16:00:24 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM & AArch64 Status Meeting
16:00:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 17 16:00:24 2015 UTC.  The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:25 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen bconoboy pbrobinson dgilmore hrw jsmith dmarlin
16:00:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: bconoboy dgilmore dmarlin hrw jsmith pbrobinson pwhalen
16:00:48 <pwhalen> good morning everyone
16:00:53 * pbrobinson waves
16:00:55 <pwhalen> whos here today?
16:01:03 <hrw> o/
16:03:31 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Package Status & Issues  ====
16:03:41 <pwhalen> how do we look this week?
16:03:49 <hrw> systemd 227 crash: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1282392
16:03:53 <pbrobinson> not that great, big one is python3 boot strap
16:04:06 <pwhalen> #info systemd 227 crash: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1282392
16:04:28 <pbrobinson> I need to clean some of the core bits up I've just not had the time, that should then unblock us to move on
16:04:35 <dgilmore> hi
16:04:41 <pwhalen> morning dgilmore
16:04:44 <hrw> python3... ~curse lack of libpythonX.Y* package
16:05:20 <hrw> to build gdb we need gdb which needs libpython3.4m which is no longer present
16:05:40 <pbrobinson> hrw: yes, I know, I know also how to fix it
16:05:50 <hrw> pbrobinson: cool, thanks
16:05:57 <pwhalen> #info Big issue in progress is python3 boot strap. pbrobinson to clean some of the core bits that should unblock us.
16:06:49 <pwhalen> anything else worth mentioning?
16:07:17 <pbrobinson> not really that I'm aware of
16:07:50 <hrw> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1279285 for those who want virtualization under 4.4-rc kernels
16:08:17 <hrw> virt network needs editing until fix get into mainline
16:08:25 <pbrobinson> hrw: we'll test this closer now RC1 is out, although we need to catch up some userspace fixes to fix the kernel here
16:08:40 <hrw> sure
16:09:01 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ====
16:09:25 <pbrobinson> so 4.4rc1 is out, please test on ARMv7, should land for aarch64 this week
16:10:16 <pwhalen> #info Latest kernel-4.4.0-0.rc1.git0.1.fc24
16:10:23 <pbrobinson> a u-boot 2015.10 was built for F-23 today, not in updates-testing yet but please test and highlight any issues
16:10:29 <pwhalen> #link http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=699753
16:10:38 <pbrobinson> u-boot 2016.01rc1 should be built soon
16:10:45 <pbrobinson> in rawhide
16:10:57 <pwhalen> uboot is next topic
16:11:12 <pbrobinson> meh ;-)
16:11:28 <pwhalen> 4.4.0-0.rc0.git5.1.fc24.aarch64 failed to boot on the mustang
16:11:53 <hrw> pwhalen: boots in qemu
16:12:06 <pbrobinson> any logs/messages
16:12:06 <hrw> I am still on 4.3 on mustang
16:12:14 <pwhalen> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/291468/76710144/
16:12:17 <pwhalen> yea, was getting it
16:12:54 <pbrobinson> oh jesus
16:13:15 <pbrobinson> looks like in the blk stuff, there was some recent fixes for that, please retest when rc1 lands
16:13:32 <pwhalen> yea, will do..
16:14:28 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Uboot Status ====
16:14:44 <pbrobinson> ^^^^
16:14:56 <pbrobinson> a u-boot 2015.10 was built for F-23 today, not in updates-testing yet but please test and highlight any issues
16:15:08 <pbrobinson> u-boot 2016.01rc1 should be built soon in rawide
16:15:16 <pwhalen> so far, looks good on the bpi.. wandboard has some issues
16:16:06 <pwhalen> small issues, conflicting variable name for pxe boot name.. also an fdt issue when doing pxe as wlel
16:16:38 <pbrobinson> yes, so that's expected, a bunch of distro-defaults boot stuff landed upstream for some boards so we might have a bit of flex here
16:16:52 <pwhalen> #info please test and report issues to the list, on freenode or file a BZ.
16:17:03 <pbrobinson> the fdt issue is the existing one or a new one?
16:17:09 <pwhalen> im likely the only person to hit them
16:17:16 <pwhalen> existing.. was just hoping itd be fixed
16:17:29 <pwhalen> the pxe is just sloppy, so noones using it
16:17:45 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: we fixed mmc1 booting on wandboard, you don't get all the cookies at once!
16:18:14 <pwhalen> im going to inundate you guys with BZs :)
16:18:51 <pbrobinson> what EVAH!!! :-D
16:19:06 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== F24 Feature Requests/Ideas ====
16:19:08 <pwhalen> :)
16:19:17 <pwhalen> have we thought about this anymore?
16:19:25 <pbrobinson> yes!
16:19:27 <hrw> 32-on-64 was on list
16:19:28 <pbrobinson> Cookies!
16:19:46 <hrw> cookies with salmiak!
