20:01:21 <bconoboy> #startmeeting Fedora ARM weekly status meeting 20:01:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 26 20:01:21 2013 UTC. The chair is bconoboy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:21 <jsmith> Howdy howdy! 20:01:24 * jsmith waves 20:01:31 <ahs3> greeting and salutations 20:01:31 <bconoboy> #chair pwhalen jonmasters bconoboy ctyler pbrobinson dgilmore dmarlin masta j_dulaney msalter ahs3 agreene jcapik ddd 20:01:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: agreene ahs3 bconoboy ctyler ddd dgilmore dmarlin j_dulaney jcapik jonmasters masta msalter pbrobinson pwhalen 20:01:38 <bconoboy> I will be your replacement pwhalen today. 20:01:45 <bconoboy> #topic 0) Status of ACTION items from our previous meeting 20:01:46 <jcapik> .fas jcapik 20:01:47 <zodbot> jcapik: jcapik 'Jaromír Cápík' <jcapik@redhat.com> 20:02:06 <bconoboy> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2013-06-19/fedora-meeting-1.2013-06-19-20.00.html 20:02:16 * nirik is here. 20:02:23 * masta is here, sry late 20:02:37 <bconoboy> Only action item from last week is setting up aarch64 koji hub vm- Hi Nirk! 20:03:35 <nirik> so, I have the db host mostly setup, going to start on the hub next 20:03:35 <bconoboy> nirik: So, any update? 20:03:47 <bconoboy> cool 20:03:49 <nirik> hopefully I'll have them ready to work on before too long. 20:04:05 <bconoboy> #info aarch64 koji server setup: db host mostly setup. hub is pending 20:04:15 <bconoboy> #action nirik to continue aarch64 koji server setup 20:04:38 <nirik> we will need to then do some config and work out how to talk to builders. 20:04:54 <bconoboy> when do you think you'll need a builder to test with? 20:05:10 <bconoboy> or do we need to do a koji import and branching and such first? 20:05:17 <nirik> not sure. I'm a bit busy also making sure f19 goes out without a hitch... 20:05:28 <nirik> probibly will know more next week 20:05:42 <bconoboy> #info f19 release is taking priority 20:06:19 <bconoboy> anything else? 20:06:32 * nirik doesn't have anything further off hand 20:06:35 <bconoboy> #topic 1) Problem packages 20:07:03 <jonmasters> .fas jonmasters 20:07:03 <zodbot> jonmasters: jcm 'Jon Masters' <jonathan@jonmasters.org> 20:07:08 <bconoboy> Looks like no pbrobinson today- anybody have any updates on problem packages? 20:08:16 <bconoboy> #info No update this week- check next week after F19 is out. 20:08:26 <bconoboy> #topic 2) Kernel Status Update 20:09:09 <bconoboy> Masta just presented #fedora-arm with a panda crashing on boot with f19. Anybody have other gems? :-) 20:09:16 <masta> omap not working here on MP kernel in rc2 20:10:15 <bconoboy> #info OMAP4 broken on MP kernel with RC2 20:10:15 <jcapik> bconoboy: mine was not crashing 20:10:25 <bconoboy> jcapik: your which? 20:10:31 <jcapik> bconoboy: I experienced just a long delay 20:10:42 <jcapik> bconoboy: my panda A3 20:10:50 <bconoboy> masta: was that a panda es? 20:10:55 <jcapik> bconoboy: nope 20:10:59 <masta> yes, panda_es 20:11:04 * jsmith still can't boot mvebu with the 3.10 kernel :-( 20:11:12 <bconoboy> jcapik: So you're seeing success with rc2? or something earlier? 20:11:19 <jcapik> bconoboy: RC2 20:11:24 <bconoboy> okay, good data point 20:11:32 <bconoboy> Does somebody else have a panda es? 20:11:41 <masta> jcapik: what steps did you follow to prep the uboot partition? 20:11:48 <jcapik> bconoboy: I thought it jammed after reaching a message about failing RTC 20:12:17 <jcapik> bconoboy: but then it continued booting 20:12:20 <dmarlin> jcapik: can you fpaste a boot log for reference? 20:12:34 <jcapik> dmarlin: I'm not in the office 20:12:40 <jcapik> dmarlin: I can do that tomorrow 20:12:53 <bconoboy> We have a panda (non-es) in the farm we can test with too 20:12:54 <dmarlin> jcapik: that would be great. thanks 20:13:05 <bconoboy> But if the non-es works but the es doesn't I'd like to know that right away 20:13:25 <bconoboy> Let's discuss further when we get to F19 blocker discussion 20:14:16 <bconoboy> jsmith: FYI, I'm expecting Marvell to update uboot to support dtbs in August, so that's when I tentatively think we should focus energy on getting it up and running. 