20:00:12 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM weekly status meeting 20:00:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 25 20:00:12 2013 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:12 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen jonmasters bconoboy ctyler pbrobinson dgilmore dmarlin jdisnard handsome_pirate msalter ahs3 agreene jcapik hrw 20:00:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: agreene ahs3 bconoboy ctyler dgilmore dmarlin handsome_pirate hrw jcapik jdisnard jonmasters msalter pbrobinson pwhalen 20:00:20 <jcapik> .fas jcapik 20:00:21 <zodbot> jcapik: jcapik 'Jaromír Cápík' <jcapik@redhat.com> 20:00:27 <pwhalen> .fas pwhalen 20:00:27 <zodbot> pwhalen: pwhalen 'Paul Whalen' <pwhalen@redhat.com> 20:00:29 <ahs3> .fas ahs3 20:00:30 <zodbot> ahs3: ahs3 'Al Stone' <ahs3@redhat.com> 20:00:48 <hrw> .fas hrw 20:00:48 <pwhalen> howdy folks! long time, no meeting 20:00:48 <zodbot> hrw: hrwillett 'Herman R Willett' <hrwillett@gmail.com> - vikaashrworld 'Vikash Kumar' <vikashrworld@gmail.com> - chrwhy 'Stephen Chen' <chrwhy@gmail.com> - hrw 'Marcin Juszkiewicz' <marcin-rhbugz@juszkiewicz.com.pl> 20:01:19 * masta looks in 20:01:28 <masta> howdy folks 20:01:40 <pwhalen> masta, ah, thought you had switched over 20:02:00 <bconoboy> .fas blc@ 20:02:00 <zodbot> bconoboy: blc '' <blc@redhat.com> 20:02:00 <dmarlin> .fas dmarlin 20:02:02 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen jonmasters bconoboy ctyler pbrobinson dgilmore dmarlin jdisnard handsome_pirate msalter ahs3 agreene jcapik hrw masta 20:02:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: agreene ahs3 bconoboy ctyler dgilmore dmarlin handsome_pirate hrw jcapik jdisnard jonmasters masta msalter pbrobinson pwhalen 20:02:03 <zodbot> dmarlin: dmarlin 'David A. Marlin' <dmarlin@redhat.com> 20:02:38 <masta> pwhalen, I have 20:03:07 <jonmasters> .fas jonmasters 20:03:08 <zodbot> jonmasters: jcm 'Jon Masters' <jonathan@jonmasters.org> 20:03:09 * ctyler waves 20:03:32 <pwhalen> awesome, lots of folks joining today.. lets get started 20:03:41 <pwhalen> #topic 1) Kernel Status Update 20:03:51 <kylem> i've got nothing new to report on that front. 20:04:15 <pwhalen> #info no new progress on outstanding kernel issues 20:04:46 * jonmasters got a new BeagleBoneBlack last week. I will try soldering on the JTAG header this weekend 20:04:52 <pwhalen> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1012025 20:05:21 <pwhalen> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1012014 20:05:55 <pwhalen> #info jonmasters got a new BeagleBoneBlack last week. will attempt to debug 20:06:19 <masta> so we have a long way to go with TI boards 20:06:45 <pwhalen> anything else from others before we move on? 20:06:46 <ctyler> well sumarized 20:07:06 <bconoboy> onward! 20:07:06 <pwhalen> #topic 2a) Aarch64 - Status Update 20:07:07 <jonmasters> pwhalen: I'm mostly interested in assisting others with BBB - so I'll see if I can get jtag debug working, but I'll look for an update from others on debug too 20:07:39 <bconoboy> We are now at 12141 packages built. Very slow going. 20:08:02 <bconoboy> hrw has been chugging away on fixes, but qt is still outstanding 20:08:21 <bconoboy> (it takes a lot of cpu time to buidl) 20:08:28 <pwhalen> jonmasters, ok, logs may be a little misleading, sorry to put you on the hook :) 20:08:33 <jonmasters> :) 20:08:58 <bconoboy> #info 12141 packages built, next big gains will be from koji+f21 or qt being fixed 20:09:20 <jonmasters> anyone know a QT guru who might help with that? 20:09:20 <pwhalen> you said the k word, next topic? 20:09:31 <bconoboy> yep, next topic 20:09:38 <bconoboy> jonmasters: don't need a qt guru, need faster systems 20:09:52 <jonmasters> alright, move on 20:09:55 <pwhalen> #topic 2b) Aarch64 - Koji 20:10:07 <bconoboy> dgilmore: you here? 20:10:11 <hrw> jonmasters: qt guru will ask 'how long it take to build' and then will tell you to go away 20:10:18 <jonmasters> hrw: :) 20:10:20 <bconoboy> hrw: exactly 20:10:29 <bconoboy> Okay, here's the koji status as I have it 20:10:50 <bconoboy> Dennis and I talked it over, and think it's a little late to start building F20 packages 20:11:06 <bconoboy> So the idea is to bring up koji and do builds against rawhide 20:11:20 <bconoboy> We've never built f21/rawhide on arm.koji before 20:11:37 <bconoboy> So we can recycle the same arm.koji server that is handling secondary builds in f18/f19 today 20:11:47 <bconoboy> All that is needed is to generate new certs for the models 20:11:53 <masta> that sounds good 20:11:53 <jonmasters> ok 20:11:54 <pwhalen> excellent 20:12:02 <hrw> rawhide++ 20:12:09 <jonmasters> who owns this? 20:12:10 <bconoboy> and configure the models to run koji-builder with those certs 20:12:15 <bconoboy> Then he got on an airplane and left the country 20:12:29 <ahs3> wow. was it something you said? 20:12:41 <bconoboy> So, the plan is to drag him back to the USA, get him to generate the certs, then pwhalen will install on some of the models we have running 20:13:09 <bconoboy> The one question I don't have an answer to is: Who runs koji-shadow? 