08:07:48 <decauseDevConf> #startmeeting 2016
08:07:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Feb  5 08:07:48 2016 UTC.  The chair is decauseDevConf. Information about MeetBot at
08:07:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
08:07:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'devconf.cz_2016'
08:07:57 <decauseDevConf> #topic Tim Burke
08:08:18 <decauseDevConf> first of all, thank you brno team
08:08:26 <decauseDevConf> they've always put on a great event
08:08:30 <decauseDevConf> this ia a new preso for me
08:08:37 <decauseDevConf> usually, when I do keynote, it' a tech roadmap
08:08:41 <decauseDevConf> but this is different
08:08:49 <decauseDevConf> if you see me, tell me if it was good/bad :P
08:09:01 <decauseDevConf> #topic RockStar Recipe
08:09:08 <decauseDevConf> I've seen thousands of engineerings, literally
08:09:13 <decauseDevConf> I've got a "top 10": list
08:09:18 <decauseDevConf> for what makes an aewsome engineer
08:09:25 <decauseDevConf> it applies to pretty much anyone
08:09:29 <decauseDevConf> "why should you care?"
08:09:43 <decauseDevConf> it's about you, about your career, people who are hapy and good at it
08:09:51 <decauseDevConf> they are more pleasean when they go home
08:09:55 <decauseDevConf> think about how much time you spend at work
08:10:02 <decauseDevConf> you are important, and it is worth doing it right
08:10:09 <decauseDevConf> #topic Whoami
08:10:17 <decauseDevConf> I've been a kernel dev, a java dev
08:10:23 <decauseDevConf> I've done real work before being a manager
08:10:26 <decauseDevConf> *laughs*
08:10:39 <decauseDevConf> there are some rockstars in this room, and you can leanr from eachother, and build
08:10:53 <decauseDevConf> YOu hav e aprimary responsibility to your career
08:10:57 <decauseDevConf> managers want to help
08:11:04 <decauseDevConf> but no one should care more about your career than you
08:11:15 <decauseDevConf> many poeple hink, you read a job description, but it wasn't written just for you
08:11:18 <decauseDevConf> first thing
08:11:24 <decauseDevConf> one thin you can do, is tailor the role
08:11:26 <decauseDevConf> tweak it
08:11:38 <decauseDevConf> "there are some things that I'm good at, that I can do."
08:11:47 <decauseDevConf> it is about adding to your job
08:11:56 <decauseDevConf> when it comes toyour jobb, that is how they view you
08:11:57 <decauseDevConf> mainly
08:12:00 <decauseDevConf> 1) your output
08:12:10 <decauseDevConf> 2) your interaction style
08:12:15 <decauseDevConf> are your someone that other poeple like to work with
08:12:20 <decauseDevConf> most of these slides are about #2
08:12:31 <decauseDevConf> in your job, it is important to care about what you do
08:12:47 <decauseDevConf> if you don't liek what you are doing, don't do it. That is the worst for everyone. No one wants to be around that.
08:12:56 <decauseDevConf> there are so many roles and aopportunties and roles
08:13:03 <decauseDevConf> you can always move to another team
08:13:10 <decauseDevConf> You've heard of "garbage in, garbage out"
08:13:21 <decauseDevConf> if you don't care, you don't put in quality, you won't get quality out
08:13:27 <decauseDevConf> it is not just code, but enjoyment
08:13:35 <decauseDevConf> not to get too philosophical
08:13:36 <decauseDevConf> but
08:13:39 <decauseDevConf> you're neve rdone
08:13:41 <decauseDevConf> it's a journey
08:13:47 <decauseDevConf> you might as well enjoy what you do along the way
08:13:56 <decauseDevConf> Breadth is an option to depth
08:14:05 <decauseDevConf> many think doing one thing and sticking with it, is the only approach
08:14:07 <decauseDevConf> tha'ts fine
08:14:22 <decauseDevConf> but some poeple don't recognize, having expertise across many topics, that is also valuable.