16:19:54 <pbrobinson> hrw: I have 32-on-64 working, it's not pretty, December is when I get time to clean it up
16:20:07 <pwhalen> 32 on 64 is working pretty good, ive been using a beefy 8 core 12G vm on the mustang
16:20:11 <pbrobinson> docker and qemu ( cloud) images are also on my list
16:20:18 <hrw> wow!
16:20:23 <pwhalen> its pretty
16:20:56 <hrw> by hand or via libvirt tools?
16:21:11 <pbrobinson> hrw: I'm working so we have have a u-boot "firmware" (like x86/aarch64) so there doesn't need to be kernels/initrds copied around
16:21:24 <pbrobinson> hrw: it's libvirt with a bunch of ugly
16:21:42 <hrw> pbrobinson: u-boot instead of uefi to get properly licensed firmware?
16:21:45 <hrw> nice
16:21:50 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, im thinking theres limitations with that.. as it seems anyways in my testing
16:21:57 <pbrobinson> hrw: no uEFI on 32bit at the moment, we support u-boot well there
16:22:11 <hrw> ah, right. my fault
16:22:18 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: I have ideas about your limitations.... we're thinking this out wrong IMO
16:22:43 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: I think we need to use a vexpress 64 bit u-boot and use it to boot the 32 bit kernel
16:22:55 <pbrobinson> not a A9 or A15 u-boot
16:23:00 <pwhalen> interesting.. ok.. i can try that
16:23:33 <pbrobinson> we don't need to emulate 32 bit from that perspective I believe
16:23:50 <pbrobinson> I might well be wrong but this meeting isn't the spot to discuss details
16:24:02 <pwhalen> i think i see what youre saying, worth a shot anyways
16:24:31 <pwhalen> any other features we'd like to see ?
16:25:05 <hrw> other than those from 2 weeks ago?
16:25:25 <pbrobinson> I've got on my list
16:25:30 <pbrobinson> 1) 32on64
16:25:36 <hrw> I wonder how NVidia TX1 looks when it comes to support
16:25:37 <pbrobinson> 2) docker/qemu on aarch64
16:25:44 <pbrobinson> 3) CHIIP device support
16:25:57 <pbrobinson> 4) hopeful Xorg acceleration improvemenets
16:26:20 <pwhalen> the tx1 looks very nice, but.. that price
16:26:23 <mgalgoci> cursory look seemed to indicate TX1 was uboot based
16:26:24 <pbrobinson> 5) the new systemd usb stuff for things like serial/net over usb OTG ports
16:26:37 <pbrobinson> mgalogci: it is
16:26:39 <hrw> 6) Moonshot M400, 7) raspberry/pi2?
16:27:05 <pbrobinson> hrw@ 6 is already in motion with a bunch of people working on it and we know the time frame etc
16:27:57 <pbrobinson> the 7) will depend on upstream support. I know there's been a bunch of "OMG a drm driver has landed upstream" shit on sites this week but it's of no fucking use if you can' actually boot the fucker
16:29:15 <pbrobinson> also new devices enablement of of various kinds and solidifying the support we have
16:29:33 <pbrobinson> oh and sensors support..... lots and lots of sensors
16:30:22 <pbrobinson> any one with anything else?
16:30:36 <hrw> nothing came to mind
16:31:15 <pwhalen> youve covered most of them..i think anyways. increased remixes for hw we cant support
16:32:09 <hrw> but let not add 'remix builder tool' ;D
16:32:14 <pbrobinson> oh and a general "96boards" improved support if reasonably possible
16:32:44 <pwhalen> hrw, your blog was great, led to some good discussion on their list
16:32:56 <pbrobinson> I'd like to add "u-boot on aarch64 support" but I'd need someone to run with that, I really don't have the cycles to commit
16:32:57 <hrw> pwhalen: which one?
16:33:12 <pbrobinson> on the 96boards public list
16:33:16 <hrw> will look
16:34:14 <pwhalen> https://lists.96boards.org/pipermail/dev/2015-November/000524.html
16:35:31 <pwhalen> ok, anything else for f24?
16:35:48 <pbrobinson> not from me
16:36:17 <pwhalen> #topic 5) == Open Floor ==
16:37:52 <hrw> I got roseapple/pi board.
16:38:03 <hrw> plan to get it booted with some remix and then complain on blog
16:38:12 <pbrobinson> hrw: cool, does it boot anything?
16:38:20 <hrw> pbrobinson: there is f21 remix
16:38:21 <pwhalen> same, ive not played with it yet.. well, i tried that f21 image but it didnt boot..
16:38:31 <hrw> 3.10.37 kernel ;(
16:38:51 <hrw> diff was ~60MB size
16:39:11 <pbrobinson> hrw: do you have it booted? can you send me a dmesg/lsmod?
16:39:39 <hrw> pbrobinson: not yet
16:40:03 <pbrobinson> hrw: ping me when you do, there is a little upstream support for that vendor/SoC
16:40:13 <hrw> ok
16:40:33 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: anything else on the agenda?
16:40:48 <pwhalen> nope, was abhout to close it out.. last call...
16:41:24 <pwhalen> #endmeeting