
#fedora-meeting: KDE SIG Meeting -- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE/Meetings/2009-07-21

Meeting started by rdieter at 14:10:53 UTC. (full logs)
14:11:05 Topic: Role Call
14:11:12 Topic: Roll Call
14:12:42 Topic: should we support old artwork + fedora system logo
14:35:15 Topic: defining @critical-path-kde group (task delegated to the SIG for each spin by FESCo)
14:55:46 Topic: Open Discussion
Meeting ended at 15:00:39 UTC. (full logs)

Action Items

Action Items, by person
    1. (none)

People Present (lines said):
  1. Kevin_Kofler (65)
  2. jreznik (35)
  3. rdieter (29)
  4. than (9)
  5. nicubunu (7)
  6. SMParrish (4)
  7. thomasj (2)
  8. tk009 (2)
  9. jwb (2)
  10. ltinkl (1)
  11. adamw (1)
  12. G (1)

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