08:14:34 <decauseDevConf> it is hard to find people in our industry to find folks with lots of exp in many areas
08:14:41 <decauseDevConf> doing differting things, takes courage too
08:14:46 <decauseDevConf> you have to be willing to grow
08:14:51 <decauseDevConf> growth isn'tj ust tech skill
08:15:02 <decauseDevConf> "hey, I"ll do kernel layer today, and netowrking tomo"
08:15:07 <decauseDevConf> it's about non-tech too
08:15:12 <decauseDevConf> organizing a project
08:15:15 <decauseDevConf> providing support
08:15:38 <decauseDevConf> when people move, it is sometimes lateral
08:15:47 <decauseDevConf> you won't be an expert in the places you move to if you are new
08:15:55 <decauseDevConf> but when you add those experiences up, it is a higher place
08:16:00 <decauseDevConf> #topic NObody likes trolls
08:16:09 <decauseDevConf> I'm gonna be the tough guy on th eML
08:16:21 <decauseDevConf> MY peers will look up to me for standing up to people
08:16:24 <decauseDevConf> no
08:16:31 <decauseDevConf> you're gonna look like a jerk
08:16:34 <decauseDevConf> "that won't work"
08:16:35 <decauseDevConf> vs
08:16:41 <decauseDevConf> proposing ideas
08:16:46 <decauseDevConf> being a problem solver
08:16:52 <decauseDevConf> #topic Trolls don't list
08:16:55 <decauseDevConf> #topic Trolls don't listen
08:17:00 <decauseDevConf> they are output only devices
08:17:08 <decauseDevConf> it's like a tenet of Open Source
08:17:12 <decauseDevConf> you start with someting and build
08:17:18 <decauseDevConf> you hear what others are doing
08:17:26 <decauseDevConf> and build
08:17:31 <decauseDevConf> iti jsut as important how you say it, than what you say
08:17:43 <decauseDevConf> ther is a tendency on ML to be more abrasive/terse, and not really show respect
08:17:50 <decauseDevConf> true rockstars show respect for others
08:17:58 <decauseDevConf> avoid slamming groups
08:18:04 <decauseDevConf> "Everyone on that team sucks."
08:18:10 <decauseDevConf> "Don't trust any of them"
08:18:17 <decauseDevConf> I'm a manager, I'm part of one of those groups
08:18:22 <decauseDevConf> *laughs*
08:18:30 <decauseDevConf> not everyone is awesome, but there are some in all teams
08:18:34 <decauseDevConf> #topic Human Touch
08:18:45 <decauseDevConf> it is easy to do everything done online
08:18:57 <decauseDevConf> sometimes, it is helpful to pick up a phone, or going to conferences
08:19:03 <decauseDevConf> devconf is a great example
08:19:12 <decauseDevConf> the "hallway track" is usually the best, some would say
08:19:30 <decauseDevConf> you may not realize that going to a party, but you are establishing bonds that make you more effective
08:19:38 <decauseDevConf> Rockstars tend to be more social
08:19:49 <decauseDevConf> #topic You don't have to get the last word always
08:20:05 <decauseDevConf> sometimes, often Junior folk, you can keep a ML going becuase you want to have last reply
08:20:15 <decauseDevConf> if you don't have constructive things to say, let it flame out
08:20:25 <decauseDevConf> talking to people aside, bringing folks to a common understanding,
08:20:29 <decauseDevConf> you dn't have to win all th etime
08:20:41 <decauseDevConf> if you can help shape their ideas indirectly, it often is more successful
08:20:50 <decauseDevConf> #topic Teams Get more done than individuals
08:21:04 <decauseDevConf> when you hear "rockstar" you think someone on stage doing a solo
08:21:19 <decauseDevConf> but a soccer, or futbol here, team can do more than one smart person
08:21:27 <decauseDevConf> Rockstars are good at working with other people
08:21:31 <decauseDevConf> it's not winner take all
08:21:35 <decauseDevConf> it is not one wins, one loses
08:21:38 <decauseDevConf> it is about working together
08:21:45 <decauseDevConf> #topic Sharing, Mentoring, Growing
08:21:54 <decauseDevConf> some think that being the only one that knows something is the best way
08:21:57 <decauseDevConf> "they can't fire me"
08:22:07 <decauseDevConf> a monopolist, someone who has to own all the toys
08:22:11 <decauseDevConf> they never make it out of the toybox
08:22:17 <decauseDevConf> Rockstars share their toys
08:22:23 <decauseDevConf> #topic Walking the Walk
08:22:34 <decauseDevConf> you can't expect more from others than you are willing to do yourself
08:22:42 <decauseDevConf> if you are nasty, you can't expect peopel to be nice on a ML
08:22:47 <decauseDevConf> if you're the first one to leave
08:22:50 <decauseDevConf> if you're the team lead
08:22:58 <decauseDevConf> you have to be willing to help other people on your team in other ways
08:23:07 <decauseDevConf> helping to test, or trying things out
08:23:18 <decauseDevConf> part of walking is that people are not the same
08:23:22 <decauseDevConf> there are diff skills
08:23:29 <decauseDevConf> some ar egood at test, docs, communitiy building
08:23:39 <decauseDevConf> treating people with respect, and being willing to work hard and set a good example
08:23:42 <decauseDevConf> peopel bring diff talents
08:23:51 <decauseDevConf> OS would not be successful without diff talents
08:23:58 <decauseDevConf> peopel working and walking together
08:24:06 <decauseDevConf> #topic Rockstars are customer focused
08:24:19 <decauseDevConf> "My job would be so much easier if customers didn't submit these stupid bug reports"
08:24:34 <decauseDevConf> something is only useful if people use it. Millions of applications
08:24:50 <decauseDevConf> if you code stuff, an dno one uses it, then that doesn't exist beyond academic exercise
08:24:56 <decauseDevConf> install and run your code
08:25:05 <decauseDevConf> sometimes, peopel hav ea small component, but part of a bigger application
08:25:11 <decauseDevConf> but they don't install and run the whol product
08:25:16 <decauseDevConf> they only do their tiny piece
08:25:33 <decauseDevConf> Rockstars have an appreciation for usability
08:25:39 <decauseDevConf> how the customer experience is
08:25:48 <decauseDevConf> as part of that, to prepare your code that works in the first place
08:25:55 <decauseDevConf> automated unit tests are core to a dev's job
08:26:10 <decauseDevConf> in the old days, you'd throw it over the wall, and the guys in QE will write tests
08:26:17 <decauseDevConf> these days, we have collaboration.
