
#fedora-meeting-2: CommOps

Meeting started by decause at 17:02:31 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. RollCall (decause, 17:03:30)
    1. decause, UTC-5, CommOps, Council, Ambassadors, Fedmsg (decause, 17:04:23)
    2. Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; CommOps / Marketing (Magazine) / Join / Ambassadors / and more (jflory7, 17:04:33)
    3. decause, UTC-5, all-the-things (decause, 17:04:58)
    4. bee2502 UTC+5.30 CommOps/Metrics/Badges/Elections (bee2502, 17:05:01)
    5. nb UTC-6 packaging, infrastructure, ambassadors, marketing, docs, etc (nb_, 17:06:00)
    6. danofsatx, Dan Mossor, UTC-6, CommOps, Ambassadors, QA, Server, KDE (danofsatx, 17:06:01)
    7. (jflory7, 17:07:52)

  2. Agenda (decause, 17:08:01)
    1. (jflory7, 17:08:06)

  3. Tickets (decause, 17:09:20)
    1. === Ticket #5 [ ] === (jflory7, 17:09:34)
    2. * Writing a beginner's guide for Trac (jflory7, 17:09:38)
    3. Will come later in 2016 (jflory7, 17:10:27)
    4. === Ticket #7 [ ] === (jflory7, 17:10:29)
    5. * Fedora Elections coverage (jflory7, 17:10:42)
    6. ACTION: jflory/decause reach out to magazine to make sure the twitter/jetpack is still hooked up properly (decause, 17:13:24)
    7. ACTION: decause look into really deploying wordcloudbot somewhere (ping infra team) (decause, 17:14:31)
    8. ACTION: jflory7 / decause Write quick summary of Elections and where to find all interviews (jflory7, 17:15:57)
    9. === Ticket #8 [ (decause, 17:19:00)
    10. * Community Blog + Flock bids: Getting word out on social media (decause, 17:19:10)
    11. Recent discussion on the mailing list: Is this still worth pursuing? (decause, 17:19:25)
    12. ACTION: decause ping Vienaa bidders for FLOCK 2016 bid updates (decause, 17:20:29)
    13. ACTION: commops update the "last call for flock bids" post with more suggestions (decause, 17:22:40)
    14. ACTION: commops promote updated "last call" post on social media (decause, 17:22:55)
    15. ACTION: commops promote updated "last call" post on Fedora Mail Lists (decause, 17:23:06)
    16. (jflory7, 17:25:56)
    17. === Ticket #9 [ (decause, 17:26:06)
    18. * Improve "What can I do for Fedora?" site - CommOps has a spot! (decause, 17:26:19)
    19. jflory7 is awesome (decause, 17:26:34)
    20. (jflory7, 17:27:12)
    21. === Ticket #10 [ (decause, 17:27:23)
    22. * CommOps vFAD 2016 (decause, 17:27:49)
    23. ACTION: decause talk to jkurik and maxamillion about when a vFAD would be most helpful in release cycle (decause, 17:29:00)
    24. === Ticket #11 [ (decause, 17:30:54)
    25. * Budgeting Site: Infra + Website collaboration (decause, 17:31:05)
    26. AGREED: threebean is a ninja (decause, 17:31:24)
    27. ACTION: decause ping robyduck about posting to websites list/trac (decause, 17:33:42)
    28. ACTION: decause ping fedora-infra about getting a pointer for (decause, 17:33:59)
    29. === Ticket #14 [ (decause, 17:34:38)
    30. * Redefining our "official" definition and purpose (decause, 17:34:51)

  4. WikiGardening (decause, 17:38:41)
    1. new members please add yourself to the commops wiki page :) (decause, 17:38:53)
    2. CommOps wiki page received a small makeover; please review at your leisure (jflory7, 17:38:54)
    3. CommBlog now has a wiki presence [ ] (jflory7, 17:39:07)
    4. ACTION: jflory7 add screenshot to wiki article (jflory7, 17:39:53)
    5. (jflory7, 17:41:13)

