21:00:20 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM status meeting 21:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 4 21:00:20 2013 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:20 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen jonmasters bconoboy ctyler pbrobinson dgilmore dmarlin jdisnard handsome_pirate msalter ahs3 agreene jcapik 21:00:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: agreene ahs3 bconoboy ctyler dgilmore dmarlin handsome_pirate jcapik jdisnard jonmasters msalter pbrobinson pwhalen 21:00:47 <pwhalen> .fas pwhalen 21:00:48 <zodbot> pwhalen: pwhalen 'Paul Whalen' <pwhalen@redhat.com> 21:00:55 <hrw> 13 chairmen :D 21:00:57 <dmarlin> .fas dmarlin 21:01:09 <zodbot> dmarlin: dmarlin 'David A. Marlin' <dmarlin@redhat.com> 21:01:13 <hrw> .fas juszkiewicz 21:01:24 <zodbot> hrw: hrw 'Marcin Juszkiewicz' <mjuszkiewicz@redhat.com> 21:01:37 <pwhalen> afternoon all 21:03:47 <bconoboy> howdy 21:04:08 * pbrobinson is here 21:04:17 <pwhalen> nice, afternoon all.. lets get started 21:04:23 <pwhalen> #topic 1) Kernel Status Update 21:04:49 <jcapik> .fas jcapik 21:04:51 <zodbot> jcapik: jcapik 'Jaromír Cápík' <jcapik@redhat.com> 21:05:16 <pbrobinson> so 3.11 is basically closed out, I don't believe we have any blockers for release 21:05:22 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: can you confirm? 21:05:30 <pwhalen> yes, 3.11 looks good 21:05:47 <kylem> \o/ 21:05:52 <pbrobinson> 3.12 is brewing in the nodebug builds here http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/rawhide-kernel-nodebug/ 21:06:05 <pbrobinson> so I'd like to get wider testing on that 21:06:21 <kylem> feel free to bug me if something comes up, but i'm just going to take a back seat unless someone shouts and work on other things. 21:06:59 <pbrobinson> the beagle bone black is looking mostly good on the 3.12 branch with usb and display working 21:07:07 <kylem> \o/ 21:07:15 <kylem> nice work peter. 21:07:16 <pbrobinson> there's a crash in the network interface, kylem have you got some cycles to help me on that? 21:07:19 <nirik> cool. ;) Is there some image with it? 21:07:45 <kylem> sure. 21:07:51 <pbrobinson> kylem: I think we saw the same crash in your first cut of the 3.11 BBB support so I'm hoping you might be able to help me out there 21:08:13 <pwhalen> for those 3.12 kernels, why do they not appear in koji? 21:09:01 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: because they're scratch builds that jforbes builds, they can't land in f20 mainline until they know there's no fixes needed for 3.11 21:09:22 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, ok, wasnt aware of them, will keep an eye out there as well. thanks 21:09:26 <pbrobinson> kylem: for the BB eth issues feel free to ping me 21:10:17 <pbrobinson> I would love some wider testing on the 3.12 kernels as I would like to know there's no regressions on the 3.11 kernels as they should land shortly after release 21:10:51 <pbrobinson> 3.13 seems OK but I've only tested on a couple of devices, shortly I'll get a BBone patch to land there 21:11:04 <pbrobinson> any one got any queries/questions/thoughts? 21:11:10 <pwhalen> #info rawhide scratch builds can be found - http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/rawhide-kernel-nodebug/ 21:11:51 <pbrobinson> also i.MX6 21:12:33 <pwhalen> excellent, thanks pbrobinson, anything else? 21:12:38 <pbrobinson> the 3.12 kernel should be much better for imx6 in general. 3.11 only really supports the wandboard quad but 3.12 should support all wandboard devices and have initial support for the utilite 21:13:38 <pwhalen> #info 3.12 kernel should be much better for imx6 in general, adding support for all Wandboards and initial support for Utilite 21:13:49 <hrw> pbrobinson: do we have exynos armmp or not yet still? 21:14:35 <pbrobinson> hrw: no exynos kernel support, linaro haven't landed multi platform support and they don't estimate it landing soon 21:14:43 <hrw> ok 21:14:53 <pbrobinson> hrw: I've heard rumours maybe 3.16 21:15:20 <hrw> so fedora 24 I would guess as 'maybe then' 21:15:33 <hrw> when hardware will rot 21:15:43 <hrw> ;d 21:16:00 <pwhalen> ok, next? 21:16:15 <pwhalen> #topic 2a) Aarch64 - Status Update 21:16:26 <pbrobinson> so we're moving on koji here 21:16:40 <pbrobinson> because we've jumped f20 and straight to f21 it's a bit slow going atm 21:16:47 <pbrobinson> having to land fixes in mainline 21:17:25 <pbrobinson> but in the next few weeks we should be in full swing 21:17:26 <hrw> is there a list of high priority missing packages? 21:17:40 <hrw> cause I have a bunch of patches to merge into fedora 21:17:44 <pbrobinson> not at the moment as it's some what manual 21:17:59 <pbrobinson> it would be useful to have a documented list of what those patches are 21:18:15 <pbrobinson> even if it's text dumped into a wiki page 21:18:27 <hrw> ok, suggested page/url? 21:18:37 <hrw> I can dump my list there 21:18:58 <pbrobinson> hrw: even a public etherpad page 21:19:19 <hrw> pbrobinson: ok. do fedora has public etherpad server? 21:19:35 <pbrobinson> not sure, pwhalen do you know by chance? 