuxCode> go by week number, for instance 21:18:56 <LinuxCode> ;-} 21:19:32 <liknus> Yeap, but the only meeting organized is always "the next one" 21:19:46 <liknus> So what's the point on that? 21:19:48 <inode0> it is every other wednesday isn't it? 21:19:57 <liknus> yeap inode0 21:20:04 <LinuxCode> inode0, it says every second wednesday 21:20:14 <liknus> I mean flexibility on that could be vital for our meetings :) 21:20:16 <LinuxCode> today is the first wednesday of the month 21:20:28 <LinuxCode> how are people going to tell when it is ? 21:20:35 <inode0> yeah, saying every other is more clear but not helpful about when the next one will be :) 21:20:48 <LinuxCode> guess why I joined late ;-p 21:20:59 <LinuxCode> I thought itisnt the 2nd Wednesday 21:21:00 <bochecha> LinuxCode, every second wednesday means that one wednesday there is, the next wednesday there isn't, then the next wednesday there is,... 21:21:03 <liknus> You are right on the present stating though 21:21:21 <alukin> It's fine for me just to get reminder by mailist 21:21:24 <LinuxCode> bochecha, and I will be psychic to figure out what is the 2nd ? 21:21:25 <inode0> or it could mean the 2nd wed each month 21:21:48 <liknus> ok I shall correct it to an more appropriate description 21:21:50 <bochecha> LinuxCode, no, you read liknus' announcement on the mailing list :) 21:21:54 <LinuxCode> liknus, thanks 21:22:15 <liknus> #action liknus clarifies the meeting schedule on wiki 21:22:29 <liknus> Anything else anyone? 21:22:41 <LinuxCode> bochecha, despite the factm that I clearly stated that people should subscribe to the mailing list. 21:22:48 <LinuxCode> I guarantee you, many have not 21:22:50 <LinuxCode> ;-p 21:23:20 <LinuxCode> liknus, thank you 21:23:41 <liknus> no problem LinuxCode :) 21:24:04 <liknus> OK. Thanks everone for attending! See ya in two weeks :) 21:24:24 <liknus> er, everyone :) 21:24:38 <liknus> #endmeeting