
#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Board

Meeting started by rbergeron at 18:00:49 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. flock (rbergeron, 18:06:42)
    1. thread here http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/fudcon-planning/2013-April/004419.html (pbrobinson, 18:10:08)
    2. ACTION: misc send notes (misc, 19:01:38)
    3. ACTION: misc to send out minutes/logs as they are (rbergeron, 19:01:41)

Meeting ended at 19:01:52 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. misc send notes
  2. misc to send out minutes/logs as they are

Action items, by person

  1. misc
    1. misc send notes
    2. misc to send out minutes/logs as they are

People present (lines said)

  1. rbergeron (77)
  2. pbrobinson (39)
  3. Sparks (31)
  4. j_dulaney (29)
  5. misc (26)
  6. mizmo (16)
  7. spot (15)
  8. gholms (12)
  9. rdieter (10)
  10. inode0 (10)
  11. tatica (8)
  12. mhayden (8)
  13. jreznik (8)
  14. zodbot (7)
  15. dan408 (7)
  16. mjg59 (4)
  17. jsmith (2)
  18. suehle (1)
  19. DiscordianUK (1)
  20. skvidal (1)
  21. sparks (0)

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