08:26:24 <decauseDevConf> Rockstars do CI and testing up front.
08:26:28 <decauseDevConf> they are part of your job
08:26:31 <decauseDevConf> that is what it takes
08:26:50 <decauseDevConf> #topic Managers don't have magic wands
08:26:57 <decauseDevConf> We don't have infinite budget
08:27:02 <decauseDevConf> we have finite constraints
08:27:07 <decauseDevConf> that doesn't mean don't talk to us
08:27:12 <decauseDevConf> we like to talk with you
08:27:21 <decauseDevConf> don't come with demands, come with ideas
08:27:26 <decauseDevConf> "do more of this, less of this"
08:27:32 <decauseDevConf> trade-off proposals work well
08:27:38 <decauseDevConf> phased approaches also work well
08:27:56 <decauseDevConf> it's about coming up with creative ideas, rather than dump problems on people's laps
08:28:05 <decauseDevConf> Release early and often
08:28:11 <decauseDevConf> raise issues early
08:28:24 <decauseDevConf> don't wait til code freeze to tell your manager you ar eway behind
08:28:42 <decauseDevConf> it is amazing how much more productive some people can be than others
08:28:46 <decauseDevConf> on the slide it says 3x
08:28:51 <decauseDevConf> but it can be more than that
08:29:14 <decauseDevConf> (decause wants to talk more about htis---rockstars in community don't scale like rockstar devs)
08:29:29 <decauseDevConf> leadership and coordination is one of hte hardest to find talents to find in our industry
08:29:39 <decauseDevConf> you don't have to come to the "darkside" to become a manager
08:29:45 <decauseDevConf> ther are opps for tech leads
08:29:51 <decauseDevConf> you can work with 2-3 other poeple to get more done
08:29:56 <decauseDevConf> to go to meetings for another team
08:30:07 <decauseDevConf> there are other layers, and other teams, and get familiar with what they do
08:30:10 <decauseDevConf> don't be afraid to do that
08:30:21 <decauseDevConf> it is always a scarce skill, poeple who can do that in cooperative ways
08:30:36 <decauseDevConf> #topic Career Unicorn
08:30:42 <decauseDevConf> the diff between a job and passion
08:30:58 <decauseDevConf> if you can find a job, where it's not just punching a clock to pay a mortgage or bills, that is really special
08:31:09 <decauseDevConf> Open Source provides us all a really unique opportuniy to land a unicorn job.
08:31:18 <decauseDevConf> people work in linux, and OS, it is used in so many ways
08:31:30 <decauseDevConf> OLPC that was trying to get computers to low-income people around the world
08:31:34 <decauseDevConf> we're not just selling stuff
08:31:42 <decauseDevConf> we're transforming the industry
08:31:44 <decauseDevConf> beyond our company
08:31:49 <decauseDevConf> Open Source is so unique
08:31:55 <decauseDevConf> we're in a unique profession
08:31:59 <decauseDevConf> #topic Summary
08:32:04 <decauseDevConf> there is no one right answer for everyone
08:32:11 <decauseDevConf> it's not "do this, that, this, and you're a rockstar"
08:32:24 <decauseDevConf> but htis shows, that they usually like what they do, they care, the put in passion
08:32:28 <decauseDevConf> passion in, rockstar out
08:32:38 <decauseDevConf> rockstars are team pleayers, not trolls, they don't snipe
08:32:46 <decauseDevConf> they have courage to step out of ocomofrmt zone
08:32:48 <decauseDevConf> and help other poeple
08:32:58 <decauseDevConf> through their exmaples, acan be inspirational to others
08:33:07 <decauseDevConf> some poeple think they aren't rockstars, and this doesn't apply to me
08:33:12 <decauseDevConf> not true
08:33:28 <decauseDevConf> all it takes, is playing well with others, growing, rexpecting others, and challenging yourself
08:33:43 <decauseDevConf> #topic It is a journey
08:33:49 <decauseDevConf> I've beeni in the biz for 30 years
08:33:53 <decauseDevConf> it goes by quick when you enjoy it
08:34:00 <decauseDevConf> bringing passion to you work, and working in strong teams
08:34:08 <decauseDevConf> it is constant effort, you never are done
08:34:15 <decauseDevConf> but it is worth the ride
08:34:30 <decauseDevConf> #endmeeting