
#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora Greek Team 13/5/2010

Meeting started by cmpahar at 19:09:34 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Greekteam_2010-5-13#Agenda (cmpahar, 19:10:44)

  1. Roll Call (cmpahar, 19:10:52)
  2. Review from yesterday's Fedora Ambassador's EMEA meeting (cmpahar, 19:14:54)
  3. review action items from the previous meeting (cmpahar, 19:21:00)
  4. Announcements (cmpahar, 19:22:13)
    1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2010-May/002806.html (cmpahar, 19:22:42)

  5. Events (cmpahar, 19:29:17)
    1. http://konstantinidis.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/105/ (giannisk, 19:30:23)
    2. http://bacharakis.com/2010/05/06/fosscomm-2010-is-over-review-from-fedoras-point-of-view/ (cmpahar, 19:31:24)
    3. http://bacharakis.com/2010/05/06/fosscomm-2010-is-over-review-from-fedoras-point-of-view/ (cmpahar, 19:31:26)
    4. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GFOSS_Conference_2010 (constanton, 19:38:07)
    5. http://conf.ellak.gr/2010/?p=301 (constanton, 19:38:27)
    6. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/Kickstart (constanton, 19:41:39)
    7. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GFOSS_Conference_2010_Thessaloniki (giannisk, 19:43:46)
    8. AGREED: that the release parties will be held at 12 of June (cmpahar, 19:57:04)
    9. ACTION: giannisk and iosifidis search for streaming tools for the release parties (cmpahar, 20:03:39)
    10. ACTION: iosifidis try to make a F13 demo video (cmpahar, 20:10:32)
    11. ACTION: constanton create a wiki page for Athens' release party (cmpahar, 20:12:57)
    12. ACTION: cmpahar create a wiki page for Thessaloniki's F13 release party (cmpahar, 20:14:32)
    13. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_release_events (constanton, 20:16:18)
    14. ACTION: iosifidis check if there is a footbal match at the release parties date (cmpahar, 20:17:47)

  6. Open floor (cmpahar, 20:18:01)
    1. http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=120003954694603&ref=ts (cmpahar, 20:20:18)

Meeting ended at 20:25:20 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. giannisk and iosifidis search for streaming tools for the release parties
  2. iosifidis try to make a F13 demo video
  3. constanton create a wiki page for Athens' release party
  4. cmpahar create a wiki page for Thessaloniki's F13 release party
  5. iosifidis check if there is a footbal match at the release parties date

Action items, by person

  1. cmpahar
    1. cmpahar create a wiki page for Thessaloniki's F13 release party
  2. constanton
    1. constanton create a wiki page for Athens' release party
  3. giannisk
    1. giannisk and iosifidis search for streaming tools for the release parties
  4. iosifidis
    1. giannisk and iosifidis search for streaming tools for the release parties
    2. iosifidis try to make a F13 demo video
    3. iosifidis check if there is a footbal match at the release parties date

People present (lines said)

  1. cmpahar (284)
  2. constanton (80)
  3. iosifidis (49)
  4. giannisk (35)
  5. liknus (31)
  6. wolfsoul (14)
  7. zodbot (11)
  8. alekaragiannakis (8)
  9. anast (5)

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