  5. Community Blog (jflory7, 17:42:37)
    1. === This Week in CommBlog === (jflory7, 17:42:37)
    2. * Election interviews, interviews, and more interviews! (jflory7, 17:42:37)
    3. === Coming Up in CommBlog === (jflory7, 17:43:04)
    4. * Year in Review introduction (jflory7, 17:43:09)
    5. ** (jflory7, 17:43:20)
    6. ACTION: jflory7 remember to include info about FOSDEM, Fedora presence, and talking fuel (jflory7, 17:46:02)
    7. (decause, 17:47:45)
    8. ACTION: jflory7 / decause ship FOSDEM Devroom call article ASAP (jflory7, 17:50:01)

  6. 5tftw (decause, 17:51:17)
    1. New 5tftw article went out on 2015-12-04 (decause, 17:51:31)
    2. (decause, 17:51:47)
    3. (jflory7, 17:52:04)
    4. HELP: More content needed, fill up the pad with more "5 Things in Fedora This Week" content: (decause, 17:52:31)
    5. ACTION: jflory7 5tftw: Remember LetsEncrypt news (jflory7, 17:53:04)

  7. Metrics (decause, 17:53:26)
    1. (decause, 17:54:01)
    2. (jflory7, 18:01:01)
    3. AGREED: Pull together a post-Elections metrics wrap-up (jflory7, 18:02:39)
    4. fedora-stats-tools: will use for our own metrics (jflory7, 18:04:58)

  8. Plumbing (jflory7, 18:05:13)
    1. * Hooking up email posting to CommBlog (jflory7, 18:05:26)

  9. Outreachy (jflory7, 18:06:21)
    1. any outreachy applicants from this cycle who want to solidify a mentor plan should email decause ** (jflory7, 18:06:29)

  10. Hubs (jflory7, 18:10:01)
    1. decause / threebean available in IRC to help bootstrap for Fedora Hubs (and on campus @ RIT) (jflory7, 18:11:54)

Meeting ended at 18:12:17 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jflory/decause reach out to magazine to make sure the twitter/jetpack is still hooked up properly
  2. decause look into really deploying wordcloudbot somewhere (ping infra team)
  3. jflory7 / decause Write quick summary of Elections and where to find all interviews
  4. decause ping Vienaa bidders for FLOCK 2016 bid updates
  5. commops update the "last call for flock bids" post with more suggestions
  6. commops promote updated "last call" post on social media
  7. commops promote updated "last call" post on Fedora Mail Lists
  8. decause talk to jkurik and maxamillion about when a vFAD would be most helpful in release cycle
  9. decause ping robyduck about posting to websites list/trac
  10. decause ping fedora-infra about getting a pointer for
  11. jflory7 add screenshot to wiki article
  12. jflory7 remember to include info about FOSDEM, Fedora presence, and talking fuel
  13. jflory7 / decause ship FOSDEM Devroom call article ASAP
  14. jflory7 5tftw: Remember LetsEncrypt news

Action items, by person

  1. decause
    1. jflory/decause reach out to magazine to make sure the twitter/jetpack is still hooked up properly
    2. decause look into really deploying wordcloudbot somewhere (ping infra team)
    3. jflory7 / decause Write quick summary of Elections and where to find all interviews
    4. decause ping Vienaa bidders for FLOCK 2016 bid updates
    5. decause talk to jkurik and maxamillion about when a vFAD would be most helpful in release cycle
    6. decause ping robyduck about posting to websites list/trac
    7. decause ping fedora-infra about getting a pointer for
    8. jflory7 / decause ship FOSDEM Devroom call article ASAP
  2. jflory7
    1. jflory7 / decause Write quick summary of Elections and where to find all interviews
    2. jflory7 add screenshot to wiki article
    3. jflory7 remember to include info about FOSDEM, Fedora presence, and talking fuel
    4. jflory7 / decause ship FOSDEM Devroom call article ASAP
    5. jflory7 5tftw: Remember LetsEncrypt news
  3. maxamillion
    1. decause talk to jkurik and maxamillion about when a vFAD would be most helpful in release cycle
    1. commops update the "last call for flock bids" post with more suggestions
    2. commops promote updated "last call" post on social media
    3. commops promote updated "last call" post on Fedora Mail Lists

People present (lines said)

  1. decause (185)
  2. jflory7 (138)
  3. bee2502 (20)
  4. danofsatx (13)
  5. zodbot (12)
  6. nb_ (3)
  7. maxamillion (3)
  8. lbazan (1)
  9. threebean (0)
  10. lmacken (0)
  11. keekri (0)
  12. mattdm (0)
  13. nb (0)

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