20:13:09 <hrw> bconoboy: USA suxx. get him to generate certs where he is 20:13:10 <jonmasters> ok, let's get Red Force One prepped and fueled 20:13:32 <masta> jonmasters, long term I'd like to gradually take over the arm koji stuff 20:13:43 <masta> maybe short term I can findout about the certs too 20:13:46 <bconoboy> okay, we have a volunteer 20:13:52 <jonmasters> masta: cool, because I was hoping indirectly by intentionally asking that question that you would give that response ;) 20:14:12 <bconoboy> Okay, so for the minutes... 20:14:13 <masta> I aim to please 20:14:29 <bconoboy> #info We will recycle arm.koji.fedoraproject.org for building aarch64 rawhide packages 20:14:44 <bconoboy> #action dgilmore or masta to generate koji certs for aarch64 builders 20:14:59 <bconoboy> #action pwhalen to configure builders once certs are ready 20:15:33 <bconoboy> masta: Was that a volunteering for koji-shadow as well? 20:15:45 <masta> bconoboy, yep 20:15:54 <bconoboy> #action masta to try his hand at koji-shadow 20:16:49 <bconoboy> that's all I have 20:16:55 <pwhalen> sounds good to me 20:17:04 <pwhalen> #topic 3) F20 Beta Goals & Challenges 20:17:50 <bconoboy> So, F20 alpha is out 20:17:56 <bconoboy> and it has arm support, as primary 20:17:58 <bconoboy> this is freaking awesome 20:18:21 <bconoboy> everybody pat yourselves on the back, or scratch your back, or if you can't reach let me know and you'll get a free back scratcher 20:18:23 <bconoboy> meanwhile 20:18:33 <ctyler> :-) 20:18:33 <bconoboy> F20 beta is next. What did we miss in alpha we want in place for beta? 20:18:39 <masta> So in beta we have more QA tests to pass, right? my understanding it becomes more rigorous 20:19:07 <pwhalen> masta, it does, i am starting to apply beta criteria to alpha as an early indicator 20:19:33 <bconoboy> pwhalen: By "starting to" does that mean it's too early to ask for how it looks? :-) 20:19:44 <pwhalen> install testing i was already doing most of the applicable beta testcases 20:19:58 <masta> pwhalen, I noticed you were logging beta criteria last week. Good idea! 20:20:04 <pwhalen> bconoboy, it does.. .for the installer, looks good.. desktop, need to look more 20:21:23 <bconoboy> The only thing we didn't support in F20 alpha that I'd like to see in beta is the beaglebone black. We're trying to keep kyle's schedule clear so he can work on it. Are there other hardware platforms that people want to add support for and can take ownership in? 20:22:32 <hrw> bconoboy: I got Korean back scratcher already ;D 20:22:50 <masta> the BBB has the most value to support... we might be able to add some more i.mx6 boards, utilite, saber lite, etc... 20:23:10 <jonmasters> let's constrain "support" to a small list 20:23:17 <bconoboy> utilite kernel situation is, shall we say, primitive, so it's going to be f20 remix at best. 20:23:29 <masta> although the other mx6 boards might need some love to get working, the kernel for them is "enabled" 20:23:45 <jonmasters> for beta, I believe we're looking at BBB, TrimSlice, vexpres, and Wand 20:23:57 <bconoboy> and highbank/midway 20:24:00 <jonmasters> well, right 20:24:14 <pwhalen> I would like to see all of the above working as well. My concern is putting far too many resources into these boards for little return 20:24:32 <bconoboy> Yeah, so BBB I'm after because QA has them 20:24:44 <jonmasters> I prefer not to try to go any further. Constrain down to a small set of official ones 20:25:05 <pwhalen> very small, as we'll trip on it later 20:25:07 <bconoboy> pwhalen: If you could suggest some things other people can test so you don't have to that'd be good 20:25:33 <pwhalen> bconoboy, all our images can be tested using x86 in qemu 20:25:46 <ctyler> +1 onsmall list but we should aim for consistency between 20:26:02 <ctyler> releases 20:26:34 * ctyler on mobile keyboard 20:27:14 <bconoboy> pwhalen: pointer to beta criteria? 