20:00:58 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM weekly status meeting 20:00:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 24 20:00:58 2013 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:58 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen jonmasters bconoboy ctyler pbrobinson dgilmore 20:00:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: bconoboy ctyler dgilmore jonmasters pbrobinson pwhalen 20:00:59 * masta looks around 20:01:03 <pwhalen> .fas pwhalen 20:01:07 <zodbot> pwhalen: pwhalen 'Paul Whalen' <pwhalen@redhat.com> 20:01:10 <pwhalen> good afternoon all 20:01:13 <bconoboy> .fas blc@ 20:01:14 <zodbot> bconoboy: blc '' <blc@redhat.com> 20:01:23 <jcapik> .fas jcapik 20:01:24 <zodbot> jcapik: jcapik 'Jaromír Cápík' <jcapik@redhat.com> 20:01:40 <dmarlin> .fas dmarlin 20:01:41 <zodbot> dmarlin: dmarlin 'David A. Marlin' <dmarlin@redhat.com> 20:02:10 * masta waves to all 20:02:12 <masta> .fas parasense 20:02:13 <zodbot> masta: parasense 'Jon Disnard' <jdisnard@gmail.com> 20:03:22 <pwhalen> #topic 0) Status of ACTION items from our previous meeting 20:03:23 <pwhalen> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2013-04-17/fedora-meeting-1.2013-04-17-20.01.html 20:03:39 <pwhalen> #info ahs3 will update the package scanner to better handle false positives and negatives 20:04:01 <pwhalen> I wasnt able to touch base wil ahs3, not sure what the status is 20:04:19 <pwhalen> #info ahs3/pbrobinson/dgilmore will write the updated directions for aarch64 patching 20:04:41 <pwhalen> was any progress made there? 20:04:56 <bconoboy> we seem to be missing ahs3 and pbrobinson 20:05:11 <bconoboy> dgilmore? 20:06:55 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, action item from the last meeting- ahs3/pbrobinson/dgilmore will write the updated directions for aarch64 patching 20:07:16 <pwhalen> did anyone have a chance to make progress there? 20:07:43 <pbrobinson> ahs3 has made some movement 20:08:11 <jcapik> what do you think about https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=951442 ? 20:08:25 <pwhalen> perhaps we should revisit this next week, doesnt look like ahs3 made it today 20:08:46 <bconoboy> we should revisit also in light of the bz jcapik has posted 20:09:44 <pwhalen> ok, anything else from last week? 20:10:03 <pwhalen> #topic 1) Problem packages 20:10:32 <pbrobinson> python3 is fixed 20:10:53 <pbrobinson> java is fixed 20:11:07 <pwhalen> #info python3, java are now fixed 20:11:35 <dmarlin> potential fix for tog-pegasus (bz filed with patch) 20:11:50 <pwhalen> dmarlin, BZ? 20:11:52 <dmarlin> working on a new patch for mongodb 20:12:07 <pbrobinson> that needs to be reviewed upstream, I think jonmasters can assist with that as he's done it before 20:12:14 <dmarlin> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=922770 20:12:32 <pwhalen> #info dmarlin posted potential fix for tog-pegasus - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=922770 20:12:46 <pwhalen> #info dmarlin working on a new patch for mongodb 20:13:36 <bconoboy> pbrobinson: which needs to be reviewed upstream? 20:13:49 <pbrobinson> the tog patch 20:14:41 <pwhalen> any others that come to mind? 20:14:42 <masta> looks like a good patch to me.... everyone should use the gcc atomics where possible 20:14:49 <pbrobinson> nope 20:15:12 <pwhalen> #topic 2a) F19 ARM Alpha planning - Defining blocker hardware 20:15:32 <pbrobinson> anaconda 20:15:45 <pwhalen> for problems? 20:16:20 <pbrobinson> well omap/vexpress/highbank are booting 20:16:26 <pbrobinson> that is enough for me HW wise 20:16:31 <pwhalen> we had previously defined the Pandaboard and vexpress as our blockers.. do we want to change anything? 20:16:45 <pbrobinson> we don't have generatable images 20:16:58 <pbrobinson> that is the major blocker we need to care about 20:16:59 <bconoboy> evidently w can make anaconda installer images but we can't make disk images 20:17:05 <pwhalen> right, big problem there.. 