
#fedora-meeting-2: FAmSCo 2013-11-25

Meeting started by cwickert at 17:04:21 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (cwickert, 17:04:38)
    1. sesivany sent regrets, he his on holidays (cwickert, 17:05:25)
    2. AGREED: : FAmSCo is unhappy about the repeated absence of bckurera but will note remove him from the committee as the elections are around the corner (cwickert, 17:12:07)
    3. : the agenda for today#s meeting can be found https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9 (cwickert, 17:13:31)

  2. RH Community Credit Card holder for APAC (cwickert, 17:14:51)
    1. AGREED: tuanta to ask rsuehle and rbergeron to talk to the finance people and convince them to allow a non-RH person as CC holder for APAC. Once they have green light, make KageSenshi the CC holder (cwickert, 17:21:56)

  3. EMEA Mentor Nomination: Keiran Smith (cwickert, 17:23:18)
  4. Schedule (cwickert, 17:29:34)
    1. http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/f-20-ambassadors-tasks.html (cwickert, 17:29:45)
    2. official release is 2013-12-10, let's hurry up (cwickert, 17:31:18)
    3. ACTION: cwickert to send out the call for release events (cwickert, 17:31:42)
    4. ACTION: cwickert to send aeperezt the pins (cwickert, 17:32:41)
    5. AGREED: cwickert to bring up the idea of a central media production and distribution as ticket. it's unclear if it works, but we should think about it (cwickert, 17:45:05)
    6. ACTION: cwickert to bring up the idea of a central media production and distribution as ticket. it's unclear if it works, but we should think about it (cwickert, 17:45:10)
    7. http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2013-11-18/famsco.2013-11-18-17.02.html (tuanta, 17:47:34)
    8. ACTION: if you have anybody who deserves a 10th anniversary shirt and who is not yet listed on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F20_anniversary_tshirt , please let robyduck know. I am thinking of long-term contributors with great impact who are not part of any group like FAmSCo, FESCo etc, e. g. (former) packagers (cwickert, 17:51:50)

Meeting ended at 17:52:47 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. cwickert to send out the call for release events
  2. cwickert to send aeperezt the pins
  3. cwickert to bring up the idea of a central media production and distribution as ticket. it's unclear if it works, but we should think about it
  4. if you have anybody who deserves a 10th anniversary shirt and who is not yet listed on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F20_anniversary_tshirt , please let robyduck know. I am thinking of long-term contributors with great impact who are not part of any group like FAmSCo, FESCo etc, e. g. (former) packagers

Action items, by person

  1. aeperezt
    1. cwickert to send aeperezt the pins
  2. cwickert
    1. cwickert to send out the call for release events
    2. cwickert to send aeperezt the pins
    3. cwickert to bring up the idea of a central media production and distribution as ticket. it's unclear if it works, but we should think about it

People present (lines said)

  1. cwickert (97)
  2. tuanta (47)
  3. aeperezt (38)
  4. LoKoMurdoK (14)
  5. zodbot (10)

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