20:28:03 <pwhalen> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Beta_Release_Criteria 20:28:45 <pwhalen> #info specific testcases 20:28:50 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_20_Alpha_RC4_Desktop 20:29:08 <bconoboy> tnx 20:30:52 <pwhalen> any other challenges, goals we want to cover? 20:31:04 <bconoboy> sounds like passing criteria is pretty much it 20:31:12 <bconoboy> plus my pet bbb goal 20:32:07 <pwhalen> #topic 4) Open Floor 20:32:11 <ctyler> we should be thinking about wayland long term, since the tech preview is supposed to appear in f20 20:32:18 <pwhalen> #undo 20:32:18 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x2cc25810> 20:32:56 <pwhalen> I havent heard great things, but also havent been following closely.. has anyone looked at it? 20:33:45 <pwhalen> think there were issues on x86 20:33:53 <masta> maybe a question for Rob 20:33:55 <ctyler> would be cool if the preview worked on one arm platform, don't know how feasible that is 20:34:33 <ctyler> we're starting work on it in Pidora 20:34:56 <bconoboy> Are we back on topic 3? 20:34:58 <pwhalen> cool, Ill try and take a look as well. 20:35:11 <pwhalen> moving on now 20:35:13 <pwhalen> #topic 4) Open Floor 20:35:21 <bconoboy> ctyler: Hey, what's happening with pidora? 20:36:10 <ctyler> Pidora 19 early next month, P20 close to F20 date 20:36:49 <pwhalen> #info Pidora 19 expected early next month, P20 close to F20 date 20:36:51 <ctyler> Noobs 1.3 support just finished 20:36:52 <pwhalen> cool 20:37:43 <ctyler> (Noobs is multiboot/recovery/easy install) 20:38:32 <bconoboy> that's great 20:38:34 <ctyler> (eof) 20:39:01 <ctyler> Oh! 20:39:23 <ctyler> I have too many SBR600 students! 20:39:36 <ctyler> Need projects for them. 20:40:08 <ctyler> If you have simple things you just never have time to get around to, 20:40:23 <bconoboy> pwhalen: nudge nudge 20:40:36 <ctyler> let me know, maybe they'd make good projects. 20:40:37 <pwhalen> ctyler, helping with ARM QA? 20:40:46 <ctyler> Sure 20:40:50 <pwhalen> can think of a project.. 20:41:04 <ahs3> port wayland to the chromebook...? 20:41:17 <bconoboy> ctyler: also aarch64 build failure fixes 20:41:27 <masta> I'm going to be spinning some new chromebook remixes soon. I'm debating between supporting advanced features like HYP mode for virtualization, but having broken wifi, or having working wifi, but no advanced features. 20:41:36 <hrw> ahs3: chromebook needs better kernel support 20:41:45 <ahs3> hrw: true :( 20:42:05 <ahs3> masta: +1 for working wifi 20:42:17 <hrw> masta: even 3.4 will not give you working wifi now. you need own systemd for firmware loading. 20:42:19 <masta> I'm also starting to poke at getting Fedora brought up on the Ouya and Nvidia shield 20:42:27 <masta> tegra3 boards 20:42:27 <hrw> masta: unless you added firmware loader into kernel 20:42:50 <hrw> masta: did any of those tegra3 run ~mainline? 20:43:22 <masta> ahs3, yeah... since I have to support them... Ii would rather not have an angry mob of people upset about non-working wifi 20:43:45 <kylem> masta, why don't we just fix wifi? ;-) 20:43:48 <ctyler> esp since no wired eth 20:43:58 <bconoboy> One other things for open floor... 20:44:04 <bconoboy> Masta has joined Red Hat's release engineering team. We're glad to have him board! 20:44:08 <masta> hrw, not mainline for tegra3... old kernels 20:44:31 <ctyler> yay masta 20:44:32 <hrw> masta: I would say: ignore old kernel devices 20:44:32 <masta> bconoboy, =) 20:45:04 <hrw> masta: unless you have real need for them. 20:45:25 <hrw> masta: chroembook is cheapest and fastest solution for <300$ 20:45:57 <masta> hrw, the only need is not a big deal, just want to have Fedora ambassadors put them on the table at tech conferences and display cool ARM devices to the masses 20:46:40 <bconoboy> Ahs3 reminds me that likewise, handsome_pirate joined the ranks a week or two ago 20:46:48 <bconoboy> I'm not sure what he's doing though 20:47:47 <ahs3> all your engineer are belong to us. 20:48:15 <masta> I think he's into the GSS group 20:48:55 <masta> I bumped into him this past Monday in the break room at the mothership 20:48:56 <bconoboy> Anyway, we're really pleased to have more fedora arm people inside rh 20:49:10 <ahs3> +1 20:49:31 <masta> thanks =) 20:50:14 <bconoboy> that was my only open floor topic 20:50:16 <pwhalen> anything else for today folks? 20:50:59 <hrw> anyone know is there a 3.4 kernel fork somewhere with in-kernel firmware loader already? 20:51:17 <bconoboy> hrw: Let's take that one back to #fedora-arm 20:51:20 <hrw> chromebook would not need systemd patched 20:51:22 <hrw> yep 20:51:34 <pwhalen> thanks for coming everyone! 20:51:37 <pwhalen> #endmeeting