
#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Board

Meeting started by rbergeron at 18:01:11 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. gholms sends apologies for his likely absence (rbergeron, 18:04:16)

  1. planning (misc, 18:09:48)
    1. jreznik remind us that we are close to election/name/etc, will send us schedule for review (misc, 18:10:43)
    2. Alpha was released, beta change deadline on 14/05, beta release on 28/05 (misc, 18:11:41)

  2. Agenda for today (rbergeron, 18:11:55)
  3. Strategy Questions (rbergeron, 18:16:12)
    1. using the 5 why method for brainstorming (misc, 18:16:12)
    2. 1: What is our larger goal? (Mission statement, vision statement) (rbergeron, 18:23:04)
    3. rbergeron presented the list of the 5 questions we want to answer to have a better understanding of the issue ( questions on http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2013-April/011968.html ) (misc, 18:40:27)
    4. ACTION: misc to take list and start a new thread (rbergeron, 19:01:12)

  4. Other business for today? (rbergeron, 19:02:30)

Meeting ended at 19:04:49 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. misc to take list and start a new thread

Action items, by person

  1. misc
    1. misc to take list and start a new thread

People present (lines said)

  1. rbergeron (110)
  2. mhayden (26)
  3. misc (24)
  4. inode0 (23)
  5. rdieter (7)
  6. zodbot (7)
  7. jreznik (7)
  8. jsmith (4)
  9. Sparks (1)
  10. AnnaE (1)

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