20:14:19 <jcapik> masta: I just mounted the UBOOT and _/ and copied MLO, uBoot.img and uEnv.txt from /usr/share/uboot.panda 20:14:37 <jsmith> bconoboy: OK, that's the best news I've heard all month 20:14:50 <bconoboy> #info May only be Panda-ES that's broken. Panda-A3 reported successful. 20:15:08 <bconoboy> next? 20:15:36 <bconoboy> #topic 3) Aarch64 - Status Update, problem packages 20:16:00 <bconoboy> Bootstrap is still humming along 20:16:12 <bconoboy> There are 535 packages in the build queue 20:16:24 <jcapik> today I was unable to upload new SRPMs 20:16:32 <bconoboy> oh? 20:16:35 <jcapik> the server asked for password 20:16:45 <bconoboy> did you use the wrong ssh key or user id? 20:17:08 <jcapik> wrong ssh key? 20:17:16 <bconoboy> #info 10522/13595 packages built 20:17:22 <jcapik> the same key like before 20:17:37 <jcapik> I used to upload srpms with script 20:17:47 <bconoboy> eh? 20:18:01 <bconoboy> by upload srpms you mean put them into the queue? 20:18:43 <jcapik> to SCP them to the build directory .... 20:18:59 <msalter> did you ssh-add the id_rsa.upload? after a reboot maybe? 20:19:15 <jcapik> msalter: yes 20:19:26 <bconoboy> I'm confused- you don't use the rebuild script to add source rpms to the queue. And the build directory is where you put source rpms that have already been built. 20:19:47 <bconoboy> (Well, it's where the build script puts them, anyway) 20:19:55 <jcapik> let's talk about that after the meeting 20:20:00 <bconoboy> okay 20:20:14 <bconoboy> We're just a couple packages away from being able to retire stage 3 20:20:44 <bconoboy> Once that's done we will have something that we can reasonably import into beaker. 20:21:12 <bconoboy> The main outstanding package at this point is openjdk 20:21:34 <bconoboy> #info 535 packages are in the build queue currently 20:22:05 <bconoboy> #info Almost ready to retire stage3, just need libdb, gcc, and llvm rebuilt. Maybe rpm. 20:22:22 <bconoboy> msalter: Anything to add? 20:22:44 <msalter> libdb is there. just gcc and llvm left I think 20:22:54 <bconoboy> db4 too? 20:22:57 <msalter> yes 20:23:00 <bconoboy> woot 20:23:03 <bconoboy> #undo 20:23:04 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0xefec510> 20:23:14 <bconoboy> #info Almost ready to retire stage3, just need gcc, and llvm rebuilt. Maybe rpm. 20:23:21 <bconoboy> msalter: Can we do unpatch rpm once gcc is rebuilt? 20:24:27 <msalter> I think so. There are 3 patches inthe f19 rpm. 1) aarch64 support 2) workaround to file attr 3) workaround to stage3 weirdness with file ownership 20:24:53 <msalter> oh, and workaround to short-circuited rpms 20:25:03 <bconoboy> Do we have any short circuited rpms beyond gcc at this point? 20:25:11 <msalter> no 20:25:16 <bconoboy> great 20:25:30 <bconoboy> is some part of aarch64 support not upstream? 20:25:33 <bconoboy> (in rpm) 20:25:44 <msalter> not in f19 but is in f20/rawhide 20:26:03 <bconoboy> ah, okay 20:26:07 <bconoboy> anything else? 20:26:10 <masta> noticed LLVM had aarch64 updates upstream in new version recently released 20:26:35 <msalter> yes 20:26:40 <bconoboy> I wonder if that new llvm has made it into f20 yet 20:26:46 <masta> llvm.org/releases/3.3/docs/ReleaseNotes.html#aarch64-target 20:27:38 <bconoboy> Looks like 3.3 is already in both f19 and f20 20:27:43 <msalter> yes 20:27:52 <bconoboy> Okay, let's move on 20:28:00 <bconoboy> #topic 4) F19 GA - RC2 testing (VFAD?) 20:28:15 <bconoboy> dgilmore? 20:29:20 <bconoboy> Hmm. 20:29:40 <bconoboy> Okay, ideally we want to ship the ARM release next Tuesday in time with Primary 20:29:59 <bconoboy> To do that we'll need to have something finalized by Fridayish. 20:30:38 <bconoboy> Does anybody know if RC2 is going to be the one for primary? 20:30:51 <jonmasters> dgilmore maybe? 