
#fedora-meeting-1 Meeting

Meeting started by mchua at 20:05:28 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#Agenda (mchua, 20:05:52)

  1. Deliverables SOP (mchua, 20:07:59)
    1. http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-13/f-13-marketing-tasks.html (mchua, 20:09:28)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing#Release_deliverables (mchua, 20:10:03)
    3. http://blog.melchua.com/2009/12/24/whats-marketing-doing-for-f13-anyway-a-show-with-dancing-penguins/ (mchua, 20:10:20)
    4. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_slogan (mchua, 20:15:03)
    5. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_slogan_SOP (mchua, 20:15:45)
    6. ACTION: mchua finish v.1.0 of deliverable SOPs and call for feedback on marketing list, planet (mchua, 20:17:54)

  2. survey software (mchua, 20:20:16)
    1. ACTION: rbergeron send out survey software update (mchua, 20:21:32)

  3. Fedora Insight (mchua, 20:23:36)
    1. from the Fedora Insight side, we're setting up a weekly test cycle with FWN folks (thank you, pcalarco!) and have a nice rhythm going towards production. Special thanks to the Websites folks (hiemanshu, I'm looking at you - and sijis and gsieranski and others) who've been helping us get there. (mchua, 20:23:36)
    2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/logistics/2010-February/000378.html (mchua, 20:23:41)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Marketing (mchua, 20:24:12)
    4. https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&keywords=%7Einsight&order=priority (mchua, 20:24:50)
    5. https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/85 (mchua, 20:25:00)
    6. ticket #85 is our last remaining blocker (according to the ticket queue). Help appreciated. (mchua, 20:25:27)

  4. linux.com distroblog (mchua, 20:26:01)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Maintaining_distroblog_area_on_linux.com (mchua, 20:26:26)
    2. if anyone wants to help with the linux.com distroblog, please contact stickster, rbergeron, or mchua (mchua, 20:27:38)
    3. the linux.com distroblog is like "training wheels" for one aspect of Fedora Insight - things we figure out for content criteria there will help us determine editorial policy for FI down the road. (mchua, 20:30:32)
    4. if you're not sure whether or not to publish something on the distroblog, publish it. (mchua, 20:30:58)
    5. ACTION: hiemanshu to run herd on our linux.com distroblog for the next week (ish) and check in next week on whether our workflow/criteria are sufficient. (mchua, 20:33:07)

  5. SCALE presence (mchua, 20:36:28)
    1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2010-February/011685.html (mchua, 20:36:31)

  6. fedora-tour (mchua, 20:45:44)
    1. fedora-tour will likely be finished enough to test html docs in about a month, so we should see if there's anything we're doing for the Marketing FAD that can be repurposed/adapted for a first round of content for that. (mchua, 20:51:23)

  7. SCALE, now with quaid (mchua, 20:52:17)
    1. ACTION: mchua to followup on SCALE on-list with quaid et al. (mchua, 20:55:50)
    2. http://iquaid.org/2010/02/02/cranking-up-to-scale-8x/ (mchua, 20:56:03)

  8. Questions on Talking Points? (mchua, 20:57:36)

Meeting ended at 21:04:31 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. mchua finish v.1.0 of deliverable SOPs and call for feedback on marketing list, planet
  2. rbergeron send out survey software update
  3. hiemanshu to run herd on our linux.com distroblog for the next week (ish) and check in next week on whether our workflow/criteria are sufficient.
  4. mchua to followup on SCALE on-list with quaid et al.

Action items, by person

  1. hiemanshu
    1. hiemanshu to run herd on our linux.com distroblog for the next week (ish) and check in next week on whether our workflow/criteria are sufficient.
  2. mchua
    1. mchua finish v.1.0 of deliverable SOPs and call for feedback on marketing list, planet
    2. mchua to followup on SCALE on-list with quaid et al.
  3. quaid
    1. mchua to followup on SCALE on-list with quaid et al.
  4. rbergeron
    1. rbergeron send out survey software update

People present (lines said)

  1. mchua (188)
  2. rbergeron (70)
  3. stickster (38)
  4. hiemanshu (27)
  5. Subfusc (21)
  6. rrix (4)
  7. quaid (4)
  8. jfalco (3)
  9. zodbot (2)
  10. yn1v (1)
  11. AamirBhutto (1)

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