07:01:17 <flock-b286> #startmeeting
07:01:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug  6 07:01:17 2014 UTC.  The chair is flock-b286. Information about MeetBot at
07:01:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
07:01:33 <nb> flock-b286, you must use meetingname afte startmeeting
07:01:42 <flock-b286> #meetingname Keynote: Free And Open Source Software In Europe: Policies And Implementations
07:01:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'keynote:_free_and_open_source_software_in_europe:_policies_and_implementations'
07:01:59 <flock-b286> #meetingtopic Introduction
07:03:58 <flock-b286> #meetingtopic Big Trends
07:05:22 <flock-b286> usage and acknowledgement in public administration has been up and down over time, but nowadays FOSS is in the headlines and used
07:05:53 <flock-b286> interesting pilot with 10 public administrator's laptops are FOSS and it's coming to be more common
07:06:31 <flock-b286> FOSS is used for everything and everywhere; content management; db; e-gov services; citizen participation; open data ... across all sectors
07:07:01 <flock-b286> open data often based on ckan
07:07:43 <flock-b286> FOSS in EU institutions; lots of initiatives to migrate more and more towards FOSS (links in slides to lots of articles)
07:09:04 <flock-b286> EU commision does a lot of FOSS development itself; a bunch of EU lawyers tweaked the GPL to fit EU law system and created EUPL
07:11:54 <echevemaster> what is the flock youtube channel
07:12:13 <echevemaster> ?
07:12:37 <flock-b286> search for "Flock Fedora 2014"
07:13:52 <flock-b286> FOSS is happening across all sectors, including healthcare, education...
07:15:44 <flock-b286> ... in defense; Russian government decided several years ago to migrate to FOSS
07:16:03 <flock-b286> #meetingtopic Problems
07:16:30 <flock-b286> First problem: Too few politicians dig/value FOSS
07:17:25 <flock-b286> "[FOSS] creates a virtuous loop b/w the public and private sector, with a recurring public contribution." - Serafin Olcoz Yanguas, formate CIO of Basque Country
07:17:39 <flock-b286> Second Problem: The desktop
07:18:12 <flock-b286> most visible issue with public administration adoption
07:18:44 <flock-b286> Even EU Commission admits it's locked-in
07:19:03 <flock-b286> Open Office struggles to provide language support for all EU languages
07:19:14 <flock-b286> Third Problem: Procurement
07:21:03 <flock-b286> Procurement is a headache; period. "Public procurement" is always happening behind closed doors and makes excuses always for why the process doesn't have to be done in the public;
07:21:31 <flock-b286> it's expected to see some improvements in this area coming soon though
07:21:50 <flock-b286> Procurement 101: not allowed to use brand names
07:22:49 <flock-b286> however there are some loop holes that permit offices to get passed this anyway and it's done, and usually not in favor of FOSS
07:23:06 <flock-b286> Forth Problem: Public administrations are "shy" about releasing their code
07:23:06 * mhroncok see zodbot is here, great
07:24:28 <flock-b286> However Public Admin offices do have the right to release their code under whatever license they wish (with some caveats)
07:24:44 <flock-b286> #meetingtopic Top Three most visible FOSS implementations
07:25:02 <flock-b286> 1 French Gendarmerie (Dept Defense)
07:25:14 <flock-b286> 72,000 Ubuntu & OO desktops (as of this summer)
07:25:49 <flock-b286> Direct benefits: Licensing +1; lowers TCO by 40%
07:27:29 <flock-b286> 2. Gover't of Spain's Exremadrua autonomous region; 22,000 Ubuntu desktops deployed
07:28:05 <flock-b286> 10,000 PCs in healthcare using Lingobex Salud; 22k in govt officies; 93k school PCs running Linux
07:28:30 <flock-b286> 3. City of Munich; 14,800 Ubuntu and OO desktops
07:29:14 <flock-b286> Gates asked: "Why are you doing this"; Ude replied "To gain freedom." Gates: "Freedom from what?" Ude: " Freedom from you, Mr. Gates"
07:29:26 <flock-b286> but the future is not assured...
07:30:02 <kushal> flock-b286, can you please type somewhere far from the camera ?
07:30:31 <flock-b286> (thanks; will type more quietly
07:31:03 <kushal> flock-b286, Thanks, it is the keyboard as I can guess :)
07:32:58 <flock-b286> UK is moving to OO!
07:33:12 <flock-b286> #meetingtopic "All is Not Well"
07:33:49 <flock-b286> Germany Ministry of Foreign Affairs; rouge FOSS deployments successful; but eventually force to revert
07:34:38 <flock-b286> Finnish city of Helsinki; counsel wants to start looking at it, but IT refuses
07:34:59 <flock-b286> Administrations which igore rules; support for ODF, for example
07:36:37 <flock-b286> #meetingtopic Policies on Sharing and Re-Use
07:37:16 <flock-b286> study done looking at this topic; list guidelines and policy
07:37:38 <flock-b286> Italy adopted rule "must go to FOSS if comparison completed and FOSS won"
07:37:53 <flock-b286> Spain requires comparing FOSS options
07:38:33 <flock-b286> France signed Ayrault memo; policy on why FOSS is important, useful and beneficial and helps make the case for FOSS
07:38:44 <flock-b286> s/policy/guidlines
07:39:05 <flock-b286> #meetingtopic Famous Last words
07:39:56 <flock-b286> EC is concerned about lockin but it's life; though they know the costs of this lock-in; work is being done, but we have a long way to go
07:40:08 <flock-b286> #meetingtopic Q&A
07:42:01 <flock-b286> Q: i noticed most failures of deployments are related to desktop issues; have we studied WHY?
07:42:08 <flock-b286> A: change mgmt; desktop is OK but IT doesn't want to migrate; we need policy/guidelines to support this process
07:43:33 <flock-b286> remark: in Munich. folks were too optimistic; needed to pull back, but progress is still being made, even if political support is wavering a bit; moving to Kolab
07:44:25 <flock-b286> Q: of four big problems; biggest is when offices want to move to FOSS; lobbiest derail the initiative; how does it work in EU?
07:45:25 <flock-b286> A: same in EU; installing FOSS altertatives is a negotiating tactic to get better proprietary deals; lost of lobby/FUD
07:46:00 <flock-b286> Q: why are the top three Ubuntu deployments and how to make them (in the future) Fedora?
07:46:49 <flock-b286> A: good question; desktops are more or less equal... better negotiaor?
07:47:22 <flock-b286> Q: any programs to help those who want to adopt FOSS build the case?
07:48:22 <flock-b286> A: budget is often blocker; some funding out there to help, but not much; initiatves to promote awareness are running, but not much else
07:49:30 <flock-b286> resist! by finding holes in procurment process that could block/slow down adoption of proprietary alternatives
07:49:55 <flock-b286> #endmeeting