21:19:45 <pwhalen> I dont, perhaps wiki may be easier 21:19:48 <hrw> ok 21:20:26 <bconoboy> there is http://www.fpaste.org/ 21:20:54 <hrw> fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/AArch64/PatchesToMergeIntoFedora would be fine? 21:20:56 <pwhalen> #action hrw to send list of existing aarch64 patches to the fedora-arm list 21:21:09 <hrw> pwhalen: +1 21:21:37 <pwhalen> perhaps a wiki page, sent to the list.. so it can be edited 21:21:47 <hrw> ok 21:22:10 <pwhalen> thanks hrw 21:22:48 <pwhalen> #topic 2b) Aarch64 - Images 21:23:57 <pwhalen> there has been some recent requests for newer images, I dont think much has been built. do we have a plan for producing new images? 21:24:24 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: I'm hoping to have enough of rawhide build that we can compose a minimal one before the end of the year 21:24:38 <pbrobinson> consider it a christmas present 21:25:04 <pwhalen> #info rawhide aarch64 images expected before the end of the year 21:25:05 <pbrobinson> by then we'll also start doing daily composes and start syncing out to the secondary mirrors 21:25:19 <pbrobinson> but at the moment we can't do anything 21:25:43 <pwhalen> sounds good.. anything to cover for aarch64? 21:25:51 <pbrobinson> not from me 21:26:47 <pwhalen> #topic 3) F20 TC4 Testing Summary 21:26:53 <pwhalen> #link Installation: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test 21:27:00 <pwhalen> #link Base: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Base_Test 21:27:00 <pwhalen> #link Desktop: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Desktop_Test 21:27:22 <pwhalen> most of the bugs encountered in earlier releases have been closed. 21:27:49 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: as usual I'd like to thank you for all your hard work here! I've heard from various people some really good feedback so thanks again! 21:27:50 <pwhalen> we have an issue with text installs that seems to be fixed, need to confirm on highbank. 21:28:10 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, thanks :) 21:28:40 <pwhalen> it does look like we'll slip another week with the existing issues 21:29:23 <pwhalen> we can always use more coverage on desktop testing, I managed to look at xfce, mate and our release blocker kde 21:30:11 <pwhalen> and anaconda can be tested in qemu, so no server hardware is needed. please feel free to try it out, instructions added to our wiki 21:30:18 <pbrobinson> does anyone else have some cycles to test desktop ARM? 21:31:15 <pwhalen> for those with a wandboard, you can also do network installs and test anaconda. lots of options now 21:31:40 <jcapik> I'll try to do new set of remix images for Panda 21:32:09 <pbrobinson> jcapik: have you got a 3.11+ kernel working on panda? 21:32:22 <jcapik> pbrobinson: still using the f19 kernel 21:32:50 <jcapik> pbrobinson: but I could also try to play with the 3.11/3.12 config 21:34:15 <pbrobinson> jcapik: apparently 3.11+ vaguely works but is problematic but I've not managed to work out the problematic bits, I've tried a few leads but with no success, but it might need a slightly modified uboot, I can ping you details of a scratch build if your interested in chasing that, ping me on arm channel after the meeting 21:34:51 <jcapik> pbrobinson: my image is based on the f19 uboot and f19 kernel 21:35:14 <hrw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/AArch64/PatchesToMergeIntoFedora 21:35:23 <pbrobinson> jcapik: lets take it to the arm channel 21:35:35 <jcapik> ok 21:35:49 <pwhalen> okay, anything else for f20? anyone come across anything not documented? 21:36:57 <pbrobinson> nope, I was hoping to get something to do a virtual serial console over usb for the BBB but I plain ran out of cycles to get it done before freeze 21:37:45 <pwhalen> #topic 4) What are people planning to work on for F-21? (formerly known as F21 Wish list) 21:38:03 * masta looks in 21:38:05 <masta> howdy 21:38:18 <pwhalen> afternoon 21:39:49 <bconoboy> I'd like to see utilite fully supported in f21 21:39:56 <pwhalen> for this one, looking for what we plan to add in f21. I think this is dependent on what's working in the kernel. 21:40:04 <pbrobinson> masta: have you been avoiding me ;-) 21:40:05 <bconoboy> ... compulab sent us a couple more of them, so I have one and pbrobinson has the other. 21:40:27 <bconoboy> So we should have a remix for f20 sometime soon, then hopefully full support in rawhide 21:40:42 <pbrobinson> so I have on my list in no particular order 21:40:49 <pbrobinson> Beagle Bone support to top notch 21:41:06 <hrw> pbrobinson: BB white and black? 21:41:06 <pbrobinson> imx6 support including wandboard/utilite and cubox-i 21:41:11 <pbrobinson> yes 21:41:18 <pbrobinson> aarch64 obviously 21:42:31 <hrw> I hope to help with aarch64 porting 21:42:37 <pbrobinson> extending my idea of virtual ethernet/serial over USB OTG similar to the angstrom on the BBB across any device that has it 21:42:48 <pbrobinson> and that should be enough from me 21:44:04 <pwhalen> heh, indeed 21:44:09 <pbrobinson> hrw: oh you will be whether you like it or not ;-) 21:44:30 <pwhalen> anything else? 21:44:35 <hrw> pbrobinson: building software is what I am paid for ;D 21:44:52 <pwhalen> #topic 4) Open Floor 21:46:20 <bconoboy> anybody? 21:47:03 <hrw> I am planning to apply for Fedora developer. 21:47:12 <hrw> have to read docs first ;) 21:47:33 <pwhalen> #endmeeting