20:30:52 <masta> most likely 20:30:57 <nirik> likely so. 20:31:01 <bconoboy> IE, any blockers that will push out a week? 20:31:06 <nirik> barring last minute blow up. 20:31:13 <jonmasters> has the go no go happened? 20:31:14 <nirik> no blockers currently that I know od 20:31:15 <nirik> of 20:31:21 <nirik> tomorrow 20:31:31 <jonmasters> ok, bconoboy please note we need to check tomorrow 20:31:35 <bconoboy> #topic Primary Go/NoGo decision is Thursday 20:31:38 <bconoboy> #undo 20:31:38 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x12a31410> 20:31:44 <bconoboy> #info Primary Go/NoGo decision is Thursday 20:31:57 <jonmasters> so we're ready to go right? 20:32:11 <bconoboy> Things were looking good in the TCs 20:32:21 <bconoboy> But now Masta is showing an issue on his panda-es 20:32:28 <bconoboy> So we need to track that down. 20:32:32 <bconoboy> And we need to retest everything else. 20:32:33 <nirik> :( 20:32:54 * jsmith is still getting krb5-lib dependency issues on his F19 installation 20:33:04 <bconoboy> jsmith: what's this? 20:33:13 <jonmasters> masta: please summarize your ES problem? Exactly what ES unit do you have? 20:33:23 <jonmasters> (aka we are not blocking on an issue on one Panda ES) 20:33:30 <nirik> jsmith: did you distro-sync or re-enable updates-testing? 20:33:43 <masta> jonmasters: sure let me find my earlier fpaste 20:33:52 <jsmith> nirik: Double-checking now 20:33:52 <masta> jonmasters: it's a kernel panic with a null pointer deref 20:33:55 <bconoboy> #link http://paste.fedoraproject.org/21123/ Panda ES boot issue with RC2 20:33:55 <jsmith> bconoboy: http://www.fpaste.org/21171/ 20:34:04 <jonmasters> I've also seen issues on earlier ES boards..looking, wait 10 secs 20:34:28 <bconoboy> masta: What have you successfully used this board for previously? Any of the TCs? 20:34:42 <jonmasters> checking, 30 secs 20:34:59 * jsmith does a quick "yum distro-sync --skip-broken" 20:35:01 <masta> bconoboy: yes I think some of the earlier TC's, hard to rememberr exactly 20:35:42 <masta> so I'm just going to test all the VFAT images on my panda_es 20:36:09 <masta> hopefully it wa just the kde spin.... will establish more facts as more testing happen 20:36:42 <bconoboy> The principle difference that I'm aware of from the TC's to the RC's is that we're using more Fedora-compliant boot parameters 20:36:59 <bconoboy> bootargs are ro rootwait root=UUID=84a2ff73-b309-4da4-a9ff-db90f1334149 rhgb quiet FONT=latarcyrheb-sun16 KEYMAP=us LANG=en_US.UTF-8 console=ttyO2,115200n8 20:37:15 <bconoboy> previously we weren't passing anything but "ro rootwait root=.... console=..." 20:37:57 <jonmasters> masta: can you try another SD Card please? 20:38:15 <masta> yep 20:38:30 <bconoboy> In any case, we need to do final testing. 20:38:37 <bconoboy> I would like to suggest a vfad to get this done 20:38:39 <masta> that is happenign right now, the minimal sdcard is writing out... on another microsd 20:38:59 <bconoboy> So, either thursday or friday at the latest. What works for people? 20:39:18 <masta> Friday 20:39:41 <bconoboy> Okay, masta volunteers to test things on Friday :-) 20:39:42 * masta will be testing Friday regardless... 20:39:56 <bconoboy> What time shall we start? Earlier is probably better. 20:40:03 <jonmasters> masta: systemcrap was trying to fstat a file but I doubt that code has a bug in it. More likely the SD card is bad 20:40:28 <masta> jonmasters: brand new sdcard, opened thsi morning =( 20:40:31 <bconoboy> 10 EDT? 20:40:44 <masta> bconoboy: I'll be online ~ 10 EDT 20:41:01 <jcapik> thursday is better 20:41:03 <jonmasters> masta: please try one you know works 20:41:10 <bconoboy> we could do both 20:41:35 <bconoboy> #information Current ARM release candidate is at http://armpkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/stage/19-RC2/ 20:41:48 <bconoboy> #info Current ARM release candidate is at http://armpkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/stage/19-RC2/ 20:41:49 <bconoboy> (doh) 20:42:11 <bconoboy> Does somebody have a link to the test matrix page? 20:42:48 <masta> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_19_Final_RC2_Base?rd=Test_Results:Current_Base_Test 20:43:13 <masta> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_19_Final_RC2_Desktop?rd=Test_Results:Current_Desktop_Test 20:43:39 <bconoboy> #link Test the base: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_19_Final_RC2_Base?rd=Test_Results:Current_Base_Test 20:43:49 <bconoboy> #link Test the desktop: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_19_Final_RC2_Desktop?rd=Test_Results:Current_Desktop_Test 20:43:57 <masta> and.... 20:44:00 <masta> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_19_Final_RC2_Install?rd=Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test 20:44:11 <bconoboy> #link Test anaconda installation: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_19_Final_RC2_Install?rd=Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test 20:44:40 <masta> are folsk without chairs able to use the #link cmd? 20:44:54 <bconoboy> #info Deadline for *successful* test completion is Friday 20:44:56 <bconoboy> #chair masta 20:44:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: agreene ahs3 bconoboy ctyler ddd dgilmore dmarlin j_dulaney jcapik jonmasters masta msalter pbrobinson pwhalen 20:45:02 <bconoboy> no idea :-) 20:45:05 <jonmasters> masta: let me know how the test of another sd card goes 20:45:29 <bconoboy> #info Please test Wednesday and Thursday- update the tables, mention what you're up to in #fedora-arm 20:46:07 <bconoboy> #info VFAD Friday 10AM, but don't wait- test now if at all possible. 20:46:10 <bconoboy> Anything else? 20:46:14 <bconoboy> #undo 20:46:14 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x12a31590> 20:46:26 <bconoboy> #info VFAD Friday 10AM US EDT, but don't wait- test now if at all possible. 20:46:53 <bconoboy> Are there any other blockers that we are aware of? 20:47:19 <bconoboy> I'll take silence as a no 20:47:31 <bconoboy> #topic 5) Open Floor 20:47:37 <bconoboy> Anybody? 20:48:13 <jcapik> panda & sound ? 20:48:22 <bconoboy> ? 20:49:00 <jcapik> has anybody succeded with making the sound output working? 20:49:43 <bconoboy> If a board plays a wav file in a lab 1000 miles away, and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a noise? 20:50:17 <dmarlin> bconoboy: +1 20:50:20 * handsome_pirate waves from the late seat 20:50:20 <masta> sounds used to work on panda over hdmi 20:50:53 <bconoboy> handsome_pirate: We're just wrapping up- you have anything for open floor? 20:50:54 * handsome_pirate was geeking out over model railroading and lost track of time 20:50:55 <jcapik> masta: i tried the output jack, but heard just crackles 20:51:14 <handsome_pirate> I need a room mate for Flock 20:51:26 <bconoboy> out of scope:-) 20:51:26 <pwhalen> hey sorry I missed the meeting. I made some pages this morning for recording our RC2 results - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Fedora_19_ARM_RC2 20:51:50 <handsome_pirate> bconoboy: The hope is someone here also needs one 20:51:53 <bconoboy> #link High level RC2 testing result page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Fedora_19_ARM_RC2 20:51:55 <pwhalen> I do not recall sound working on the panda, definitely not recently 20:52:05 <masta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Fedora_19_ARM_RC2 20:52:20 <masta> #info page for recording Rc2 results 20:52:29 <masta> thx pwhalen 20:52:40 <pwhalen> I'll try out the rc2 on my ES, it was working with the TC's 20:53:01 <masta> pwhalen: yes please and I hope you have better result then my first test 20:53:19 <bconoboy> #info handsome_pirate looking for roomie at flock (Not johnny depp)- contact if in need. rum optional. 20:53:28 <pwhalen> masta, I have an ES B1, you? 20:53:33 <handsome_pirate> Argh! 20:54:02 <masta> pwhalen: not sure, just and ES 20:54:25 <bconoboy> Shall we take this back to #fedora-arm? 20:54:27 <masta> pwhalen: the sticker says ES rev B1 20:54:31 <pwhalen> bconoboy, sure 20:54:35 <masta> yep 20:54:38 <bconoboy> #endmeeting