20:17:32 <pwhalen> the kernel included in TC3 did not boot for me on the Pandaboard using bootz 20:17:58 <bconoboy> So, we can limit support to trimslice and highbank for f19 alpha or we can delay and work on disk image creation issue 20:17:58 <pbrobinson> that's not a blocker as it's never been tested before and it's too late to introduce that as a blocker 20:17:59 <pwhalen> I just installed a highbank with TC3, other then having to select the media options, it finished without issue 20:19:37 <bconoboy> (or we could use f18 to make the images, I guess) 20:20:27 <masta> we could 20:20:29 <dgilmore> bconoboy: we cant do that 20:20:35 <bconoboy> cue dgilmore ;-) 20:20:36 <dgilmore> thats not an acceptable option 20:20:50 <dgilmore> bconoboy: queue 20:21:01 <bconoboy> dgilmore: Please suggest acceptable option 20:21:03 * dmarlin wonders if no images at all are more acceptable 20:21:07 <dgilmore> but its not something that would be okay from primary 20:21:26 <dgilmore> dmarlin: honestly for alpha yes 20:21:51 <pbrobinson> dmarlin: this is a problem that we've been discussing since before F17 20:22:12 <dmarlin> pbrobinson: yes, and anaconda is more broken now than then 20:22:33 <dgilmore> for primary alpha there was 2 live images we didnt ship because they didnt work 20:22:58 <bconoboy> dgilmore: What do you think of just shipping tegra&highbank for alpha then? 20:23:11 <dmarlin> so with no images for alpha, what do _we_ ship? 20:23:12 <dgilmore> bconoboy: if thats what we can get working then sure 20:23:17 <bconoboy> (Or anything else that can tftpboot and install) 20:23:18 <masta> those are situations where an installer image would apply? 20:23:20 <dgilmore> dmarlin: and install tree 20:23:24 <dgilmore> an 20:23:28 <dmarlin> dgilmore: I'm good with htat 20:23:31 <dmarlin> that 20:23:55 <bconoboy> I'm also good with just shipping installer images for f19 alpha. 20:24:06 <bconoboy> It means dropping versatile express though. 20:24:21 <dgilmore> bconoboy: not necessarily 20:24:37 <bconoboy> no? 20:24:48 <dgilmore> no reason you couldnt do a install in qemu 20:24:59 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: we need images with multiplatform kernel 20:25:06 <pbrobinson> we agreed on this a while ago 20:25:27 <pbrobinson> and it was even discussed dropping tegra to remix because it wasn't MP kernel 20:25:31 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: we may be able to make them with qemu and anaconda 20:25:59 <masta> yes we did talk about going MP only 20:26:25 <pbrobinson> yes, MP only with two images one with vfat and one without 20:26:47 <pbrobinson> and for alpha we were only planning minimal install and maybe xfce 20:27:02 <bconoboy> pbrobinson: Er, are you saying "I do not support skipping pre-built images in f19 arm alpha"? 20:28:24 <pbrobinson> if we don't have a prebuild image how are people going to easily dd an image for testing? 20:28:32 <pbrobinson> or am i missing something 20:28:48 <bconoboy> pbrobinson: They'll only be able to test installing with anaconda 20:29:19 <pbrobinson> so basically on highbank only then? 20:30:08 <bconoboy> pbrobinson: Anything that can run anaconda and load images via tftp. That'd also include tegra. Maybe omap. 20:30:34 <pbrobinson> omap with a special image on SD card? 20:30:54 <pbrobinson> installing over the top of that image? 20:30:57 <bconoboy> yeah, I'm thinking an omap image that just has the uboot pieces on it 20:31:14 <bconoboy> really though that's mostly theoretical 20:32:00 <pbrobinson> it's a large change when we should already have alpha done with not a lot of stuff that's easily testible for a lot of people 20:32:03 <dgilmore> bconoboy: installing is not limited only to pxe booting 20:32:04 <bconoboy> hopefully by beta we'll have the image creation problem solved and be able to make some pre-canned stuff too. 20:32:32 <bconoboy> dgilmore: technically I suppose any host which can *somehow* load that installer and has a network connection is viable 20:32:39 <dgilmore> its possible we could use anaconda and qemu to make some images 20:32:39 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: "hopefully by beta" is a term I've heard pretty much every release cycle 20:33:03 <pbrobinson> and every release cycle it slips 20:33:11 <dgilmore> bconoboy: ive been playing around with boot.scr kernel and initramfs on trimslice to make a bootable installer sdcard 20:33:22 <bconoboy> dgilmore: that's great 20:34:19 <dgilmore> bconoboy: until we teach anaconda to do all the bootloader configs we will have to use a kickstart 20:34:27 <dgilmore> but it should be possibel to install 20:34:49 <bconoboy> pbrobinson: Am open to alternate suggestions- right now we just don't have the ability to make canned images due to one or more bug in anaconda. 20:35:18 <dgilmore> bconoboy: we cant make canned images using livemedia-creator 20:35:32 <bconoboy> right. 20:35:33 <dgilmore> bconoboy: there are other ways to do it 20:35:45 <dgilmore> so lets explore those options 20:35:54 <dmarlin> dgilmore: using fedora 19 tools? 20:35:59 <bconoboy> oh yes? please explore aloud! 20:37:01 <dgilmore> dmarlin: yes 20:37:47 <bconoboy> dgilmore: explain? 20:38:05 <dgilmore> bconoboy: i have twice in this conversation already 20:39:35 <bconoboy> dgilmore: You're suggesting we do installations by hand then ship the result? 20:39:45 <dgilmore> bconoboy: no 20:40:19 <dgilmore> bconoboy: im suggesting we do a install using a kickstart 20:40:31 <dgilmore> but using qemu to do it 20:40:38 <dgilmore> and ship the resulting disk image 20:40:45 <dgilmore> not tota;;y ideal 20:40:57 <bconoboy> even a kickstart requires manual intervention, that's one of the issues with anaconda 20:41:06 <dgilmore> bconoboy: right 20:41:16 <dgilmore> which is why we would have to do it this way 20:41:28 <dgilmore> bconoboy: not saying its ideal 20:41:36 <dgilmore> but its a way to do it 20:41:37 <bconoboy> dgilmore: you will be doing this? or somebody else? 20:41:45 <dgilmore> bconoboy: it would be I 20:41:47 <bconoboy> (I don't oppose, I just want to know what the plan is) 20:41:58 <bconoboy> dgilmore: Okay- when? and what do you need before you can do so? 20:42:00 <dgilmore> bconoboy: going to look into it 20:42:11 <pwhalen> if it can work, I think thats certainly the better option than no images 20:42:13 <dgilmore> bconoboy: its something i just thought of 20:42:24 <dgilmore> so its mostly jumbled thoughts 20:42:54 <bconoboy> #action dgilmore to experiment with making images via anaconda to work around current lmc/anaconda issues 20:43:08 <bconoboy> shall we revisit this next week? 20:43:17 <dgilmore> sure 20:43:18 <pwhalen> agreed, next? We're running short on time 20:43:53 <pwhalen> #topic 2b) F19 ARM Alpha planning - Release Criteria 20:45:23 <bconoboy> pwhalen: pointed to release criteria today? 20:45:36 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/F19_Alpha_Release_Criteria 20:46:03 <bconoboy> is this a straight copy of F18? 20:46:10 <pwhalen> of f19 PA 20:46:18 <bconoboy> ah, cool 20:46:32 <bconoboy> any changes needed? 20:47:00 <pwhalen> which is what we should follow, I identified some of our issues which were discussed in a QA meeting, however changes wouldnt be considered prior to primary 20:47:31 <bconoboy> #info Release criteria are straight from F19 PA 20:47:34 <pwhalen> release blocking desktops, installer bits 20:48:06 <bconoboy> Okay, we have it in the official record, we can move on :-) 20:48:18 <pwhalen> #topic 3a) Aarch64 bootstrap - patching status 20:48:51 <pwhalen> we may need ahs3 here for this one, does anyone have an update? 20:49:07 <pbrobinson> there was an update from the rpm maintainer today 20:49:27 <pbrobinson> we need to review that as it may reduce a whole bunch of bugs that we no longer have to deal with 20:49:50 <pbrobinson> today for me was hell so I didn't get a chance to even try and sync with ahs3 about this 20:50:24 <bconoboy> we're going to try the redhat-rpm-macros update in stage4 and see what happens 20:50:38 <bconoboy> er redhat-rpm-config, rather 20:50:54 <msalter> a new redhat-rpm-config has a patch I was carrying in the bootstrap repo + a patch to handle the config.sub/config.guess problem through rpm 20:51:16 <msalter> I am building that now and it should land in the stage4 repo soon 20:51:21 * jsmith is assuming we're talking about bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=951442 20:51:24 <pbrobinson> cool so that should help out with a bunch of them 20:52:07 <bconoboy> #link config.guess/sub patches might be rendered moot by https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=951442 20:52:27 <msalter> jsmith: and https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=909788 20:52:59 <bconoboy> #link Also https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=909788 20:53:05 <bconoboy> pwhalen: Probably clear to move on 20:53:17 <pwhalen> 3b) Aarch64 bootstrap - Running the Foundation Model 20:53:27 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/AArch64/QuickStart 20:53:49 <bconoboy> People who want to contribute to the aarch64 stage4 bootstrap should follow the directions on that page 20:54:01 <bconoboy> All you need is an x86_64 host with some CPU power to spare 20:54:03 <pwhalen> #info Please donate your spare CPU cycles to the bootstrap 20:54:27 <bconoboy> If you've been holding off on getting involved now is the time to get started 20:55:07 <bconoboy> Currently we're rebuilding the rpms from stage3 20:55:16 <bconoboy> Which will be largely done really soon. 20:55:22 <bconoboy> (Hours, maybe days) 20:55:34 <bconoboy> After that we'll be adding additional srpms to the queue 20:55:48 <bconoboy> but you can try building whatever you like 20:55:54 <jsmith> Cool :-) 20:55:55 <bconoboy> just use mock to do it :-) 20:56:20 <pwhalen> I'll also be updating the quickstart with a new rootfs/image.. takes about 10 minutes to get everything set up 20:56:25 <bconoboy> Anyway, *everything* you need to get started is on that page. If you have any questions ask in #fedora-arm 20:56:41 <bconoboy> It's very easy to get everything running (Even I could do it) 20:56:59 <pwhalen> next? 20:57:05 <bconoboy> y 20:57:07 <pwhalen> #topic 4) Kernel Status update 20:57:48 <pwhalen> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Quality_Assurance/Kernel_Testing/Fedora_19#kernel-3.9.0-0.rc8.git0.1.fc19 20:58:48 <pbrobinson> yo 20:58:59 <pbrobinson> so kernel is starting to look quite reasonable 20:59:31 <pbrobinson> omap/tegra are looking much better than they were a week ago... they're almost even stable 21:00:06 <pbrobinson> with dgilmore's assistance we might even have mvebu working RSN 21:00:12 <dmarlin> pwhalen: any issues when testing beyond basic "it boots" ? 21:00:32 <pbrobinson> so now we start to spit polish it 21:00:48 <pwhalen> kernel-3.9.0-0.rc7.git3.1.fc19 worked well on the Panda, had issues with kernel-3.9.0-0.rc8.git0.1.fc19 finding the rootfs.. had to update uboot for bootz support due to multiplatform 21:00:49 <pbrobinson> I'm very glad that the 3.9 kernel will be the release kernel for F-19 21:00:54 <bconoboy> tegra has been pretty stable as of 3.9-rc8, including high network IO 21:01:06 <pwhalen> the highbank will reliably crash when running most 3.9 kernels 21:01:36 <dmarlin> pwhalen: should that be in the notes? (on the wiki)? 21:01:46 <pwhalen> was gathering fpastes now for it 21:01:57 <dmarlin> pwhalen: way ahead of me, as usual 21:01:58 <dmarlin> :) 21:02:08 <pwhalen> he's a fresh highbank - http://fpaste.org/DULO/ 21:02:11 <pbrobinson> well calxeda can put some attention on that as they're the specialists 21:02:41 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, email coming, just wanted to reproduce on another node, try the dtb from the kernel 21:02:50 <pbrobinson> perfect 21:03:07 <pbrobinson> it looks like cpuidle is pretty hosed in 3.9 on ARM so I've currently just disabled it 21:03:24 <pbrobinson> I'm starting working with upstream to get further details 21:03:39 <pbrobinson> and provide further details 21:04:15 <pbrobinson> next up will be looking closer at mvebu and beagle 21:04:22 <pbrobinson> following that will be imx 21:04:26 <pwhalen> all : please test new kernels when you see them in koji, add your results to the wiki. :) 21:04:34 <pbrobinson> and that will likely close out 3.9 nicely 21:05:08 <pwhalen> cool, thanks for the update Peter, anything else? 21:05:16 <pbrobinson> not from me 21:05:29 <pwhalen> #topic 5) Open Floor 21:05:42 <pwhalen> anything else for today folks? 21:06:49 <pwhalen> ok, thanks everyone! 21:06:52 <pwhalen> #endmeeting